
Physical Exertion Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Young people tend to have a greater capacity for recovery... there is a greater margin between maximal exertion and disaster in young people."
"The grappling makes him work in a cardiovascular standpoint, makes his arms tired, fill them with blood, the whole nine yards if you could do all of that."
"In total panic, my cousin and I ran faster than I had ever ran in my life."
"I'm almost using my pecs. My God, that's insane!"
"Does your muscles ache after working hard at the gym?"
"All right you guys crushed round 1 and round 2 we have round 3 of next and last then we have a burnout right after."
"This is the hardest part of the run absolutely."
"That's a lot of uh that's a lot of physical activity."
"Your heart feels light and full of joy as you stand on the summit."
"I just feel like I've run a marathon, or come off a fairground ride or something, and I've been asleep at the same time. But it's amazing."
"Nothing makes you more tired than a missed punch in boxing"
"Mentally you got to know you are here to give me everything you've got left in the tank everything."
"Gamers be sweaty but I like divine gameplay, examples: you're playing through the fire and flames on Guitar Hero, that's a sweaty exercise."
"You don't have to go full bore, full speed to get those adaptations."
"Legs are burning, you're breathing hard, but you're not going to quit."
"The physical demand is off the charts and it's not just here in North America, it's globally."
"It's funny, it's just like, oh right after so much effort, just hours, like marathons, it's like you're burning 10,000 calories."
"With sweat dripping from his furrowed brow, the tension was palpable."
"He's attacking hard, but the body's just not taking it anymore."
"I just got my absolute ass kicked in that workout."
"I get up from the bed to go to take a piss I'm out of breath right everything that the mountain has to offer I take to it immediately my wife my wife's working out on a treadmill I go the don't you need oxygen no nothing kids are fine."
"God, this is just real fucking painful, but it felt so good for me to be the first one off the run and the GHD. That was awesome."
"Your heart is pumping like it never pumped before which means more blood comes out."
"If you can hold that for, I think that is the physically most strenuous part of the time and if you can hold those two holes for that length of time, then that's more than enough time to do one step left foot straight on and pull in with the toe."
"I love riding pump tracks, and it's pretty physically exhausting."
"You see the sweat snapping off the head."
"cuz I was going to puke Jamie and I just ran up that hill and it don't look steep but it's Steve that's cuz it's not I almost puked shut up Brian"
"It's very difficult to maintain your hydration over that hard of work for 36 minutes right and this becomes a real problem."
"His breath came in ragged spurts from his chest."
"Probably shouldn't have rode 60 miles yesterday."
"Shoveling is the hardest [__] thing on earth."
"It's not only about waving swords, it's like doing a three-minute heavyweight boxing round, and you have to do it maybe 10 times in a day."
"Legs are burning. It's bumpy on the left foot. Working those legs underneath her like pistons, trying to keep that snow contact."
"It's killer on your body, like it really is a lot of work."
"My body says yes, yes. It's very dry and you need to drink lots of water, and we're still climbing, and we're still climbing."
"Y'all, I'm literally dripping in sweat."
"I was dripping in sweat, like my hair was soaked, everything was soaked."
"These were the hardest thousand calories of my life."
"The heart rates of these riders are just redlined at this point."
"This was just a good project for me mentally and probably physically too because as we established it was a bit of a workout handling at times."
"Every step feels like someone's whacking my quads with a mallet."
"Wow I seriously cannot believe it still hasn't settled in yet and my stomach still hasn't settled down I don't really feel too good after that effort but we did it we got it done."
"I'm so sweaty, I'm a sweaty sweaty mess."
"I have never sweated so hard in my life."
"You shouldn't be judged on festival festivals, maybe, you know, because you sweat your ass off."
"Sometimes I overdo it at jujitsu... you wake up feeling like a train just ran over you."
"I walked from Bishop Auckland back to Newcastle and I'm very sore, but it was worth it."
"In 20 seconds a running man's heart beats 55 times, he takes 25 gulps of air, 36 times his legs pump on broken ground."
"I'm sweating and so happy. Wow, those were the perfect combo."
"Everybody's got fatigue, everybody's got lactic acid running through their body right now."
"You did amazing, oh my gosh, you're going to feel that tomorrow, aren't you?"
"Just finished some beach volleyball, a little morning exertion before breakfast."
"Fueled by adrenaline, he pushed himself to the limit, giving everything he had."
"I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life; my veins were on fire and my heart felt like it would have stopped at any minute."
"My abs hurt, my thighs and my hamstring hurts, my calves are sore, my toes sore, my ankles sore, the heels of my feet sore, but you know what? I'll do it again."
"I have never run harder in my entire life."