
Telekinesis Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Witches can perform telekinesis, lifting objects with an unseen force, among other abilities."
"Telekinesis would just be a whole lot of fun."
"Telekinesis appropriately enough carries this game. It is by far and away the most enjoyable and most in-depth mechanic."
"Telekinesis: Almost every force user can use Telekinesis, because it’s the most basic and essential to survival."
"Glynda Goodwitch: she has the power of telekinesis, she can control and move objects around as she wishes."
"This park it happen, telekinetic nassif artemius I."
"Can you do telekinesis? Because you've made a part of me move without even touching it."
"She's a 10 but she can move stuff with her mind."
"It's either they have telekinesis or they don't."
"Silence uses her psychic abilities to knock him out."
"Many people have claimed to possess telekinetic powers, including Russian psychic Nina Kulagina who was filmed and tested at length by the Russian authorities during the 60s and 70s."
"She had telekinesis abilities and she mastered it within like a day."
"Telekinetic dog and he loses in the eat chips even though they put a bowl of food right in front of him he just like no [ __ ] nobody can eat just one uses psychic powers dog uses psychic powers not to kill nobody"
"A normal sword attack performed from a distance with his mind."
"It's about telekinesis, isn't it?"
"I did it with my eyes, Miss Honey," Matilda said. "I was staring at it and wishing it to tip, and then my eyes went all hot and funny, and some sort of power came out of them, and the glass just toppled over."
"Krayt used telekinesis and lightning as his primary tools in combat."
"Slowly but surely he transforms into the greatest telekinetic Mage, becoming known as the last Explorer."
"Scarlet Witch is an insanely powerful telepath with telekinetic powers."
"Jean Grey is one of the most powerful telepaths in the universe, as well as having an immensely powerful telekinetic ability."
"Turn walls into lava, turn brains into liquid using your mind from the other side of the map with Clairvoyance."
"I'm just saying I do feel like telekinesis has more of that timeless feel to it."
"Properly you can pick that apple up off the floor and put it back on the table with your mind, yes, and the plate as well."
"The baby had the power of telekinesis."
"If he were the devil, he wouldn't have to touch that phone. He can move that phone with his mind."
"The power to use the force to transport objects was shown all throughout the movies."
"If everything goes according to plan this metal Fork it can't be plastic it can't be anything else should Bend up like crazy and it should be in the weirdest shape"
"The telekinetic abilities of the little one are at the highest level and much stronger than those of famous talents."
"Hera's telekinesis is insane; she's going full Dark Phoenix."
"Cable is an extremely powerful telepath and telekinetic."
"Which one superpower would you pick? Telekinesis, 100%."
"Telekinesis. It's the power to transport things with your mind."
"Psychokinesis, allowing him to move himself or other objects around with just his thoughts."
"Telekinesis... you could do almost literally every other superpower with the power of telekinesis if you understand how to use it."
"You are granted the ability to harness the power of telekinesis to move your will into victory and bring your visions to life."
"Welcome to the telekinesis exam, you may now turn your page over with your mind."
"Andros has not just skills as a fighter but also has actual superpowers, telekinetic ones."
"She's basically just a metal bender to carry around knives that she could basically move using her mind because they're made out of metal."
"...control vehicular mechanisms with his thoughts."
"A powerful mercenary, Cable uses telekinetic abilities and combat expertise to get the job done."
"...she can create forcefields, she's got some measure of telekinesis, she can do all kinds of cool things..."
"The dark Phoenix has immense telepathic and telekinetic abilities, being pure psychic energy."
"I've got telekinesis; it's like I'm some kind of superhero."
"If I could pick a superpower, it would be telekinesis."
"Telekinesis, the ability to move things with your mind."
"Mind Flex lets you move a ball with just the power of your mind."
"You can move objects with your mind up to a maximum range of 20 meters."
"Chiaotzu has successfully increased his psychic mastery through more intense meditation and telekinesis training."
So this is, "I elevate user experiences using telekinesis."
"He controls them all telekinetically as well."
"I have the ability to move objects with my mind."
"Congratulations, ma'am, your son has a quirk. He has telekinesis."
"Maintenance is easy when you've got telekinetic abilities."
"We've got powers with our telekinesis, you know we will beat this."
"The seventh is actually telekinesis."
"His level of telekinesis is so fine-tuned that he can even use it to manipulate things on the molecular and subatomic scales."