
Positional Play Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"You're attacking the queen, you're taking the knight and because of this pin over the knight, everything is quite bad for white."
"This creates an immediate clash between h6 and g5."
"We need somebody to run in between those lines, someone small enough or someone that can operate in tight spaces."
"If you want to make strides at this level, look to improve positional understanding and endgame play."
"It's what I like, it's end product, isn't it Daniel? You know that S. Thomas gets into a good position on that right, and you know with the quality that he has, that it's getting in the box."
"Position matters way more than it does in Hold'em because so much of the board can be represented."
"Sometimes you gotta stand still and other players will move, and you'll end up receiving the ball."
"The Bon Cloud becomes much more effective when there are no queens on the board."
"A4: Creating the classic Bastion, preventing white from setting up pawns on B3 and A4."
"Alonso was the better footballer, with positional discipline and a serious range of passing."
"Wow, what a nice opening for Chua here, he's only worried about the three ball and he sees where he has to get so once he gets there it all opens up."
"In general, anytime you have a situation like this where the rook has no squares, you should automatically think about ways to attack it."
"The point, of course, of queen e2 if you're not a Mora player is to put the rook on d1 in order to x-ray black's queen."
"One of the main tenets of the Mora is that with the c file being open, the black queen does not have a good safe square."
"He scores, he can score from headers, he knows how to get into a position." - Commentator
"He just wants to play football. He wants to play in the right way, get in some great positions."
"White just has too much space, so white is going to just advance on that side of the board. That's you have to understand."
"Magnus just puts on a master class in positional play."
"His shots are coming from more central positions and the low XG shots are displayed by the size of the circles that aren't as prominent in the wide areas."
"Despite being put down, he's still zoning at the back line."
"Let's go with someone that can probably play right tackle and that would be Rashawn Slater."
"Your chances lie on the Queen side, so you should be trying to play a3, b4, Knight b3, possibly a4, a5 eventually."
"He's a multi-faceted player, he can play on the flanks but also as a central defender."
"It's often in chess easier to play a really bad position than it is to play kind of bad positions."
"We know DBs play DB for a reason... And that's another catch by Jeremy Scott."
"Sometimes you want to keep a piece on a particular square where it one day is going to be very good."
"Knight takes e6 and generally, when you have a more overwhelming positional advantage, a tactical shot is needed to put it away. It's just true, that's how you stop a fight, right?"
"The Queen's Gambit is more solid and positional, loved by many."
"A5 is an ultra-positional move, clamping down on Black's Pawn chain and making it very undesirable for black to expand on the queen side."
"First of all, your pawns themselves control a whole lot of squares on the board."
"...by pushing this pawn forward, they now have created a hole on d5 that no pawns will ever control."
"...now that the center is closed we can go for a king side attack by playing F5 because we know there's no risk of white firing back in the center."
"Achieving e5 is usually very good for white."
"White structure holds a key to opening the position."
"The space advantage isn't really telling in this position."
"It's back to Shane to see if he can string some accuracy together playing position wise."
"Any time a pawn is pushed first thing that you should think about what squares are left behind."
"He plays theory moves all the time so he avoids getting in a bad position from the start."
"If you put that work in to get good positions in most games, you're going to boost your improvement to the maximum."
"It's amazing where the position has almost evolved from."
"It really develops your positional understanding and it'll give you some of these quick wins if you understand the correct ideas."
"When you get a complicated position with a lot going on, if there are no direct threats, it doesn't mean that you can't make general improving moves."
"We're going to cover a lot of the typical tactics that you'll see in the London opening, along with some recurring positional ideas."
"The game becomes a little bit more positional where the player who knows the plans, pawn structures, and typical ideas will prevail."
"Kasparov demonstrated the positional master class where he completely restrained Karpov."
"In the spirit of proper Blancas plan in the true spirit of positional play."
"We definitely have the better position here."
"You really want to focus on playing pots with your opponents who are going to make mistakes, especially from in position with reasonable ranges."
"He's pretty incredible, positionally he has been phenomenal, Dylan Edwards."
"A positional drawback could be more subtle, such as exposing a diagonal in which both the queen and the king are located."
"The Reti Opening is about smothering your opponent with positional chess."