
Trailblazer Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"Melody Hobson is changing the game of football as the first black woman to be a part owner of an NFL team."
"Blazing Saddles is often cited as a Trailblazer in the world of Comedy."
"Nikki's success paved the way for other female artists."
"The girl has so many firsts, I mean, she's going to go down in history as one of the greatest women in entertainers."
"She may be the first, but make sure you're not the last."
"You're the person who paved the way for everybody else."
"Paving the way for Eminem is true but paving the way for any hip-hop artist in general to follow after anything I've done."
"Edgar Allan Poe was America's first truly great writer."
"Whitney Houston fought to be recognized, blazing a trail for generations of black female singers."
"A Trailblazer for women in game design." - Tribute to Tioin Woodruff.
"Lewis is such a trailblazer... a genuine watershed moment in the sports history."
"Tyler the Creator paved an entirely new road to create his own success for himself and for artists to follow in his footsteps."
"You're a trailblazer, meant to set a new path for others."
"The first one through the wall is the one that gets proved up the most."
"Penny Marshall broke barriers for women in the entertainment industry."
"Althea Gibson was a young black woman that was playing tennis in the mid-40s when she was playing within black tennis leagues in the United States."
"She became the first black woman to win a grand slam Championship."
"A Pioneer is a leader, someone who leads the way."
"You need those people to push through the barriers, you need to be the first comedian you know from Asian background in order so that other people can look at it and go 'Oh, I want to do that.'"
"Shaky is a queer icon that paved the way for milkshakes everywhere."
"Fanny Bryce was a woman ahead of her time."
"Sherry's resilience and determination made her a trailblazer in a male-dominated sport."
"Madonna is an absolute groundbreaking icon for all of us."
"I'm the industry starter, you feel me? I'm the first she gets to get her on her way."
"She stood out, she was elegant. But Irene was far more than just a pretty face, she was a trailblazer."
"Admiral Samuel Gravely was a trailblazer for African Americans in the Navy."
"Gabe is actually the Trailblazer."
"She was a trailblazer for social media."
"Rita Faria, first Indian Asian and arts and woman to win Miss World 1966. She won best swimsuit and evening wear. Unlike others, she chose medicine over movies, becoming a doctor, a true Trailblazer and role model."
"Truly, she did it first, the blueprint."
"Chevy didn't mess with it a ton because I've always thought this Trailblazer was a pretty handsome vehicle."
"This is a guy who has done who's been really sort of like a trailblazer. He's kind of created his own universe."
"Cultural icon and wrestler Chyna was a trailblazer..."
"BB was just like such a trailblazer you know when you think about what he's gone through and the influences that he pulled from."
"Bass Reeves became the first black US Deputy Marshal west of the Mississippi River."
"She was sort of like smoke. Hollywood's first African-American dramatic female movie star, a powerful force on the stage and screen."
"He's the first black man ever to take a team to the final four as a coach."
"Sheila E is one of the first women to become a worldwide Superstar as a drummer and percussionist."
"Trailblazer who's Larger than Life Persona captivates audiences worldwide."
"You're a Trailblazer meant to pave the way for future Generations."
"You know CM Punk was really one that kind of blew the door open for that."
"...as incredible as Loretta Lynn's rags to Rich's story was, it was her ability to write and sing about it that made her a country music icon and a Trailblazer for every female artist who followed in her footsteps."
"Winnie Ewing blazed a trail for women in politics."
"She was such a pioneer for her time and for us in a lot of ways."
"He was the first black student ever at Iowa State."
"Maria montz was a Trailblazer Superstar whose flame still flickers brightly today, reminding us of her Unforgettable Legacy."
"To me she's absolutely a Trailblazer in professional wrestling."
"I feel like Nichelle Nichols opened the door for many actresses of color and I got to interview her for uncensored talk and she was telling me this story"
"How does it feel to be a trailblazer in your industry?"
"Thank you, Jeie Eper, the renowned stunt double who performed daring feats for Linda Carter in the original Wonder Woman TV series, passed away at the age of 83. She broke through in the 1970s and became a trailblazer for women in stunt work."
"Thompson applied and guess what he freaking won and he became the first black person to graduate from the school's transportation design department."
"The first person to do something pays a disproportionately high price."
"Your Trailblazer; meant to see things differently and set a new path for others."
"She's queen bee and I give it up to her. She did it, you know? I mean, she was doing the thing before me, she paved the way."
"She was a Trailblazer who lived an incredible life dedicated to public service."
"Diane Feinstein was a trailblazer and her beloved home state of California and our entire nation are better for her dogged advocacy and diligent service over the past three decades."
"What it was like back then to be a trailblazing woman on network TV?"
"Dr. Price was the pioneer for black ministers on television."
"She made history as the first black woman on a CBS regular in daytime."
"Betty blazed a trail in Hollywood that has left a lasting mark."
"She was Universal, kind of the first black supermodel that we all kind of honored or looked at."
"He pushes the boundaries and paves his own way."
"He opened a lot of doors for people."
"This is a photograph of the proudest day of my professional life; it's the day that I was sworn in as a lord of Appeal in ordinary, the first and regrettably the only woman ever to have had that post."
"I've been a first so many times in my life that it feels quite normal and natural."
"Storm is considered to be the first major female character of African descent in mainstream comics."
"I was the first child ever in my family to pass the 11 plus and go to grammar school."
"Becky Lynch's impact on the wrestling industry transcends her persona, making her a trailblazer and a role model for aspiring wrestlers, especially women worldwide."
"Homie actually paved the way for a lot of us."
"Not just a movie star, Elizabeth Taylor blazed the trail as a multi-million dollar businesswoman."
"She was the first black woman to be on the cover of Seventeen magazine."
"Elected in a historically conservative county and became the first single mom of young kids to serve in Congress."
"Her success in the modeling world broke barriers and set new standards in the fashion industry."
"He was the first African American president."
"She really forged a path for women performers and the entertainment industry, she worked hard."
"Amelia Earhart, a record-setting, trailblazing aviator known for going where no woman, and really in some cases where no man, had gone before."
"I am the first woman judge in my area, the youngest judge male or female in my state, and as far as I know the youngest woman judge in the United States."
"She's an amazing human being, the first African-American school superintendent of the Topeka school district."
"He paved the way for so many others who are attempting to do something similar."
"She was a woman in a man's world, those were the days."
"She's paved the way for every single female rapper that is doing what they're doing now."
"This person walked so this other one could run."
"Justice Ginsburg began her career at a time when women were not welcome in the legal profession, but she not only broke glass ceilings, she smashed them."
"Mayim smashed the TV ceiling by becoming the first female host of Jeopardy."
"I don't know if you guys have ever heard of Wendell Scott, he was the first black race car driver."
"I am the first woman and the first independent to represent this electorate. I will not be the last."
"She's a great example of a woman who tore up the rule book for women and rewrote it her way, all five million words of it."
"She is a history-making athlete, the first African-American World all-around champion."
"She was the first salesperson at a store called Kresge when they weren't hiring people of color."
"I understand and appreciated the profound significance of being the first black woman to lead a national Broadcast News Network."
"At one point, Kim was the youngest player in MLB, one of the game's best closers, an All-Star, the first Asian-born player to win a World Series, and a key part of a championship team."
"Nicki has broken barriers for women in hip-hop with her versatility and creative artistry."
"Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man to sit on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors."
"She's done something that no one has done."
"She was remembered as the first registered nurse ever elected to Congress."
"Kamala Harris is all kinds of firsts: the first woman, the first woman of color, the first black woman, the first mixed-race woman and South Asian elected to national office."
"She was such an extraordinary investigator that she was the first female to be hired to work with the New York City Police Department as a consulting detective."
"Jack Johnson became the first black American heavyweight world champion... profoundly ahead of its time."
"I'm equally deeply humbled to be only the second woman to deliver this lecture and particularly so the first person from the Caribbean."
"First black quarterback to start, first black quarterback to win a Superbowl."
"She was the first trans winner of a RuPaul's Drag Race with RuPaul America."
"He's really like a pioneer, making his own lane."
"CM Punk is the first guy and probably the only guy in the modern era that's actually been able to do that."
"Leanne Helm, you are a true Trailblazer."
"Lily Boulanger was the first woman to win the Prix de Rome and arguably the first female composer to be recognized by such a significant Western institution."
"To be the first girl to win the championship is like awesome."
"She was the first queen from Southeast Asia to compete on the show."
"She was the second black woman ever to be appointed a judge in South Africa."
"You kicked the doors down for other people."
"She blazed the trail for countless black singers and actresses."
"Once you've been an inspiration as well, the first Arab woman in a grand slam final, you are setting an example."
"I feel like J Cole really blazes a trail and there's no other artist that really sounds like him."
"She's opening up the doors for the black country artists."
"Don't focus on being the first person to do something as a negative thing. Look at it as a positive thing; you're a trailblazer, you're a pioneer in your family."
"Tiny Tim was a trailblazing performer of the last century and an underappreciated music historian."
"She was the first female to attend but she wouldn't be the last."
"Everything that she did was unprecedented. There was no template; she wasn't like anyone before."
"I was the first qualified African-American in like six years."
"She's black and she's number eight, first freshman to ever get ranking top 10."
"Grace Murray Hopper... was the first woman to get a PhD in Mathematics at Yale."
"I'll be fifth generation Sullivan and the first female amongst those training."
"The Pathfinder Trailblazer salesperson is totally different to an ordinary salesperson."
"She opened the road, and now it's up to us to help pave it for the generations to come."
"It's just so cute and so meaningful, really knowing that I was the first foreign teacher to work here."
"He pretty much paved the way for people to make a career off Internet content."
"She was appointed first female narcotics agent with the South Carolina law enforcement agency."
"Alex debuted with Rania as the first black K-pop idol ever."
"Marilyn was a trailblazer who helped to normalize the use of makeup and skin care products."
"Much of this list probably wouldn't even exist if the great Tina Turner hadn't paved the way."
"She is one of the first South Asian women to gain massive popularity on YouTube."
"Michael became the first black actor to play a superhero."
"An epic media publication described her as the first lady of rock and roll."
"She was the first black police commissioner... that's a big deal for her."
"Anna May Wong, actress, becomes the first Asian American on US currency."
"Every generation has those people that just says, 'I'm gonna figure out a way,' and he did."
"BTS paved the way for not only just Korean but like Asian, Asian group artists, other K-pop groups, and artists you know."
"She was the first woman hired at Pennsylvania coal mines."
"He was one of the all-time greats, really the first athlete to do what was unthinkable."
"She was breaking down gender barriers and happy to do so."
"I am the first bearded queen on Drag Race UK."
"I was the first Indian actor ever to headline a network TV show."
"Congratulations to Rihanna, the first black woman in a campaign for Christian Dior."
"I feel like after me, it's kind of like easier for a lot of these female artists."
"She led the way for women of color to participate in this men-dominated scene."
"Young Jeezy was one of the first trap rappers in the game."
"Jesus has gone into the heavens before us; He went knowing others would follow."
"You could say I'm one of those pioneers in urban explorations, although no one ever really gave me credit for that."
"He just paved the way, opened the door, or kicked that door open."
"Becoming the first woman to take part in a GR fre weekend in 22 years."
"She was a remarkable woman who commanded huge admiration and respect as the first female speaker of this house."
"Marsha P. Johnson was incredible. She was a trailblazer. She was a revolutionary."
"Captain Snodgrass became the definitive F-14 pilot... he began flying the aircraft straight out of flight school in 1974, which was unusual because the airplane was new at that time."
"I became the first woman spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs."
"Being able to be that leader, being able to be the person that inspires, to be the person that's done it first, that laid down the groundwork, that blazed a trail, that's an amazing place for you to be."
"Sarah Lee the first female Skipper to win a 16t title."
"I was the first of our family to kind of jump into the entertainment field."
"He was one of the first black action heroes in film; he redefined black masculinity and showed a black man who was sexy on and off the screen."
"You have to call him best because he's going in as a black man into a sport where it's unheard of."
"China really paved the way for so many women."
"I must admit my first guest is not only a pioneer in the industry but she helped open the door for future female hip-hop artists by daring to do what had never been done while doing something she loved."
"I am the first American and the first woman to ever hold such a job."
"Tony Morrison became the first black woman to win the Nobel Prize for literature."
"I'm the first woman to be any president's deputy chief of staff."
"I'm the first woman ever to be full-time musical conductor of a Broadway show."
"You are Edlund Schreave. You are the next person in line to run this country, and you will be the first girl to do it on your own."
"She's paved the way for other female rappers in a way that some people haven't."
"She was the second woman, one of four, to ever be on the court."
"He was a real pioneer; he paved that way through and through."
"I was the first trans person to be on a competition reality show."
"She definitely opened doors, definitely was a game-changer." - Rox
"The Hiltons paved the way for the Kardashians."
"Dirk paved that way for us as Europeans."
"At a time when female lawyers were most unheard of, Margaret made sure people took her seriously."
"Henry became the Earth's first superhero with superpowers, the pioneer of his generation."
"She wasn't just the first black woman to reach the accolade; she was the first woman, full stop."
"That is Major General Jeannie Leavitt from the US Air Force. She is the first female fighter pilot. Pretty badass lady, I gotta say."
"She's gonna become the queen, first queen."
"In January 1991, Susan Polgar became the first ever woman to receive the prestigious Grandmaster title in chess through the conventional route."
"I'm the first woman in my family ever to do something I really want to do."
"She's the first black, first female, so put that, that's a pretty powerful position."
"I'm so grateful that I did it because it opened the doors for others to step on the scene."
"Amanda Kay is the first female knife designer ever for Tops."
"First black woman to pave the way for other black women in country music."
"I want to begin work in the cinema and television. I want to be the first black James Bond."
"She was the overall champion of the HHA boxing championship 5 years ago, the only female champion in 20 years."
"Ethel Johnson was the first black champion ever."
"A trailblazer in integrating meaningful African-American characters into mainstream entertainment."
"Janette shattered stereotypes and paved the way for black women in entertainment."
"She was the first African American woman to serve on the New York state's highest court."
"I'm like the only female armorer in the game."
"This guy is a trailblazer in the areas of journalism in hip-hop publication."
"A female president was unthinkable, but Ellen would go on to win the country's first democratic election and shape Liberia in an unprecedented way."
"Jordan Clarkson became the first Filipino American player since Raymond Townsend to see minutes on the NBA floor."
"She's paved the way for so many other players."
"She broke barriers in the world of music."
"When I was a new justice, people had become accustomed to there being a woman on the US Supreme Court."
"With his departure, a chapter in country music history came to a close, but his legacy as a trailblazer and legend will live on for many more decades."
"While Charlie Pride wasn't the first black artist in country music, he achieved heights that early black singers and musicians in the genre were not able to achieve."
"Stevie Nicks, often regarded as rock and roll's mystical poet, holds the distinction of being the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice."
"Miss Pac-Man is a part of video game culture; she is the first lady of video games."