
Spoiler Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Wait till you see the next one... everybody dies."
"Nobody was happy about Snape kills Dumbledore when that nonsense went down."
"There's also going to be major deaths in volume two."
"Kate dies so. (laughs) Shit, did I just... I'm so sorry. Did I ruin that for everyone? (laughs)"
"I give you one sentence spoiler alert: They fight each other for real."
"I don't feel like it's a spoiler of the show so that shouldn't affect any of the story beats or anything."
"Emotionally a spoiler...we should give the game a week or two and then put the album out."
"Alfred will have his back broken by Bane, a big spoiler revealed at Comic Con."
"We need to bust out, or we're just going to... it gives away too much about the film."
"I'm flying totally blind, having never read the chapter yet, and having avoided as many spoilers as possible just so I can experience this chapter fresh with you."
"Snape is the Half-Blood Prince and just killed Dumbledore."
"I don't believe in spoilers, that's why I pack like that."
"But as a last warning, this analysis will contain spoilers."
"No one's going to want to watch it, dang it, gave it away at the beginning."
"The revelation that Yon Rog is actually the bad guy in Captain Marvel is the kind of twist that barely even needs a spoiler warning."
"Spoiler alert: push it right when they say. The first person that pushes it in the cart gets a ton of bonus points."
"Minor spoiler: Poison Ivy is back, this time as a young child, and she gives you weapon afflictions."
"It sounds brutal but that's not even how he dies."
"So one of the most infamous spoilers of all time happens and Snape kills Dumbledore."
"Sorry, Yoda dies. Sorry, spoilers."
"Spoiler warning! Snape kills Dumbledore."
"If you're seeing this spoiler alert, we got on some."
"Squid Games finale spoiler alert, if you haven't finished it don't listen to this."
"There's a potential that there's a spoiler that's going to just ruin that party."
"Just to give you a quick uh heads up spoiler is that there is some crazy Casa news on the horizon if this leak is true"
"My God, what an ending! I can't believe Sirius Black died."
"Spoiler alert: we don't know how this is going to end."
"I'm going to spoil the absolute tits off of this movie."
"Well a bit of a spoiler alert yes you can."
"Spoiler alert, she dies in the end."
"If you made it this long into the video, I'll go ahead and spoil it by saying the set of five cost $35 on Amazon."
"Spoiler alert: If you're looking for a cheap off-road SUV, others exist."
"Please don't spoil it for anyone down in the comments."
"...Cyclops comes back to the X-Men he has a brand new baby and spoilers he's got a wife."
"Spoiler: You're a dumbass. How about that?"
"Extreme spoiler warning: this information will go beyond just a season one of the animated series and we'll talk about stuff from campaign one and campaign two alike."
"If you've played the last of us too no spoilers I would really appreciate that."
"Spoiler alert on Alf anyone hasn't seen the series finale of Alf 32 years later."
"I'm gonna spoil something real quick. What to do meets So Toya and Jato later in the season acting as if the film never happened."
"I'm really liking it so far so spoiler alert."
"This isn't really a spoiler because it's right at the very beginning of the movie, so it's not going to ruin the overall plot or anything."
"Spoiler alert: They die at the end."
"The spoiler is that as I go through this right now, if you want to do it on your own first, hang around and we'll have a chat afterwards."
"Tom Holland's not a real spoiler and I know that because I am that whole like oh look confidential do not share that's not a spoiler it's accidentally telling your friend that somebody dies in a show."
"It's a very good movie, the bad guys all die in the end, spoiler alert."
"Spoiler alert, Bambi dies at the end of this."
"I googled the ending within the first 10 minutes of watching it, but I can't."
"Spoiler alert: yes, there is an answer, but it won't make any sense if you don't watch the whole video."
"Han Solo does die. This is something a lot of people were speculating about."
"This guy does die pretty spectacularly I mean spoiler but he chokes to death on his own castration."
"At the time of filming, Mark Hamill was one of the few people that knew Darth Vader was Luke's father."
"Major spoiler warning if you are looking for a normal book review this is not the video for you."
"True, true fact. And spoiler alert, we are going to be talking about that particular chain we mentioned last time we had him on here."
"To do one big open spoiler discussion after the finale airs and we just talk about the whole series, that I will do like that."
"I haven't even seen the movie, but I know what this big spoiler is because it's been known for the last, I think, three weeks."
"I'm gonna spoil the big end Stinger for Black Adam."
"How much more powerful would have been if I hadn't known because I'm telling you right now before being spoiled I would have never guessed that Ace wasn't going to get saved like there's literally no way I would have guessed that."
"It sucks I was spoiled on it to be honest with you and I know before you go down the comments and say you shouldn't have read the comments but I don't have a team I don't have like an editing crew or anything it's just me it's just me and that's it so it is what it is."
"I don't want to give anything away by saying this but the ending was very familiar."
"Last night your friends tried to pull a fast one on you trying to spoil the Twist from the new Michael Myers movie."
"Before I go any further, if you haven't seen this movie, I give this my highest recommendation. You seriously need to see the movie first before watching the video."
"Are we prepared? Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler!"
"I really love how there's a little extra roof spoiler built into the roof spoiler."
"Tessa, the main character, is a shapeshifter, that's not a spoiler it's in the very beginning of book one."
"I basically haven't even been able to be on TikTok for more than two minutes without a spoiler."
"So before we begin I will say that there are major murder drone spoilers up ahead."
"It's a very clever way of spoiling the fight without actually spoiling it."
"Vin Diesel gets in an accident and dies at the end."
"Sometimes it's hard to say goodbye, but we see Theresa again, spoiler alert."
"I'm happy because I managed to avoid every single piece of spoiler."
"I guess this may be sort of a spoiler... but yeah, An and Eden are boyfriend and girlfriend."
"You can see the gloss black trunk-mounted spoiler to give it a little bit more flair."
"Tonight we pay tribute to the mighty Spoiler, Theophilus Phillips."
"It's a pity because when one looks at the literary style of the Spoiler, one can only imagine what we may be missing."
"On the back, there's going to be a spoiler and that spoiler actually looks pretty good."
"Spoiler alert, I know how it ends."
"This rear spoiler is really, really important; helps the car keep down on the track."
"Spoiler alert: I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but that's right, Peter Parker is Spider-Man."
"You heard about Peter Parker dying three issues before it actually happened."
"Spoiler alert for anyone who's never seen a Bond movie."
"The only thing I have about the film, which may seem like a spoiler, is that they told me that It's sad."
"Robert Kirkman spoiled the news; Marvel has to be pissed."
"The only spoil that I know about this is the inclusion of Patrick Stewart as Professor X."
"Batman V Superman is an excellent example where they showed off Doomsday when they really shouldn't have."
"The roof spoiler on this is one of my favorite in the business."
"We're gonna do a bit of a spoiler."
"I love that and the spoiler here, yellow with the black splotch."