
Medical Symptoms Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Those puppies will get all kind of puffed up and distended, and we call that jugular venous distension."
"The common symptoms of low thyroid function include fatigue, weight gain, constipation, depression, hair loss, and dry skin."
"Erectile dysfunction is a product, it's a symptom of something else."
"Floaters are clumps of cells floating inside your eye."
"Small changes in the blood usually equate to huge symptoms."
"Symptom number one is severe headaches... feels like your head is going to explode."
"Most common symptoms: fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of smell, muscle aches."
"Spanish doctors say foot sores may be a new symptom of the virus."
"Low testosterone can lead to anemia, depression, diminished bone density, loss of energy, decreased muscle mass and strength, impaired cognition, increased fatigue, and sexual symptoms such as decreased libido and erectile dysfunction."
"They have a big old belly, they're pale, they have a puffy face, they have a protruberant tongue, they have a protruding umbilicus, they have poor brain development, and last but not least they have prolonged neonatal jaundice."
"What are the signs and symptoms that a patient has too much calcium in their blood? Well, this patient is going to be extremely weak."
"They were finding all types of stuff, blood clots, kidney shutting down, bruh."
"Patients with hemophilia can have bleeding for hours or even days after injury."
"They were running high fevers and their eyes were bloodshot."
"Body aches, a classic feature of viral infection."
"Only about 40% of cases get a fever, surprising for a viral infection."
"Sudden confusion or delirium can occur, especially in older people."
"The hair loss... results in their hairline remaining intact."
"Do you have signs or symptoms with mast cells misbehaving in at least two or more organ systems do you get better with medications that target the mast cells or Masel mediators and classically again we use histamine blockers as an example."
"I might have said that I had numbness in your left arm and leg."
"This can lead to uremia which may cause general symptoms like fatigue, nausea, and loss of appetite."
"Polyuria, so they're thirsty, they're peeing, they're eatin polyphagia all the time."
"Uveitis is inflammation of the structures of the Uvea which can result in eye pain, photophobia, change of vision, decrease visual acuity, and other symptoms."
"At the site of the flea bite, there's what's called a carbuncle or gangrenous black blister, surrounded by red pot marks."
"Visual hallucinations, fluctuating cognition, and parkinsonism are three core features you need to think about."
"One of the symptoms of colon cancer is a change in bowel habits; that's a big one."
"Pulsating mass, that is going to be the one that is most characteristic for the Triple A."
"The patient will feel a more specific pain which is localized to the right iliac fossa, particularly over McBurney's point."
"The classic presentation of a malignant breast tumor: a hard, immovable, irregular mass."
"A solitary thyroid nodule being a symptom of thyroid cancer."
"The heliotrope rash is just sort of that blushing rash that you get on your eyelids and your cheeks."
"Most of the symptoms that we see are exertional in nature and are related to the inability to increase the cardiac output to an appropriate level."
"The thing that sets it apart is the rash follows the fever."
"Stiffness after periods of rest, stiffness lasting longer than an hour in the morning, difficulty arising from a seated position and turning over in bed."
"Pain that's worse in the morning, worse after inactivity, the pain usually lasts longer than an hour typically until lunchtime, and the pain improves with activity."
"The classic presentation of Pompe disease in infants includes generalized muscle weakness, cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly, and elevated CPK, AST, and LDH."
"The resulting signs and symptoms may include bulging eyes, pressure or pain in the eyes, puffy or retracted eyelids, reddened or inflamed eyes."
"If you have purpura, ecchymosis, petechiae, always think platelets."
"If you ever see that word muffled, dampened, or distant, you probably have cardiac tamponade."
"The symptoms listed for each rating don't necessarily need to align exactly with what the veteran has; they're listed as examples."
"Jaundice, yellowing of the skin, yellowing of the sclera of the eyes is a really good indicator of a problem with liver function."
"The patient should report to the physician following any of these symptoms: sores, injuries or wounds, especially those that do not heal."
"Orthopnea means the patient finds it difficult to breathe when they're lying flat."
"Fever is generally attributed to infections in acute leukemia."
"Everybody has a reason and you have to make the diagnosis of what these symptoms are coming from."
"In Guillain-Barré syndrome, the weakness proceeds from the toes, the fingers, and then the torso."
"The compensated phase of shock is characterized by restlessness, blood pallor, clammy skin, thirst, and narrowed pulse pressure."
"Dolor means pain, tumor means swelling, calor means heat, ruber means redness, and functio laesa means loss of function."