
Git Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"Learn git and become familiar with version control."
"Git lens: visualize git context around files and lines of code."
"Git is so reliable and all the basic data structures are really, really simple."
"If you have disk corruption, if you have DRAM corruption, if you have any kind of problems at all, Git will notice them. It's not a question of if, it's a guarantee."
"If I have those 20 bytes, I can download a Git repository form a completely untrusted source and I can guarantee that they didn't do anything bad to it."
"Changes not staged for commit," which is a fancy way of saying, files that have been changed, but I haven't said I would like to keep track of them in the next commit.
"GitHub is a website where you host all of your Git repositories."
"In Git, files transition between three different states: modified, staged, and committed."
"Your code is extremely safe when you're working with git."
"Start using git today to manage your project's code effectively."
"Git is for managing your codebase, and GitHub is basically a place to host your git repository."
"Everybody uses the command line with Git still because it is fast."
"In this tutorial, we're going to learn the three skills that will get us to a professional level of git: branching, merging, and the feature branch workflow."
"You can think of branching as you're sort of creating a copy of your version history."
"You don't need github to use git."
"Git stash allows you to experiment with changes and save those changes without actually committing them to the Git repository."
"Git can do a whole bunch of things that you may not know about."
"Git status is a very useful command and you'll find yourself running git status very frequently."
"The two-stage commit process begins with adding changes from the working directory into the staging area."
"We can use git checkout to switch to a different branch."
"HEAD is essentially 'you are here'. It tells you what the current state of the git repository is by pointing at a specific commit."
"Another way to think about a commit is that it's just a difference."
"This talk is really for... people who do use git often--professionally perhaps--but for whatever reason you feel uncomfortable when you're using git. You don't understand what's going on."
"So you can have multiple commits in git, so git has to identify them in some way, and generally the identifier is this kind of like random string of characters, it's a checksum."
"So I just want to say congratulations! Because we just recreated the version history feature of google docs and Microsoft Word using git."
"Git add, commit, and push are essential commands in the Git lifecycle."
"Git commit semantically, commit only topics in one commit that belong to the same overall topic."
"Do not change commit history of things that you have already pushed."
"Git reflog is like git's diary, where every movement of the head pointer is recorded."
"Recover deleted commits with the reflog."
"Undoing mistakes with git is as easy as hitting command z."
"Interactive rebase, what can you do with that? You can edit old commit messages, delete commits, combine multiple commits into one, split commits, a lot of different things."
"Git is helping us undo things and recover from mistakes."
"That's how you go from an existing project that doesn't have git, to tracking your changes with git, and uploading it to github."
"This is my repo to learn and practice git."
"Git is used to manage all the different versions you have for your application. Git helps you manage different versions also revert changes if there are any issues."
"Using branches you can work on new feature and Bug fixes independently without affecting the main code base."
"Git was created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, the same person who created Linux."
"Git blame command can be used to figure who edited what line of a file."
"If I do 'git stash,' it will revert my working directory to the state it was in at the last commit."
"Another really neat command is something called git bisect."
"Going through the first couple chapters of that book should teach you basically everything you need to know in order to use git proficiently for real software projects."
"Understanding how to create a repository on something like GitHub, how to give access to team members on that repository, and understanding basic branch protection rules are pretty important skills to know as a DevOps engineer."
"Let's remove all of those obstacles today and review what you need to know about using git that will help you as you learn how to code."
"Most all working developers still look up git commands in the documentation if they have a need that gets away from the few commands and workflows that they use most often."
"I've made a free git cheat sheet for today's lesson that you can download from a link in the description."
"One of the most common things you'll do here is execute commands for version control using Git."
"For hosting anything, the first requirement is to initialize a git repository."
"Git has three levels of configuration: system, global, and local."
"We use gitops, where git acts as a single source of truth for deploying kubernetes manifests."
"The biggest gift that git gives to the development Community is the ability for developers to write code in an isolated environment through the use of git branches."
"That's how you work with branches and that's how you cherry pick and that's how you push branches back up to bitbucket through sourcetree. It's all pretty cool."
"...the fetch is interesting...the fetch will bring the changes down to your local repository but it won't actually merge them into your local workspace or local working tree..."
"...reset all the way back to the first commit...the only good thing that I've got here in my life is alpha.txt."
"Rebasing is about the scariest thing that people can do in git and people make it a lot more complicated than they need to, so let's see if we can make it simpler."
"Sunday we come back for the Git Bowl."
"...something called as a Git server."
"Git is a distributed version control tool used for source code management."
"You can create branches, you can merge your branches with the mainline code, you can do lots of really creative things."
"You can pull any changes that you have made to your full remote repository to your local repository."
"Now we are going to do a demo using Git on our local machine and GitHub as the remote repository."
"Git is a tool that allows all of the developers... to have access to all of the code."
"Git... you can use it for almost any kind of digital project."
"With Git, you have branches that people are working on in parallel to your master branch."
"We're very, very excited to announce an automatic synchronization with Git repositories where code will be synced between a branch that you choose and a staging Snowflake."
"We've deployed our website, we have our CI CD automatically set up, we're integrated into git, all our changes are picked up well."
"Welcome back to my YouTube channel, and in this video, we're going to be discussing how to set up a Git project following some of the best practices."
"So we have Commitizen set up, we have conventional commits set up, we have Husky set up."
"The next thing we're going to talk about is the different Git branching strategies."
"This is the Git flow branching strategy, this is kind of the model that has been used throughout software engineering since 2010."
"Any code that is within the main or the master branch should be deployable and ready to be deployed."
"Once that's approved and it passes all the tests, it will be merged back into the main branch which then can be deployed immediately into your production environment."
"Out of the three main branching strategies, it is the simplest."
"It works really well for web applications or applications that aren't necessarily needed to support multiple versions."
"It's always important to set yourself up with a git repository in case you have to backtrack and undo some stuff."
"The great thing about hosting this dot files directory in Git with Stow is that anytime you make a change, it will act as a traditional Git project."
"Git tracks changes to files over time, enabling you to take snapshots of files at any time."
"Every commit is logged by git. Git will log who made changes and when."
"Knowing how to use Git is very handy for digital investigators."
"The most powerful feature in Git for a solo developer is its ability to jump back to any point in time where you've made a commit."
"You can put any repo into your project by submoduling it in."
"We have quite an established standard for having git as a version control system."
"Git is a version control system, just a way to basically keep track of your code as you change it."
"Git supports a non-linear development because of thousands of parallel branches and has the ability to handle large projects efficiently."
"Git is actually the software that used to manage different versions of source code whereas GitHub is used to have a copy of the local repository stored on the service on the website itself."
"Git keeps you the new features you're working on in separate branches until you're ready to merge them back in with the main branch."
"The goal of rebasing is to take all the commits from a feature branch and put it together in a single master branch."
"You can pull any changes that you have made to your remote repository to your local repository."
"Git add adds one or more files to your staging area."
"Git commit commits changes to your local staging area."
"Git status checks the status of your current repository and lists the files you have changed."
"Git push origin branch name will push the branch to the remote repository so that others can use it."
"Our Git is successfully linked with GitHub."
"Great, so our repository is created; this is our remote repository."
"Now that our local repository and our remote repository are linked, we can push our local file onto our remote repository."
"Git is a very good version control system which we have all together."
"It's not a dedicated tool for developers; anyone who wants to utilize the features of version control system can make use of this specific tool."
"Every commit is like a save point."
"Git is a distributed version control tool which means you can collaborate with others."
"Git revert, and git cherry-pick, maybe even connect this project to that remote GitHub repository as well."
"Rebase achieves the same result but it plays around with your history a little bit to give you a linear history and eliminate that superfluous merge commit."
"Don't be afraid of the rebase; it's just a way to keep your commit history clean."
"Git is a kind of a repository... where all the different developers actually do the modifications and they store their source code into this version control system."
"Git is used to coordinate the work among the developers... they are able to track the progress."
"Git can be useful for both programming professionals and non-programming professionals also."
"Whenever a git repository is created for the first time, it creates a branch; the name of the branch by default is the master."
"Our local repository has been pushed to this remote."
"Stash is like a temporary shelf where you can keep your code."
"Commit all and sync will first save the changes to the local branch, then it will pull the changes from the remote branch into the local branch, and then it will push the changes from the local branch into the remote branch."
"If you want to really get started using many different file types, many different setups, you really want to get going with Git from day one."
"All the resources that I'm showing today are going to be available in a Git repository."
"The idea behind this series is not to understand thousand commands but actually to understand how the workflow of a git works."
"Git is one of the things which I 100% still believe is a terminal first tool."
"Git is a software that we want to learn and one of the services is GitHub."
"Once you understand the git from here, that's it, you are done for the lifetime."
"Staging area is an intermediate zone before you make any commit."
"Commit needs a message 100% of the time."
"Keep commits centric to one feature, one component, or one fix."
"Git config... there are two ways of how you can configure the configuration file."
"What git allows us to do is do version control on different versions of our code."
"Git now runs not just the Linux development model but the vast majority of developers only know Git and only use Git."
"Magit makes me way way faster than I would be on the command line which is really great."
"If you're a programmer that uses git to collaborate with others on a daily basis, these advanced functionalities of magic are going to make your life way easier."
"A branch is just a pointer to a sha-1 hash."
"HEAD is a pointer that normally points to a branch."
"The HEAD pointer tells us what we have checked out."
"Branches allow us to work on different versions of the same files in parallel."
"We can then decide to incorporate or merge our changes into other branches."
"The fast-forward merge means Git will just move the master branch to where SDN is."
"Git is a tool used to save code and create different versions to better manage the feature updates in a product or an application."
"I'm going to share 10 Git commands and tips that you can use to make yourself a power user with Git."
"Git revert is creating a brand new commit that undoes the commit you want to undo."
"Git stash is a really easy way to quickly save your changes and then bring them back."
"Git bisect is a binary search that helps you find the exact commit where the error occurred."
"Git reset --hard origin/main is one of the best commands for wiping out all of your local changes."
"The Git Lens extension... it's by far the most powerful extension that you can get for working with source control."
"Netlify hooks up to your Git repos and continuously deploys from them."
"Git is not a linear development approach... it's a non-linear approach which allows you to have branches that people are working on in parallel to your master branch."
"Git is released under the GNU General Public License which is an open source license."
"Git reset --soft goes back or unwinds my changes back to a particular snapshot, getting rid of all the commit messages but retaining the changes that were made."
"The command to do this is called the git revert command."
"Branches are very, very inexpensive and great."
"Git is a very good version control system."
"It allows multiple users to work together."
"Git can also handle large projects."
"Git reset command is used at in time to of merge conflicts to reset the conflicted file."
"Using Git init allows you to create a working directory."
"Git fetch allows you to fetch and download only new data from a remote repository."
"Git pull updates the current head branch with the latest changes from the remote server."
"This is meant just to be a quick start guide on how to get some files from your machine to a remote repository."
"Git status just lets us know what's in our staging area, all the files that we're ready to start merging into that local repository."
"Git add goes and actually preps those files and then git commit commits them into that local repository."
"That's how you push the files to your remote repository."
"The easiest way is probably just to deploy it from a git repository."
"Now Git is aware of how to go about merging the two different versions of that repository together."
"You don't need anything else to just start using Git, start using version control on some files, some tracking some changes, just on your local machine."
"We've downloaded Git, which remember, that is just the source control system, the stuff that actually does the work for us."
"In the next tutorial, we are going to be going over some of the basic Git commands and what your workflow might look like."
"Remember, Git is the actual version control system that we're downloading."
"If you use all of these features, then you are truly at the forefront of Git at scale."
"Everyone who takes the time to become a Git expert will reap rewards in their productivity."
"Hey everybody, it's Dan the Git School Dude once again with another Git tutorial video."
"GitOps is a buzzword... it basically means using git to base your operations and deployments."
"Chat GPT can be a huge help with Git and GitHub."
"Branching and merging is kind of the basic concept in Git, you constantly are branching and merging things."
"Git creates a repository in the current folder, which you can then clone to so-called remote repositories."
"I highly encourage you really to use Git for versioning, if you're not using any version control, you need to be starting with Git."
"To initialize the Git, you just need to move on to the third icon here which says source control."
"Staging is something which you can say that, 'Hey, I am done with my changes and now these files are ready to be committed.'"
"Committing is something like I'm fixing or finalizing the changes that I have done."
"The command to initialize a Git repository using command line is 'git init'."
"The command to specify your remote server is 'git remote add origin' and then the URL of your remote repository."
"Now my local and my remote are in sync, and I have my remote setup for my GitHub repository."
"Everything is being tracked, all the changes that you are doing in your scratch org, you can pull that in your VS Code and you can push that into your GitHub repository one by one."
"Having strong Git skills is pretty key for doing anything around modern automation."
"If you're using git, you have a back-up plan."
"It gives us the same functionality of that shared config but then in addition, it gives you that extra feature of it's in git, we can track this, we can see who assigned this service at what time and why."
"The purpose of the sub-module is that it lets you tie a specific version of a specific commit to the development flow of the repo you care about over the history of that repo."
"If you want to include a third-party dependency in your repo, a good way to do that is by using Git submodules."
"It's a way to specify, 'Hey, I have a repo that has a dependency on some source code I'm not really developing in that dependency, I'm just using it, and I'd like to track my use of it with my repo itself."
"Git submodule update just says, 'Hey, I want my super project to update my submodules to what the latest commit I'm on says it should be."
"They use Git as a single source of truth."
"Branching in Git is super easy compared to other version control systems."
"You isolate your work from everybody else's work or your own work, you do your work, you pull in updates from other people, and you share it."
"Git doesn't throw things away; you can always get back to where you were before."
"When you're starting git, they overload you with information about how to rebase and have clean histories without really explaining to you how the damn thing works in the first place."
"Everything that we've been doing is on our own local disc, it's on our own local repository."
"Git's commands got friendlier; generally, git tells you how to solve the problem in its error message."
"We work directly in the git repository and we accept contributions if they're good."
"With flux version 2 we can ensure a transactional mode from git to the cluster state."
"Git is a modern version control system that has won the hearts and minds of developers worldwide."
"That demonstrates the power you have to deal with Git repositories and GitHub repositories, and projects in general, inside of Emacs."
"Git also has the ability to speak well, play well with others."
"Git encourages branches, a branch is just 40 text bytes of new line, so very, very cheap to do."
"Rebase has this wonderful interactive command that's really cool."
"It's really sort of a nice interactive way to do your rebasing."
"Git-bisect is interesting. You mark one commit bad, one commit good."
"Git-blame, you know, who wrote this?"
"By the end of this video, you'll be comfortable with Git."
"Git is an open-source software solution for distributed version control."