
Loudness Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"It's a grotesquely obese, extremely loud, ostentatious brag on itself." - Mei
"Just because you're loud and other loud people agree with you, it doesn't mean that you are correct. It means that you are loud. There's truth in silence too."
"Wow, these are loud, okay, loud. That bass just hit me."
"Don't get a bird. Awful things. They're so loud and they live forever." - Ted
"They're really loud guys... they're crazy loud." - Jamieleigh
"The people who shout the loudest have the most to hide."
"Are you ready? Holy fuck!" - "I'm legit never had a neighbor's complaint, but right now, this is wild."
"Americans talk far too loud all the time and it's amazing."
"That's how I look at it; actions speak louder than words."
"The speakers sound incredible, nice and loud, plenty of bass."
"The universe is getting very loud about these changes."
"That miss Felicity Rose entered the world instantly crying, I mean literally the nurses were like 'oh my gosh she's got some lungs on her'."
"Recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest and loudest musical instrument ever constructed."
"I've never heard silence quite this loud."
"The only trait in audio that people universally find impressive is just loudness."
"the music had a loud ending and it woke me up out of a sound sleep"
"Vulnerability tends to be the loudest expression we can make."
"That was very loud, very audible."
"Nobody ever did that, they just put the loudness button on and turned it up to 10."
"As the years go by, this car seems to be getting louder."
"Be quiet bro, I've never heard anyone louder in my life."
"The horn and these are a four-piece 300 decibel loud train horn, that's a lot of decibels."
"It's right around a rock concert, jet plane takeoff."
"Not only that, what one is supposed to do to set the loudness button is first leave everything flat, turn up your stereo as loud as you can handle it, and then leave it there."
"Now I know how to make records loud and avoid those distortions."
"Managing loudness in mastering and preventing unpleasant distortion is a game."
"I honestly did not know it was going to be that loud that that shocked me"
"This car is so silly loud and dramatic."
"Your kick should Peak at minus 60b but peak level is way different than the actual perceived loudness and that's actually what matters."
"It's loud, not really practical to drive every day, but it's a great conversational piece."
"Wow, that's loud. Now, that is definitely an alarm."
"The dumbest people have the loudest voices."
"The loud music coming from the speaker made a lasting impression on him."
"Turn it up past two or three and they get loud."
"This thing is loud and it's meant to be that way."
"...it's incredibly loud but it's very clear."
"Destroy is the loudest comic book in the universe."
"Loudness and thinking about loudness still matters even in the age of streaming audio services where there's some automatic volume normalization."
"I think you can make things sound loud and good and I think loudness and thinking about loudness still matters even in the age of streaming audio services where there's some automatic volume normalization."
"The mastered version sounds louder even though it's technically quieter on a loudness meter."
"The mastered version is actually perceived as being louder at the same level."
"The Sony SRS xp500x series is one of the loudest Bluetooth speakers you can find and we highly recommend them."
"The Ultimate Ears Boom 3 is one of the loudest Bluetooth speakers from UE that delivers a full 360 degree Sound Performance."
"If you are looking for one of the loudest Bluetooth speakers from Ultimate Ears, we highly recommend the Ultimate Ears Boom 3."
"The myotone 60w portable speaker is one of the loudest Bluetooth speakers designed for the outdoors."
"We're not about loudness alone, it's about dynamic range."
"He just wouldn't stop sobbing. He was so loud I'm surprised he didn't wake anyone in the neighborhood up."
George: "I get little kids that like holy crap yeah that's loud dude holy moly that's 50-year-old locomotive horn right off the top of a train they call them five MERS uhhuh so they cuz they're heard from a long way away."
"It scared me, it was just barking like a dog, it was so loud and ringy."
"That was so loud but look at how good it worked."
"I just like the loudness of it, the bombastic of it."
"Definitely worth it for everything they pack in here, super lightweight 40 watts gonna be plenty loud."
"What the hell was that dude? That was really loud, super loud."
"Actually, it's 4dB. When you're dealing with bass frequencies, a 4dB increase is almost perceived as double loudness."
"Loudness is great, loudness will take and make the music sound good at lower volumes."
"I think we're getting close to the speaker because it's getting loud."
"If you want to get some loudness to your tracking, you're worried about compression, look at normalizing the audio."
"I try to get perceived loudness with saturation."
"It's the loudest thing you've ever heard, what was it like what would that happen, he goes I feel like he sounded like that."
"If you're having a backyard party and you're looking for some loud music, this speaker is just ear-piercing loud and it just sounds great for 300 bucks."
"If it sounds crazy loud, it's definitely the loudest car I've ever driven in my life."
"There are times when the world can be saved only by loud protests."
"Is everything louder than everything else?"
"Don't ever be so blessed that you think you can be quiet. The more you have, the louder you ought to be."
"Life is one big show. It's who can shout loudest, like it's mad."
"It's the loudest FD car without a doubt."
"I've never been told I was too loud."
"You know, he always was loud, but you know, I remember doing a show with him in New York in about 1966, and uh, Jimi Hendrix playing guitar for him at that particular time."
"It's loud but the loud is good, the loudness is fun and it's gathering."
"This has got a 1200 watt, 20 speaker, 2 subwoofer system in here; it really does go loud."
"There's something that's magical that happens when you're playing a loud amp on stage."
"It was just amazing, I've never heard fans yell that loud."
"What an atmosphere, it's as loud as I've heard it here for a long, long time."
"The system is going to sound really nice and loud, crisp."
"Remember that we did our static mix at the end of the song on the loudest part of the song."
"We're loud guys, we're energetic, we're animated."
"The number one thing you want on your master section in order to make your beat louder is a maximizer or a limiter."
"Unbelievable how loud that place was."
"One of the loudest noises, if not the loudest noise, ever heard by modern humans."
"Making music, preferably really loud, but it doesn't have to be, is what absolutely always, guaranteed, can pull me out of this slump."
"They sound awesome; they can play more than loud enough in my situation."
"It just sounds freaking incredible. It does 20 to 20 at full freaking tilt, 4 meters away hitting 110 dB like it wasn't a problem."
"It's battery powered, it lasts for like 10 hours, and it's plenty loud for the things we're going to use it for."
"It's definitely four to five times louder than I'm talking to you."
"It's quite loud, okay, you're killing it. No, it sounds good, sounds very banging but good."
"We have to make mixes louder in the mastering stage, but the whole point is we don't want to smash the mix and make it sound flat and lifeless."
"Sometimes silence can be very, very loud."
"The loudness of a given sound is closely associated with the amplitude of the sound wave."
"It's probably criminally loud and sounds great."
"Let's address the elephant in the room: loudness. People want loud masters."
"One of the loudest animals on Earth."
"Hello, I shouted at the top of my lungs, is anyone there?"
"It's the sound that made 60s rock loud."
"It's very crisp, very clear, it gets very, very loud like it'll easily fill a room and not get muddy."
"I was twice as loud in correcting my mistake as I was in making the mistake."
"We do forgiveness, we do loud really well, we do hugs, we do patience."
"Kids are loud, people are loud, they're not breaking any rules."
"You generally get a tighter louder mix in the end."
"Listen to the dubstep guys that are making music right now; that stuff is so loud and so creative."
"The loudness deception is the fact that our brains perceive more treble and bass in louder sounds."
"Sounding loud is a lot more to do with production decisions and processing and the mix and the arrangement than it is the raw loudness level."
"The loudest in the room is usually the weakest and can't fight, but Paul Sykes was loud and he could fight like the devil."
"It was so loud, yeah, and I've never experienced anything as loud as that in my life."
"Acid rock was music that was played louder than any other style that came before it, and could be experienced not only in the spiritual manner of the Hippies, but also in a purely sensual manner – just submitting to the sheer force of the music."
"Unbelievable atmosphere, I tell you, we're having to shout to make ourselves heard."
"It screamed the loudest of any animal I have ever heard in the wild, hands down."
"I think most people wouldn't know that I'm a thoughtful kind of a person because I have this sort of loud persona."
"That was loud, that was really good."
"I'm very elevated; I'm a loud talker, I think it's because I'm passionate."
"We're going to be so loud about it that we're all in together."
"It's big, it's loud, it's colorful."
"Hello everybody, wow that was loud and probably scary, and I'm really sorry about that."
"If you need the loudest DJ speaker between these two, I'm going with the QSC, no questions about it."
"The people who are the loudest are the people who are hurting the most."
"The loudest person in the room is usually the one who knows the least."
"This is one of the coolest and loudest fireworks I've seen in a long time."
"I called out for help, but the people around me had their music up too loud to even notice."
"It's pretty loud like the speaker on this is really really good."
"Cry loud, spare not, raise up your voice like a trumpet."
"We play rock and roll every day and we play rock way too loud."
"The AGM M7 is a simple phone designed to have a good battery life and take an absolute beating and also make a lot of noise."
"Wow, that was so cool, super loud too."
"The silence speaks louder than the bell that's been ringing for the past 15 minutes."
"It got to a hundred eleven decibels, like a rock concert."
"You care about your friends so loudly without worrying what anyone else might think."
"I never knew how loud silence could be until this moment."
"The importance of where levels are and the perceived loudness is crucial."
"With dance music, you want it to get punchy and loud so it translates well in a DJ mix."
"It's headroom for days, it's just loud and punchy and clean."
"In today's world, everything is compressed. We're peaking with this loudness war."
"We are going to be mastering loud today."
"We perceive things that are just a little bit louder even a DB louder as better."
"It's the joy of moving to music that I think is the most amazing thing."
"It was so loud, my ears were ringing, but it was dope."
"This headset sounds good, gets more than loud enough, and has great instrument separation."
"We've balanced the dynamics, found the loudness sweet spot, the perfect balance of loudness and dynamics."
"It's a really great tool to help increase perceived volume, especially on a master bus."
"You want to make sure that you're mastering at the appropriate loudness."
"It's the loudest, it's got the biggest bass, it's simply the best speaker on this table."
"It's our turn to be loud, we make it loud when it's our choice, just want to shout, how about you?"
"One of the struggles we have as dance music producers is trying to arrange our tracks and mix our tracks in a way that they can be successfully mastered all the way up to at least negative seven LUFS integrated across the length of a drop."
"Make one master, one master to rule them all, just make any given song as loud as it needs to be, as loud as sounds good."
"The speakers are loud, they're clear, and overall they have a good tone."
"That is really loud even at half a watt, and definitely would be at the right sort of volume for practicing with a band and a drummer."
"Identify the blockage, release it, and you no longer have to make yourself be loud; you're just loud."
"Those who shout the loudest about Americanism are all too frequently those who ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism."
"It's a party speaker, and therefore it needs to do one thing: it needs to go loud."
"Who laughs way too loud during the movie? Yeah, I can see that."
"I realized silence is really loud."
"Bogiessss..... BOOOGIIIIIIESSS...!"
"Lion's roar is significantly louder than a jackhammer."
"You're very loud today; you got a loud shirt on, you've got a loud hat."
"We are blessed with the presence of someone who's great in the DR, kind of a loud DR person."
"Loudness is important, and even these subtle differences can be really important."
"We're always screaming over one another, pretty much like family."
"The disrespect was loud so the apology needs to be louder, I'm sorry."
"And then actually sit there and go, 'How does this fit in the background? This is so loud and there are so many of them.'"
"That is loud, whoa, Metallica, Master of Puppets."
"It isn't hard to tell what you would think, babe, your thoughts are only getting louder."
"It's 25 times louder than a lawn mower, can last up to a minute long, and can be heard by humans from five miles away."
"After 30 seconds, this will beep... trust me when I say it is pretty damn loud."
"You are allowed to experience happiness in a loud way, it's okay."
"It's like the trumpets of your soul are now louder than ever."
"I think everyone in San Francisco can hear you."
"Ladies and gentlemen, the volume inside of this bus is astronomical."
"The cackle fest was incredible, ear-splitting."