
Indexing Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Python has made this choice of the language to start indexing at zero."
"Arrays are just like boxes inside of boxes that all have indexes or labels."
"First, indexing wins most of the time, but not all the time."
"In order to prevent that, we need to make use of an index buffer..."
"Adding an index on frequently searched columns can significantly improve performance."
"We are indexed and correlated per my prior remarks. Everything in the public markets is now beta to some extent, served by daily liquid funds."
"So in Python, in a lot of programming languages, when you start counting things, you start with zero, not one."
"Is indexing too big? What happens when most of the market is indexing? Is it a conceivable strategy with an expiration date?"
"Indexing is a share of global wealth, it's big, but it's still relatively small."
"A nice way to go from nice simple proposition style or summary style indexing to full document retrieval."
"So, technically if we talk about the indexes, it would be the index 0, index 1, and index 2 on the row side."
"All collections have an ID index, and unclustered collections store the ID index separately from the document."
"Index gives you the capability of grabbing one row from the table, like give me the first row or the second row or the last row, and it's a very easy way to extract one row from a table that is sorted."
"Indexing happens from zero in programming."
"Who likes log? Who likes binary search? Who doesn't like indexing?"
"YouTube uses tags to effectively index and search for videos, but also to suggest other videos you might be interested in."
"Just a click and everything will be migrated. Anyway, the next thing you need to do to make your pages index faster is to submit a sitemap."
"So submitting your sitemap to Search Console and using the URL Inspection Tool are two of the most effective ways to get your pages indexed faster."
"Now, I'm not sure if you have heard there is something called Indexing API as well as IndexNow where it will allow site owners to directly notify search engines when pages are added or removed."
"To recap, these are all the methods of getting your website indexed, and these are the methods to know if your site is indexed."
"And finally, for the sitemaps test, it is checking if your site has a sitemap, which is like an index of your website that helps search engines discover your pages and links more efficiently."
"...as you go to Azure SQL DB as a native PaaS service, one of the unique things is how you can visualize your query performance and tune your indexing."
"Essentially, what this does is it's a roadmap for Google, telling them what to index and what not to index."
"So we will define the scheme of that index."
"Put an index on a calculation, data normalization, or transformation - a lot of things that you didn't think were indexable before are indexable with functional indexes."
"Functional indexes allow you to index the end of a string - something seemingly impossible made possible."
"The first thing that SQL Server has to do is scan the clustered index. That's what a clustered index scan means."
"An index scan will traverse through the index in order of whatever that indexes order has been defined to be so if it's ordered by post type ID last editor user ID whatever that's the order in which the scan will take place."
"Include your alpha keywords in there, and this is because Amazon's search engine crawlers are what they're called, but it's just the little robots that go over your listing to index it to see what keywords you have."
"What we want to do is to think about how our users query the data in the table we are creating the index on and what different combinations of columns are used in the WHERE clauses of these queries."
"Sql server not using our index is really telling us that in sql server's eyes the index isn't that helpful because it's not selective enough."
"Make sure your page is indexed. If it's not indexed, it doesn't exist to Google."
"These are just suggestions and you should not automatically create an index because SQL Server makes a suggestion to do so."
"Elements of the tuples can be accessed by index. Tuple items are indexed, the first item has index 0, the second index has one."
"Friendly indexing puzzles are absolutely loved by computer programmers."
"The matrix profile tells you by low values there is some motif correspond to this. It doesn't tell you where it actually is, but that actually is kept somewhere in a separate index we looked up in constant time."
"Simplicity is like the ultimate nirvana of indexing."
"Create index concurrently... that is the alternative way to get a new index or to rebuild to replace an index that has an issue without needing this level of locking."
"Everything is indexed by time and a unique series that you're tracking."
"Which of these indexes do we use? B-tree works for most situations."
"With a multi-column index, always make sure you specify the first column in your WHERE clause that was specified when you created the index."
"The base plan, which is my original plan, took five seconds... but if I could use the plan that I get with the index, it's super quick."
"An index, in simple terms, helps the database find data within a table."
"The B-tree is the good general purpose index if you need an index."
"By indexing the records as you go along, it is a great tool to organize your case and keep it organized as you're going along."
"The better way to do it is to incorporate indexing features which means when you put two parts together, they lock together in some form."
"Sitemaps are a roadmap of your website; it tells Google what to index."
"Quality threshold is the borderline between supplemental index and main index."
"Once you've created an index, you're almost in the situation of a Python dictionary."
"List positions are represented by index values that start at zero instead of one."
"In the control panel, head to the bottom where you see indexing services. Indexing is how the NAS regularly scans the internal storage and keeps a record of what files are in there."
"This will add that folder to the indexing path of the NAS and when the NAS does periodic scans internally, it will check that folder for music."
"Qdrant uses HNSW for indexing, which we'll cover later."
"We assume that tax brackets would be indexed at three percent and we assume that the government pensions will be indexed at three percent as well."
"The first element in an array has an index of zero because computers always start with zero."
"Indexing can improve the performance when looking for data in the tables."
"Make sure you're getting the improvement you want, but indexing can certainly help quite a bit."
"Indexing is very important as it helps us in many ways to manipulate as well as get the desired operation."
"It's much quicker when it comes to things like indexing and searching."
"The thing to understand here is even though I mentioned 0 to 3, the upper bound is not considered."
"Indexes always start at 0, no matter what you're doing in Java."
"You can use indexing and slicing with data frames."
"Of all of the strategies that we have for improving database performance, many people, including myself, would argue that database indexes are the single most critical tool that is available to a database administrator for improving the query performance of the database."
"When teaching people about database indexes, I always like to begin with an intuitive overview."
"The most relevant results are taken from the index and displayed in the form of most relevant to least relevant in the search result pages."
"Everything in OneNote is rapidly searched, indexed so the database indexes all of your content so that you can quickly search and find notes."
"Creating an index on the title column of the shows table is like giving the database a clue in advance."
"Elasticsearch is one of the best indexing things on the planet and it's free."
"This is a world of goodness when I'm trying to look at what's there to try and work out maybe if I'm looking at building another index knowing what's already inside that."
"We are also gonna need to set our index at zero; let's call this our display index."
"Revit indexes just like any other database, it indexes some of the stuff that are important in memory so the lookups on those are a lot faster."
"It's a wonderful time to be an investor if you're going to do indexing in low-cost."
"What we are going to do instead is to create an index; index is a vector store database that gives the chunks of information."
"If you look into what happens in simple index.json, it's creating this embedding for you."
"For the MATLAB users everywhere, just a reminder that NumPy, just like Python, uses zero-based indexing."
"Dictionaries in Python represent index data in an optimization model."
"Using this base URI, this is how you can kind of get the NFT metadata for each NFT."
"The transfer event allows us to index all the NFTs as they're created and as they're changing ownership between the different users."
"A relational database very often takes the same approach, using some piece of data, usually just an integer 1, 2, 3, 4, just like the spreadsheet programs, to uniquely identify the rows so that you can access them very quickly via that number or that index."
"The first character of any string is at index 0."
"AI recognition allows you to upload decades of photos onto a NAS and then after it's indexed, it after it's analyzed it with AI, it then allows you to search them in an intelligent way."
"So for that, we have a second way of retrieving data from numpy arrays, and the second way is going to be using something that, for I don't know what reason, is called fancy indexing."
"Guru Ji made it indexable; it's future-proof."
"We can find a specific row by passing that label."
"One super good benefit for indexing is that automatic feature recognition is available."
"This is an actual page being generated which can be indexed by search engines."
"Full-text search is basically a way to index text documents and make them searchable."
"Tuples are ordered, which means we can index into them."
"We always, as here we did, give the row index first and the column index second."
"How do we build these infrastructures that essentially index all of these other videos?"
"The Soundex matches words that sound alike, and ignores case, embedded blanks, and punctuation."
"Anytime you create any data structure in pandas, you get at least one index attached to that data structure."
"The idea behind indexing is that it is very very handy to do things like subset our data."
"Good content will be indexed by Google the right way."
"Indexing is just like the index in the back of the book."
"The idea for this indexing or the methodology was given by Miller in 1839."
"Kendra can pull all of that in, understand and relate the concepts inside that data, and then build an index which you can query using natural language."
"The indexing is identical from stage to stage."
"If the name matches the user-entered one, the index of the state name is then used to add the university and team name to other lists."
"It's very interesting because you get a wide range of skills that you can index into."
"Index determines the position of an element in the array."
"Individual elements are accessed by specifying the index."
"An inverted index is like the index in the back of a book; it points to each page on which a topic is covered."
"A search using Spike Lee in that column would be faster, right? Using this new inverted index, you would go straight to his name, pull the reference to each ID."
"I am an indexer and I do like to index quite a bit of information."
"In C language, the array index starts from 0, which simplifies the computation of any element's address."
"The first element of an array in C is actually represented as X[0], not X[1]."
"Every string of text is indexed in VBA, so every character has a position."
"We're basically just going to be running an elastic search node and we're going to be indexing documents and then we're going to be searching on them."
"The index is important, and you should carefully consider the nature of your data before you turn to doing your queries."
"We can access each element of the array directly by index number."
"If an array consists of n elements, the first element of that array is located at index 0 and the last element of the array is located at index N minus 1."
"DynamoDB is a lot more than a key-value store, it has these very performant secondary indexes and primary indexes you can do these queries just like you're querying in indexes elsewhere and sorted by the range key."
"Near real-time support means if you index data, you would like to be immediately able to search for it again."
"The advantage of indexing is that you have to quickly go through the key and find what you need."
"Index, meanwhile, is really powerful."
"You're structuring the indexes to support those secondary access patterns. That's how NoSQL works."
"The catalog automatically indexes all of your databases and tables so you can understand what data is being used by whom."
"This is what I use to track my collections and build out my indexes that I use in the sports videos."
"Quality is the most important thing; what you index is what your users will be able to search on."