
Aging Gracefully Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Being organized in your life is you growing older gracefully."
"Method Man is like fine wine, better with time."
"Let me just say, I still question how this game came out over 10 years ago and looks this good."
"Wind Waker takes the franchise in a new direction with a bold and uncompromising visual style that is aged like fine wine."
"Charismatic Dio, like a hundred year old fine wine, just gets better with age."
"He's 75, he looks about 50, and he exuded an air of genuine spiritual contentment."
"Timepiece films like this only get better with age."
"Nelson Cruz, like a fine wine, only gets better with age."
"Ocarina of Time's graphics have aged, they were always going to, but its gameplay stands tall."
"Mike Myers as Austin Powers I think that character ages a lot better."
"If you mind your business, you'll age much more gracefully."
"Aging like a fine wine with an average match rating of 7.3."
"Humanity is a lot like me, an aging movie star, still shining regardless."
"Here's that lovely hot older mum type, just enjoying her day, and good for her."
"She ages like a fine wine; she looks better today than she did here."
"This thing has really just aged so incredibly gracefully."
"FTR and the Briscoes has to be the best rivalry of 2022."
"He's like Brady, like a fine wine. He's only getting better with age."
"Let's enjoy age, to age gracefully together."
"His commitment to music has not waned showcasing an enduring enthusiasm that defies the constraints of age."
"You can still be visible, you can still be seen."
"Your value will increase as you get older as you build on yourself as you grow into yourself and as you expand and develop."
"Despite being 62 years old, she still maintains her beauty and youthful presence."
"Serves as a role model for embracing oneself and aging gracefully."
"Even at the age of 66, she maintains a youthful appearance and a radiant presence."
"Eva Mendes is a role model for accepting and embracing natural changes, affirming that beauty and confidence are not limited by age."
"Beckinsale serves as a role model for maintaining natural beauty and allure, demonstrating that embracing changes over time can be done with confidence and grace."
"Jane Fonda remains an icon of resilience, determination, and continuous effort in maintaining health and vitality in every stage of life."
"Sarandon still maintains her beauty and allure, proving that beauty and appeal are not dependent on age."
"Blanchett still maintains an elegant and sophisticated beauty despite the natural aging process."
"Overall though, I think the camera has actually held up quite well considering it's 10 years old and it's a smartphone."
"I mean just look at her this woman is 79 years old she told me she applied petroleum jelly to her face lips and hands every single night before bed today this practice is called slugging."
"Own your age, be the coolest grandfather that America can imagine."
"Kathleen Turner still maintains her distinctive beauty and allure, showcasing confidence and assurance in her appearance."
"This morning just seems to defy the years and goes from strength to strength."
"I'm just trying to keep up with these young girls, you know? So sometimes you have to make it look a little older so they'll appreciate your inner wisdom."
"A big toast to you for turning 40. My wisdom and encouragement is enjoy it man, we age like good brandy."
"He's 87 years old, and he's still striving for new learning every day."
"Probably one of the best aging characters because he actually is probably better now than he was a year ago."
"Literally just got better looking as she age."
"Blond: 'Do you ever get tired of hearing you're beautiful?' Chris Buckley: 'No, especially now that I'm old, so shower me with compliments I do not deserve.'"
"Aging and building yourself as a woman is just so fascinating and beautiful."
"At 81, she's rocking a beautiful look, wearing lashes and still being natural, still wanting her true beauty to come out."
"Some people are just gifted with great genetics, and Reeves is probably one of them, still being able to kick butts and take names into his fifties."
"I think that's probably the only way to gracefully age for men."
"At the grand old age of 74, you can see Arnie's still in amazing shape."
"It's amazing how young his cheekbones stay so high."
"Fans appreciate her authenticity and celebrate her decision to age gracefully."
"She looks simply amazing. I pray I'll be like that at the age of 80."
"Even though our skin is maturing, I don't think that we should just completely disregard sparkle."
"Smile lines are a reflection of the happy moments that you've had in your life."
"They get better with time, like a fine wine."
"The water itself, that's why this album has aged like a fine wine."
"If you work on these things as you age, you can combat that decline and stay moving and healthy."
"I love to take care of my skin properly because this is the only face I have in this lifetime, and I want to take care of it. I want to age gracefully."
"I'm in my 30s for sure and i love it honey i look good."
"Growing out my silver hair was more about self-discovery. I realized that gray hair is not about being old, it's just about being you."
"But weigh what I have to say, it is this that I shall not abandon old age if old age preserves me intact for myself and intact as regards the better part of myself."
"He looks better now, like a fine wine."
"I turned 40 last year and as I make my way through this decade I really want to just kind of maintain and make sure that I feel really happy with my aging process but also just really love my skin."
"The shimmers in this palette will absolutely look fantastic, even if you have wrinkly eyelids."
"Like old wine, this union will continue to remain with good taste and remain anew."
"He's like a fine wine and he puts it all on the line."
"It's a very mature approach to these topics in a way that has aged well."
"Nobody I ever known has worn his years with your grace."
"I like the way I look now more than I did when I was 20, 23."
"It's like a fine wine, just like kind of growing older with age, finer with ages."
"I plan to live my life ugly in the middle, just a beautiful Silver Fox at the end."
"We can all grow up, and in growing up, we do not grow old."
"Beauty is what you're optimizing for, and that's the thing that appreciates with age."
"Like a fine wine, Donald Fagan's voice, to me, it's aged impeccably."
"Failure to accept change, to accept illness, to accept aging."
"As for women, you have some who prefer to age gracefully and embrace the natural changes that come with growing older."
"I inspire, uplift, and empower you to go gray one strand at a time with style."
"No, you are aging with grace, my friend, like your 911s."
"We look phenomenal for our age, period."
"If she gets older and becomes a lovely grandmother like Aunt Stella, I'd be thrilled."
"Recovery comes with getting older and realizing your body doesn't make you less beautiful."
"This is what you get out of the pattern, a nice little nice tote bag, and these age wonderfully."
"Each of those is a work in progress; I am no expert, just someone who's extremely curious about how to age well."
"I prefer keeping my hair natural... but I do believe some women will have the natural gray hair look absolutely fantastic."
"Aging is fine, aging is graceful."
"Sometimes as you get older, you may need a little help because everyone is not genetically blessed."
"I'm that guy that everybody keep waiting on to get old, and I keep taking my time to do that."
"Dame Helen Mirren is one of the best-dressed older beauties I've ever seen; she is gorgeous."
"I'm proud of my age. I look good for my age. I feel good."
"We're just going to get older and we're going to go, okay, well we're old, that's all right, and then we're gonna go gracefully."
"Even at his advanced age, Ray's mind was sharp, and he made sure to keep physically active."
"Aging is inevitable, but we were among the fortunate few who managed to keep our youthful outlook and capacity to love intact."
"The challenge of life is how beautiful is your soul as your body grows older."
"I love and appreciate my body so much more than I did when I was younger; it's insane."
"Stretching and staying mobile through the joys and flexibility is really important for aging."
"I'm not a bit ashamed to show them off, and I think I'm very lucky at my age to have them."
"My age is an asset, I get better as I age."
"The years look good on you, inside and out."
"He's not showing his age, he's wearing very well."
"Every season has its beauty, and so perhaps as we get older as human beings, every age has its own beauty."
"I think men look great with grey hair."
"Natural finish foundations have been the best thing for my skin as it gets older."
"Be thankful that you get to be a certain age and that you get to enjoy this part of your life even if you do have a bunch of wrinkles and darkness."
"Go out in the world and be lovable, and remember, ladies, it is okay to love our age."
"As I age, I'm always going after the glow."
"You're not getting old, you're growing beautiful."