
Procedures Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"Fans of the modern scp foundation will no doubt raise an eyebrow at this as the foundation practically never terminates witnesses."
"Entry formalities will be completed in the terminal building."
"It's pretty suspicious...they're just a no hearing."
"Alien abductions follow a standard scenario... Physiological and psychological procedures... Sexual liaisons."
"Seven-eighths of the road test is forward motion."
"There's such a gray area to it, like were they wrong? No. Were they right? No. Did they do it procedurally like the nephew said that they do it correctly by the books? Yeah, they did."
"You got to bring the state claims in state court."
"Docking could happen as soon as 10 minutes from now."
"It's usually not that the procedures aren't there, it's that somebody cuts a corner or doesn't pay attention to the procedure."
"Everything that we have done is by the book."
"Mammograms: it's less of a boob smash and more of a boob shakedown."
"Drug reconstitution requires precision and following instructions."
"Higher numbers of provisional ballots were cast this year due to new laws and procedures created to two bipartisan election reform measures."
"Checklists are intrinsic to the way we operate the airplane as a team." - Mark Levy
"Safety procedures ensure we're ready for any situation."
"Condition three: full magazine, empty chamber, hammer down. Not gonna take any more time, it's gonna be a lot safer than a fully loaded gun."
"Flight crews use a very rigorous and regimented procedure of following the checklist."
"Keep all of your checklists on your cell phone; there's a lot of processes and procedures to owning and operating an RV."
"The salon that we go to has a lot of procedures in place."
"The actual base engine and procedure is exactly the same so we can go ahead and follow this generalization."
"As long as you see that credit memo checkbox, they're being applied to the invoice."
"In a perfect world you're going to come back and you will find that this gauge has not dropped and that'd be indicating that you've got a properly sealed bag and you can get on with your process."
"...you do your refueling and then you do the rest of the pit stop. It's a two-part pit stop if you like in British GT regulations."
"The pressurization mode selector had not been set back to auto."
"Always avoid a hydrostatic condition by ensuring valves are open where necessary."
"Adhering to safety protocols and procedures during welding operations is crucial."
"Time for cross. Request a recess."
"I dropped it in front desk at UFC security."
"I don't like blaming and shaming anyone for getting procedures done."
"If a major medical emergency happens to someone in your group like a potential heart attack or stroke then it doesn't matter where you are on Disney World property do not go to First Aid do not try to flag down a cast member call 9-1-1 immediately."
"An informed consent should be obtained prior to a medical procedure being performed by the physician."
"Step twelve: The waiver of conditions, when buyers waive all conditions, the deal can go firm."
"The body should lay on the ground when we get done with it."
"It is important to teach the procedures that will create a safer environment both on the road and in the shop."
"Containment rules specify how to package, load, transport, and unload hazardous materials safely."
"Create a step-by-step process you can follow."
"Every flight is an opportunity to refine procedures, rehearse checklists, build flight experience, etc."
"Hopefully, you can save yourself thousands of dollars on procedures down the road."
"This tensioner assembly is also part of this oil filter and oil cooler assembly, so we have to remove this entire thing as a unit."
"The amount you make will be heavily dictated by the type and number of procedures you do."
"We expect people to walk to their execution, to participate in the procedures of the last phase of their execution, and that is true of the most extreme."
"Safety procedures should always be followed."
"This approach procedure was last updated 140 days into 2021."
"And that’s it! We have a procedure to write any symmetric polynomial in terms of just the elementary symmetric polynomials."
"Always follow the procedures on the manufacturer's website."
"So, why do I do these two steps when we sanitize the fresh water system?"
"The total hip replacement and the total knee replacement are the most successful medical procedures."
"In the unlikely event that an arresting cable breaks during an aircraft landing on an aircraft carrier like the USS Gerald R Ford, safety measures and procedures are in place to minimize the risks and damage."
"I'm pro work, pro procedures, pro Botox, pro fillers. You don't have to be. You can be the natural, that's good for you. But I'm here for it."
"And you're going to have to do this every time you restart the engine."
"When you go on to fly bigger aircraft, you absolutely do not do power off approaches."
"A disaster recovery plan typically includes backup and restore procedures, incident response procedures, risk management procedures, and change management procedures."
"Establishing procedures for responding to incidents is a crucial component of an incident response plan."
"Fallout dust is dangerous, but it can be dealt with by following safe procedures."
"Those who provide home care to several patients throughout the day should develop procedures for handling clean and dirty equipment."
"There have been a lot of advancements in the procedure side of things ... to improve the success rate of procedures."
"Verify insurance coverage, obtain patient demographic information, schedule follow-up, record and post payment adjustment."
"Written procedures help you avoid mistakes and ensure consistency."
"Yes sir, is it important that it's reliable, meaning you can rely on the procedures that you're implementing and the results you're trying to obtain?"
"Follow the seven steps to create a portfolio of procedures and capture organizational knowledge."
"Policies are going to detail expectations in a very broad level, standards fill in the details, procedures tell us how, and guidelines are best practices."
"Procedures are detailed instructions for achieving security objectives."
"You need to keep in mind that the procedures we'll demonstrate are typical of how many plants handle abnormal and emergency conditions."
"So we're gonna go do first thing is go to engine we're gonna go to general this is Stockton so we'll go to idle and go to the base set point."
"I want to walk you guys through a little bit of a quick test we call this a static check."
"By grabbing the quick reference handbook and turning to the appropriate checklist, First Officer Skyles followed procedures."
"Policies need to be implemented that everyone follows and I listed about eight or nine things that currently are issues and how to deal with them."
"This is telling us this is in the Alaska booklet for the instrument approach procedures."
"Mistakes are made when procedures aren't followed precisely."
"Everything in flying is either technique or procedure that most of flying is procedure."
"The documentation and manuals for all their BMS's from 50 amp up to 200 amps... full of good documentation, manuals, procedures, diagrams."
"The rules and its divided procedures shall always prevail."
"You need to fill travellers declaration form. A QR code will be generated that you will show at the immigration."
"Modifiers allow a way for us to report or actually indicate that a service or procedure that's been performed has been altered by some specific circumstance but not changed in the definition or the code itself."
"...there are ways and means to do it the right way to do it and of course then there is a brilliant program of startup Visa as well."
"Lower speed brakes at 215 Knots. Landing gear down and locked."
"Is this child applying with you? ... If the child is a principal applicant ... you will answer no."
"Practice holding patterns and procedures, it's very important."
"I'm going to do this PTU, and I think what I'll do is just pull this drain plug right here, and then I'm going to let the thing drain out once I know the appropriate amount."
"What we'll do next is perform a pressure test prior to adding the gear oil."
"Red flags go off. And now what are the systems and procedures in place that we have as a league, and as a team, to help this person?"
"Once I get that done, it'll be fluids, check fluids underneath, then I can go ahead and drop it down."
"Just be careful before you get these procedures done that you see online. Just because it worked well for them doesn't mean it's going to work well for you."
"There were procedures in place to prevent such an incident from occurring."
"...tips techniques and procedures that I can present to you from my experience as an armor and working on these guns for years now that will give you a little bit better perspective on how to properly uh maintain your mp5."
"You're going to be using your IPM procedures."
"...doing little minimally invasive low risk procedures that have a great outcome..."
"The steps involved in hacking a server or a network: reconnaissance, scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, and covering tracks."
"Now it was time to board our flight to Paris and Vistara boards in a similar way to most Airlines with one key difference."
"The purpose of SOPs is to maintain consistency, reliability, and reproducibility."
"SOPs improve planning and organization."
"You need to make sure it is sustained through time and the only way to sustain a change is using standardized standard operating procedures."
"This is the fail-safe way, so to speak."
"It's important to get the communication and notification correctly and then includes escalation up the chain."
"Here's the new standard operating procedures that we are going to implement to make sure this never happens again."
"Security is not just code... It's various things: it's the people in the organization, it's the operational procedures, it's the lifecycle management of the application."
"When you write stuff down, when you develop curriculum, when you develop standard operating procedures and then you share those, you get better at them."
"How awesome is it to be a cave diver and have this incredible set of procedures that we follow every single time we go? I'm closing the video with, 'Wow, how awesome is it to be a cave diver?'"
"A lot of care has been placed into the documentation and operation procedures."
"Hypnosis isn't a thing, it's a set of procedures that are used."
"We use checklists. Everything is checklist, checklist, checklist."
"Jessica has followed the internal procedures; she's done exactly what's expected of her."
"Common-sense, communication, and a good knowledge of lockout tagout procedures—these are the keys to everyone's safety when you're working on power equipment."
"These policies, procedures, processes, and practices help the organization to safeguard its assets, ensure that work is done in accordance with Management's wishes, and to be sure that transactions are properly reflected on its Financial reports."
"Substantive procedures are procedures which identify material misstatements present in the financial statements."
"Anytime you have an emergency, you want to aviate, navigate, and communicate."
"Calling procedures lend themselves to efficiency."
"The use of operational system checks to enforce permitted sequencing of steps and events, as appropriate."
"The very procedures and structures of a prison provide some level of security."
"Operators should adhere to specific aseptic techniques at all times."
"Affirmative action is a set of procedures designed to eliminate unlawful discrimination among applicants, to remedy the consequences of such prior discrimination, and keep it from happening in the future."
"...you can't pronounce someone with hypothermia dead until you've warmed them up."
"No matter if you have the CCP or CP, you should do the same thing: you should control it, record it, train your employees for the control of it, and you should again have the corrective actions if something happens."
"We need to follow some protocols and we need to go through the procedure very smoothly."
"It's comprised of techniques, tactics, and procedures."
"It's critical that any ice is removed from aircraft prior to departure."
"It's safer than plastic surgery, dental procedures, even running a marathon."
"Everybody stay calm! What's the procedure?"
"In Snowflake, we have the flexibility to write procedures and UDFs in multiple languages like SQL, JavaScript, Python, Java, Scala."
"There should be a formal and transparent procedure for appointing new directors."
"There should be formal and transparent policies and procedures to ensure the independence of both the internal and the external auditor."
"SOPs make it super-easy to hire and onboard new help."
"That all of these models really capture our intuitive idea of what we mean by a procedure or an algorithm."
"The auditor shall design and perform audit procedures that are appropriate for the circumstances of obtaining sufficient and appropriate evidence."
"An electrically safe work condition is a state in which the conductors or equipment have been disconnected from energized parts, locked or tagged in accordance with established standards, tested to verify the absence of voltage and, if necessary, temporarily grounded."
"Proper procedure has become as important in medical ethics as correct conclusions."
"You will always have a secondary backup and will never be at risk of human error as long as you follow the procedure that has secondary backups within it."
"Checklists are one of the best safety tools that we have."
"The lockout tagout procedure is for everyone's protection."
"Ensure separate environments are maintained and changes follow a predefined route."
"If we number everything, issue number one would be discussed after number one, would be concluded after number one; it makes logical sense, right?"
"Control activities are the policies and procedures that help ensure management directives are carried out."
"Protecting employees from any health hazards is essential, and if we follow the health and safety procedures, we can protect ourselves."
"Effective issue and change control means a well-defined procedure of identifying and resolving issues."
"The aim of issue and change control procedures is not to prevent changes but to ensure that every change is agreed upon by the relevant authority before it takes place."
"There are safe ways to do it and there are unsafe ways to do it."
"This was a preventable accident; they had strictly followed those procedures, this accident should not have happened."
"Anticipate those conditions where human failures lead to accidents and avoid them; follow the procedures designed for your safety and the successful achievement of your mission."
"The best way to do this is with using SOPs, a standard operating procedure."
"Make sure you're using checklists; we're probably going to talk about some sort of emergency procedures."
"If a pilot becomes lost, there are some good common-sense procedures to follow."
"And again, it's nothing to be afraid of, just follow the proper safety procedures."
"Following the checklist seemed to allow the pilots to regain control of the aircraft."
"Redundancy is your friend. Check and recheck again and again."
"Every airline flight we have a threat and error briefing on every takeoff and every landing."
"You never package DNA evidence in plastic."
"Procedure means a set of step-by-step instructions."
"The purpose of all legal procedures is to obtain justice."
"You follow safety and infection control procedures."
"The ditching switch, as crazy as it sounds, closes the avionics inlet and extract, the two pack valves, the ram air valve, and the outflow valve."
"Shops that are well cleaned, well maintained, make good products, have procedures and so forth, that's going to tell you a lot."
"Checklists augment experience and judgment; they don't replace experience and judgment."
"Document your procedures for your team of content center editors so they know what they're doing and they can be consistent about it every time."
"Emergency medicine is exciting with a variety of patient presentations and medical procedures done on a daily basis."
"My questions are not simply out of curiosity; they come from a need to understand the procedure that is in place."
"The officers will always presume a victim to be alive and missing unless the person has been involved in an unsurvivable catastrophe."
"Welcome on board Sri Lankan Airlines, we'd like to take a few moments to take you through the safety procedures on board this plane."
"Develop work practices, administrative controls, work rules, and emergency procedures to ensure that the workplace remains hazard-free."
"It's the same exact thought process and procedures on like 100 different circuits on all cars, all years, all makes, all models."
"We use analytical procedures to collect substantive evidence."
"Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?"
"If anyone brandishes a weapon or says that they have a weapon, you're like, 'Alright, see you'."
"The concept of lockout tagout is fairly simple: the object is to disable the machine being serviced by isolating it from its power or energy source."
"Lockout tagout is essential when working on most equipment and machinery; use common sense and you will understand and remember lockout tagout procedures."
"For the national ID expiry date, if you don't know what it is or if your national ID does not expire, you can simply put a future placeholder date."
"Standard procedures are how we stay out of trouble, don't make it up as you go along."
"Terry stops and pat down searches are never automatic."
"Ask your questions while the CDC performs its decontamination procedures."
"The mature organization typically has well-developed policies and procedures for everything they do."
"An algorithm is any procedure that you can ultimately implement on a Turing machine."
"The kinds of things that we normally think of being able to do with a procedure mathematically is exactly the kinds of things that you can do with a Turing machine."
"There's a reason why we have the procedures that we do."
"First thing you do when you get to the surface always is to fully inflate your BCD."
"Everything in Acta is run by the buffer."
"Lockout and tagout procedures are vitally important."
"Strict adherence to SOPs can save lives."
"Developing procedures that are redundant and forcing yourself to comply with the procedures is where the real challenge lies."
"SOPs are widely recognized as a basic element of safe aviation operations and an effective countermeasure against operational errors."
"Following procedures is a great accident prevention strategy."
"Having highly detailed standard operating procedures is going to be key to your success."
"By using higher order procedures, you can actually express general methods for computing things."
"It's the difference between saying a procedure is just the act of doing something. And a procedure is a real object that has existence."
"Mostly patients get significant benefit from these procedures."
"SOPs or Standard Operating Procedures are procedures that you want to be followed."
"The procedure does give a correct structure."
"We're going to talk about aborted takeoffs, rejected takeoffs... something that you do in the airlines and big airplanes all the time, and you really should be doing them in little airplanes."
"Make sure you're following as best OEM procedures as possible to get the best possible result."
"Many statistical inference procedures are based on the normal curve."
"It's procedure. We'd be nowhere without procedure."
"Safety first, and then reports come later."
"Review the procedures of your company and encourage your employer to review the firm's written compliance procedures on a regular basis."
"Are we following proper scientific procedures? Are you using the right units?"
"It's a good time to review your safety procedures."
"There's an order of operations when you're doing algebra, and if you don't get the order right, you'll get the wrong answer."
"Just like if you're reading a manual for taking off a plane and you're doing the takeoff procedure and one of the procedures isn't met, why the heck are you trying to fly the plane?"
"We call these types of procedures leaf procedures, just like a tree when you reach a leaf there are no other branches outside."
"I'm always open to improving our procedures or correcting any flaws in the process."
"This is very, very important that we follow all these steps accurately."
"The thing that I'm naming square is a procedure that's getting constructed."
"The meanings we give to situations are the result of the interpretive procedures we use."