
Asceticism Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"There's something about...asceticism...surprise...it actually yields more pleasure."
"Physical asceticism can actually be emotionally and spiritually nourishing."
"Self-mummification was a rigorous and disciplined practice undertaken by certain Buddhist monks."
"His indifference to material Pleasures was so profound that he is said to have stood Motionless in the snow for hours."
"The Agoris tribe of India are ascetics with aromatic rituals and renunciation practices."
"Rejected anything resembling royal comfort or privilege."
"Being a monk meant secluding oneself from the materialistic world."
"Japanese monks: rigorous training for self-mummification."
"Purified ones they are who have renounced the life of this sphere in order to guard and protect the flame that spiritual principle in man."
"He soon understands that no matter how hard he tries, his actions are futile; all living beings are manifestations of will."
"Lent is a time where I reassess my life, strip out luxuries, and focus on the Lord."
"Detachment from the world characterized the early church."
"The holiest people are those who are most removed from the temptations of the world."
"the most fervent early Christians wanted to withdraw from worldly temptations"
"How do cave yogis stay sane or do they not bother to stay sane?"
"Nothing in this world is for me except for fasting."
"I began to discipline my flesh by taking the vow of abstinence."
"The heart of Christian ascesis is the dismantling of the unconscious value system."
"Asceticism, the art of denying ourselves at one level to break through to a deeper level as part of the path."
"Humanity is a race of extremes and Neto's asceticism simultaneously represents two nearly opposing sides of mankind."
"Asceticism: Whatever you are comfortable with, make it a little less."
"Common sense is necessary for asceticism."
"One way of practicing asceticism is putting up with the troubles in life."
"Asceticism actually is the key to any kind of holiness."
"One of the principle sort of things that really comes out in the way of perfection is asceticism."
"The word continents there is just referring to asceticism."
"Don't think that being ascetic means you don't own anything. It means nothing owns you."
"He wanted to be living a simpler life devoid of money, electricity, or running water."
"Lay piety where people who are mystics, people who renounce property, they renounce food body pleasure, all those kind of things even though they're not clergy."
"Since the scholars and sages are thus agreed that there is no path to felicity in the afterlife except the denial of the soul's whims and desires, to believe in this thing is therefore an obligation."
"Not to desire the things of sense is to know the freedom of spirituality."
"Making love with the Dark One and eating little, those are my pearls and my carnelians."
"Asceticism is really the way we live a balanced life."
"Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road."
"He who is free from anger, dutiful, virtuous, without appetite, who is subdued and has received his last body, him I call indeed a brahmana."
"Asceticism is the practice of the denial of physical or psychological desires in order to attain a spiritual ideal or goal."
"Poverty in terms of a spiritual practice... has to do with being simple and humble and also consciously and actively forsaking worldly desire."
"In order to dwell in the spiritual world, you need to deprive yourself of a certain amount of the physical world."
"The life of the hermit is a silent preaching of the Lord, to whom he has surrendered his life simply because He is everything to him."
"I am no longer bound to this earth by worldly desires."
"The energy levels are so high on the earthly plane; you can live without food, just water."
"We ought to go back in the desert for centuries, try to become good."
"I'll give my jewels for a set of beads, my gorgeous palace for a hermitage, my gay apparel for an almsman's gown, my figured goblets for a dish of wood."
"He was a simple man who led a simple life, living in the desert, surviving on locusts and honey, but he had a powerful message."
"The living place of a true practice monk is different from that of an ordinary person."
"Salvation lies in constant sadness and distance from the sources of arrogance and joy."
"The supreme element that is found is Vairagya. Dispassion."
"Monks are trained to be content with little; they eat only one meal a day."
"Pythagoreanism espoused an ascetic life of vegetarianism and study in the doctrines of metempsychosis, sacred geometry, mathematics."
"It is to be desired that some Orthodox Christian, having studied the applied sciences, would then study the fundamentals of the asceticism of the Orthodox Church and bequeath to mankind a true philosophy."
"Asceticism is about saying no to lower things so that we can say yes to higher things."
"Without the inner spirit, there is no use putting on a special colored cloth and shaving your head and staying in a mountain cave."
"The road to the supreme state of being was by complete abstinence from injury to any living thing, even an insect."
"It's incredible, it's amazing, the ascetic Gotama has such psychic power and might."
"The knowledge of God does not reside in a body that loves comforts."
"She allowed herself no more sleep or food than was absolutely necessary, passed whole hours in prayer every night, and often knelt out of doors on the snow."
"I am satisfied to live like Jesus because the world has nothing to offer me."
"Avoid other pleasures in life and only relish the bliss of knowing your true nature."
"John the Baptist ate locusts along with wild honey as part of his desert diet."
"By staying with sadhus, you will become a sadhu."
"The purpose of asceticism is nothing to do with the things in the world as objects; it's you not being controlled by the objects and your passions."
"A fakir has no home and at the same time, he has everything."
"The point of all ascetic exercises or practices is to help you learn self-control."
"Their prayers were unsurprisingly for direct spiritual illumination and to be basically quit of all physical sensation for better contemplation of the One."
"The Sufi is drunk without wine, sated without food, distraught, foodless, and sleepless; a king beneath a humble cloak, a treasure within a ruin."
"The movement's strength lay in its ethical appeal to peasants and layfolk; they preached poverty, self-sacrifice, and strict chastity."
"...we base modern society on an orientation towards comfort, but evelyn believes in asceticism as a spiritual value."
"There is no Christian life without asceticism because there is no Christian life without love for Christ."