
Limit Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"I'm not saying we can't go higher. I mean, we could even potentially go to 100k."
"He really pushes this passive to the limit landing one final lay waste before last second channeling requiem."
"No one should be allowed to kick as fast as Edson Barosa."
"At the end of this, you can place something like 300 and something orders, the maximum you can play."
"Achieving the limit in text compression requires an understanding that is equivalent to intelligence."
"If paper folding didn't have any barriers, we could theoretically reach the moon after 42 folds."
"No limit, no limit, no limit. Yes!"
"Kimbo was pushed to the limit tonight."
"Sky is the limit like every single thing."
"The speed of light is considered the cosmic speed limit beyond which nothing can move faster."
"We'll handle this by integrating from 0 to H, and then we'll let H tend to Infinity."
"The upper limit of Magneto's power cannot be surpassed in any measurable fashion."
"In fact, in the limit as R approaches infinity, this integral won't change."
"I can do thirteen, it's the most I can go though."
"You can play great golf with this amount of shaft lean right here, this amount, but beyond that point, it becomes excessive."
"More than 20 years ago now is that if you try to get to a point where you exceeded the important limit, if you say that's 20."
"Once you learn to harness your emotions, the sky is the limit."
"I think I popped everything I know how to pop."
"I kind of found that limit, that line if Everest had been 50 feet higher I truly don't know if I could have gotten on top of it."
"I just, I'm so... it's like, when is enough gonna be enough?"
"There's just no limit to one's own cruelty."
"The supply of Bitcoin is limited to just 21 million coins. Once that number is hit, there'll be no more created."
"I don't think anyone deserves to be on this platform for more than 15 years."
"Despite breaking his limiter, Saitama's strength isn't limitless. His limiter meant his potential strength was likely infinite, but there's nothing left in his world powerful enough to push him to get stronger."
"You've used all three of your counters."
"That's all I can stand, 'cause I can't stands no more."
"They've reached the lip, the rim of the cliff."
"When you get to the farmers market and the spring things start springing, the best thing that you could do is not limit yourself."
"Once your form starts to dip, the workout is over."
"This is just a Saiyan beyond all limits."
"When you max something out, it means you take that something to a limit."
"We like to refer to that as a limit."
"The speed limit on the highway was 100 kilometers per hour."
"As of this moment, I'm at my wit's end."
"I can't eat anymore, I'm so full."
"As x tends towards infinity, it just means to become greater without bound."
"I really like the idea of this new limit that they can't break: bullet time."
"I'm cutting this short because my eyelids are starting to feel heavy and I'm running out of fingers."
"It lasted about two or three weeks and they finally said, 'Enough!'"
"When you're fed up, that means enough is enough."
"The maximum limit for this honey is one teaspoon."
"Well, I'm sorry, I've given you three cracks at this little one."
"He's just up to the level where enough is enough."
"Intriguing character beat when he has pushed to his limit."
"Sky is the limit and it was such a simple project."
"The road's long, but it's not endless."
"Broly had found his limit finally as he was returning back to his senses Chile then screaming her wish out and Broly Vanishing meanwhile."
"It just dawned on me that I could not... I couldn't take it anymore."
"I've seen all I wanted for today. Gives me the willies."
"That's my limit. I can go home now."
"It doesn't get any cuter than this."
"...but of course it matters because the governments have agreed that they want a limit Waring to 1.5 Dees above pre-industrial and you know if we got it wrong we got it wrong and you know that's that means that we're going to get to 1.5 degrees earlier..."
"Imagine only seeing two ads from Facebook per day."
"The limit, there's only one, and that is pressure."
"I'm not able to calculate the limit of your power. This is amazing."
"You can keep adding all the blocks you like, you'll never reach infinity."
"We push everything right to the limit, but we don't step over the line."
"That's enough cringe for me today."
"Find where your limit is. I will not spend more than a month's wages on a watch."
"You gotta take care of yourself, man. You gotta know when you're at your limit. You gotta know when you actually done, Rickles."
"And that is all we have time for."
"There's only a certain point where I like it, where it's like, 'Alright, alright, yeah, I'm okay.'"
"Once I saw that, enough is enough."
"This better be it. I can't take anymore."
"Creativity sky literally is the limit."
"The recommendation there is to have no more than 250 virtual users."
"Almost 100 people, the entire age of our team exceeds the age limit of Medal."
"Probably shouldn't have rode 60 miles yesterday."
"That's the biggest I'm ever gonna win."
"They pushed me to my absolute limit."
"We cannot allow the warming to exceed that one and a half celsius."
"Quick win works really well out to about a thousand and that's about the limit of where we use quick wins."
"Now my limit has expanded a little more, so I can move on to the next adventure."
"That's all the farther you need to put it on."
"That line is what tells us we don't want to load over or above that line because the fire suppression system won't have the ability to work."
"That's a bridge too far. But come on, man, that's a little crazy."
"I've reached my limit. I'll make her regret ever looking down on me."
"When you are truly tired, you will stop."
"Your lungs fail before your muscles do."
"So long as your phone plan says that you can make unlimited Canada calls, it means that there is no limit to how many calls you can make."
"While God's mercy Bears long with the transgressor there is a limit Beyond which men may not go on in sin"
"We're pushing it as far as we can."
"As we approach an x value of zero from the left side, notice that the y value approaches zero as well."
"I would say this lasted a maximum of four days."
"By the end of 1974, era could go no further."
"If you're past the quota, that's fair to stay in."
"It's all about having fun, pushing yourself, finding your limit."
"As soon as you feel it bottom out, you're done."
"And that, I think, is nature's way of telling you that you've had enough fun for today."
"That's enough internet for today."
"The closer he is to his limit, the higher the increase in his attributes."
"That is amazing! I can't take any more!"
"Saturation occurs when water can no longer hold any more solid, and additional solid won't dissolve."
"...on the ragged edge at the moment."
"Enough is enough, turning the other cheek for this guy."
"Every six months maybe go to a rave, enjoy yourself, have a good night, but that's it. It ends after that."
"The sublime comes from subliminal, just below the limit."
"This car is an insane amount of fun, it's just honestly too much for me."
"One day must come to an end, not when we've discovered everything, but when we have discovered whatever is open to us to understand."
"You're just waiting for someone to say that's enough now."
"How many kids do you want? I want two kids, that's max."
"This is as high as we're going to be able to get today, but it's absolutely beautiful right here."
"You've got to finally back up and say, 'That's it. I've had it.'"
"Once you're at the bottom, there's no more lower you can go."
"I don't know how many more 'it is what it is' I got left in me."
"You can only take the grave so deep before you start to take me down with you."
"Whatever happens to the interest rate, thirteen and a half is the maximum effective interest."
"I've put my trust in you, pushed as far as I can go."
"The limit of \( c_n \) is \( c \), which is exactly what we needed."
"I put my trust in you, pushed as far as I can go, for all this, there's only one thing you should know."
"The derivative is defined as a limit, so the limit as H goes to zero of f of X plus H minus f of X all over H."
"The Nyquist limit is the maximum limit of the frequency that can be accurately interpreted."
"You finally, you've finally driven him loopy, this is the last I'm gonna take of you and your nonsense."
"You're only supposed to go into trance for 20 minutes; if you stay in a trance overnight, we give you this hoobin turban."
"E is the limit of the numbers 1 plus 1 over n to the n as n increases indefinitely."
"That's far enough, Dr. Pogo, your springs are about to be uncoiled."
"Sophia gasped in amazement and I grinned wildly as I pushed the bike to its limit."
"You can only be afraid for so long."
"Time for bed, Winnie said gently, I think you've had enough for tonight."
"I've done all that I could to take this as far as I could go."
"If he really pushes himself to the absolute limit, he can use Kaio-ken times 10 in short bursts, but that would still greatly damage his body."
"It was so effective but so intense that more than 30 minutes wasn't even beneficial."
"It's only so much abuse you can take."
"Everything has a time limit, and this time limit is actually celebrated."
"At the end of your rope means having no strength or patience left."
"Pettiness is when you have been driven to a point where you can no longer put up with anyone's crap."
"He wanted people to love him and enjoy him, but he would just go so far like a train ride that you couldn't stop."
"All I can do is leave everything on the table."
"The limit as R max sub i goes to infinity is done without any work."
"I think we got our limit, I'm thinking."
"It's so crazy but I think it's a good thing that this is as big as it's gonna get for Facebook."
"Moment I stop having fun with it, I'll be done with it."
"You can fleece a sheep as many times as you want; you can only skin it once."
"Enough is enough. I've reached my limit."
"Nothing," he said. "I went out too far."
"We're all humans and we can only take so much."
"The limit is the number that the function approaches and gets infinitely close to."
"The concept of a limit basically is studying how the function behaves as X approaches but never quite gets to a number."
"In the limit as the second point becomes closer and closer to the first point, as delta T becomes zero, this converges to the derivative or the slope of the tangent line."
"The limit as n approaches infinity of a sub n is equal to 0."
"As y approaches infinity, inverse tangent is equal to pi over two."
"I love passion, I think he's worked ever so hard, but there's an edge and you can't go over that edge."
"When X approaches negative infinity, cos hyperbolic X approaches infinity which is positive."
"We have the limit as n goes to infinity of n times 1 over n times F of 1 over n."
"The limit as Z approaches Z naught of the function f of Z is equal to L."
"That's enough Depeche Mode for you."
"That is a three-man limit of 45 perch, and they are gorgeous in size."
"You can't just keep tearing my heart out, I really can't take it anymore."
"I know you want more, okay last one, ready? Last one."
"Stretch to the point of feeling tightness or slight discomfort, but not to pain."
"It has a top speed of 164 miles an hour."
"We're going to air, dude, the sky is the limit so we might as well just take for the skies."
"We should not play with that number; it's a really serious limit."
"There's only so much heartbreak that one person can take."
"You have exhausted every bit of patience I have."
"At some point, enough is enough; it has to stop, and the buck must stop with someone."
"As this guy approaches the value of one but never quite gets there, the value of this function actually approaches a number, and that number is one half."
"The speed of light being C and C being the speed limit for the universe is mathematical; it's not magic."
"Only God knows your breaking point."
"The limit as H goes to zero of sine of H over H is equal to one."
"The limit of the function f of X as X approaches a is equal to L."
"The limit of f of X as X approaches a being this number L."
"The limit of this function as X approaches zero from either side, it looks like the function is approaching this height of 1."
"A two-sided limit means both one-sided limits exist and they are equal to the same number."
"The limit as X goes to infinity of 1 plus 1 over X to the X power turns out to be that nice base e."
"I've reached my breaking point after enduring and bottling up so much like water in a cup; today was the last drop."
"The limit of f of X plus h minus f of X all divided by h as h tends to 0."
"Move 100 miles an hour, limit yellow number nine."
"We can make our function as close to the limit as we want."
"The limit as x goes to a of c times f(x) is c times L."
"The limit as x goes to a of f(x) plus g(x) is L plus M."
"We get to hold our heads high today, come in with a limit."
"The limit as n goes to infinity of three n over two n plus five should be three halves."
"The limit as n goes to infinity of n squared plus 2 over n squared plus n is equal to 1."
"The Carolina Reaper tops an amazing 2,200,000 Scoville heat units; that's too much."
"My level of happiness... I've already maxed that out."
"Sometimes you got to like push it to the limit and make things happen out here and just, you know, just do stuff, you just got to do it."
"You really don't need anything more than 900 pound-feet; anything above that is really just overkill."
"Both of these female competitors pushing each other to the limit."
"I think I'm done because there's always a million more little spots I could find to keep drawing lines, but you got to stop at some point."
"I'm reaching my limit, I'm lit all around so I move with decision."
"Once you've been to the edge, you can't go back."
"That's where the world ends, and it's like the end of the world on the other side, there's nothing there, it's like a cliff."
"You literally cannot get any faster than that."
"Just go to that edge where you feel that nice stretch."
"In the limit of P to infinity, we will obtain the best value for our optimization problem."
"The elastic band effect is there; there's only so many times you can stretch it before it's going to snap."
"We had a good day today; we limited out in halibut."
"To the ancient astronomers, it was the end of the line, the last stop before the stars."
"E is that number which the following expression... approaches as n grows without bound."
"Our capacity to extend grace a very long time... but when that grace runs out, it's very hard for us to get a woman back on board once it's out."
"The limit as x approaches zero of the sine of five x over x."
"So this shows us from here that if we take the limit as n goes to infinity of this term, this goes down exponentially in n."
"Goku's kind of glad he didn't have to intervene; that pushed Piccolo to the limit."
"I had that thrill when I met you; I think I've caught my limit."
"The derivative of a function f at a number a, denoted by f prime of a, is defined to be the limit as h goes to zero."
"For any epsilon that you can pick, which is very, very small, you can always find a point after which every member of the sequence is very close to that given limit."
"The Chandra Sekhar limit is the critical mass beyond which nuclear reactions can start occurring in the white dwarf."
"Kid, your strength has broken the limit."
"Once you feel it kind of bottom out, give it one little extra oomph, but don't go so far you snap it."