
Latin Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Latin is just Latin and you can use either classical or ecclesiastical pronunciation convention to access the language and its literature."
"Latin retained a written standard founded in the classical pronunciation that had deviated from normal phonology by quite a lot over hundreds of years."
"Both restored classical and Italian ecclesiastical pronunciations have plenty of legitimacy in my eyes."
"Despite the many dialects spoken during this time, Latin was the dominant written language."
"The Latin language makes the prayers more pleasing to God and connects to the Cross."
"The user finally researched what anima meant discovering that it is a latin word that when translated into english means soul."
"Languages are made up of more or less stable patterns which I knew all too well, taking weekly Latin exams, and such patterns can't be just easily made up on the fly."
"We must not be afraid to assert boldly that it is good and fitting and optimal to use Latin for the sacred liturgy."
"Caesar's famous words: 'Veni, vidi, vici.' I came, I saw, I conquered."
"Vene viid vichi. I came, I saw, I conquered."
"It's the Toyota Corolla people. What does Corolla mean? It's Latin for the small crown."
"There's a phrase that I learned in Latin: 'Whom the gods wish to ruin first, they drive mad.'"
"Patriotism comes from the Latin word 'apatria' which is father. So 'Patria' is like referring to your country as your fatherland."
"Latin culture means there's always gonna be good food, good music, good dancing, and good people."
"You can't cure it and it's almost void ab initio."
"One of the signs that this is a serious issue it's a weakness a feminity in Latin actually means kind of a weakness or softness."
"Veni, vidi, vici - came, saw, conquered."
"An ancient Roman would speak classical Latin, and there would be a language barrier, but a modern linguist specialized in classical Latin would be able to overcome it."
"The full scientific name for a ferret is Muscular Putorius Furrow. In Latin, this translates to 'mouse-killing stinky thief.' It's harsh, but accurate."
"What no oh they got one eyeball I'm using my Latin roots from back in school you know what I mean like when my you know mono means one one that's good math that's good math right everybody know that."
"His music broke down barriers and established Latin music in the American mainstream."
"So there's a Vatican target, it's all man. Actually, you know, the interesting note, Vatican City in case you do have to buy some black garments from, you know, one of the street vendors, Vatican City is the only country in the world where the ATMs are in Latin."
"Volute comes from the Latin volvo, which means to row or turn around."
"Semper Augustus basically means 'always exalted' or 'forever exalted.'"
"The name of which sign of the zodiac is the Latin word for twins? Gemini."
"Sustain comes from a Latin word that means 'to hold', and 'sub' from below, to hold from below."
"Qu Bono, qu who it's Latin, kiddo. Qu Bono, who benefits?"
"You are such an inspiration for not only women out there, but for Latin."
"We are saved solely Christo that's Latin for by Christ alone."
"Languages have evolved from Latin... they stem from Rome in the sense that they stem from Latin."
"He was one of the best independent researchers of early medieval Latin text there ever was."
"Latin, the use of Latin to say nothing of Greek, fosters that sense of the Sacred."
"The Latin word for name is 'nomen'; it's a neuter noun."
"I must have been Latin in another life or something because I've always used Spanish guitar and I'm very drawn to Latin things."
"Latin is the beginning of the Italian language."
"The Latin section here is not underwhelming, it's actually pretty good."
"Ad valorem is Latin for 'according to value.'"
"Caveat emptor is Latin for 'buyer beware.'"
"In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti."
"Santana was a revelation. We had never heard anything with like a Latin feel."
"Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound."
"It probably means 'anyone for another cup of tea?' No, it means 'I came, I saw, I conquered.'"
"I highly encourage everyone who is interested to speak with others in Latin."
"It's really an encyclopedia... great for people learning Latin because it's written in a very simple Latin."
"Latin is a language as dead as dead can be; it killed the ancient Romans, and now it's killing me."
"The dice is cast, alea iacta est."
"Memento mori is a Latin expression that translates to 'remember you must die.'"
"Non nobis solum, not for myself alone."
"The name of the wine is called Somnium, which means dream in Latin."
"Introducing Hot Tropics 3, the treasure chest of organic drums, loops, and samples that will turn your Latin beats into tropical heat."
"In hoc signo vinces: In this sign, you conquer or you will conquer."
"The Latin term 'Verbum' does not have all the different meanings of 'Logos'."
"The lovely construction where we have 'dona me' - give me - accusative and then ablative of the thing being given is a lovely construction."
"Latin has this kind of half-life that after it ceased to be the language you learned on your mother's hip, it connected all the scientists and philosophers."
"You can't read history or things written in the original unless you know Latin for the vast majority of European history."
"Caveat emptor, that means let the buyer beware."
"The whole history of ancient Egyptian reminds me of the history of Latin, where you have this established literary language and then changing vernaculars underneath."
"... fluent both Gothic and Latin."
"Nine-millimeter parabellum, which is Latin for 'for war'."
"There's so much love in Latin culture."
"Latin gives us what was the early church's interpretation of the original text."
"In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen."
"The language being spoken by the Romans in Barbarians is indeed Latin."
"It's the right form of Latin that we find attested."
"Veritas, which is truth in Latin."
"Bellatrix is Latin for female warrior."
"One of the most shocking features of Latin is the existence of six cases in nominal morphology."
"Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans" - which is what we're going to talk about.
"He is fortis, vir, and sapiens; he's a strong, brave man, but he's clever, he's wise."
"Lingua Latīna per sē Illūstrāta, written by Hans Ørberg, is one of the best textbooks I've ever seen for several reasons."
"I believe in learning Latin, and I believe in learning it in a way that's enjoyable."
"There is no better method in my opinion than 'Lingua Latina per sē Illustrāta'."
"Super Fidelis is Latin for always faithful."
"Ex Deo nasimur, in Jesu morimur, per Spiritum Sanctum reviviscimus."
"Well, some say Latin is a dead language, but I say it's just taking a long nap."
"Per ardua ad astra, which means through adversity to the stars."
"Romanian is actually a Latin language, so one of the Romance languages."
"It comes from the Latin word celeritas, which means swiftness."
"It's amazing what you can do when you know a little bit of Latin."
"AD does not mean after death; it's Latin, it stands for Anno Domini, which translates to the year of Our Lord."
"Carpe Diem, it's a Latin phrase, seize the day."
"Celebrate the best of Latin culture at Fiesta Latina."