
Successful Outcome Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"And hey, as I recall, everything worked out pretty well in the end anyway for these guys, right? So it's a perfect plan."
"It feels like a tremendous relief... something that was really pretty scary worked out very well in the end."
"The incantation: 'I hear the warning and will comply before it does intensify, if I do this with lightning speed I most certainly will succeed.'"
"Anything that you've been feeling inspired to do, if you take action with it, you're gonna get a lot of clarity that you need, and it's going to make your action successful."
"Looks good so far. I'm gonna pull it out. It's still in one piece."
"Put a fork in it this is looking very well done."
"Reactions show up very good day very good start to the weekend for us two now three points on a clean sheet lead."
"Amy on the other hand was positive and resilient, and her determination ultimately resulted in her success."
"This was really an awesome result that we had."
"It was the scariest decision of my life...but it was worth the effort."
"That first shot, if I hit the first shot, oh it's over, I'm all like 'Hey, bring the band out, bring it, it's party time now!'"
"It turned out better than I wanted it to, it still works."
"It couldn't have gone better if I tried. Oh, what a feeling!"
"I think this turned out better than expected."
"Oh my gosh, that actually turned out pretty good."
"This ends up being a really, really, really good team fight for Aptos team."
"Everything went according to plan and your PC didn't explode."
"Sometimes with all the time in the world you can fluff your lines but he composes himself and slips it past the keeper."
"Lucky for us, it worked out just as we could have hoped."
"We put a lot of thought into this and in the end we came up with something fantastic."
"Happy you decided to gamble with this life and you made a great choice because you won."
"I'm super proud of how this turned out."
"Proof is in the pudding I've caught some lovely fish this week already and that's all been on this."
"That's always a good feeling when they actually all come like they're supposed to."
"As a pretty smart guy I know once told me, 'Put your feet in the water and keep your line tight.' You know, I did just that, and look what happens. The result. Wow."
"I love it when a review comes together."
"This turned out to be extremely efficient."
"I'm really, really, really pleased about that; that couldn't have gone any better for them."
"I'm really happy with how they've turned out."
"We all brought our own magic, and I think it worked out pretty well."
"My hat's off to you guys; you put on hell of an event."
"I'm actually so proud of myself, it turned out so good and it stayed intact."
"Overall, I'm really happy with how this turned out."
"Let's keep our fingers crossed, positive vibes, everything goes to plan."
"The big favorite this morning among some people has come good with a second place finish."
"Talk about playing the advantage, it came off for them there."
"If it looks right, you've done it right; you've done a great job, you're golden."
"The timing, everything worked together."
"I'm just really happy because it actually worked, it's actually good."
"For negotiations to be successful, there must be a zone in which a party is able to come to a possible agreement."
"This turned out even better than I thought it would."
"Thanks for joining me on this one, guys; it was kind of a different little project, tried something new, worked out great."
"I just took a risk and it paid off."
"We have a winner, it made a drinkable product."
"My word shall not return unto me void, but shall accomplish that where it is sent."
"It just took some pretty phenomenal teamwork."
"I'm super stoked; I'm glad that worked."
"Just trusting the process, doing everything that we did, and being so strong in our leadership with it all, it just shows how much it's paid off."
"This is a very spooky process, and I'm surprised that I managed to pull it off."
"I think this one turned out really well."
"We can summarize that it did a good job; it worked and nothing went wrong."
"I've had a really, really long day; however, it's been a successful one."
"Everything turned out amazing, nice and smooth."
"Oh man, I'm so excited, I cannot believe this is even going to work."
"It worked better than I thought it would have worked."
"Thanks for joining us, Caleb, thanks for being cameraman; this one ended up being pretty good."
"Yet Operation 21st, the goal of which had been to either capture or destroy the 21st Hive, was considered a resounding success."
"I'm just super pleased with how this turned out."
"We just ended up coming out good today, it's great, and I can't wait to do it again."