
Water Supply Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Always have backup options when it comes to water."
"Imagine a water tower installed on the temple platform that is 25 meters in the air. This would give excellent water pressure at about 30 PCI."
"All of our drinking water comes from mother nature but it might not always be there to meet our demands."
"Providing water for their populations was one of the greatest benefits of being part of the Roman world, there's no doubt about that."
"Carrying approximately half of New York City's water supply."
"We want to give tap water connection to each and every household in Telangana."
"The water it just falls free from the sky, it's very consistent very predictable."
"An important part of any emergency plan is having sufficient water."
"One thing that your homestead absolutely must have though is an adequate water supply."
"We make approximately 400,000 gallons of water on a daily basis."
"So we just hook up to the campsite water."
"By mastering the laws of gravity, Roman engineers brought millions of gallons of fresh water into Rome each day, providing access that even today's modern systems can't match."
"...we'd like to make freely available filtered drinking water not just to our community but to the football tournament also."
"The risk of a potential collapse in Water Supplies has brought us to a pivotal time."
"As a Welsh person, water supply within the UK is something that I'm very aware of."
"Consider, for example, what happens when pesticides get into the water supply. At the moment, the water has to be cleaned up at enormous cost to consumer water bills; the primary polluter is not charged."
"If your water gets cut off and you don't turn it back on, something is going on in your house."
"Authorities stopped the water at Gearing Central Canal."
"I don't want to have to... grab our 5 gallon bucket of water."
"Press a button and you have water instantly."
"They are really vital for our precipitation, they're vital for our climate, they're vital to determining the future of our water supplies out here."
"This water is responsible for most of the winter produce in this country and exports abroad; it's just a critical area."
"We were blessed in California with the greatest water source in the world, the Sierra Nevadas."
"So Hugh Middleton is one of the instigators of the New River Project, which was a way of getting clean water into London."
"Three months' worth of food or sources of stored clean water can prepare you to survive both probable and possible threats that become catastrophic global changing events."
"We have running water... and a three burner propane stove, so propane is super awesome."
"They've been using gravity-fed water all around the globe to deliver water to places where it's needed."
"It's always good to have a backup water supply."
"The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta provides drinking water to more than two-thirds of the state's population."
"Lion Rock had, and still has, working water conduits and water aquifers which over 1,000 years later still provide clean water to the greater parts of the rock construction."
"The great man-made River Project... is responsible for providing 1.7 billion gallons of fresh water each day to the main cities and various rural areas in the country."
"Lake Mead is 112 miles long and provides water to 20 million people in Arizona, Nevada, California, and even down to Mexico."
"These plants contribute more than 70 percent of the water supply for cities."
"This is the river that supplies tap water to the homes of the city."
"On November the 5th, 1913, William Mulholland opened the gates, the water flowed, and history was made."
"This is the People's Water Company of Phillipsburg, New Jersey. It was built here in 1913, the engine behind me installed the same year."
"It is actually economically efficient for there to be only one provider of water in the town."
"We will get the water flowing again."
"By lifting the water tank high in the air, you create water pressure to service a small town."
"The transformation for everybody was when piped water was available to flush the sewage away."
"Our major water supply reservoirs in Northern California are doing quite well."
"Providing water for drinking and cooking was one of the municipal services expected of a proper Roman town."
"You have a actual fresh water supply for your drinking water inside the fifth wheel."
"Desalinated water is expected to supply up to 30 percent of the national demand by 2060."
"The aqueduct gave Los Angeles a stable source of water in the early 1900s and is still used today."
"70 to 80 percent of our population is still dependent upon ground water resources."
"No matter what adventure you're on, you can make sure you go to bed clean using the 21 gallon water tank inside the Topo2."
"The ancient Persians pioneered a sophisticated water supply system called the qanat."
"A lot of the price movement has to do with two factors: one is tremendous increase in the demand for electricity... and then water supply and demand."
"We have a good water supply, both from the county but we also have our own borehole with the nice clean water."
"It makes so much sense to move into the cave because you control the water supply, which is the most important thing."
"The city had three aqueducts providing unlimited fresh water to its inhabitants."
"When the water supply in the city is interrupted, and you can't get water at home, the machines will dispense free drinking water."
"The Ohio River supplies drinking water to about a tenth of the entire U.S. population."
"Now that we have a working water pump, feeling ready to get back into it."
"King Hezekiah of Judah had a tunnel carved through a third of a mile of solid rock to bring water from a spring to the Pool of Siloam inside the old city of Jerusalem."
"Even today, water flows through this narrow tunnel."
"One of the best hundred fifty dollars I've ever spent, it's made filling up water buckets so easy."
"The tunnel was successfully completed and is now in operation delivering water to the coastal plains of Peru."
"We got this place established now with the water, so that's the main thing, we got it done."