
Project Excitement Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"It's massive and I am so happy to finally share it."
"I think bringing Blizzard World to life was particularly special for our entire team."
"This dressing room shroom situation is gonna be very exciting when it comes to life in the next few weeks."
"Why are you so pumped? We've been working on this project for so long and it's going to be amazing."
"It's so cool I'm very very excited about that project."
"Our whole team is incredibly excited about this project."
"There's never been more progress and more ambition and more excitement behind an example project that we have in cardano."
"I love this, it can also go in this direction too."
"I'm so very excited for this project. Any ideas that you have for things that we'd include inside of the Nether hub, please be sure to let me know."
"Let's jump right into it, it's gonna be a fun little project."
"I'm really freaking excited about this project."
"This roller coaster is gonna be so cool when it's finished."
"Very exciting times for us with all these projects and excited and grateful to each of you for being so supportive to me over these years."
"Really cool looking project. How cool is this?"
"The fact we actually get to execute a lot of the theory of what we were thinking, it's going to be a lot of fun."
"I am so excited for that one... creating things for the experience."
"It's excitement. I think I'm just excited for the team to finally get to see everyone enjoy their hard work."
"A few weeks ago I was thrilled to discover the unveiling for a project called The Humane AI pin."
"I feel like that's what Filoni is basically saying: 'Guys, I owe so much to you guys. I've been so excited to do this and I finally got the green light.'"
"It doesn't feel like a burden; it just feels like wow, this is incredible, like we can actually do something."
"This is the exciting part this is where it's gonna start to look really nice so I'm excited about this."
"We've been talking about another little project and it's gonna be fun. That would be the most fulfilling project we've ever done, I think."
"It's gonna be a real cool project when it's all fun."
"Excited to meet Greg with stock from aquascape and have him myself and Kathy show you guys the whole process of building my pond it's gonna be so crazy."
"It's been a beautiful year... just very honored and excited to share with you more things that I'm working on and just all of that."
"This is so cool. I think it's going to look awesome on the front of the bench for the finish."
"Let's blow this f***ing thing up, man. I'm excited, I'm excited."
"And of course, how could we forget about the League of Legends fighting game, my most anticipated project they're working on."
"I think it's really cool, I think it's really unique and something that I'm excited to spend more time on with all of you."
"We're very excited about it... we're definitely gonna start planning the ending up this year."
"This will be Blondie Hacks as you can see I'm sitting in a big empty garage which is going to be the new shop. I'm very excited to get started on this space."
"It's gonna be a lot of fun, a ton of projects with different attachments and tools."
"It's just a great resource, and I think we can make a cool blaster for sure."
"I'm more excited about this project than I think anything else we've done."
"I'm so excited for all the things we're going to make in this next year."
"I'm so excited to see what we create for the team."
"The overwhelming response from the fan base demonstrates their dedication and excitement for the project."
"Keep saying it, I'm super excited to see this coming together."
"It should be more like a passion project where you get excited about the thought of creating the most hyper useful, super customized version of a database for yourself."
"This is a very cool project; you're going to learn quite a bit about Flask and Flask Socket IO."
"There is some kind of a new work journey for you, where you are busy and there is a project, but you are excited to do that project."
"This is a really exciting project for me because I'm an avid reader and I'm always looking for new books to read."
"It's pretty exciting, pretty fun project even though it's been a ton of work."
"Money has never been my drive... It's fine as long as I'm excited about the project."
"I'm excited to get into the fun creative part."
"It is proving to be a lot of work but I'm actually having a lot of fun."
"I'm excited for this build, let me know what you guys think."
"This is my second project based on Dave Pilkey's books, and I'm very excited to take this funny, clever, emotional, and ultimately inspirational Dog Man and make it move."
"I can't thank you guys enough for watching, I am so excited about this project, we're getting very close."
"It's quite a cool project to get hold of, especially since Black Friday's upon us."
"I'm just super hyped about this project and motivated by your comments from the last one."
"I'm very excited about what we came up with."
"I'm honestly really excited about how this is looking."
"It's been just blowing my mind, I really thank you."
"I'm really excited about this build. I cannot wait to get it into an even more finished form than it is."
"Every DIY project can't be quickly done; sometimes it takes time, but I'm so excited to get this table built."