
Maneuver Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"Just the feel coming off that corner where he kept opening up his hands to give the Lamborghini enough room was really superb racecraft."
"Witness last week's embarrassment when California lawmakers used a sketchy parliamentary maneuver."
"When Fravor dipped his Super Hornet down to take a closer look, the tic-tac mirrored his movements to maintain separation."
"Easy does it. Slowly, slowly. We need to get it up in the air and spin it round."
"Roman Reigns has tapped out with the BDSM lock applied."
"But it's not just he's not just doing it to do a backflip he's countering the offensive move that the guy is hitting with."
"Conceptually, it's a fantastic maneuver, and it looks devastating each and every time he does it."
"Nothing is more satisfying than the perfect highway lane trade."
"Nice and smooth, we're going to stop and we're going to go the opposite direction."
"He's had a bit of a tail slapper going on."
"One of the most daring maneuvers of the race, diving down the inside."
"Williamson spins and lays things to the side."
"Cooper attempts a dangerous docking maneuver as the Endurance spins violently out of control."
"What a move! That's what Lewis does best, eyes him up, waits for the CLA to lock."
"Wow, let's make this hard turn. Look how smooth that was, oh my gosh and it was so easy."
"Big Sexy then sends Hack upside down into the ladder."
"I want my maneuver guys with those assault packs and duffel bags to be stuffing everything they got off of the Kill Zone into those bags and getting ready to get the hell out of there right."
"Look at that, do what we call shrimp out."
"Powerful enough to do that loop and a little sideways slide."
"He took it over onto the rumble strip for a second."
"Dumped 360. And it has to be dumped. And in case you don't know what dumped is, it's nice and nose down."
"It's no problem just a swinger into a turn."
"Kobe Bryant spinning around Miller into the lane."
"Executed a dazzling banking turn in the air."
"The Quick Toss maneuver lets you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon as a bonus action."
"Jump turns are really helpful for getting your machine around."
"That was a chess move, because that argument went by the wayside."
"She utilizes the headlock during hand-to-hand combat."
"When you're doing a blindside backing maneuver, you can actually see the end of the trailer at a certain point out that window. So it does help you on those maneuvers."
"One of the most amazingly smooth combat maneuvers in the entire Clone Wars."
"That hydraulic handstand might look reckless, but for excavator drivers, the gymnastics routine isn't as rare a maneuver as you might think."
"That was a rookie maneuver, a rookie mistake if I've ever seen one."
"...Cole wiki in the seven going underneath wall to prevent."
"Watch this, gets it, one, two, and a spin."
"Squad by squad, platoon by platoon, the Brood Brothers maneuver themselves into positions of trust."
"It might seem like kind of a small change but it's going to make a big difference in what happens whenever you start the maneuver."
"It's not quite like the golf cart that you might see me out there doing a 180 off the top of a mud Bank."
"By turning the plane on its side though, the plane doesn't have that typical lift from the wings to push itself up. And the plane is able to basically knife-edge down and lose altitude very quickly."
"It's definitely a chess move, man."
"Getting herself to the basket, nice job using her body around the defense, a stronger presence down there."
"It's a drag race between Madden and Harbor here into turn one. Madden up the inside of Jared Harbor, gets it done nice and clean."
"Nice move no rubbing there clean move gets it done."
"Watch this pre-s spins, gets all the weight onto the tail and then goes for that opposite Japan grab."
"The dude puts the slide job on the Carl but Terry comes right back to the inside."
"This is critical, the hop over the curb and out the other side."
"Earnhardt took a move down on the inside, a very calculated one as they were going into turn three."
"Patterns are indicators that allow you to maneuver."
"The fact that he was able to maneuver that big ass giant bomber while having Fighters come like literally coming at him, the fact that he was able to make that happen was the most incredible thing I've ever seen right."
"The Allies were about to show how their Mastery of the air sea and land made them capable of Feats of Rapid maneuver that the Japanese could simply not hope to counter."
"A magnificent campaign of maneuver."
"If you get bumped in the middle of the corner, in an expanded car, you're going sideways."
"That's a nice move at turn seven and does it easily."
"That is a brilliant shot by Scott Dixon on cold tires."
"... hands down it's one of the best snap rollers I've ever flown."
"Fainting withdrawal: shoot after you've Fallen back."
"Jump back in that's really good cool and then charge next turn."
"Big Show exposed the middle turnbuckle in this match then threw Rikishi into it, using his ass cheeks against him."
"And there, Jerry's trying that forward roll maneuver, it's sort of a modified Granby if you will."
"Tricky transition back from forward flight to hover."
"Fight deeply, so push in, get around the enemy's flanks, maneuver on the enemy, give the enemy multiple simultaneous dilemmas."
"That peel is just one of the hardest maneuvers you can do on the boat."
"He knew he needed to [expletive] with us. That's an [expletive] move right there, man."
"This is the mistake we saw with Rick Kelly. Wow, that's a big Scandinavian flick from one way to the other."
"Joseph Newgarden, in full race mode. Bye-bye Newgarden with the slide job right across the bow."
"That's a heck of a move by Harry Tincknell, around the outside of Juan Pablo Montoya, no less, into turn one."
"A brilliant dive down the inside at term one."
"Closing the barn doors, or using the barn door stop, is an entirely different matter. That is where not only do you put everything in full reverse, but you also turn the rudder or rudders 90 degrees to basically form a gigantic water break to slow the ship right down."
"They juggle it, gets it through the pack."
"That was in Tony Kottman's opinion a great pass in turn number three."
"A stunning move down the back straight."
"What a move off of Turn number two when they went three wide."
"James Stewart came from way back, couple of big... oh, here's the inside."
"Joey gets position with a side draft down the back straightaway to clear."
"CD Lamb with a nice turn up the field."
"Having made his approach Jim is not required to land he overshoots the runway and heads back to middle wallop."
"That's when you start to just dip your nose a little bit, you cash in a little bit of that altitude."
"This is exactly like a space probe performing a gravity assist."
"Just love the way this airplane flies; a little stall turn here, very nice."
"That spin move is just something that Braxton Miller might do."
"Perfecting this maneuver will clearly demonstrate mastery of the aircraft."
"What makes the airplane turn is lift."
"His move on Kmag was absolutely sensational."
"Kiss your passenger; the better your head turn, the better your U-turn will be."
"Curry wonderful hesi drive and bucket."
"He's around the outside again, does him! Brilliant stuff."
"He's going to roar around the outside."
"A real serious nose dive there, but he saved it."
"That was the most beautiful U-turn I've ever seen in my life."
"We're on the ground, engaging full reverses."
"Diving at the inside line is Richard Neary, and Richard goes through, good pass on the inside."
"Oh my goodness, he Jukes right, comes back left, he walks into the end zone."
"Lovely little turn to get past two players."
"The use of mobility, quick shocking attacks, locally concentrated firepower, and skillfully coordinated military maneuvers paralyzed an adversary's capacity to organize their defenses."
"Great move from Seaton, sensational stuff."
"He's making a move on his teammate, down on the inside, he's got him!"
"Great move up the middle there for Level."
"It's a classic overtaking maneuver down at the final corner."
"It really is an amazing military maneuver by the Ukrainians here."
"DeRozan with a crafty move underneath."
"The Phantom itself is sweet on final behind the boat."
"Three wide at 200 miles an hour through the tri-oval, and that is a turn."
"That's an excellent play by Jay Bo Shaw, the patience, the composure to move himself outside the pocket."
"Absolutely fantastic move for Jess at the last corner."
"It's her little stutter step there with the defense, the double team comes, she backs up just a step, and she's able to fire that non-stick side."
"What a performance from Ian Hutchinson, what a fantastic move, maybe it will be the move of the day."
"I like that flick, there's a lot of angle going through."
"It's a beautiful pickup, well Hamilton just goes into the line and he's wrestling around."
"He gets over into the apex, that was a brilliant piece of driving round the outside."
"That was an unbelievable move, side by side, that was a dive bomb of all dive bombs."
"Allen Iverson with a crossover, he gets everything going one way and then boom, he goes the other way on you."
"The aircraft will pitch to achieve the altitude and hold the altitude."
"Power off 180, ladies and gentlemen."
"The proto-molecule was able to maneuver Eros out of the path of the Nauvoo."
"He manages to combine a Christ turn with rolling the outside of his foot over the top of the ball, swiveling background, then drops his center of gravity, knocks the ball from his feet, and accelerates."
"What a move by Brett Moffett right there, race-winning move to the outside."
"Go where they're not. Good strategy."
"It was about the ability to concentrate by strategic maneuvers a larger mass of friendly forces faster at the most important point than the enemy could do."
"That was a great move from Checon, really very very good, committed early, made sure he had enough space."
"That was a great move going into West Bend."
"This Pro pilot does a U-turn on a helicopter like it's nothing. Damn, that's crazy!"
"That's a drag race off a turn nine down into turn ten, and that was one smooth move on both of those guys."
"It's a classic Donington overtake."
"Beautiful looking wave, huge arc off the top, long drawn bomb turn."
"The bottom turn is one of the most important elements of surfing because it gets you up to the top, it gets you up to your maneuvers with speed."
"Could be the final jive here for the New Zealand crew."
"Oh my Lord, what a move by Ainsley."
"Threading the needle right between the two cars."
"He set up Walt KY from about seven yards away with sticking the foot in the ground, cutting it back, and just breezing into the end zone."
"What a brilliant pass from the youngster, sliding to the inside, he goes to the front."
"Unlike the rather routine separation we see in TNG, this is an extremely last-ditch maneuver."
"Rick Johnson may pass inside on Millen, does, and recaptures the lead by taking the inside of that turn."
"Daring move when you make the pass in midair."
"Watch the spin that Dorsett makes; that's what scares defensive people to death."
"Marching Wah throwing caution to the winds and throwing it up the inside of the three-time world champion, and he takes it."
"That was a slick move, great move, it's a fantastic move into turn one."
"Great job with the red stage maneuver, extremely good job."
"Man, is he going to hit the front, swerving and braking, man he's going right the outside and got it done, takes victory."
"Arthur with a brilliant little tag across."
"Harris felt the ship begin to rotate along her axis as the bridge crew attempted to spread the damage across multiple shields."
"Just touch the surface of the water and then lift off again, which is what we call a Splash and Dash."
"A beautiful tack, not quite enough weight on the wing."
"That's a pretty good maneuver, nice radius, nice and conservative on the drop."
"What a power move to the outside of turn number three."
"They soar, they bank, they roll, they break; they are jet fighter planes, and they've come to battle."
"Gravitational slingshot happens when a spacecraft flies by a planet but also happens with natural bodies."
"So let's get down to the first of the two maneuvers, which is a tack."
"Spread risers, bicycle kick yourself out."
"Three wide for third and Owens flew acquisitive Ziegler."
"Just skidded the back tires across the back end of the pod, almost went over into Bad Company, turned it and saved it."
"Rubbing's racing, and Prio makes his move."
"Out of nowhere our small plane does a hard bank onto its side like a Top Gun maneuver."
"How cool is it that when you can come across the field and roll at 90 degrees and just put top rudder, and the plane just goes right down the field?"
"What a great move from Steph dor, that was bravery."
"Wow, look at Odi just lunge to the side of that."
"That was great, that little transition into the ankle lock."
"A classy move back up the inside."