
Investment Outlook Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"No hopium in the short term, but very bullish long term."
"Gold stabilizing and I do think it is on the upswing."
"Even if Bitcoin only goes up 30% a year for the next nine or ten years, that still takes it to way over a million dollars."
"The crypto market has so much more room to go, we are still so early into the space."
"We're at the beginning stages of a commodity super cycle."
"Given the fundamentals of the company, the valuation, their market position, their brand, their moat, secular growth trends, and the way that they're using technology, I think this company does have ultimately a very bright future."
"So if I were to guess where the market cap will be in say five years... I think it could more than double if not triple."
"I'm on this because of the game-changing company that has ridiculous growth over the next five to 10 years."
"Precious metals and precious metals related assets for the next three to five years will do very well."
"Overall, Bitcoin a good balance, pretty good balance and it could continue on and if it does, next stop is up like 84, 85, 90,000."
"California right now is a bad bet long term."
"The long term is incredibly bullish for bitcoin."
"I am very positive on this market. I am looking at quite a few things to see where we're going to go in terms of the overall market."
"Chamath is saying the global market outlook is looking good for the near term. The bottom is in."
"I think that commodities look extremely undervalued right now and still are poised to go much higher."
"Ethereum is a very bullish outlook over the next few months fueled by the growing number of Ethereum being locked away for Ethereum 2.0."
"As long as ethereum stays above support, I maintain a bullish outlook."
"I do tend to have a bullish outlook on real estate long term."
"Hold on, the higher highs are a lot more fun."
"The certainty of return in the oil business with the relative risks to reward, I don't see a better business in the world."
"It's not about how it looks this month or this quarter. I have down quarters."
"Bitcoin worst case scenario will go to $153,731 in the year 2032."
"Investors saying it can't get worse but oh yes it can."
"Congratulations to all those holders. XRP is pretty bullish. We've got a technical score of 88.3 and the price is sitting at a dollar 19."
"The only reason Joel and Avram are staying is because they think 700 million for their 10 is not enough right now, so they obviously think in the next few years that 10 is going to be worth a lot more."
"It's gonna be shaky, but overall you'll be net positive."
"So if you're a home buyer or an investor in Texas housing market today it is very reasonable to expect the prices will continue to go down."
"But if it's just draining and taking away then it's not worth it right it's like you know I have a big watch collection so I know when I buy this Rolex it's not going to make money but it's also not going to lose money."
"It's worth considering and it's just another... thing in the bullish thesis of potential outcomes."
"A lot of people who are in these stocks are waiting to lose a bunch of money they just don't realize it. I'm waiting to make a lot of money."
"We don't get to see very often in markets where one asset class has potentially far better prospects ahead of it than the other."
"Bitcoin being the best form of money in the world is eventually going to soak up this 100 trillion dollar market cap."
"Bitcoin's supply distribution is continually becoming more favorable over time."
"The total market cap for the sector could be double that or if not more."
"I think there's a potential that you could see some upside in Ethereum."
"Sentiment though has still been somewhat moderate so i'm still cautiously but also very bullish on where axi could be at the end of the year."
"Short-term sideways likely, but long-term upside continues."
"I think the long-term outlook for gold is very good."
"I think gold will make a new high okay I think gold will get back over two thousand."
"Bitcoin in my mind has all but solidified itself as something that is probably gonna be around for quite a long amount of time."
"At the end of the day, my friends, higher lows, higher highs."
"The majority of returns in the cycle are still ahead."
"Bitcoin's looking like it's got a good chance of winning."
"Kathy Wood's bullish outlook on the future of digital assets."
"I do think 2024 will likely be a relatively good year for returns."
"We may be seeing that reversal. It's anyone's guess right now."
"Temper expectations if you think that this is going to get way out of control."
"It's not a short term play; it's not something that he's looking at today and tomorrow saying, 'Oh, I came up, we made it.'"
"Welcome to Monday, hope everyone's weekend was good because here we go again, a bit of a bloodbath to start things off this morning."
"If you have a realistic view on what to expect, then you can have realistic expectations."