
Musical Passion Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Stevie just seemed to live and breathe music every single minute. It was just his whole life, this burning fire that didn't have anything to do with what people thought."
"When I was a kid growing up, the guitar was the main thing that saved me from boredom."
"When Bring Me The Horizon formed in 2004, their dream was to simply play music and vent their anger onstage."
"Every bar had meaning, every song was alive of our soul. Every moment meant something."
"He wasn't just a show-off on the guitar, he loved music and creating memorable riffs."
"Reminded us like why we started loving music in the first place."
"Rick fell in love with the music just like we did."
"I'm so obsessed with music that I really flourished in music."
"I love the music that I make and I'm happy to offer it to people."
"I just feel like I really want to do music. It's something I wanted to do as a kid."
"You do this because you love to sing, you do this because you love music."
"Their passion for all things guitar but especially Ibanez is infectious."
"Chris Cornell had everything he'd ever dreamed of, a band he loved, the freedom to write music and lyrics he was truly passionate about."
"His commitment to music has not waned showcasing an enduring enthusiasm that defies the constraints of age."
"It's really cool. You can definitely tell there's a lot of passion put into these songs."
"I really care about my craft and this album and the music of itself."
"At the heart of it all is still a real person making music for fun."
"I love music, like y'all don't even understand. I'm always listening to music. Music is genuinely the only thing keeping me sane."
"The music. If I didn't enjoy the music, I wouldn't do it."
"Getting that guitar, that's the thing for me."
"I feel like God put music in my heart, you know? He put a song in my heart and a passion in my heart and a mission, and he told me to sing."
"If I thought I could sing it, I recorded it."
"I love music, I'm a creative, even though the numbers may drop."
"Big Sean just sounds really hungry and really focused and motivated on tracks like those."
"Just to get by off of the warm-up. One of those soulful Cole tracks where he's spazzing out from start to finish."
"Music was always the thing we had in common and then with YouTube, it kind of gave us this opportunity."
"Saving up and buying a bass you really love helps shut GAS Guy up."
"I love music, so that's my favorite thing ever."
"I just started doing that because I was like, 'This is fun to me.' And then people were like, 'Yeah, this is great.' But how do I...? I feel like a sense of duty to bring back the songs that I feel like the generation that is here now, like, they just don't."
"This is music and this is me being passionate."
"If you have a passion for music and a heart for worship, this is your moment to shine."
"We have a desire to create, to put something out in the world, to put out positive energy, to share our point of view with people, to share great music with people, yeah."
"I stuck to my guns and I was like no I love that part of the song."
"She loved to sing and shared her love of music with her family."
"I used to play the alto sax for four years, and I'd love to create a song, play a song, and create the harmonies that combine together to form something beautiful."
"I think I always wanted to do music and make music."
"I was in it for the music... my motivation for all this is really hearing new sounds and getting the excitement from the new sounds."
"Keep picking and never stop searching for your perfect guitar."
"If you believe in something, you're very headstrong and you kind of just know how you feel about music."
"There's something special that happens when a musician is playing and singing their hearts out."
"We're inflaming each other's desire for new songs as well as going back to the back of some classics."
"We'd love for you to become part of our community; it is always growing, it's full of people who are very passionate about pianos, playing pianos, owning pianos, really all thing pianos."
"This is the music of life, and I die for this, so to everybody out there that listen to rap, keep it up, stay strong, don't let nobody misguide you, one love."
"We all love rock and this guy is maybe a few zillion notes faster than the other guy, but they all do something from their hearts."
"I'm very passionate about my music, and I'm going to put my name on stuff that is mine."
"There's a sense of urgency on the album that I just love."
"It's so intense, the whole album has this sense of urgency that just kicks ass."
"We're musicians and we love making music that's all, and everything we do comes from the heart."
"I love bel canto. I love Italian music period. So I love Donizetti, I love Bellini. My favorite opera to sing by far is Lucia."
"His music speaks for itself, and I hope they can feel all the work and his passion that he put into his music."
"You love the intensity, you love the songs, you love the music, and you get lost in all that."
"He was great at Art and he loved to play the drums."
"It's the epitome of guitar coolness."
"I just honestly wanted to do music; that was my truest call."
"This guitar ignited my love for single pickup, just bare bones simple as it gets guitars."
"I found my niche, you know what I mean? Because when I play this music, people go crazy."
"When she found out my love for music and how I wanted to learn how to play piano, she found ways for me to get lessons and she got me a guitar."
"I wanted to do music. That's what I wanted to do."
"I really fell in love with the double bass from the very first note I played on it."
"I'm not doing music to get fame, I'm doing music 'cause it's a passion."
"I'm having the time of my life, and someday someone will acknowledge that these are some of the greatest rock and roll songs ever written."
"The natural extension from loving music is to play."
"Music is such a love and such a passion for me."
"When I played guitar, I played from my heart."
"It has the passion at the climax and string playing that will probably never be equaled."
"The music is really the passion for me."
"Great musicians like Ruth Palmer will always want to play on those sacred instruments made in Cremona 300 years ago; the decision as to whether they're allowed or able to do so is sadly no longer in their hands."
"You have to have a passion to want to play the piano."
"I loved rap music since eight, nine years old when my sister would wrap that rapper's delight."
"Music is my life, and I am constantly writing music lyrics and working in my home studio."
"I love radio pop music, but it's gotta have soul; if the singer doesn't feel it, how are his listeners going to feel it?"
"Keep your energy with your music, keep your energy would you, you know, don't ever ever let anybody say don't happy don't say I can't cause you can do it, there's always a way around it."
"Attending UConn has provided me with academic and creative opportunities not only have I been able to explore my passion for music but I've also taken advantage of the many co-curricular opportunities UConn has to offer."
"Keep a good attitude and just follow the love for music which I'm fortunate enough to have."
"Becoming deeply interested in the music is where you can start to recreate or learn and play the rhythms."
"A spark was ignited, starting a journey towards music."
"The guitar sounds to be an instrument that he really loves using."
"All I need is this guitar and you people, you can do it, you can do it."
"It's increasingly harder to support ourselves in this endeavor, but the fact that you know from the moment you wake up, there's music everywhere."
"If you find yourself really loving to do this kind of stuff, maybe you're a musician."
"He always wanted to compose, and he always had this interest in composing opera."
"They played a simple and understandable musical genre, but they did it with a great passion that other bands did not have. And that's what set them apart from the others from the very beginning."
"Sebastian Bach is a passionate guy about music."
"He wanted his music to have heart."
"It just makes me want to play music because it's just so hands-on."
"I really love composition and I really love theory."
"Every gig I play, every minute that I can be involved in music, is just... an incredible enriching experience."
"I just wanted to do something because I'm passionate about this music and this song."
"I've always been obsessed with the banjo."
"Once you hit 30, there's one thing in life just save up some money for and spend it on: it's a good instrument."
"I am a musician who plays on the street, who likes to make videos because it is my passion."
"He credits his mom for instilling in him not only a love of music but also a strong work ethic."
"We fall in and out of love with guitars, and that's a nice reminder of how to do it well."
"I love doing this music, I love the creative."
"We love making music together, and what more could you ever want, right?"
"He grew up with a passion for music and started writing lyrics when he was only 11 years old."
"It was the full package, our gang of friends, and our love for music, our never-ending love for music."
"I could talk about Pink Floyd all day."