
Summoned To Thirteenth Grave Quotes

Summoned To Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones

"Patience: That thing you have when there are too many witnesses." —T-SHIRT
"I need something that’s more than coffee but less than cocaine." —MEME
"Coffee helps me maintain my 'never killed anyone' streak." —T-SHIRT
"And yet there we stood, the lie wedged between us."
"My uncle just lied to me about my mother’s death."
"I won’t jump to any conclusions before we know more."
"Most days I just caffeinate and hope for the best."
"I want to be the reason you tilt your phone away from others when you read it."
"I’m not much on seizing the day. I’m more of a 'poke it with a stick' kind of girl."
"You never know what I’ll have up my sleeve. Today, for example, it was a dryer sheet."
"The doctor called today. Apparently, my blood type has changed from 'O Positive' to 'Mountain Roast.'"
"Fear for a loved one’s life was rarely a walk in the park. Unless it was Jurassic Park. Then maybe."
"Not all tables sought that kind of validation."
"This was a room filled with greatness. With gifts and talents that were unmatched the world over."
"True, they were the same people I was about to wipe the floor with, but they were my people nonetheless."
"I considered begging. I considered offering him money or a foot massage or my soul."
"We stayed up all night, the lot of us, betting away our children’s futures."
"Maybe we could bind the Shade demons with Silly String."
"Your clothes would look nicer on my bedroom floor."
"I knew who you were when you came inside my father’s house. I waited."
"You had me at, 'We’ll make it look like an accident.'"
"I’m fine," I said, jerking out of his grip when he tried to take my arm.
"Look, no offense, but I have somewhere else to be."
"As you know, we’ve been keeping an eye on you for some time."
"There are times when even a beloved dog needs to be put down."
"Let me assure you, Mr. Barilla, the only thing you have dominion over in this world is what you put in your coffee in the morning."
"At least you’re not foaming at the mouth," I said, looking on the bright side.
"It’s probably my ass. I mean, have you seen my ass?"
"I’m not sure." I dragged out the box and put it on the table. "Pandu sent us to Rome."
"A huge black lion played shred-the-human with me."
"You guys went to Rome? That’s lovely. I want to go to Rome."
"Yes. We know about the coming war with Lucifer and his army. But the disturbances in your hometown are, well, disturbing."
"The stone box in my pocket. They’d probably had cameras down there as well."
"I’ve always felt susceptible. In a strange, uncomfortable sort of way. Like when your uncle wants to play find-the-bunny with you but he always hides it in the same place: the pocket of his jeans."
"You don’t even remember," he said to Reyes, his teeth clenched, his head bowed as he looked on. "You don’t remember me."
"Some people are like Polaroids. You have to shake them violently before they make any sense."
"I didn’t realize he had another biological child besides Kim."
"I’m sorry. She . . . you died of multiple stab wounds before she took her own life. It wasn’t her fault. It was—"
"Tell her," she said. "Tell your sister. The heart is both the strongest part of the body and the weakest. Always go for the heart."
"Once I lost my wings, I became just as human as anyone else on the street."
"All this time. You could have told me. You could have explained so much. I was so . . . so lost. So alone."
"The heart is both the strongest part of the body and the weakest. Always go for the heart."
"You attract the supernatural and those who are sensitive to it."
"So, when is ‘old enough to know better’ supposed to kick in?"
"You weren’t the only one with a backup plan."
"This might sound really stupid, but what about—" "—the elevator," they both said at the same time.
"I’ll be back," she said, her voice fading as fast as she was. "When she’s older."
"It’s using their life force to gain mass," Uncle Bob said. "All of the infected. It’s using them. Siphoning their energy."
"I’ll trade you a hell dimension for my uncle."
"So, we create a haven around Beep. Around a city. Any city in which the Loehrs want to live, and we get to see her every day."
"I had to. Any longer than that and you’d start to get on my nerves."
"You know, if we do this, we can’t question the Loehrs’ parenting style."
"We could’ve stayed at the apartment, but there were still a dozen formerly possessed people getting medical attention, so we decided to stay at HQ one more night."