
The Last Trial Quotes

The Last Trial by Robert Bailey

"You manage to impress me every time I see you, Ms. Ingrid."
"First step back, find the ball, and then go to it."
"Even for someone like him, who’d made his living with words as both a lawyer and teacher, there were times when nothing could be said that would help or explain a situation."
"Tom’s last bladder cystoscopy was three weeks ago, and it was clean as a whistle."
"Seriously, old man. That ruckus in Pulaski nearly killed you. I’m afraid that the next trial will."
"By the time he reached the end of the street, the sadness had set back in."
"It was hard for a farmer’s son like Tom not to think of cattle being herded into a pen."
"If you want to refile your motion prior to the pretrial, I’ll be glad to reconsider it, but I doubt my ruling will be any different."
"I’m her lawyer for the limited purpose of talking with her right now, OK?"
"You are an adult woman, and your choices have put you where you are."
"I wish that I had. I wish I would’ve had the guts to kill that bastard."
"The murder weapon was registered in Wilma Newton’s name and was found with only her prints on it underneath the dock where Willistone was killed."
"Real is what wins over the people in that box."
"Her whole life was him, you know? Sweethearts since they were twelve years old..."
"Every day since the murder. Can't seem to kick it."
"When they were done for the day, they'd sit out on the wooden deck in back of the trailer and smoke weed or do lines of coke or any other drugs the men left as payment in addition to the paltry cash they made for being whores."
"I’m not acting as a lawyer right now. Just being an investigator for an old friend."
"I would have walked through hell and back for him before he represented me in that trial."
"If you want to guess who owns the franchise?"
"How can you be so sure of your contact?" "Because he's my brother."
"A man makes a lot of choices if he lives long enough. Some good. Others bad."
"I believe you were acquaintances with Mr. Wheeler." Wade smiled. It wasn't a question.
"You boys got brass balls, I'll give you that."
"I knew Jack was getting out after eighteen months, and I wanted to know what his plans were."
"That boy is where he belongs thanks to you two."
"Then you know how he was." He stared wistfully at the empty glass. "I've never met a more cocksure man in my life."
"Prison changed me. When I got out, I gave up the fancy clothes and the big talk. I stopped making myself a target."
"That’s a fact." Bully brushed past Powell and made his way for the door.
"I hope they do, boy. Because I’m as clean as Ms. Layla's shaved honeypot, you hear?"
"Well, I played big team that afternoon until four o'clock."
"You’re gonna want to at the end of this hearing."
"Worse than we think," he said, squeezing her hand and steeling himself for what was about to come.
"When you've made a key point, oftentimes the best way to emphasize it is to say nothing and let the information sink in."
"We don't quit. Ever. It's OK to lose. It ain't OK to quit."
"Everything is always simpler when you have a confession or a murder with several eyewitnesses."
"I believe that Johnson believed he had sold his soul to the devil. And that's all that really matters."
"Despite his adversarial role in these proceedings, it was hard for Tom not to feel a trace of pride."
"The only thing that matters is what you think."
"You didn’t sugarcoat it," Wilma said. "It was worse than I could have ever imagined."
"That depends," Tom said when asked about the chances of winning the case.
"You think I’m guilty, don’t you?" Wilma grimaced, revealing her doubts and fears.
"I saw on the news that Jack had been released from prison," Wilma recounted her desperation and actions driven by necessity.
"Jesus Christ Superstar, if I were given a thousand guesses as to who would be the first person to call me after getting out of the joint, I wouldn’t have guessed you," Jack’s unexpected response highlights life’s unpredictability.
"I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you," Wilma’s emotional turmoil and secrets surface.
"Give me the rundown again of what we know about her," Tom’s relentless pursuit of truth illustrates dedication and thoroughness.
"The sun on our asses," a metaphor for hope and breakthrough in a difficult situation.
"Because I know that Jack intended to change his life insurance policy to make Danny the beneficiary," Barbara’s conviction despite adversity shows her determination and belief.
"I’d like to know you . . . so I can love you," a profound statement on human connection and understanding.
"Depends on your time frame. Before Daddy died and Momma abandoned us, Jackie was a regular chatterbox. She drove me crazy she talked so much. But since those two events happened, she’s damn near been a mute."
"Come relive the true story of two country girls who lost it all when their Dad wrecked a tractor-trailer rig and their mom became a whore."
"You have to be a monumental idiot to smoke this cancer stick."
"Sometimes I get a little—overwhelmed by everything."
"I wish, I wish, I wish. I pray, I pray, I pray. And ain't nothing changes."
"I don’t exactly know. It’s just... I’ve known you for a long time, Tom, and I wanted to go somewhere that you would feel good. I know this is a special place for you."
"Your bladder is clean. There’s been no recurrence."
"The cancer movement desperately needs is a man like this fella here... Somebody that understands what it takes to win."
"You have lung cancer that’s spread to the bone."
"Because you’re the toughest cuss I’ve ever been around."
"I would think a man of your morals, a longtime law professor, would understand the unfair advantage you gained."
"It’s an entertaining theory, but one that isn’t supported by tangible evidence."
"The state moves to exclude the document and to prohibit any mention of it by the defense in their opening statement."
"Because I don’t want an innocent woman to be put to death because I was too much of a pansy to tell the truth."
"A druggie never reveals the identity of his dealer. That’s Criminal Law 101."
"It’s not over. If this were a boxing match, we’re way ahead on points."
"It’s got to be a true, no-questions-left knockout."
"Because I didn’t want to lose my golf scholarship. I’m a junior and I play number two on the team."
"Be humble when you win and humble when you lose. Live with dignity... die with dignity."
"I think you’ll be around for a while. You’ll beat this just like you did with the bladder."