
Dark Peril Quotes

Dark Peril by Christine Feehan

"How did one keep hate alive? And how could she continue to fuel the rage so that she could continue with her mission? Most of all, how did one remain completely, utterly alone?"
"She loved Juliette and Jasmine as sisters and didn’t want this life for them, yet someone had to rescue women from the monsters preying on them in the forest."
"His voice first—so gentle and compelling. How many nights had he sung her to sleep?"
"The Amazon was a place where legends and myths came to life, where reality and dream met."
"She could never quite decide on the color of his eyes. She loved making them intensely blue, but then at times they would be like the green of the emerald."
"I need you. Come to me tonight. I’m so tired."
"She chose a limestone cave deep beneath the ground to meet him—a safe place where the jaguar-men wouldn’t be able to find them even if they were searching."
"He touched her hair, rubbing the silky strands between his fingers. Believe me, little one, I would prefer to stay with you in our dream world."
"But then beyond hope, you came into my dream . . . Your warrior heart, loyal. Your anguished, 'Don’t leave me.'"
"Sorrow lived in him, breathed in him. Regret. Fear. Shock. Every emotion that could be felt hit him in the next wave of attack."
"The sound of her voice lifted the birds from the canopy and spread through the forest like the wind, filling every empty space, her sorrow so acute the very trees shivered and the animals wept with the rain."
"Lightning forked in the night sky, splitting it with whips of white-hot electricity. Thunder boomed, shaking the ground."
"Her throat clogged with unexpected tears. If I am the lifemate you talk of, isn’t your first duty to me?"
"The world changes. You feel nothing now, but should a woman restore your emotions . . ."
"Stay. Stay with me. Her anguish clawed at him."
"The rain dripped from the tips of her breasts, now tight, blossoming into twin hard peaks."
"She had changed—driven to the brink of destruction by the endless horror of her chosen life."
"When you meet me, you complete me. You bring me back to life again."
"The law of civilization hadn't come to the rain forest yet, and until it did, there were only a handful standing between the predators and their prey."
"She was exhausted, but he was family and family was sacred."
"The ground swells and cracks were reaching to find him."
"Everything inside of her felt feral and uncontrollable, yet he was the exact opposite."
"In her dreams, they often discussed the battles they’d been in and they definitely thought alike."
"Can you come to trust a man once again? Can you come to love an old one like me? Let my strong arms protect you, let me sing you to sleep. Let my song bring you healing, like the earth and the sea." - DOMINIC TO SOLANGE
"You are a gift, Solange. An amazing, priceless gift."
"No other man can put his mark on my woman. He cannot harm her in any way. I have to heal you or I cannot live with myself."
"I love the way you blush. So enticing. I had no idea my little wildcat would be so sexy."
"When a man has waited a thousand years for the one woman who is his alone, she is the very definition of beauty to him. What others see cannot matter. Only what I see matters. And I want you to see yourself through my eyes."
"It is done, sívamet—my heart. You can rest now."
"This is a very important rule, Solange. My lifemate is the most beautiful woman on this earth to me. Anyone who says differently insults her, which is a capital offense and insults me. I do not think you want to do that, do you?"
"You deserve so much more. I can't be what you need."
"Trust. He was a respected warrior. His word was his honor."
"Your trust in me runs deep, Solange. You do not trust in yourself, the woman."
"Make no mistake, the warrior and the woman are not two separate entities. You are both, and I see you clearly."
"Can you find beauty in this rough-hewn woman? Can you come to love a shapeshifter like me?"
"Never let them take you alive, Solange. Do you understand me? They are worse than monsters, and you can't let them get their hands on you."
"I was half-alive for a thousand years. I’d given up hope that we’d meet in this time."
"He could once again appreciate the beauty of the world instead of simply remembering it."
"Truth was everything with a woman such as Solange. He had to earn her loyalty and respect, and most of all her love."
"Life changed dramatically when one found the other half of his soul."
"Dominic had always admired Giles. He was smooth and controlled in battle, a good man to have at one’s back in a fight."
"She had been so beautiful to him, standing there like a fierce warrior who had battled side by side with him, looking at him with the eyes of a vulnerable woman."
"The harpy eagle cut through the canopy with astonishing speed, moving fast to cover the distance."
"The call of the darkness had become strong in him these last years and he spent most of his time alone, far from temptation."
"Dominic started to stir, but he felt Solange’s resistance. Please give him time to recover. He’s trying to pull back."
"Dominic swept his tongue over the offered wrist to numb the skin and then sank his fangs deep into the vein."
"She had offered her life. She was his family, under his protection, and Zacarias was all about honor."
"You should never hide from who you are, Solange. Or hide from your needs. Certainly, you should never try to hide them from me."
"You only disappoint me when you do not trust me enough to share your needs."
"I’m very . . . I feel as if I’m burning alive. I ache."
"Just relax again and let me put you where I want you."
"I feel like I’m in the middle of one of those fairy tales my aunt used to tell us."
"Are you real, Dominic? Do I dare believe in you?"
"You know every part of me. We’re bound forever, soul to soul. You hold the very heart of me."
"Do not look pleased after I have been fighting for your life these two risings."
"If I get punished every time I scare you, I think we’re going to be in trouble."
"I think I’m madly in love with you, my Dragonseeker friend."
"You are becoming a bossy little thing. I can see I have given you far too much scope, woman."
"You’re so beautiful. Really, truly beautiful, Dominic. Thank you for saving my life."
"I bet you could, too, my little warrior woman."
"I wouldn’t have missed being with you for the world."
"I can never betray you. You can never part from me. In love forever, this life and next. You are the very heart of me."
"Sometimes, like now, she felt like she was drifting in a sea of need, craving the way his beautiful eyes moved over her with that look of such intense desire she could barely breathe."
"Dominic had awakened the woman in her. For the first time in her life she felt sexy and alive."
"Kiss me, kessake. Kiss me now before that little ball of fur-trouble bounces down on top of us and spoils my good mood,"
"She believed him. He had said he wanted to help but didn’t yet know how. She knew Dominic deep down now, at the core of who he was, what he stood for, and he would not allow the kitten to suffer."
"I want you that way. If I could, I would have you in a continual state of arousal. When this is all over, be prepared to spend a long time that way."
"I’m glad, Dominic. Wanting you is very easy."
"It is probably best to stay detached," he advised.
"Naming him isn’t going to make a difference, Dominic," she answered, her eyes betraying sadness. "I’m already in love with him."
"You are going to collect all sorts of creatures throughout this life together."
"I am dangerous, Dragonseeker, and you’d best not forget it."
"You are girly, all soft and mushy inside," he teased.
"Look at me—now see yourself through my eyes."
"I’ll wait for you to see it, forever if it takes..."
"You’re the calm in the storm, the most gentle power. In your hands, I’m a flower. Near you, my heart beams." - SOLANGE TO DOMINIC
"The Eurasian shamanistic tradition—from the Carpathians to the Siberian shamans—held that illness originated in the human soul, and only later manifested as various physical conditions."
"She was so tight, grasping him, clamping down as she slowly opened for him and allowed his invasion."
"The undead devoured everything in sight, tearing at each other, snapping and biting like a wild pack of starved animals."
"She watched him with an indifferent, impassive look that enraged him further."
"Her entire body shuddered. He felt the ripples starting deep in her core and spreading like a wildfire throughout her body."
"Her jaguar seemed perfectly intact, other than the Carpathian blood cells piggybacking on hers."
"It’s going to be all right, making love is tiring business."
"Soul departure doesn’t require a person to be unconscious. It was understood that a person could still appear to be conscious, even talk and interact with others, and yet be missing a part of their soul."
"The experienced healer or shaman would instantly see the problem nonetheless, in subtle signs that others might miss: the person’s attention wandering every now and then, a lessening in their enthusiasm about life, chronic depression, a diminishment in the brightness of their ‘aura,’ and the like."
"The most well-known—and most dramatic—of the Carpathian healing chants was En Sarna Pus (The Great Healing Chant)."
"One advantage that the Carpathian healer has over many other shamans is his telepathic link to his lost brother."
"Many ancient traditions, including the Carpathian tradition, understood the worlds—the heaven worlds, our world and the nether realms—to be ‘hung’ upon a great pole, or axis, or tree."
"In the shamanistic tradition, it was understood that the small always reflects the large; the personal always reflects the cosmic."
"But my brother’s soul is only half. His other half wanders in the netherworld."
"Encounter I the demon who is devouring my brother’s soul. In anger, I fight the demon."
"I rescue my brother’s soul. I lift my brother’s soul in the hollow of my hand."
"This is the earth-healing song that is used by the Carpathian women to heal soil filled with various toxins."
"The women take a position on four sides and call to the universe to draw on the healing energy with love and respect."
"We dance to heal the earth. We sing to heal the earth."
"Your life will be cherished by me for all my time. Your life will be placed above my own for all time."
"Blood of our fathers—blood of our brothers. Blood is life."