
Think Outside The Boss Quotes

Think Outside The Boss by Olivia Hayle

"If this is junk mail, it's gotten very classy."
"Secrecy is fun, phones are not (no one likes a tattletale)."
"It's like an out-of-body experience, and the Frederica Bilson who should be nervous doesn't even know she's here."
"There's a difference between being full of yourself and knowing your worth."
"Despite all the women who approached you. Despite the… fascinating performance currently on display."
"Under the right circumstances, anyone will do anything."
"Not everyone enjoys it like that. A lot of the doors here are closed, after all."
"The competitive streak in me roars to life. I want to rise to this challenge, to him, to please him like I know he'll please me."
"That’s my evening reading sorted for tonight."
"Do you think management genuinely believes everyone has marked a giant, excited X on their calendar for the Thanksgiving lunch? Perhaps he should serve a side of humility with the mash…"
"The bastard that invented email should be hung and quartered."
"For a consulting firm, most people at Exciteur Global aren’t particularly good at consulting their own judgement before emailing."
"Despite the insolence of the words, the turn of phrase makes me snort."
"I’d expected him to go silent and not toe-to-toe with me like this. Very few at this company consider telling me what they genuinely think, at least not to my face."
"But she better be at the next party. And she better be looking for me, too."
"Management’s plan for a Thanksgiving lunch in the break room as a thank-you doesn’t seem to resonate with the staff."
"But we’re not strangers in the darkness anymore. We never will be again."
"Not a soul in this room knows of my membership to a certain room. They certainly don’t know about yours. How on earth would they suspect?"
"It’s the art of connecting the past with the present, to create the future."
"Despite the trouble it’s caused, I’m glad you chose this company."
"I trust your ambition," he says finally, "because I recognize it."
"Neither am I, Freddie," he murmurs. "Neither am I."
"It’s a good thing the company is doing this, then. Giving them time to have fun."
"Try again," Tristan says, extending a new set of darts. "Really focus on aiming."
"I don’t talk about my family at work. Not at parties either."
"I worked pretty late, and then I walked back to my apartment."
"So you’re cynical, too. You must have lived in the city for a long time?"
"Tourists and pigeons," he mutters, "The bane of every big-city dweller."
"I’m not sure I wanted it to have been a date in the first place."
"I spent the evening imagining all the things you were doing and growing more miserable by the minute."
"Damn her, for being ambitious and intelligent as well as sincere and shy."
"No," I say firmly. "That's not going to happen."
"Once you’ve seen one tree, you’ve seen them all."
"We’re going to sit down, right here, and we’re going to call maintenance."
"I trust she doesn’t know anything about the Gilded Room?"
"I wouldn’t say that. That wasn’t a pleasant experience."
"We all have scars. I won’t judge where yours came from."
"As much as I’ve wanted to over the last couple of weeks, walking into the Strategy Department and talking to one of their trainees is verboten for me."
"All the power of the CEO, and yet I can’t choose which of my employees I want to talk to."
"With the startling revelation that my kid just gave me advice about women, I follow him down the street, wondering if the world has completely turned on its head."
"Like all roads lead to Rome, my thoughts take me to Freddie."
"The idea of her regretting the night in Boston is a sharp pain sliding between my ribs, lodging somewhere between soft tissue and my pride."
"The simple sound of the lock sliding in place behind me sends hot, erotic anticipation through me. Can’t be helped."
"I know the other night wasn’t what you’d planned. What either of us had planned."
"How could I? When it was everything I’ve wanted for weeks?"
"Her smile beneath me is intoxicating, beckoning me back down."
"It’s somewhat reluctantly I lift myself off and shift beside her, wrapping my arm around her waist."
"He came here after the war. Had nothing, really, but his studies as a technician and a few English phrases. Learned to speak the language within months."
"I won’t be able to stay away. Not when I know you want me too."
"Your sense of fairness is appalling sometimes."
"The sound of the lock sliding in place sends a thrill through me."
"I’ll never tire of this, Freddie. Never stop needing you."
"From where I stand, you’ve done a pretty good job with everything, Tristan."