
Anarchy At Prescott High Quotes

Anarchy At Prescott High by C.M. Stunich

"Life gets that way, melodramatic and meaningful both, when you come close to losing one of your few reasons for existence."
"Even a dead monster can’t hold my attention for long, not when my body is stretched to accommodate Aaron’s massive cock."
"Don’t tell me anything important tonight. Don’t tell me all the beautiful things that will remind us both why we breathe."
"I can sense it. The predator in me smells the predator in him."
"I’m going to be fucking good at it. That, and I’m not dating five guys to be a vestal virgin."
"If Cardi and Megan aren’t afraid to be whores, maybe I should take some inspiration from "WAP" and just roll with it?"
"All five Havoc Boys are standing at the end of the bed, shirtless and wearing skeleton masks."
"It grounds me, Oscar. It makes me feel human. You should try it sometime."
"Fucking all my boys last night was this perfect mixture of heaven and hell."
"Isn’t it interesting, how a broken thing can be so beautiful?"
"Because to be a leader, you have to do things you don’t like sometimes."
"It’s been called the Rodeo Drive of the Pacific Northwest by a number of popular influencers."
"I’m wearing leather stilettos, black leggings with circular fishnet cutouts that start at my ankles and go all the way up to my hips, and a deep purple sweater, cut off at the midriff."
"Have you ever seen Pretty Woman? That’s what I’m aiming for, an all-out rejection from a salesclerk."
"Theft and the careful disruption of classism."
"Some people starve; some people have gold ceilings and toilets."
"I love that you’ve researched this, how you always try to make sure the people you bleed deserve it."
"If you agree to hate yourself because the world tells you to do so, then it’s already won."
"Bernie, I have to love as fiercely as I destroy, or I’ll rot from the inside out."
"You say that, but I think you’re lying to me. I’d be pissed if I didn’t think you were lying to yourself, too."
"You are me, in female form. We’re the same person, Bernadette."
"People are not born hating themselves. It’s something that comes with time, with careful conditioning and spiteful words."
"I didn’t hate myself so much as I hated everyone else."
"Stick with me, Bernie, and it’ll all be worth it; I promise."
"The reason is that a holiday like this is always a disappointment."
"Every time I look in the mirror, I see my mother’s face staring back at me."
"The thing about true darkness is that it doesn’t just disappear forever. It sits, crouched and waiting at the bottom of your soul."
"You look the part of the billionaire’s wife."
"He’s not satisfied with just that, you know. He wants more. He’ll always want more."
"There are people in this world who’d drown their own children to have a fortune like that—literally—and not lose any sleep over it."
"It won’t mean shit if we don’t survive long enough to get it."
"But it’s nothing a little violence can’t help with it."
"Guess we’re the only people at this masquerade wearing the maws of grinning dead things, huh?"
"Believe it or not, we’re probably the holiest motherfuckers invited to this party tonight."
"Once you invite a vampire in, you can’t rescind your invitation."
"Southside trash in the Oak River Heights district."
"Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse, right?"
"I can’t believe we have to go back to school in a few days. That’s why I’m chain-smoking. Because I hate math."
"I could smell you. Like peaches and leather."
"I’m determined to graduate. I don’t want gang leader’s girlfriend to be my only lifetime accomplishment."
"Trust you when you ask about an annulment like it could be a good thing?"
"But goddamn it, I’m going to finish high school if it kills me."
"Demeaning others for their use of language is the first step on the ladder to classism. It sickens me."
"Vulnerability leaves a person open to endless pain."
"He tried to strangle me. And now it’s become a fetish of mine. How fucked-up is that?"
"I’ve hated this girl since I heard her name."
"Thank fuck for that," is his response as he nuzzles into my neck and breathes hot against my skin. "Thank fuck."
"Worst case scenario is I kill him in cold-blood and end up in prison …"
"It isn’t a bad thing to not want to hurt someone."
"Fuck I hate Monday morning nightmares with a passion."
"You lied to me, and now you want me to be your snitch?"
"Come here," I tell him, and he looks up at the sound of my voice.
"You’re out of your element," Kali says, smiling at me as she leans over the bed and looks down at me. "You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into."
"This is seriously like the fiftieth time you’ve asked me that," I snap at her.
"Be careful out there, okay? Sometimes we have to learn the hard way that we’re not as invincible as we think we are."
"Stop punishing yourself and say something to him," Aaron tells me as he stands up.
"You cannot let this place have power over you."
"It’s just a house. Houses don’t hold hate; people do. There’s nobody here but you and me. Just us."
"You want to dig through my underwear?" I ask, feeling my jaw clench with irritation. "Play with my vibrators?"
"I’ve got the guns in my pocket," Cal whispers against my ear, making me shiver.
"Please don’t take them from me," I say, my voice cracking.
"You could try to be a little less … you in public."
"I’m standing on a razor-thin fucking edge here."
"Whatever you’ve done to Miss Jade, she’s smitten."
"Because if I ever—and I mean ever—get you alone in a room, I’m going to kill you."
"The VGTF. The GMP. Ophelia. Each one is a piece in a complicated game."
"Penelope is dead, so nothing will ever be right again. But keep chasing your bad guys, Sara Young."
"You broke your deal with us. You know what that means, right?"
"You are the reason for Havoc. Everything we do, we do for you."
"I want to be worthy of that. I don’t want to disappoint anyone."
"You are living proof that the world can try its hardest to crush a person’s soul and still fail."
"You hesitated because you wanted to make sure you gave that girl every chance in the world."
"You are second chances and beautiful beginnings, Bernadette."
"You hesitated to kill Kali because there’s still a shred of innocence in you."
"We’re both being torn apart by it, by wanting each other so fiercely that we can’t breathe."
"You’re my queen, my family. And that’s what family does: we take turns cleaning up each other’s messes."
"Even if I don’t always know who I am and what I want, I do know one thing: cars are in my fucking blood."
"Nobody can protect Heather better than I can. Nobody."
"The rich people in this town are so fucked-up."
"It ensures that the best and the brightest don’t always succeed. Because how can you if you have to work an extra job after school to help pay rent while someone else is given private violin lessons?"
"It’s about keeping the girls safe. Here, with us, might be the safest place in the world, but we can’t always be with them. And we can’t keep them locked up like they’re in prison."
"Because it means you've learned to truly put somebody else first. You miss Heather, but she's in the best possible place she could be. You kept her safe by sacrificing your time together."
"The system does not ensure the smartest or most capable become doctors or scientists or politicians; it favors the rich."
"Because kids are always smarter than we give them credit for."
"I didn’t expect this. Of all things, I just didn’t see this shit coming. I should have, though, shouldn’t I?"
"See, that’s the thing with love: it’s irrational. It makes no sense. It’s the sort of thing that makes you stay up late, holding your palm over the yellow-orange flame of a candle, just to see if it’ll burn you. Of course it will. The candle will burn you, and so will love."
"I’d have kicked them off if they didn’t have straps."
"This is just another level of Dante’s inferno, and I’m not afraid."