
Every Breath You Take Quotes

Every Breath You Take by Judith McNaught

"High atop a snow-covered hill, the Wyatt mansion perched like a regal crown, its Gothic stone spires pointing skyward, its stained-glass windows glowing like jewels."
"Everyone except Detectives Childress and MacNeil, who were in an unmarked Chevrolet that was backed into a driveway one hundred and fifty yards uphill from the entrance to the Wyatt estate."
"After only one year in office as Cook County's state's attorney, Gray Elliott was a hero to the cops-a brilliant attorney who wasn't afraid to take on tough, risky cases."
"The secretary got pregnant, and William's mother died a few months later, but when the secretary pressed Edward to marry her as he'd promised, he stalled, then denied the baby was his."
"Cecil, in turn, was obliged to see that the baby was raised 'with all the benefits associated with Wyatt money and social connections,' including the finest education, travel abroad, and so forth."
"Mitchell Wyatt is systematically exterminating members of his own family and restructuring the family to suit himself."
"Cecil's butler heard that and coolly countermanded the order as he reached out to help her remove her coat. 'Your car is to wait outside the gates, not under the porte cochere,' he informed her imperiously."
"Olivia halted, stiffened, and glowered ferociously at him. 'Do not even consider leaving this driveway!' she warned."
"Olivia understood exactly why Cecil's guests were willing to put up with tonight's pointless inconvenience. For one thing, Cecil was a generous benefactor who'd donated tens of millions of dollars to their favorite charities."
"She hired a lawyer, and eventually a deal was struck: Edward would marry her shortly before the baby was due, and then divorce her immediately after the birth."
"He probably thinks I'm a dreamboat," Mitchell joked as anticipation drove off the irritation and boredom of the last few minutes.
"Keep taking them anyway," Holly ordered sternly.
"He's much too thin, he needs a bath, and he's never seen a hairbrush."
"Didn't anyone ever teach you how to say, 'Thank you kindly, but no'?"
"I'm afraid your shirt is ruined," she said as she reached for the waiter's towel with her right hand and shoved the fingers of her left hand between the buttons of his shirt and his bare skin.
"Let's meet in front of the hotel, instead. I have another restaurant in mind."
"That sounds like a better plan than trying to drown it."
"Taking me to dinner would be the wisest choice for you financially, believe me."
"I always collect on debts that are owed to me."
"Didn't you offer them money so that they'd agree to come out here and treat a dog?"
"Right now, she had a rather urgent debt to repay to the man in the next room, and the only way she could repay it was by being the best hostess she could possibly be."
"He looked as immaculately groomed as he had when he first arrived at the hotel that evening."
"Normally Kate was unimpressed with exceptionally handsome men, because they were usually either vain and shallow or subtly effeminate, but this man was thoughtful and kind, and he was thoroughly male."
"Standing perfectly still in the living room, with his hands in his pockets, he positively emanated masculine vitality and sex appeal."
"In his mind, Mitchell envisioned a prosperous, middle-aged lawyer who'd managed to dazzle Kate years before, not long after she was out of college."
"Under Mitchell's personal code of European sexual ethics, sleeping with another man's lover was perfectly allowable if the lady was willing."
"Mitchell was not a complete stranger to Catholic church choirs."
"People never really cared what the answer was."
"She was going to let him. Regardless of the consequences, she had to find out for herself what was waiting for her in his arms."
"If you get in first, Max may be willing to follow you."
"I couldn't find a store that sold leashes and I ran out of time, so I bought those instead."
"I'm not sure your 'tourist look' is an improvement over my 'spa look.'"
"Have you always been able to tame wild beasts, or is Max an exception?"
"I was thinking that you have a beautiful smile."
"I admire him even more as a person than as a movie star."
"I worked at the restaurant part-time during high school and college, but I'm not at all sure I know how to run it the way my father did."
"Every year on my birthday, he threw a big 'surprise' party for me at the restaurant."
"The weather here is certainly beautiful this time of year."
"If it rained without a cloud in the sky, it would be surprising."
"I'm staying on a friend's boat, but I thought this would be more comfortable for us."
"For the next hour, the only sounds I want to hear from you are moans of delight and the words 'yes,' 'more,' and 'please.'"
"I felt all the same things you did last night, and you know I did."
"Not that kind of uncertain," she whispered back.
"Take your time," he whispered—an act of almost suicidal unselfishness given the urgent state of his body.
"I can't," she whispered, and with a groan of anticipation and defeat, Mitchell tossed her onto her back and began driving into her with long, deep, slow strokes.
"My choir-girl image of you is undergoing a radical change."
"Those were my wild-child days. Anyway, they came to an end that same day."
"Are you sure you want to play this particular game with me, sweetheart?"
"I don't think so," she said warily, and he laughed.
"Just don't let my Orphan Annie curls and guileless choir-girl image fool you; I can hold my own with you."
"I'm beginning to understand why your father wept."
"I need some time alone before I see him, time to separate mentally and emotionally from us and focus on him instead."
"Then I'll use the time to separate myself from him and begin to focus on us."
"He killed my father. I will do whatever it takes to get him here."
"My dad really loved you. He said-said-that you made him proud to be a Wyatt."
"I've been thinking about how it would have been if we'd grown up together."
"You remember that it was me, not you, he wanted to hurt. Maybe that will make it easier."
"In the big leagues, we cheat, we lie, and we fuck each other's brains out in private, but we do not indulge in public displays of temper."
"Let me think of the right one... To your continued success in climbing up the social ladder, Kate."
"I wouldn't know... How thrilled would you be to find out you're related to a domineering, egocentric old man?"
"My dad and I were arguing, and I was so upset that I wasn't looking where I was going. I tripped and the gun went off."
"I dragged my dad over to it, and pushed him down the hole; then I threw the shotgun in after him."
"I wiped them off on my jacket before I threw the gun down the well."
"I asked him what I should do. He told me to sit still and not call anyone until he got there."
"I've been driving up at the farm since I was twelve. Driving on the highway when it was snowing wasn't easy, but I did as good as my dad could have done."
"You had no right to question him without the presence of the family's attorneys."
"She has you, Holly," he said with a smile, "and you're loyal and brave and strong."
"Why aren't you storming outta here on your way to the kitchen to see who the hell is letting that produce company get away with giving us this crap?"
"I despise the way he treated me, and I wouldn't go back to him after today if he begged me to, but he was crushed."
"Even if I wanted to have a baby right now, I'd be terrified of the kind of genes this baby could have inherited from its father."
"It's a little easier for me to see him as a boy and young man than as a dynamic businessman. It's harder for me to forgive a successful, intelligent man than it is to overlook the heartlessness of a boy who grew up with rich kids while he thought he himself was a charity case without a relative in the world."
"You were there," she whispered achingly. "You were waiting there for me..."
"Daniel Patrick Donovan," she said, "you and I have a restaurant to run!"
"Kate Donovan runs her restaurant while son Daniel looks on and learns the ropes from his high chair."
"I can't thank all of you enough for this," she said simply.
"Danny was wearing a red shirt and blue denim overalls...."
"I keep expecting Danny to dash out of the kitchen or his bedroom," she whispered, looking at Gray, her green eyes swimming with tears. "I want my baby. I want to see him smile at me. You have to p-promise me you'll get him b-back. Please, promise me you will."
"Mitchell, this is your son, Daniel Mitchell Donovan. I think you'd recognize him even without an introduction," she added as she took Danny's hand in hers and stepped aside so that Mitchell could see what she meant.
"I made a mess of things the first few months, and I would have given up back then if it hadn't been for Danny. I needed to make a success of things for both our sakes."
"How in the living hell could you ever have considered marrying an asshole like Evan Bartlett?"
"Is this going to be another one of those conversations we used to have, where you do all the asking and I'm the only one giving answers?"