
The Nest Quotes

The Nest by Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney

The Nest Quotes
"They were always asking about Melody’s siblings, the siblings who lived in the city and seemed so interesting and exotic, especially their uncle Leo."
"Nobody remembered who started calling their eventual inheritance "The Nest," but the name stuck."
"Harold and I are fine, but most of Harold’s money is tied up in commercial real estate, which is a soft market right now. Obviously."
"Everything will be absolutely fine when the market corrects the way it always does."
"Your father set the conditions of the account so that I could tap into it in case of an emergency for this exact reason."
"He’s Leo. He sounded perfectly fine, considering."
"I wish I had the answer to that, but I promise you this: I am going to start working immediately—and hard—to rebuild."
"If it makes you feel any better, I stopped being interesting about two years ago."
"You would hate it. You’re an in-depth feature guy. I wouldn’t do it to you."
"I’ve seen fire do some pretty unbelievable things."
"Little kids, little problems; big kids, big problems."
"These breasts used to make things happen, you know?"
"I used to read three newspapers every morning. Now I get all my news from Oprah."
"I feel like Rip Van Winkle right now. Like I woke up and everyone became their exact opposite."
"You’re making me fat! Don’t let me have seconds."
"It’s normal. I suppose it’s really normal if you’re a twin."
"He nearly died from autoerotic asphyxiation."
"I was hoping you wouldn’t show up here and still be a prick, Leo."
"This house isn’t friendly. It felt like a haunted house."
"She’s pretending it’s not an Archie story—but it is."
"You already make too much money and the colleges don’t care."
"She led a life of deliberate solitude, and if occasional loneliness crept in, she knew how to work her way out of that particular divot."
"She wasn’t going to enter into the type of willful ignorance that life with Leo might require."
"Parenthood was nothing more than being responsible for someone else’s happiness all the time."
"Nothing was a sure thing; every choice was just an educated guess, or a leap into a mysterious abyss."
"Did loving Leo make her a lesser version of herself?"
"If you want to predict a person’s behavior, identify his or her incentives."
"The reason they’d never had a child... was because Jack was the child—and Walker had let him be the child."
"Every day, all day, he felt a kind of vertigo, as if there were nothing holding him up."
"What if he owed both of them another chance?"
"The relentless glistening brown of the platter of chicken and cashews offended her."
"I wasn’t talking about Nora," Melody said. Walt walked away in disgust."
"‘There’s a reason they call it giving custody. Parents are temporary custodians, keeping watch and offering love.'"
"The tableau was so unbalanced and incomplete and sad."
"I’m not only offended by the near unanimous conventionality of everyone’s automatic assumptions."
"He’d never felt so alone in his entire life."
"She was the General and if anything was an advance, this was it."
"She opened and closed both hands as if she were grabbing fistfuls of air. ‘Up!’ she said again."