
Unlawful Contact Quotes

Unlawful Contact by Pamela Clare

Unlawful Contact Quotes
"Heavy metal pumped from car speakers, blaring so loudly that she could barely hear herself think."
"A guy like Hunt wasn’t about to waste time on a flat-chested sophomore."
"Once during a school assembly, someone had pulled the fire alarm, and they’d blamed Hunt."
"Her grandma had warned her that Hunt was trouble."
"She wouldn’t know. She’d have to trust them not to drive drunk."
"Her parents were dead. They’d been dead for almost a year."
"You’re not supposed to tell me that. It makes it hard for me to be afraid of you."
"Stay away from Patrick and his gang. Promise?"
"I’d promise to stay in touch, but I’ve never written a letter in my life."
"The mayor and city council are going at it again—this time over the fire department budget."
"The state doesn’t have the money to give them the therapy they need."
"Do you believe everything convicted murderers tell you?"
"Come on, Alton! If he did it, you can do it!"
"I’d be pretty upset if all of this drama and mayhem were just a case of lockdown ennui—some kind of lifer’s joyride."
"It’s not what you think. Nothing violent or X-rated happened."
"No, they hadn’t had any contact with Megan since they’d kicked her out on her eighteenth birthday."
"You have to understand, Detective Chambers. Megan isn’t really our daughter."
"According to Megan’s file, her mother was an alcoholic and a drug user, but not a prostitute."
"We might not call it that today, but that’s what it is when a woman is promiscuous."
"I’m not sure where you got your information, detective, but Megan was never raped."
"She’s not our granddaughter! We didn’t know a thing about her until that reporter contacted us."
"We work hard to keep contraband out of prison."
"The combination is called fefe on the streets and has earned nicknames like flatliner, executioner, and drop dead."
"The truth is I spent the past six years protecting my own ass."
"Sometimes they take to selling drugs or other contraband during a financial or personal crisis."
"What about love, bitch? At least her real mother loved her."
"As a DEA agent, Marc must have seen the human toll that hard drugs inflicted on society."
"We didn’t know a thing about her until that reporter contacted us."
"I know you don’t go through the archives yourself. You only report back to me with whatever they tell you to say."
"Don’t preach to me about trusting the system."
"I didn’t want to drag her into it. She would have had to talk to the police, testify, endure cross examination, and I didn’t think she could take it."
"You can’t do anything worse to me than you’ve already done!"
"I’ve worked so hard to get where I am, and I won’t let you ruin it!"
"There’s still something between us—something strong. You want me as much as I want you. Getting out of this car won’t change that."
"This is about what’s best for the newspaper."
"I certainly didn’t want Hunt to father my children."
"I can’t imagine what it would be like to endure that every day, year after year, for the rest of your life."
"I always wanted a cabin in the mountains. A wife... and kids."
"There’s no 'happily ever after' for us, sprite. There’s now. Only now."
"That’s not what I mean. God knows, I wouldn’t blame you for doing everything possible to prevent yourself from having a baby by me."
"I’m not buying it. It’s too simple, too tidy."
"You’re not the only one to blame. I should have—"
"I’m Marc Hunter, and I approved this message."
"I thought for awhile that breaking a few heads that first week would be enough to keep the bulldogs in check. If you bitch up, they break you. If you fight, they back off."
"I will do whatever is necessary to make sure no one hurts my sister again."
"I keep thinking of those two women and wondering if they knew they were going to die."
"It’s hard to tell you something this personal when you won’t even look at me."
"I didn’t do it just for you, and I didn’t do it out of pity. I wanted to keep some part of you... with me."
"I know what it’s like to grow up without a dad, Sophie, and I know what it’s like to grow up with a parent in prison."
"And what about Megan? If we turn ourselves over to the police and survive, she’ll go back to prison, and she might lose Emily forever."
"But if she keeps running, she’ll never really be free of her past."
"Don’t tell me you’re jealous of my vibrator."
"Why don’t we talk about you for a moment? You’ve sacrificed so much for Megan already. How much more of your own life are you willing to give up for your sister, son?"
"I-I’m tired of being afraid. I want this to be over. I want you to be free, Marc. I want my baby to be safe."
"Megan, honey, there’s a chance they’ll lock you up for the rest of your life. You might never hold Emily again."
"Turn yourself in to me, Hunter, and I will make it my life’s mission to put away the bastards who hurt her."
"Your sister is the victim of a crime. She deserves justice. She deserves a life. Her baby deserves a mother."
"Sophie is family to me, and she cares about you. That means I have to care about you—even if what I’d rather do is kick your ass."
"I don’t want to believe it either, but I’m willing to bet my badge it’s true."
"Don’t you even say that, Marc Hunter, damn it!"
"I love you, Megan…Promise me…no more drugs. Be…a good mom. Tell Emily…I love her, too."
"I…love you…Always have…Every day…you. My fairy sprite."