
Nowhere To Run Quotes

Nowhere To Run by C.J. Box

Nowhere To Run Quotes
"With every mile of his last patrol of the Sierra Madre of southern Wyoming, Joe felt as if he were going back into time and to a place of immense and unnatural silence."
"He couldn’t in good conscience vacate the area without investigating the complaint about the butchered elk. That wouldn’t be fair to the new game warden, whoever he or she would be."
"Rarely, though, had he changed his mind about a mountain range once he’d established its quirks and rhythms in his mind."
"Out in the lake, the moose had returned and stood in silhouette bordered by blue moon splash."
"It was like walking into a convenience store for a quart of milk and realizing there was an armed robbery in progress."
"I wish I could have gone with you, even though I don’t like concerts. Right now, I’m high in the mountains, and it’s a beautiful and lonely place."
"So how could these brothers have stayed out of sight? Then Joe thought, Maybe they hadn’t."
"He felt he was the one who was encroaching, as if he’d barged unasked and unwanted into their living room."
"Being out of radio contact was not unusual in itself, and often he didn’t mind it one bit. This time he did."
"I’m in trouble, but I’ve got more to live for than just me."
"An honest man can be a big pain in the butt to a politician."
"The easiest way to eat crow is while it's warm."
"I just want everyone to be happy, starting with me."
"The constant pain of his legs, the awkward rhythm of his descent."
"If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging."
"We'll get more horses. I know you're always on the lookout for good ones."
"I feel like I left a piece of me up there on that mountain."
"I feel like I asked them all the wrong questions."
"The Golden Years have come at last. The Golden Years can kiss my ass."
"I've never been resentful or angry with what you do for a living."
"I still love her. I still goddamn love her, even after all she did to me."
"Eventually, those brothers will get caught or turn themselves in."
"They start out human, but something goes wrong. It’s usually related to terrible hunger, but sometimes it’s like a demon enters into them and turns them into monsters."
"These people who turn into Wendigos look like walking skeletons with their flesh hanging off of their bones. They stink like death—like those horses we found back there."
"They’re cannibals, too, but they’re really weird cannibals because the more human flesh they eat, the bigger they get and the hungrier they are."
"I know it sounds crazy, but things have been happening up here in these mountains for the last year that don’t make sense."
"That’s because you don’t tempt them with bacon. Bacon is magic."
"Finding her is my obsession, Pickett. I know she’s alive and well. I just know it, right?"
"It’s like they’re trying to stay out of it but control things at the same time."
"I don’t even think it was the lack of a license so much. It was your threat about seeing them in court. You were telling them, in effect, that the jig was up."
"We used to be a people who had a government. Now it’s the other way around."
"It’s not about who is the fastest or the toughest hombre in the state. It’s about who can look up without any mist in their eyes or doubts in their heart, aim, and pull the trigger without thinking twice."
"This is when you find out who your friends are."
"Anything that’s free has no value. Zero means zero."
"I’m not sure what to say. The governor is going to be very disappointed in you, Joe. Very disappointed."
"You’re still here. You shouldn’t still be here."
"I understand. But you don’t need to be any part of this."
"I feel like we owe it to those brothers to find them before they’re cornered by the cavalry that’ll be coming."