
Invisible Prey Quotes

Invisible Prey by John Sandford

Invisible Prey Quotes
"The killers inside watched three teenagers, two boys and a girl, hurrying along the sidewalk like windblown leaves."
"Now the first of the big summer winds. Refreshing, if it didn’t knock your house down."
"The Weather Channel had warned of tornadic events."
"A slender black woman, sixtyish, Peebles said, 'Why no…'"
"The grounds-keeper and the cook were home, snug in bed."
"The last light was gone, the night now as dark as a coal sack."
"The pilot in the wheelhouse was looking up the hill at the lights of Oak Walk."
"Sloan carried a couple of Diet Cokes over to the booth where Lucas Davenport waited."
"Lucas went for Italian suits, French ties, and English shoes."
"In the morning, when shaving, he worried about getting old."
"Lucas said, 'Two guys in the bar and they’re both drinking Cokes. You’re gonna go broke.'"
"Lucas’s smile came and went, flashing in his face."
"Lucas said to Sloan, 'It’s more complicated than that.'"
"Lucas took I-94 to Marion Street, around a couple of corners onto John Ireland, up the hill past the hulking cathedral, and motored onto Summit."
"OAK WALK WAS a three-story red-brick mansion with a white-pillared portico out front."
"The hallway was no longer lined with paintings, but Lucas knew that it had been, because the paintings were lying on the floor."
"The hallway, with its pinkish wallpaper, would normally have been lined with paintings."
"Weather said, 'Lucas, I spent two hundred and ten thousand dollars, and that wasn’t the really good stuff that I actually wanted.'"
"Lucas looked down at his roast, then back up to Weather: 'You paid nine thousand dollars for this table? We could have gone over to IKEA.'"
"Weather jabbed a fork at him. 'Fuck IKEA,' Weather said."
"Lucas told Smith about the antiques book, and what he thought had to be done at the murder scene."
"Smith was uncertain: 'Lucas, those pot pieces are smaller’n your dick. How in the hell are we going to get them back together?'"
"If the people who hit the place are big-time antique thieves, if this is some kind of huge invisible heist, I’ll bet they didn’t bust up the good stuff."
"I bet there’s twenty thousand bucks worth of pots in the cupboard, there’s a thousand bucks worth of busted pots on the floor, and the six missing pots are worth a hundred grand. That’s what I think."
"Smith sighed and said, 'I’ll freeze the scene, won’t allow anybody to start cleaning anything out. Take pictures of everything, inch by inch.'"
"What was that the Lash kid said? A painting that said ‘reckless’?"
"The media were usually a pain in the ass, but they could also be a useful club."
"Don't get in too deep, Lucas. This sounds like it'll require scapegoats."
"How could I find out what they had in there?"
"If you kill an old lady, everybody gets excited."
"You’ve got to watch your ankles when he’s around."
"It’s a skinny blonde with a deep need for kinky sex."
"You’ll nail her in the front seat of your car."
"The only other sound was the mechanical whir of an air-conditioner fan." - Narration
"Her friends say she didn’t want to be annoyed by a lot of renovation when she only had a few years left." - Frazier
"The paintings and old tables to the city at some ridiculous valuation, like two million bucks, which they would then deduct from their income tax." - Frazier
"If you go through all the possibilities, you realize, in the end, that the killer-person, whoever he was, was inside the house with Claire." - Margaret Booth
"We have a big pile of them, but they’re a mess." - Landford about sales records
"I got a tip that you’ve been investigating Burt Kline for statutory rape." - Ruffe Ignace
"I just talked to Ruffe Ignace. He knows about Kline." - Lucas
"We could make simulation software that would teach Republicans how to fuck and Democrats how to steal." - Lucas
"Are you going to testify for the Dakota County grand jury?" - Ruffe Ignace
"Her address is in the file I gave you. But you know where the Ford plant is, the one by the river in St. Paul?" - Frazier
"If you don’t have that, then you’re out of luck." - Leslie about locating missing antiques
"The fact is, it’s difficult to tell." - Landford on missing antiques
"I’ll take that as a ‘no comment,'" - Ruffe Ignace
"I’m going after the mother this afternoon." - Ruffe Ignace
"That's no problem. That's fifteen seconds, stealing the plate."
"He could come back to it. He smells the connection."
"Only if everything is perfect. Only if the stars are right."
"Be simpler to wait for Davenport outside his house, and shoot him."
"If the cops think the Bucher killers went out and killed a cop...they'd tear up everything."
"The problem was, he worked from photographs, and Gabriella's very firm sixteenth Rule of Life was Never Take Off Your Clothes Around a Camera."
"Nobody would look at your face. Besides, I won't put it on the Internet."
"They don’t have to know she’s dead. They can think she ran away."
"Who’d figure it out? There must be dozens or hundreds of people who hate him."
"You can't throw a dog out a car window. Might be able to get away with an old lady, but not a dog."
"We'll be okay," Leslie said. "We've just got to kill our way out of it."
"I'm so scared. We should never have done Bucher. Never have killed at home."
"You can go across the river in the wintertime and get killed for a ham sandwich."
"We dealt with all those people—Donaldson, Bucher, Toms. There are records, somewhere. Old checks."
"You can't get crazier than that, except that, for money…you can kind of understand it, in its own insane way."
"I'm afraid you'll have to come with us, to make a technical identification of the body, but there's really no doubt."
"I never signed anything. He endorsed all the checks, wrote the estimates. He did the scouting while I watched the shop."
"Of course it would. That's how rich people stayed rich. Watch your pennies and the dollars take care of themselves."
"I could see a murder being done that way…but it’d be rare, especially since the victim doesn’t appear to have been restrained in any way."
"If we’re not happy when we leave here, we’ll be taking Miz Anderson with us."
"You know the last mean thing that Botox bitch did? She stole my alprazolam to put in the van, just when I needed it most."
"I hope you can help us," Lucas said. "Miz Anderson needs some advice."
"I’ll make a note," Lucas said. "But we will find out, either from you, with your cooperation, or from other people."
"You might want to give her a couple of names, just in case," Lucas said.
"I am not and never have been an accomplice. I’m a storekeeper."
"We meet again," she said, with a thin smile, shaking his hand.
"I don’t know if she did anything wrong, but I think she must be watched, or she will run away."