
Mental States Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Creativity is magnified when you're able to access these states of relaxed mind."
"Consciousness is a place where you can represent the mental states of others."
"Philosophical zombies challenge the idea that all mental aspects can be explained by physical processes."
"You can be in a state of total emptiness, you can be in a state of the state you're in right now."
"It's called a choiceless awareness because we are not choosing to do it; it happens."
"Heaven and hell are states of mind, not physical places."
"The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight."
"Whether you experience emotions sadness unhappiness happiness alignment all of those things are fluctuations within the mind but the experiencer stays the same."
"This is not a form of psychosis according to Jung but rather a normal part of a psychological process... a dreamlike state of emotional contagion."
"Concepts are completely crazy, but if you are hysterical, you can believe anything."
"Albert Einstein was very adept in putting himself into altered states of consciousness."
"Exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness is vital."
"Heaven and hell are states of mind, not places."
"Consciousness can flow between all these different states."
"Existence itself apart from the things which exist."
"I remember when I lost my mind, there was something so pleasant about that place."
"Detachment and allowance are key to understanding the superconscious."
"So the implication is if you're a physicalist you think your mental states are somehow generated by physical structure."
"Restlessness and calmness are properties of the mind, keep them in the mind."
"The introspection illusion creates inaccurate predictions of future mental states."
"One can start using the Principle of Rhythm to his advantage by polarising himself to the degree he wishes once he is in tune with it and grasps that every mental condition is in Rhythm, ebbing and flowing."
"People can go into what's called a dissociative state."
"Every mental state is accompanied by vibration of its own plane. Every emotional state or feeling has its own particular rate of vibration."
"A knowledge of the existence of this great hermetic principle will enable the student to better understand his own mental states and those of other people."
"Emptiness in early Buddhism had this connotation of emptying our minds out of that which is less than skillful."
"New devices can now read or even manipulate our mental states."
"Intentionality is the directedness toward an object exhibited by mental states."
"Intentionality is a technical term for the directedness toward an object that is exhibited by at least some mental states."
"Emergence is the match between ever-present multiple mental states... and the impinging contextual forces within which it functions."
"The brain systems that generate hedonic states are there but they're not operating at their fullest all the time."
"Much like mental states, risk can go up over time, it can reduce over time, and it can fluctuate a lot."
"As we practice these four great efforts and remove the negative states of mind and replace them with positive ones, we'll notice how much happier we can become."
"The benefit of Arupa states is to open the mind both to emptiness and to the discernment of body and mind."
"If you're depressed, you're living in the past. If you're anxious, you're living in the future. If you're peaceful, you're living in the right now."
"Awareness then embraces thinking; thinking arises and ceases."
"The hard work... is understanding or having a construct or a description or hypothesis about mental states and how they give rise to experience."
"The overarching term is shared intentionality when we're sharing mental states and we're sharing goals and we're sharing attention."
"Attachment, anger, confusion... these are the three poisonous minds."
"Theory of mind is an important social-cognitive skill that involves the ability to think about mental states, both your own and those of others."
"A monk understands a mind with lust as a mind with lust, and a mind without lust as a mind without lust."
"There's fundamentally four different states of mind."
"Thoughts, beliefs, desires, sensations, and acts of will... these are the five states of consciousness."
"Loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity - these are described by the Buddha as not transcendent states but they are exalted, very refined, and the epitome of wholesome mental states."
"Presence of awareness is that which knows both a blank state of mind and a chattering state of mind."
"Our mind states determine our character."
"Intentionality is the ability to have mental states that are about things in the world."
"Physical processes are semantically indeterminate; mental states are semantically determinate."
"Mind-reading... basically refers to the ability to recognize that behavior is caused by mental states."
"The consciousness can have many different modes of functioning."