
Protein Intake Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"Eating enough protein and dividing it up throughout the day... people who do this on a regular basis have less visceral fat than people who don't."
"Total daily protein intake is by far the most important factor."
"As we age, maintaining muscle mass through adequate protein intake and resistance training becomes increasingly important for preventing frailty."
"For optimal muscle protein synthesis, we ideally want to be getting in a dose of protein every three to four hours or so."
"Meat protein from meat is particularly helpful because studies have shown that meats increase testosterone levels."
"People who exercise regularly require a higher amount of protein intake to maximize performance."
"Taking in roughly a gram per pound of body weight is the sensible thing if your goal is to maximize gains."
"Making sure that you get enough protein every single day... will really help you with a postpartum recovery and getting your skin tighter and smoother."
"0.5 grams per pound of body weight per day of protein is a hard no for muscle gain."
"1 gram per pound to a gram and a half is probably more than nearly anyone needs."
"When trying to figure out how much protein to eat, I would aim to eat my ideal body weight in grams of protein each day."
"You really need good protein in your diet to make good collagen."
"Prioritize protein during your feeding window... a nice balance between enhancing autophagy and supporting muscle protein synthesis."
"You need to be consuming 30% more protein than you normally would."
"You actually need more protein as you age because skeletal muscle has this aging phenomenon that's called anabolic resistance."
"Increasing the proportion of protein in your diet might naturally lead to a subtractive solution."
"Pick any combination of plant foods adding up to 2,000 calories a day and try to develop a protein deficiency. You can't do it. It's mathematically impossible."
"Increase your protein intake because protein is very-very satiating."
"With ProHydrolase, I could actually decrease the amount of pea protein in the shake for the outright best taste and mouthfeel while still ultimately delivering more protein than most other shakes on the market."
"Eating enough protein should be the centerpiece of almost any diet plan that's designed to help you burn fat."
"Muscle loss is inevitable, but as long as you're keeping your protein intake high and you're still training really hard, you're able to progress."
"Not getting enough protein is also a common mistake."
"Neymar loves his protein shakes or what he likes to call them magic potions."
"You must consume increasing amounts of protein and you must do strength training to ward off sarcopenia as you age."
"I find these data unassailable... higher protein across the board is going to save more lives than it would ever hurt."
"Having enough protein in your diet can change things tremendously."
"A protein goal is one gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight."
"Get at least .73 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day."
"There's no protein deficiency in my body folks after seven point five years as a vegan."
"BCAA supplements are essentially worthless as long as you're consuming enough daily protein."
"I'm a big fan of a protein shake in the morning. I feel like it just gets you going."
"Consuming protein will not make you bulky as women."
"Maintain a calorie surplus while consuming a minimum of 9.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight."
"Maintaining lean tissue and a lean physique year-round while not having to deprive yourself is to get your protein numbers up."
"Being able to scoop one scoop or two scoops 25 to 50 grams of protein in a shake when you're on the go after training or something is really really good."
"The more plant protein in the diet made for longer lifespan and more animal protein in the diet made for shorter lifespans."
"As long as your diet is locked in, you're eating in a calorie deficit, you're eating enough protein, you're going to be just fine."
"One gram of protein per pound of body weight is optimal for everyone, not just bodybuilders."
"Including a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet will help with your overall balance."
"How much protein can you absorb in a single meal? All of it."
"In the day, in the course of all the meals that you're eating, that you're getting enough protein."
"You need to be eating enough protein to fuel muscle growth, typically one gram of protein for every pound you weigh."
"Sleeping for eight hours, that's a good period of time without protein."
"You can actually turn cancer on by higher protein intake and turn it off."
"These bars taste like a chocolate bar and you know protein bars are just such an easy convenient source of protein for those really super crazy days."
"Protein provides satiety and prevents cravings for foods that don't align with your goals."
"Recommended daily protein intake varies, ranging from 1.2 to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight."
"120 grams of bananas, 20 grams of banana cheese, and two scoops of protein."
"Ready-made Shake Please smoothies offer a fast and convenient way to get a protein infusion in less than a minute." - Shake Please
"High protein intake grants flexibility with your diet and promotes satiety for women."
"Your best off whether your keto or not to just have some lean clean protein."
"Make sure that you're packing in those proteins for the day."
"For older people I think we're still wrestling with the issue of protein and what will be optimal to try and take the curve to this as opposed to this sort of decline."
"30 G protein meals... equates to about 90 G per day... but as you'll see on most days I actually vastly overshoot that 100 G per day."
"There's no set number of shakes. Hit your protein intake, eat as much as you can. If you can't get that, you can add another shake in."
"The problem is that when you eat too much protein of any type, you stress your kidneys and liver."
"The ketogenic diet is not a high-protein diet; it's actually moderate to low protein."
"To maximize muscle growth, trainees should aim to consume at least around 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram per day."
"Setting a minimum protein Target and make sure to hit that Target each day as your first priority."
"I think the biggest concern I see in people approaching weight loss is not having enough protein."
"I'm mostly optimized around energy balance, staying in energy balance, and protein intake. So most of my conscious effort around my diet goes into making sure I'm getting 40 to 50 grams of protein four times a day."
"Almost everybody is under-consuming protein."
"Protein is so important for our body, we want to make sure we're incorporating protein at every single meal and breakfast included."
"Eat more protein. Shoot for like 100 grams daily."
"Protease study which was very thorough does seem to support increased protein intake to help us prevent sarcopenia particularly as we get older."
"The best way to finish a good workout in the morning is to fill yourself up with some good protein."
"The most important time to eat protein is in a fasted state, especially in the morning. It activates muscle synthesis and provides numerous health benefits."
"One of the main reasons that people lose too much muscle mass as they get older is because they're not eating enough protein."
"There's no question in my mind that as far as muscle strength and hypertrophy, the resistance exercise is probably at least 75 percent more important than the protein level."
"Before we move on I just want to say you're looking Jack dude and I'm happy that we could help you with your protein intake today."
"...integrating it into breakfast especially and starting out your day with 30 grams of protein is so, so powerful."
"The fact that you can actually lower this simply by lowering the protein you're spilling just by doing that one tiny change you can lower this by one mil that's a massive drop."
"And I feel pretty confident that a higher, at least certainly higher than the RDA level of dietary protein intake when you're above 50 is beneficial, particularly if you're exercising."
"Could you eat 36 grams per pound of body weight and not develop disease related to protein deficiency? Yes, you could. You'd be fine."
"You want to lean on the higher end even flirting with maybe a little too much of protein."
"If you're calorically restricted, depending on how calorically restricted you could still achieve the RDA of protein."
"There are plenty of easy and effective ways to get the needed protein into your diet."
"One of the points I want to make is that the protein RDA is not the right yardstick for measuring protein intake."
"So like a minimum 30 grams of protein per serving which is great because like you can always do like a serving and a half and that gives you 45 grams of protein for dinner right or you could do like two servants if you want."
"'Make sure you're getting adequate protein every single day.'"
"I'd say mess around with that a little bit, if you're hitting about 170 grams or so of protein, you're probably okay."
"Most people wake up and have 30 grams of protein, they're going to vastly improve their health."
"Most people believe that we shouldn't consume more than 30 grams of protein because they believe that that is where you get maximum protein synthesis or muscle protein synthesis, somewhat true."
"Eat way more protein... to minimize fat gain."
"If you're really working out and you're trying to get that additional protein, it's hard to get the required recommended amount of protein. It's harder than you think."
"Weight maintaining a high protein low fat diet is good advice for anybody with liver disease."
"Protein anxiety: Let it go on a healthy plant-based diet."
"...if you're eating all plant Foods the rest of the day all of those plant foods are going to have protein in them so you're going to easily get enough protein throughout the day without trying to add extra protein..."
"Eat more protein. Every single person on the planet should just eat much protein."
"Consuming whey protein in moderation is unlikely to damage the gut."
"You want to eat 0.7 to 1 gram per pound of body weight."
"One of the most important things is to get enough protein."
"If you eat a mix of whole plant foods and you get enough calories, it's almost impossible not to get enough protein."
"Once we've had enough protein, our bodies will signal to our brains: stop eating, I'm full."
"Make sure you get your gram per pound of protein."
"High protein diets have been shown to promote weight loss, increase satiety, enhance thermogenesis, improve body composition, and reduce the risk of weight regain after weight loss."
"That is more or less what I eat in a day, guys, I try to stick to 1,500 calories and hit like 110-120 grams of protein."
"Eating more protein... will reduce your overall caloric intake."
"I'm a big fan of tracking only because I want to see if I'm getting my maximum protein."
"Defining the 'appropriate upper limits' of animal protein intake may offer a great chance for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and obesity."
"Maintaining adequate protein intake is essential for overall health."
"Our protein needs really go up after menopause too."
"Healthy proteins, healthy amino acids are what your dog's bones, muscle health, and brain health need to grow in the most optimal way."
"The recommended intake of protein is roughly 0.7 grams per kilogram of body weight."
"I'm really trying to get more protein in my diet; the more protein I can get, the better."
"Branch chain amino acid supplementation is not necessary for people who get a sufficient amount of protein on a daily basis."
"You don't need 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight."
"Eating a lot of protein absolutely will increase your urea, but that can absolutely be a good thing."
"We're going to stick with the 0.8 grams per kilo for protein intake."
"Protein can help you suppress your appetite and maintain your lean body mass."
"As an athlete, you have to absolutely be getting enough protein in your diet."
"It's more beneficial to consume regular servings of protein throughout the day rather than having all of it in one sitting."
"The most important thing is getting your total daily protein intake."
"Greek yogurt is super high in protein so it helps me reach my protein goal and also fulfills my sweet tooth."
"Eat your protein. Get your damn protein."
"If you hit 50 grams of protein with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, there's 150. 25 grams in between protein shake as a snack, there's your 200 grams right there."
"You build more muscle if you eat the same amount of protein throughout the day."
"I'm going to get Greek yogurt instead of sour cream to get more protein in."
"Increased protein intake allows for greater muscle mass preservation when consumed during periods of negative energy balance."
"I'm literally having 100 g of protein in the next 2 meals just from the beef mince."
"If you want to increase your muscle, then you do need to have two things: the stimulus, which is the strength training, combined with sufficient protein intake."
"You need to get bro-tein, or else you can't get bro-gress."
"Consuming essential amino acids in a powdered form may be an easier way for them to get those overall protein needs."
"This helps me make sure I get enough protein for my body composition goals."
"I'm going to show you how I do my protein cereal. It is the best way to get your protein in without feeling like you're drinking or like chugging a protein shake."
"Count your blessings, drink your protein."
"In order to get the right response from your body, you want to have at least 20 grams in a bolus of protein."
"Most people are not eating enough protein."
"Taking a slow protein before you go to bed can help minimize the catabolic effects in the wee hours of the morning."
"Post-workout means high protein, so we wanted to pay those muscles that we just tore in the gym."
"Ideally, for our overall nutrition, the best way to get in our protein is through natural food sources."
"Eat your weight in protein in grams of protein or eat your target weight in grams of protein."
"The protein ranges range between 1.8 and 3.2 grams per kilogram."
"Trust the process, just show me one day a week consistently, hit your protein intake, get enough, be fed while you do your training and stuff, and then let's see what your body does."
"This has 11 grams of protein, okay, so it's really going to be more filling and hold you over longer."
"Lower calories and keep the protein high enough in order to retain muscle mass."
"If you want more leptin, eat more protein."
"Adding in adequate and more high-quality protein is one of the single-handedly easiest things you could do to help you achieve your goal."
"This is my favorite way to make cupcakes and actually get a little bit more protein into my kids."
"Yes, you can meet your protein requirements on a vegetarian or vegan diet, but you need to make sure to pick the right proteins."
"We can have 100 grams of protein, possibly more, possibly no real upper limit, and our body will actually utilize it."
"A balance of cardio, weight training, and HIIT, along with adequate protein, supports your fitness goals."
"I've been loving doing Greek yogurt with my oats because it just adds some protein."
"Protein is incredibly satiating and adding protein to your meal is possibly gonna make you eat less both at that meal and later on in the day."
"You need to be eating enough protein to maintain your muscle mass."
"Most people aren't getting enough... we need about double of what previously was recommended for protein intake in order to optimize our health."
"For the vast majority of people that are going to be exercising pretty challenging frequently, you're going to want to try to have a relatively decent amount of protein."
"You notice results really quick when you're lifting weights, especially if you are eating a lot of protein."
"Positive balance is when your intake of protein is greater than your output."
"Drink more water, increase prioritize your protein intake, focus on eating more lean proteins."
"Higher dietary protein intake improves body composition changes during periods of either moderate to even aggressive caloric restriction."
"In otherwise healthy people who have no kidney issues, there's no detriment to higher protein intakes."
"You can use Whole Foods to be able to help increase your protein intake."
"These bars contain 21 grams of protein... great for me pre and post workout because that's what I need, carbs."
"Most patients, especially women, need to up their protein intake after procedures because they're getting nowhere near what we want to maximize healing."
"Try to make sure you have a protein source with every meal."
"Eat 0.85 grams of protein per pound of body weight... it's going to be the most that your body is really going to be able to use towards muscle building."
"Proteins are the literal building blocks of your muscles, so it's super important when trying to build muscle that you have a high protein diet."
"One gram of protein per pound of body weight is a great goal to shoot for."
"As long as you focus on the two most important things - the amount of protein you get in a day and the amount of calories you're eating in total - the weight will fall off."
"14 grams of protein is a decent amount of protein."
"If you're training solid and you're eating enough protein, then by doing that you should be able to consistently gain muscle while staying relatively lean over the longer term."
"Eating protein with every meal is going to make every meal a lot more satiating."
"She didn't feel protein deprived anymore because she had chicken cutlets."
"Make sure that you have some source of protein at every single meal."
"First thing in the morning, stay away from carbs. You need something like protein."
"Vegans aren't necessarily at a disadvantage assuming that total protein intake is adequate."
"Spacing out your protein and getting roughly 40 grams of protein spread out throughout the day every three or so hours keeps muscle protein signaling high."
"My position is so long as protein intake is adequate, meeting minimum recommended intakes for muscle growth for bodybuilding, there doesn't seem to be any difference in terms of ability to grow muscle and strength on a vegan diet."
"An important and missed opportunity to consume a high protein meal in well-trained athletes is before going to bed."
"It's better to go too high on protein than too low, especially when your goal is recomposition."
"Just have one extra protein shake a day; it's a really simple thing, it's a really easy step to take."
"Protein will keep you feeling fuller for longer, and it is important just to space out your protein during the day."
"I'm really working to get those 130 to 140 grams of protein into my diet every day."
"I do a protein and collagen chocolate smoothie."