
Personal Expression Quotes

There are 2671 quotes

"Creativity may be the ultimate exercise in autonomy."
"Greatness is...owning the doing the work to really understand who you are, what matters to you in the world, and how you need to express yourself."
"I believe that our emotions are a sacred gift. Our feelings are the language of our soul."
"The higher the heels, the more confidence it gives you."
"Words are powerful, man! And the words that you choose to use tell people a lot about the type of person that you are."
"I believe anytime you're creating something with tools that you have, it can be incredibly beautiful."
"Music does that for me, and performing on a stage does that for me."
"I don't think of it as a job, it's just this creative outlet for me, just a space to get as weird as I want to be and make what I want."
"I need to have a voice of my own. I need to make videos about things that matter to me."
"I'm an emotional person, and sometimes you can hear the emotion in these women's voices."
"I think having different colors, different designs, it really allows you to be really, really creative."
"A high-value woman takes care of her temple... She knows how to put together things so it expresses who she is on the outside."
"Everything that I said that was important or that helped my argument to make more sense was cut out."
"If you feel that you would be doing damage to your integrity, then you have to say what you have to say, do it carefully, and prepare for the consequences."
"I write about ideas that have molded me; my work is somewhat autobiographical."
"It has to be someone who's like a creator, working on it, hiding some kind of deeper significance or deeper meaning that's important to them and putting their stamp on it, putting their signature into something. Love that."
"Develop your communication skills because once you open your mouth, you tell the world who you are."
"There is somewhat of a personal experience when looking at the self-portrait of an artist... it also offers a glimpse into how the artist represents themselves or more specifically, it allows the viewer to witness how the artist sees themselves."
"I think art is like an individual's expression, so the more that an artist can interact with people or experiences they can have, the better the art they produce."
"The funk is coming. The funk lives within me, man."
"Each outfit harmonizing with the luxurious cadence of her existence."
"Sketchbooks aren't just like a cool thing; they're very, very important to an artist. They say a lot about who you are as a person, what kind of lifestyle you live, what kind of art supplies you use, your skill level, social commentary, and they just record so much personal stuff."
"I just want to say I love you, my little coconuts."
"I used to always rap on my own, you know, man, good."
"When you're working on something that is expressing who you are, I do suggest that you take time with it."
"Great art, in some way, shape, or form, is always personal or semi-autobiographical... We put ourselves in it because it gives it a sense of reality."
"The basic story of technology in our lifetimes is how it's given us the power to express ourselves and experience the world with ever greater richness."
"Style matters. Fashion is an expression of who you are as an individual."
"Putting your own personal stamp on something and turning it so the whole world can see it is the most important thing you can do as an artist."
"I've always dreamed of being able to make my own stuff in Minecraft."
"Every time you hit that record button, trying to just let go and trying to let go of this character that you're creating to be yourself."
"It's not about the quality of their camera, it's about the stripped-down version of themselves that they're able to capture."
"Nourish yourself. If you love sweeping, sweep something. If you love painting your walls, paint your wall a crazy color."
"All I can do is write about what's truthful to me now."
"This man was a teacher for 40 years; at year 20, on picture day, he realized he'd worn the same outfit as the previous year, so he got the idea to continue to do so for his whole teaching career."
"That's how it feels for me not to speak my heart, to not live in authenticity."
"If poetry is for you and helps you heal, then it doesn't really matter if it's good or not, it's fulfilling its purpose."
"When I'm getting dressed, I think what is most important to me is feeling like myself and feeling like I am genuinely expressing who I am."
"These sounds are a part of my voice. Art is about expression, music is the language that we choose, but drums, this is our voice. And each of you has a voice, and the object now is to discover that voice and then share it. That's the journey."
"Your gender doesn't change because of your fashion preferences, and your fashion preferences don't define your gender."
"I would still be a woman even if I didn't wear makeup, I would still be a woman even if I didn't wear nail polish, and I would still be a woman even if I didn't wear perfume."
"It carries not only the information that you have to offer but that intangible essence of your personality and who you are, which is part of the artistry and part of the magic."
"Your opinion is yours; speak your opinion as much as you damn well feel like it."
"I just feel like I need to speak the truth to you, for my own sanity at this point."
"I think first-person is my gender queer identity... if I lived in a society where what we are, gender assigned at birth, was like placed literally no restriction on terms of how people review your expression or your role, I don't think I would feel the need to identify as genderqueer."
"I can swear or dress in second-hand clothes without having people attribute these choices to the bad morals, poverty, or the illiteracy of my race."
"This therapy session 'cause you're sharing with the world, your true self."
"Great art shows so much about your personality and sets the stage for your home."
"I am proud to be Black, and it's hard to say that."
"I want people to treat my wedding like it is the next Met Gala, except this time they would actually come on theme."
"I cannot send enough thanks to the entire Learning Together team for this wonderful opportunity to express my true self."
"I write songs because I like writing songs, and I release songs because I'm proud of them."
"Life without playing music is inconceivable for me."
"What we wear says a lot about who we are, yet fashion is also a $2.5 trillion global industry that touches everyone on earth."
"For the increased number of cars came real personal freedom of movement and the much-talked-about love affair with the motorcar."
"Customizing is all about putting your own stamp on a vehicle."
"You're not always going to want to look exactly like yourself. That's why people shave their beards, dress up, style their hair, put on makeup, or get tattoos. And of course, you'll be able to do all of that and more in the metaverse."
"All of these outfits are like art statements; they're not supposed to be just normal outfits that live in your closet."
"Never let other people tell you what you should sound like because it's completely up to you to decide."
"You're distracting me from my art, and let me tell you, it's beautiful."
"Nothing says spring like me blooming for you."
"The way you dress can convey several things; it tells about your personality, your character, your background, your aesthetic taste, your social status, authority, and mood."
"In order to be authentic in the games that you create, you need to connect to something in yourself and let that come out through your work."
"How easily are you swept under the rug? It's terrifying."
"You can use whatever it is, whatever inspires you to make music. That is the goal."
"Why should you be afraid to say that you love God and you love this country? Own your voice because when you own your voice, you own your power."
"Taking risks... means taking my mask off and letting myself be who I am in public, online, around friends, in relationships."
"I try to speak my truth, and some people are gonna like it, some people aren't, and that's okay."
"You have something really important to share with the world and you have a really important experience to share with the world."
"I say some random weird nonsense and then people relate to that or like they have the same experience and you feel less alone."
"I like showing to other people that, you know, there's... other types of music."
"Your words are imbued with the meaning that you want to transmit."
"Daddy's hungry oh my god finally oh my god okay that was the most intense round of snd that I've ever casted in my damn life"
"Selling yourself should be one of the last thing you do when you when you try to make art. When you're in the moment it's very hard to know what the meaning is."
"Start creating and posting to find what feels natural and authentic to you."
"Did I go insane? No, the only thing that will go crazy is my next few videos."
"Stitch, you're making me hungry now. I want french fries. This looks so funny. I love french fries."
"Happy wife, happy life. No matter what nonsense maybe, my wife knows that I love her very much."
"That is freaking awesome, different car dude, how crazy!"
"The true empowerment of this song: hands on my knees shaking on my thought post me a pic final make me a prophet."
"Your voice is your currency. Tell your story at all costs."
"It's therapeutic, right? You just spill it all out and then you're part of the team."
"Dress how you want to dress, be how you want to be, but be kind to everyone."
"All you gotta is look at the smile on my face right now."
"Making videos has been a really fun way for me to talk about stuff that I don't think anyone would want to listen to me in real life talk about."
"If you're an artist and you're just making music for yourself or your friends... then make whatever the [ __ ] you want."
"Embrace your beauty by applying styles that make you feel the most confident and beautiful."
"Honestly, I feel like I'm playing dress-up. This is so fun."
"You see, I can't stop smiling man. It's... it's beautiful."
"It's very important to take that journey and be able to say what you think in the moment"
"I may say things that are wrong but if I couldn't say things that are wrong I would feel like I couldn't say anything at all." - Elon Musk
"I honestly thought I am actually not going to projectile vomit."
"As long as you put yourself out there, you put your heart first, whatever somebody has to say in return, it doesn't even matter."
"I feel like I've made my point very, very clear."
"Things get a little crazy when you disagree with them or you speak out against something that they hold very dear."
"Don't be secretly weird. If you're weird, be publicly weird."
"Don't say the most clever thing about a subject. Say what you [ __ ] feel about it."
"I love my curly hair... I just want to be clear for anyone when it comes to my hair not like I need to but I just want to talk about it quickly."
"Clearly actually makes you have swag... is having your own style."
"I wish that I could express how truly sorry I am."
"The highest, as the lowest form of criticism, is a mode of autobiography."
"Sing the song of your life like a work of art, with balance and grace."
"It's hard isn't it not to want to speak up for yourself?"
"Be true to yourself and you'll find the people who want to hear what you have to say."
"There needs to be more people like you, man. You have the balls to speak up."
"They both say something deep and true in a way that's unique to themselves."
"It takes courage to put yourself out there and say things like that."
"You're finally going to be able to step into your power and speak your truth."
"I look forward to making YouTube videos every single night because it became my outlet for self-expression."
"When will everyone be free to be who they really are?"
"The world is weird, it makes me mad. At least I get to talk about it with Jose every year."
"You didn't really sense the gravity of what I'm telling you until you witness a 55-year-old white guy with glasses walk into your club in a Hooters girl outfit."
"I'm one of those creatures that speaks through ART. I just always want to make. If I'm not making, I'm dying in some way."
"If your conception of masculinity boils down to aesthetics like nail polish or dresses, I just think that's such a weak argument."
"Not everything has to be praise. Sometimes you're not going to like things and that's okay."
"It is your time to step out, to step up, to speak up, and to really allow yourself to shine."
"My work might just be a piece of shape, curve, and shade to you, but for me, I consider it as my greatest workmanship and am able to call it my own masterpiece." - Hans Alcanzar
"I've always been vocal on social media because I was silenced for so long."
"I just love ice yo! I'm triggered, I'm triggered!"
"If Hank Green wants to say some [ __ ], just say it. We don't always have to frame everything around like... responding to online activism."
"I pray God you've give them the Freedom and the Liberty to say ouch the Freedom and the liberties say it hurt the Freedom and the Liberty to say I was afraid but I'm going to choose to be more amazing I'm afraid."
"I swear to God. I swear to God. I swear to God." - Shayne
"I don't like when people say 'Instagram's a highlight real'. Mine's not. I make a conscious decision to make mine a well-rounded reel."
"His original color and personality does come through."
"Let's just do something, just let it go. Euphoria was the first time I felt people actually heard the rarest form of."
"Design is all about curating a space that represents you."
"It has to suit who you are, what you stand for, what you represent. Basically, it has to be the scent that is representing who you are as a person."
"We all need fashion, we all need clothes to put on our backs and to express ourselves." - Speaker
"I think it's gonna be as colorful as Wachowski siblings his hair."
"I feel like I kind of rushed it, but like, I wanted to stream, so like, you can't blame me for wanting to stream, you know?"
"Fashion for me is a form of expression, you know what I'm saying?"
"Speak your truth, and if that's the case, then speak all of it."
"Ben claims the biggest lesson you learned while making Gumball is that in order to really engage an audience, the show must represent its creators."
"Ultimately that's directing your own life I don't know it's kind of cheesy but this is why I got that tattoo."
"I want it to be believable I guess is the word I'm looking for."
"He made a career off of expressing himself exactly how he feels, and it takes strength to do that."
"If I can write about it, it'll be okay. If I can write about it, it will be just fine."
"I believe that people should speak freely and be themselves."
"It's extremely liberating to have this freedom to showcase and do what we want to do, cook good food."
"I love love. I'm a love guy. I love love. Even talking about it right now, I feel it."
"I wanted him to have a chance to speak his mind."
"Don't be the last one to be interesting via your clothing, toy sisters."
"That all that stuff is B.S. imposed by critics and camp followers afterwards."
"There's no right or wrong color for you, so don't be afraid to try out different colors and just have fun."
"Games enable us to be our most creative selves."
"I am. I feel like there is a bunch of stuff."
"Share your story, speak your truth. It's freedom."
"The most important thing about photography is who you are."
"I made this shirt when I felt lost, self-doubt, stuck, alone, unsure, overwhelmed, broken."
"They have a lot that they want to say to you."
"Writing is like magic man. I'm pretty passionate about this."
"The best thing I could possibly do is speak out in a way that's personal to me."
"Nobody wants to snap, even if it just means saying a horrible thought and ruffling some feathers."
"Words are important... I take my time to figure out what I'm going to say or why I need to."
"You're not a real artist if you're not controlling the narrative of your art, you know? That's just it."
"Writing is a personal way to get in touch with yourself."
"I talk to our GGB fam and I feel no one judges me I feel so accepted I'm not alone."
"But I do have fun doing this stuff, and I hope you have fun watching me."
"I'm glad sharing my writing feels like this."
"The desire for the tattoo was kind of a little misguided, not that you shouldn't get tattoos if it makes you feel badass and powerful, that's great."
"Art is where you create something that shows the world as you see it."
"Be yourself that's why I thought that billboard article was so dope."
"Weird is the new cool; boldly express your uniqueness."
"Mods, for me, are a form of personal expression. You can change the inner workings of a game you enjoy, personalizing the entire experience. There's really nothing else quite like it. Plus, you get to learn how some super cool games work."
"I'm a strong believer that this is far more of an art than a sport. It's my craft, it's my artwork. I like to show it off to the world. This is just a creative outlet."
"I'm sick of America." - Frustration and disillusionment.
"I just wanted to make sure I said it myself."
"You must be out of your mind if you think I'm not posting the content we filmed."
"Do not settle for a life that will not allow you to express your creativity."
"It's great, it's shit postie, you can do whatever you want."
"I think my purpose in life... is like baring my soul."
"So I think the lesson I learned is that I should go ahead and vlog if I feel like it, but I'm never gonna put another set of pressure on the vlog."
"It's definitely okay to just selfishly want to share your story because it's cathartic or therapeutic for you."
"I really don't like when people are not at liberty to say what they want to say in the way that they want to say it."
"I've just said I'm going to just be straight up. I'm going to say what I need to say even if it makes people hate me."
"You don't have to make these giant virtue signaling posts about how you'll miss everyone."
"Retsuko knows what she wants this time, it really is to tell the other person what it is she's feeling."
"I mean, I might be full of BS right now, but that's fine."
"I'm excited, I'm excited, guys, I'm excited."
"Can you let a guy Express himself? He expresses himself by calling me bad."
"People felt that having pronouns tied to the binary didn't allow for full expression."
"You can tell your stories of trauma how you want to tell them."
"Say what you honestly think do the topics you are honestly interested in."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this, I'll give it my best shot."
"Alright, love you so much, yep. Oh, there's an outro right? Subscribe, oh yes, no it's the intro but again, you just hit the intro, yeah you tell her she's here, boom. Alright, love you so much."
"The Xbox was his outlet that playing on Xbox Live was the truest expression of him in the world."
"He's an artist man... it's all killer no filler."
"That's where I feel like my Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy actually shines."
"You just have to be yourself and tell the stories you want to tell."
"I make music now, just rap about my experiences."
"Huge thank you to Derek you have saved the day my friend I love you."
"Hip hop is just an extension of who we really are anyway."
"I realize just how much our voices do matter."
"For me, I'm genderfluid so some days I wake up and I'm feeling feminine, other days I wake up and I'm feeling masculine, some days I wake up and I'm feeling neither honestly, today I'm feeling tired."
"In fashion, there's no right or wrong, just weak or strong."
"It's all about making a statement... is a pretty awesome thing."
"You can literally put like anything you want on that."
"He just does whatever he wants and it's just freedom of speech."
"The most unoriginal thing a human being can do is copy somebody else's creativity."
"Thank you for allowing me to have the high highs the low lows the emotions the transparency I will never be anything but honest on this channel and anywhere it's just who I am I'm just I am who I am."