
Solutions Quotes

There are 4476 quotes

"Don't dwell on the problem; instead, focus on what you desire."
"All of it has a solution. Start with action."
"Nothing is more challenging than the difficulty of changing perspective, fundamentally altering your perceptions in a way that will enable you to face dire trial by fire scenarios with solutions that could not be found otherwise."
"We assume that the problem isn't the problem; it's your limited perspective of the possible solutions."
"Don't care about leftist solutions, care about the problems that you want to solve, and then find the solutions that work best for that."
"We're particularly equipped to fix these systemic problems that have plagued the United States forever."
"Innovation and solution in the face of the adversity that we have right now on the planet."
"Nature always puts the cure to the illness right next to it."
"It's usually whatever the problem is, the solution right next to it. And that's in life, too."
"When the going gets tough, the tough use duct tape."
"The answers, inspirations come to you, the solutions start to materialize in your reality."
"If we follow the clues, there are answers. And if we have the answers, then we can bring things into better alignment."
"We have to know what something is the answer for and what something is not the answer for."
"Being self-critical, looking at potential solutions you could have done, rather than what someone else could have, is the mindset of a really good player."
"There are positive developments that point to a possible way forward and possibly a way out of this nightmare."
"It's the solutions to the American socio-political problems that should not come at the expense of distorting another nation's heritage and history."
"I give my problems to the great mind of God, I let go of them, confident that the correct answers will return to me when they are needed."
"Some of the biggest addictions that people suffer from, every one of them is targeted one after the other in the Quran. It's not just solving a Muslim problem; it's solving a human problem, a societal problem, and solving a global problem."
"We're talking about solutions and improving our lives and building a community with deep roots."
"Education is always the solution in pretty much every problem."
"Execution. You know what the answers are...but you have to pick them and actually do them. Period."
"Taking responsibility means looking for solutions, not just pointing out problems."
"Good sense will prevail and we can do something to reverse this polarization."
"If you really understand that science, it leads to really simple, obvious, concrete solutions."
"We can, in fact, figure this out and we can give people real solutions."
"The most marginalized people, the people who are impacted the most, have to be at the center of the solution."
"The solutions of today become the problems of tomorrow."
"We can't afford to wait this out, so I'm pushing for solutions today, even if it means taking on my own party."
"We are not limited by physical resources; we're actually limited by our ability to generate solutions."
"Only education is going to turn that around."
"If you want to stop a lot of these huge negative tendencies and violence, the best solution at this point is to reduce dramatically class inequality."
"You are sad, you have some sadness, you have lack of contentment, you have a problem, an issue. How can you look for solutions to your problems when you have not yet opened the book of all solutions?"
"Problems are often very complex, but I think the solutions are often very simple."
"There is no reason to give up hope. We have solutions that we know work and have already made a difference."
"There is no one answer to the world's problems, but maybe one answer might help us identify some solutions."
"We have to start to find those answers, and one of the ways of course is to do that is to come to terms with what the nature of those contradictions are."
"The truth of the matter many times is not in what you pick up, the answer is in what you let go of."
"Peace is the only solution for the problems of humanity."
"You're accessing depths of your being that you have not experienced before, bringing more solutions to you."
"The more people you add to the world, the more complexity is added to the world, the more problems are added to the world, and the more potential solutions are added to the world."
"Our troubles are common, but our solutions must be individual."
"Your majesty, instead of covering the whole kingdom in leather, why not just cover your feet?"
"If the question is how can I make myself and others happy? Then love may be the answer."
"One human lifetime that we've created this crisis and so it can and it has to be in one human lifetime or less than that we tackle these issues."
"Humans are problem solvers and can solve all problems."
"For all of these problems and many others, there are solutions. And we know the solutions, and they're feasible."
"We need to make a shift towards solutions and away from blind following of ideologies."
"If you fix the food, you've fixed the cost of most of our major problems."
"Politics is the solutions business, right? Politics is the place you're supposed to go to discuss a problem and then come up with an answer."
"We know what must be done. The solutions are clear, they have overwhelming bipartisan support across the country, and these solutions will save lives."
"Politics is the solutions business. Politics is the place you're supposed to go to discuss a problem and then come up with an answer."
"We can either solve problems, or we can have them be political football."
"Hope is born of participation in hopeful solutions."
"You're going through a time of greater ease where things feel easy, and you can get the solutions to your problems."
"Stop looking for solutions in the outer world, start looking for solutions in the inner world."
"The solution to the virus, the pandemic, the solution to all of the problems that the world faces... is found by hearing from as many voices as possible."
"The solutions are the guiding principles. What guided our country from its origin is what needs to guide us again."
"Spirit is really trying to help bring you into the solutions, the answers, the understanding."
"The biggest solution to our problems is our ingenuity."
"If you have a problem that can be solved with action, you don't have a problem."
"Consumption is the biggest problem. But design is one of the best solutions."
"We need every option on the table to deal with climate change."
"Fixing the inner cities is not a money problem... it's an idea shortage not a resource shortage."
"If I have a problem with a relationship, it's my problem, which is really good to know because if I have the problem, I also have the solution."
"The fact that in about a year from now, a house is going to cost a half a million dollars for the middle American to afford is astronomically scary, but there are solutions."
"The first thing we should be thinking is how do we understand the problems well enough to come up with good solutions."
"The best way out of a perfectionism spiral is a deadline."
"It's not about the problem, it's about the solution."
"What are your solutions, what's your theory, what are you putting into practice, what are the policies, what are the ideas, what are the forms of organization, what replaces the current system?"
"At the very end of the book, I give solutions to what I think the problems are and how we're gonna fix it."
"We need to actually say these are political questions, and they, by their very nature, will require political solutions."
"A renewed labor movement could actually solve a lot of these problems."
"The perfect solution doesn't exist, but it's probably amongst the best that certainly I can think of."
"Once we understand that, then we can actually come up with solutions to obsolete that agenda and have the world based on integrity and truth rather than on deception and greed."
"When I have broken through, I have felt as though I had been injected with the answers to everything."
"What Liberty is he talking about? Liberals are simply asking for common sense solutions to a seemingly endless but solvable problem."
"We can work to fix these things; they can be addressed."
"We live in troubled times with real people facing very real problems, problems that have real if imperfect solutions that I believe 70 to 80 percent of our population could agree to try and could ultimately live with."
"You're living in a world where all the problems are global and all the solutions have to be global."
"People from every corner of America, facing challenges, coming together to find solutions."
"We need to stop promoting pseudoscience and start being solution oriented."
"It's the totality of all of our experiences that are going to offer solutions to the global phenomena we face."
"The first step [to fix corruption] is actually people being honest."
"Investing in schools, investing in communities, I think that that is a much better solution."
"Addressing systemic issues is how you fix rioting."
"Binary solutions to complex problems never make sense."
"How we see the problem affects how we solve the problem."
"Politics is the search for temporary and partial solutions to recurring evil."
"Meal planning... it completely removes the 'what's for dinner?' problem."
"It's just culture doesn't produce these problems; it's other things that we can fix."
"We have to acknowledge their depth and severity and reality, but then we need actual solutions that will move the country forward."
"Spirit is really going to show you how you're getting in your own way, and better than that, the solutions are going to come to you."
"Suicide is not the answer, even for people with whom I disagree politically."
"Homelessness is a humanitarian crisis, but there are solutions."
"Housing First is a philosophy that argues that to make progress on homelessness, particularly chronic homelessness, you need more than temporary emergency solutions."
"The way to ensure that more people don't become what I call 'tier three homeless'...is by creating more housing, affordable housing."
"The most effective solution to homelessness is permanent housing."
"The only way is, in some way, we must see how economic disparity is lowered."
"Homelessness is an issue that we can solve if we get our arms around it."
"We must move beyond those band-aid solutions to a policy that seeks to end homelessness."
"The problem doesn't sit with the sector, the solution does."
"We now have the techniques and the resources to get rid of poverty."
"The real solution...is a restoration of culture."
"There's a solution for every problem and usually the problem isn't the problem, the lack of a solution is the problem."
"I seek to lead the Conservative Party and our team to form a government that delivers more than just photo ops but real solutions to the challenges we face."
"The answers to our problems don't lie beyond our reach; they exist in our laboratories and our universities, in our fields and our factories."
"If you become wise, you will become a solution. If you become wounded, you will also become one more problem."
"That's the beauty of math; there's always a solution, you just have to find it."
"Everyone makes mistakes, but still, the solution does not lie in the past; it's in the future."
"Systemic problems require systemic solutions."
"This is a problem in our community that can be easily solved."
"And so often, the solutions that matter for us in the long term are slow and steady and fairly unsexy."
"Everyone who is practicing social distancing and self-isolation is giving a chance for researchers around the world to work on novel solutions."
"I'm worried for humanity in general... I just hope that we can somehow find solutions to meet in the middle."
"We need to embrace more aggressive, ambitious solutions than we would have considered pre-crisis."
"Development is the master key to solving all problems."
"It's amazing how good that hack is, it really is."
"This is a big problem; it requires a big solution."
"We need something better than government, we need something better than corporations, we need to think outside the box to find real solutions."
"What we need to do is then provide them an alternative... we should communicate the truth of the reality."
"Problems of family breakdown are not going to be solved with a check."
"Identifying a problem is so much of the solution."
"The real solution here is a solution in which we don't allow our futures to be dictated by our past."
"We are looking for creating a solid business model that creates solutions for everyone."
"I'm super excited, you know why? Because I got a solution to all your problems."
"The key here is focusing on the difference between solutions and problems."
"In the infinite Multiverse, there's a cure for every illness, a solution for every problem."
"How simple the solution is, and it's just the same Solution that's been simple since the beginning of time."
"There are always going to be issues but generally, we're going to get through to solutions in all of these cryptocurrency things."
"We have solutions, we just haven't had the political will to implement."
"There are no panaceas, there are no quick fixes."
"I think the counter to bad ideas and bad information is good ideas and better information."
"I think that the counter to bad ideas and bad information is good ideas and better information."
"This is the second point: differentiate between slogans and actual solutions. All too often, we fall prey to beautiful slogans."
"There's always a solution to those kinds of problems."
"But there's always a solution to those kinds of problems."
"The truth is everyone wants a quick and cheap solution to an extremely complicated and layered social problem that is juvenile delinquency."
"There's a solution to that. I don't have to feel powerless."
"One of the advantages of an open society is you can kind of observe and see with all these solutions being generated which ones seem to be efficient and effective."
"There's almost as many ideas about a Christian God as there are Christians."
"We believe one solution is permanent voter registration."
"My Mississippi river solution is the only thing that's really going to work."
"The corruption that is going on in this nation is unbelievable, but it can be fixed, and it can be fixed at the ballot box, folks."
"Treating people as individuals is the best way to solve these problems."
"Lower crime by giving people jobs, positive distractions."
"Massive solutions to the climate change problem may cause more trouble than the problem itself."
"How about proposing some actual solutions rather than sloganeering nonsense?"
"We don't have remedies within the system... we need to seek remedies within ourselves."
"I'm sure there are plenty of YouTubers who would gladly pay a hundred bucks a year to guarantee that they can use any song they want without getting copyright claims."
"The solution to something like this is unequivocal. It's a hundred percent of individuals willing to compete."
"The way you solve disinformation is by telling the freaking truth."
"American strength is the solution to a lot of problems."
"How can we break them out of the spell of this resurgence in white nationalism?"
"Say what you mean, negotiate, and offer solutions."
"It's really an answer to one of the big challenges we've got."
"There's always a solution to a barrier; if there's a barrier, that literally means a solution to it."
"Reasonable solutions mean solving the problem."
"Sometimes the simplest answer is most often the right one."
"We have to think in terms of systems and structures."
"If your solution is worse than the problem, it's not a solution."
"There's no easy solution out of this. The economy... it's not monetary... it's going to be through materials."
"You'll find the missing puzzle piece to your life."
"Sometimes the right answer comes at a completely unexpected direction."
"Politics is not the business of diagnosing problems; politics is the business of providing solutions."
"The scientific community is trying to provide solutions to avert the fate of the planet."
"I actually believe you should come to the floor, come here to debate, have Solutions."
"If we can take a moment to pause and to be present that's usually when the solutions arise not when we're clouded by intense emotion not when we're over thinking or overreacting not when we're swept away."
"The answer to one extreme is hardly ever the opposite extreme."
"90% of the issues in society could be fixed with education."
"All answers, all solutions are found within somehow, some way."
"Pressure is essentially the answer to all of it."
"Irrespective of challenges... we will meet it resolutely with Solutions."
"Let's listen to the scientists, embrace the complexity, and put our money and effort into a solution that will actually make a difference."
"Human innovation might help us solve our greatest problems."
"Mycelium is a great solution to both the Plastics waste problem we face as well as animal agriculture."
"Get creative and reach out to others for efficient solutions."
"Blaming people doesn't really fix anything, finding solutions does."
"Localism and decentralization is the antidote."
"Your tears will not be in vain, for I will deliver you and provide the solutions you seek."
"If there is a political group that is pointing out a problem and addressing a solution."
"I can't bring myself to believe that there isn't a solution."
"I don't know how to gotta fix homelessness, it's not my area of expertise, you know? But I sure think it'd be better to fix the disease itself, the societal disease, rather than just put a bandaid on the symptoms."
"Water your dreams with optimism and solutions."
"I'm not here to win a debate or try and feel better than someone else. I just want to point out problems and find solutions."
"This is CTI, it stands for Cruz the Internet... we put up relevant topics... and talk about how we the people can be the solution."
"We're actively exploring ways to mitigate concerns about matchmaking."
"It's going to answer that question for you or it's going to get you close enough that with some additional iteration you'll be able to answer it."
"The obvious answer and the simple answer is the best answer."
"Losing your hair sucks. Keeping your hair without leaving your couch? Yeah, it can be done."
"The challenge today is to make globalization work. How do we make it work?"
"We believe as Christians that we have the solution."
"Time is a valuable commodity, and the expense of it to pack and unpack, then set-up and tear-down can be a hassle. So what’s a solution?"
"There is no problem without solution and you can always fix the situation."
"More than one way to fix a problem, obviously."
"You do know the answers to this situation; they are within you."
"That's how we stop climate change, make it entertaining."
"I try not to make videos like this highlighting the problems without going over the solutions."
"I think big data is going to answer a lot of these questions."
"We haven't yet figured out how to achieve that in a practical and constructive way."
"The only way that you can fix a problem is if you acknowledge it exists."