
Personal Traits Quotes

There are 1426 quotes

"Everyone has some kind of thing about them that's unique."
"Once I get attached to something, that's just the way it's gonna be."
"The smartest people I know are the most humble."
"Well-placed Jupiter...exalted...you will get the positive manifestation of a Jupiter influenced person."
"What kind of nonsense is this? Now look, I might perceive myself as handsome and intelligent... You don't perceive me that way, and that's fine."
"Charisma, as the ability to influence other people...what you're left with is basically personality and character-driven influence."
"What I love about her: she's intelligent, she is intuitive, and she's fearless."
"It's that he's a smart enough person not to use it when it would not work for him."
"There is something about the twinkle in your eye when you get going on this stuff that I find just absolutely amazing."
"Your intelligence, your humor, your tenacity, your willingness to just go with it, and your friendship, it's been a lot of fun."
"What you see on social media is not too reflective of Modric's personality. Modric is quite shy, quite humble, and very much focused on football and being that brand."
"Confidence matters a lot, and the ability to command a room when you walk into a room is kind of like an alpha move for me."
"Those who have it do not insist that they do, and they don't care how the public perceives them."
"If you're funny, you're funny. I don't care what you are."
"I feel like if you have to say I'm a nice guy, you might not be nice."
"What does Joe Rogan smell like? Elk meat, coffee, and weed. Hell yeah, perfect combination. That's America to me. That's freedom right there, boys."
"I'm like spooky in different ways, which I love."
"Wealth does not ruin people; it exposes who they are."
"Being the absolute strongest comes with loneliness."
"You have to be kind and you have to be interesting. That's it."
"I think you're very bright, kind, and genuine."
"He's really tall, he's really charismatic and just those two traits alone can take you really far."
"This person is very adventurous and loves to try new things."
"I don't have anything to hide...I'm an open book."
"If you have a strong half crescent moon forming on your thumb, that is the significator that you would excel in the field of creativity."
"People with a moon crescent forming on all the fingers and the thumb typically have very good intuition."
"Jack was proud, jack was absorbingly intelligent, Jack was fiercely loyal."
"The fact that a player has been in a long-term, stable relationship is very desirable because it shows a personality trait."
"If it's telling all, I imagine it only works for him if he tells the truth."
"He's also really into astrophysics, apparently."
"Justin Briner is exactly the same cinnamon roll in real life that Deku is in anime."
"Their personal desire was all about themselves, this narcissism."
"You want to make sure there's some humility on the other person's account."
"Eli was described by those who knew him as the sweetest kid who was kind, compassionate, and loving."
"ARA isn't the type of person to give up on his dream."
"My favorite thing about her is how happy she is or how she loves the little things."
"Personally, I can say that one of the top qualities I look for in a woman is kindness."
"I think the reason why I hit high Elo in general is because of my personality. I'm so competitive; I hate losing."
"Joyce is an incredible woman. She's kind, she's sweet."
"Everything to me is about alignment. If there's internal conflict, everybody around you feels it because you're not living an aligned life."
"He's a mix of humility, creativity, and confidence."
"We are all flawed. We all have things that are dislikable. What you're looking for are the core ingredients."
"Gratitude is a great gift. Some people have it, some don't."
"My dad's greatest attribute is his humility."
"Zuckerberg is tech shield night, incredibly talented incredible team but his ego will lead to the misery of that company."
"It takes away about beauty personality and she was a good actress with a combination of all these things."
"100 percent belief has never been anything that I am short on and for any of you guys I am short in stature five six but I've never been short in belief, right?"
"He is encyclopedically knowledgeable about many topics at the heart of our national and above National problem. He is also deeply patriotic, extremely courageous, and he is not as far as I can tell driven by ego."
"Thomas was given the nickname 'the dumb Ox of Sicily'."
"Being an empath is a blessing in a struggle at the same time."
"Nah, it ain't no pretending, it's genuine, I try to be nice."
"He's addicted to intensity and that's his superpower."
"But the thing is, I ain't never giving a [expletive] about my hair, never, never."
"What I feel makes me stand out is my ambition."
"Perseverance. That's the word. I didn't stop."
"She's a shining ray of light in these dark times, disgustingly upbeat, wonderfully loyal."
"My hubris and ego were infinite in 1989, and I really feel I could succeed anywhere."
"Your greatest strength is usually your greatest weakness."
"Persistence, tenacity, and enthusiasm. You could get by in this life with those three things."
"She has an inherent vulnerability that is attractive."
"There's something special about Harry Kane's mentality."
"I'm very patient. I really pride myself on my patience."
"I possess gifts of the soul that benefit me and others."
"The most seductive trait in the world is being an alpha male."
"Your guardian angel has to do with your arrogance, your pride, your obnoxiousness all the time."
"Confidence is one of the most attractive traits in a partner."
"A bad personality can make even the most attractive person look ugly."
"He's a right blend of swagger, strength, size, and sorrow."
"It's all about who you know. Are you a good person? Are you easy to work with? Are you smart enough to know what's going on?"
"Do you think of yourself as silly? If you don't have silly, you don't have comedy, bro."
"We're very honest, we're sometimes too honest."
"Taking initiative is a characteristic that nobody can take from you."
"You have to respect the fact that I've always been honest."
"Attraction, kindness, peacefulness, and respect are crucial."
"There's something about cowardice which I think is the most disgusting attribute in a man."
"She's not scared though, god, I would love to have your lips, that'd be cool, fearless man, I love her so much, she's such a badass."
"I try to be the person to say the things that nobody else says."
"I want my governor to have bangs and a cool accent."
"I'm blown away... she was telling the truth."
"The patient, determined, consistent people are the ones who win."
"Almost anything Stephen says makes you laugh."
"That spirit was something that you could not purchase. It was a gift."
"Shayba, known for his whitish hair, was the grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"You would know that mine is, that's one of my things."
"I think personality is like very very important."
"Autism, or the set of symptoms that define autism don't define a person."
"You're naturally someone who's very instinctive, very talented, very gifted."
"Chuck Todd apparently is a sleepy-eyed sob, which is pretty spectacular."
"That personality of hers will go a long way with the Wright family."
"Competence and warmth, those are the keys to influence."
"Really successful people are actually really competitive people."
"You're clearly just such a good guy but brilliant mind."
"Audaciousness is an essential element for progress."
"It's kind of like a coincidence that these two people arrive packaged in the same body and it's a resource that any of us have mined into for this particular evening."
"Michelle Wyatt was known as a driven woman who was very independent."
"Neediness is not attractive. It's actually a turn-off."
"The salad? Wow. Bright, tangy, fresh, crunchy, nutty. A little like me."
"I think what comes across... was like the authenticity of her spirit, I guess, of adventure."
"It's not uncommon when we see high levels of intelligence that it seems to come at a cost in terms of one's ability to socialize."
"She's very methodical and surgical about things that she does."
"This will really drill in the point that Dan loves catching critters."
"People are saying this person's actually hella funny, like I know you guys might be really self-deprecating, but one thing I'm picking up is people are saying you are actually very funny."
"Seo-Yeoung finds that despite being a cocky kid, he is also funny."
"Whatever you see in me, good or bad, is in you."
"I remember a quote: 'Your ego arrives an hour before you do.'"
"I think people are just uncomfortable about somebody who's confident about their success - nothing's weird about that at all."
"What actually holds it all together is the story being told, the characters, the situations. It's why we watch movies."
"I really don't think I'm high maintenance. I wouldn't consider myself to be high maintenance, girl."
"She possessed a stubbornly independent spirit that was just too much for the Windsors and the royal system."
"He's always equally hopeful and turning the other says you've fallen in this mold."
"I think that a love of dancing is actually innate."
"You can't not like his wittiness. He's all he's doing. Listen, here's the thing that's happening in front of their faces."
"How do you want people to remember Makiva? She was an entrepreneur, she was that."
"There's a reason he picked me. I made trouble, I made drama, and I did it."
"She was obnoxious, selfish, a complainer... I was going insane after being around this girl for like three or four different occasions."
"You're able to find the good in almost everything."
"Greed is real, you know, and I think one of the things you find out about yourself through trading is if you're a greedy person."
"I think one mark of a person's level of humility is their sense of humor about themselves."
"No one should ever talk to anybody like that, but I'm as calm of a person as anybody can be."
"You are funny, you are smart, you're clever, and that's who you are."
"You only have to be two out of three things: Be really, really good at what you do, be on time, or be very, very kind like a good person."
"If somebody can't take criticism, then that's a bad attitude."
"You're showing me all your best traits when it comes to this, patient, stoic, optimistic."
"I'm still sensitive, I still need a nap, I still like drinking vodka and dancing."
"I see you as an example of one of the people who is almost what you might call unrelenting in your constructive energy. You don't seem to get despondent, bitter etc., you keep pushing forward."
"I always respect the fact that whether it's with his body language or his actual words, he always came across as a straight shooter."
"Donald Trump is very unique in this respect."
"I like pain and burning light, and I want things from people who don't want to give them to me. I'm good."
"Thank you so much. I know I'm dramatic, crazy, eccentric... but I still appreciate you being here."
"I never had the patience for it. I never did."
"Your person is very authentic, they don't, it doesn't ever cross their mind, you know, I see that again with the Scorpion card."
"Maymay is someone dangerous, determined enough to get the win no matter what."
"Shameless is not a good quality for, in my opinion, not someone to idolize. Anyways, shame is good, we need shame."
"The moon represents emotional responses. I'm a lunar Virgo; I find security in the little things."
"Lust for combat, that's what I keep coming back to for Luke very comfortable in a fight."
"Everyone is selfish and insecure. I'm selfless and curious. And confident as fuck."
"You're very open about your darkness and your light."
"You're just a wonderful person, I don't know how else to put it."
"The world has lost an extraordinary advocate for justice, a cleric, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and to those who knew him and interacted with him a man with a great sense of humor and a cackling laugh."
"Confidence is the most attractive thing that you can literally have."
"Tim's very logical, down to earth... he's only going to espouse what he feels he can reasonably prove."
"Emotionally unavailable men are not ready for relationships."
"What I love about you is that you speak the truth."
"Looks fade, but a woman or man who fears the Lord should be praised."
"You definitely come across as nerdy cuz you're smart but I also think you're pretty like crazy on the inside, like fun crazy, not like that crazy."
"He's got that good wholesome kind of sensibility."
"She was abrasive, she was rude, she was nasty, she was indeed racist."
"Inflated egos entitlement incapability of being humble."
"Elon Musk is a very weird man who is simultaneously without shame and also deeply insecure about how other people feel about him."
"When I think about my dad growing up, I certainly think about that seriousness, but very few people get to see he's funny, weird, and really playful."
"I do think he has a lot of confidence and self-belief."
"One of my favorite things about you other than the obvious, like, you're super hot and talented and amazing, I love your little projects."
"I love your accent because it's the most Eric accent ever."
"I'm a very tough negotiator, and by the way, you're seeing that."
"Everybody has strengths and everybody has weaknesses."
"Your greatest gift can become your greatest weakness."
"Thomas Capano had a beautiful life, but it seemed that he was also a man with an insatiable appetite."
"God needs dependent people not just powerful people."
"You're gonna feel like damn do they have anything could be a leo too or a air cycle air sign leo or fire air air fire possible capricorn with the devil there all right."
"When I give you the real, your sign is the absolute best at taking it in."
"You have a huge heart, but you're the one that's least likely to expose it."
"You need fearlessness and you need integrity."
"You can tell a lot about people based on how they fight."
"I always say, 'one little thing and it sticks with Nasim.' And then like, either he tries to resolve it without even telling me he's trying to resolve it. That's literally the most amazing thing a human being can do for you."
"This depicted Brian in a cowardly and disingenuous light. He had nothing but visceral hate for idubbbz but it seems like he was all barking no bite."
"Being smarter than everyone around you, it's pretty good."
"He was looked at as a very devoted Christian."
"Honestly, you are too generous, man. It's insane."
"I have a natural aversion to conspiracy theories."
"This person really respects that about you, they really respect that you're not clingy."
"You have to appreciate that if you know that you have high empathy for other people."
"Everyone has both feminine and masculine energies."
"You're counter-intuitively your strength is in direct proportion to your humility."
"I care less whether someone is religious than whether they have the capacity to think logically."
"I mean what what what more can I say about Edward El it is it's Edward he's uh he's short and he gets angry for being short guys that's my boy that's."
"Do you think there's a difference between being strong and a boss-minded individual?"
"I do actually enjoy just calmly talking about disagreements, you know?"
"I feel like you are definitely unique for them... you really are someone that has a unique perspective."
"There's a lot of depth to you that keeps people's wheels turning in their head."
"Keith Nail's affable nature and street smarts made him a worthy competitor."
"Not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle."
"Matt shines the most through his friendships... Matt will ride or die for anybody that he loves."
"My friends and family would most definitely describe me as a quiet and a very observant person."
"I'm blessed or cursed depending on how you look at it with having more or less a photographic memory for pretty much anything that I've been a part of."
"What attracts a man is feminine grace, connection, and making him feel alive, different, special, unique, and amazing."
"Megan seemed to relish in her cruelty to people."
"Eric is the kindest, most gentle, and sensitive soul that I have ever met."
"I think confidence is very important. Ego is something different: ego is arrogance and delusion and selfishness and greed and all the other negative traits that actually hurt successful people."
"He's a very good communicator... he's got charm."
"I'm year of the tiger...brave, competitive, unpredictable, and confident..."
"Strength versus dominance: a fine line to walk."
"There's something about people that are completely committed, that are completely driven that I am drawn to tremendously."
"He's a very solid manipulator from what I've seen so far."
"Charles Scudder was described as a friendly caring Man Who Would welcome anyone into his home."
"He's an anomaly, like myself, unlike anything else."
"Miranda's gay so she's already kind of woke, I guess I would like to say."
"There's nothing more attractive than a guy that's just really passionate about what he's doing."
"The firmest people I know are the ones who already have their self-esteem."
"Confidence is truly the most attractive thing on anybody."
"Three non-negotiables is discipline, commitment, probably an attitude."