
Student Support Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"I've always had faith in my undergraduate students, and they've always delivered on that faith."
"We've done whatever it takes before... We can do what's right for all students and ensure they are back in school."
"They need teachers who are supportive, patient, and willing to meet them at their level, not people who see them as rare specimens to observe nor as things that will elevate them somehow either in status or morality."
"We need better Mental Health Resources on college campuses."
"My number one goal is that you actually get a job."
"The court trial lasted 8 Days, the boys were discharged, and the case was thrown out."
"We want to help you ramp in and you'll certainly be able to start the course six curriculum and do just fine."
"Shout out to everybody in college that's broke."
"The purpose of the financial aid office is to provide financial assistance and eligibility awareness."
"You touched my heart, and I know there are so many students like you who are in the same boat."
"I want my students to recognize and understand when to cheer for each other and how to cheer for each other."
"It's not all about grades, but preparing them for life."
"The benefit of the doubt always goes to the student."
"No teacher is supposed to bully you because you're not a quick learner. It's your right."
"It's hard for a parent to crap on you when you can prove you actually tried to give their student extra credit."
"Other than a few hard deadlines in my class, I would do whatever it took to see you learn the material."
"Shout out to all the views club junior showing up to school even though everything is just beyond stressful."
"HBCUs have the same problems and also a little different; one of the beautiful things is the intervention and support."
"The purpose of education: to help students achieve their highest personal potential."
"Balancing that and trying and you know me Gotta Give 150 like balancing that and trying to support the students the way they deserve."
"She was a blessing to have in my classroom, always wanted to help people."
"To all my viewers heading back to school: You've got this! Stay positive and keep pushing forward."
"You're the reason I've been thriving in medical school."
"I feel like I have more of an opportunity to really have connections with the faculty and the advisors."
"A bigger piece of advice is: get comfortable with fractions if you're a GCSE student. Your fractions are your friends."
"Good luck tomorrow on your AP National exam."
"We provide nothing but the best for our students."
"By the time this video is out, AP tests should be over for this year so good job to everyone."
"The students of color in Newburgh deserve so much more."
"It looked like some of these sessions were very cathartic and healing for students."
"This is great for just giving students an area that they can go to to get themselves together before returning to class."
"It really helps students in that last step of preparing for the ASQ certification exam."
"...build some greater understanding about the supports that could better help students."
"Thank you so much ladies and gentlemen for welcoming all of the students who are here tonight and bringing new friends and family members thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"No matter the issue, no matter the time, I promise to help out each and every single student."
"This program helps students practice and focus on important education and life skills."
"My goal is to help students pass the CPA exams as quickly as possible."
"The nursing program here is a giant community full of students who work together to help one another succeed."
"We've tried to understand what causes learning problems in the common struggling learner in the classroom."
"Invest in your students. It is vital for a student to feel like they are worthy."
"Being a dissertation coach has really been a fruitful job for me. I really enjoy doing it and helping students."
"There are tons and tons and tons of resources on campus to use."
"We need to do a better job of serving and supporting students as they move and not putting them into these cycles of remediation."
"One of the most powerful tools to obtain student aid is the free application for federal student aid or FAFSA form."
"Showing up to office hours really does help your chances of a good grade."
"My colleagues actually really do care about students, student research, and opportunities at Uni and beyond."
"Take advantage of the student technology help desk."
"It's an important part of being a teacher to counsel students like that."
"The solidarity and the commitment of the students and the workers to get a better work program — that will help the students."
"Notion is 100% free for students and educators."
"The counselor's role was to be a student advocate."
"We want to honor that credit; we want to award that credit for you."
"It's not fair to charge students with screwing up if we don't actually give them the tools and the guidance they need to actually succeed."
"Much gratitude to you people, much gratitude to you students too who are still on board and still hanging along for the ride."
"Students will feel more confident when they come to the day of the exam."
"He claimed that Lopez is a very focused student, and he is happy to help her out in whatever way he can."
"Something is deeply flawed with an education system that doesn't immediately say, 'Great, how can we help you get there?'"
"Students are encouraged to help those who fall behind."
"UMBC champions great ideas and backs that up by helping students to pursue our unique entrepreneurial paths."
"Especially when so many students have extenuating circumstances, it can be a really valuable space for them to elaborate on those."
"The facilities and resources you're provided are best."
"What fair means is providing children with the tools they need to have a chance of success."
"All students have access to any and all resources, accommodations, and supports they would need to be successful."
"I help ACCA and accounting students around the world pass their upcoming examinations."
"My channel is set up to help ACCA students around the world pass their upcoming exams."
"It's important that we identify those situations that may be taking place in our students' life and how this affects their motivational level."
"Provide success situations, basically start the student on a task at which they can be successful."
"This meant 300,000 iPads provisioned with 9 million app licenses that students could use to get back to learning at a time it was really needed most."
"For those who really want to learn and spend their valuable time learning, I have a lot of help for those particular students."
"Last year I helped 10 students get the scholarship."
"That relationship [with a school counselor] can make such a difference."
"Keep that in mind as you strive to help your students."
"This is where my drawing board and everything is, and we're blessed to help some local college-age students."
"I'm sharing my journey to help other students realize that they're not the only ones that feel intimidated about going to flight training."
"The great role of teachers: they play a great role in supporting, in either motivating or demotivating students."
"Our goal is to empower you to make strong, confident educational decisions for your students and children."
"Toronto is a great city; the funding is good, it gets housing options, there's a very good combo for busy students."
"Some curious warmth that was almost tangible shone out of Miss Honey's face when she spoke to a confused and homesick newcomer to the class."
"The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life helps students deepen connections to their own religious tradition and explore spirituality in a broader sense."
"Technology is a tool to support teachers in their effort to increase student learning."
"Monash Connect is a place you need to come to when you have any sort of issues related to your uni life."
"These are meant to help students review essential content in preparation for the region's living environment exam."
"They are very interesting and it will be very helpful for other students to practice for your incoming exams."
"She gets kicked out of school and she's put into an alternative school where she meets a really determined teacher who wants to help her."
"If you need help with anything, you can probably find it right here in the student center."
"Damn, W teach bro, W teach actually cares about the students doing well."
"Thanks to assistive technologies... students are getting to the point to be socially, productively, and collaboratively just on the same level as their peers."
"Embarrassing school officials are currently working with students to help an additional 12 resolve missing credit issues."
"Students do not need to feel less than because they do not have stuff."