
Similarity Quotes

There are 2254 quotes

"Communities tend to be more generous politically when they view those in the community as importantly similar to them."
"One of the most interesting things about human nature is that all human beings are completely different and yet all human beings are kind of the same."
"A champion is someone who gets up, even when they can't."
"We're not so different, you and I. We're both survivors, marked by destiny."
"All these are exactly the same; it's really an aesthetic choice."
"Most people fundamentally are more or less the same."
"A human fingerprint and a koala's are so indistinguishable that even under a microscope, you'd hardly be able to tell the difference."
"It's terrifying, like how could this happen so close to us with someone who is so similar to us? We need to figure this out."
"That’s the beauty of Facebook, right? Friends usually run in similar packs."
"What fascinates me is not how unique our stories are. What fascinates me is how predictably, ubiquitously similar we are."
"We like people who are like us, or who we'd like to be more like. That's how you build rapport."
"We're way more similar than the things that make us different."
"I'm very optimistic. To me, it's a relief that we're all kind of wired the same."
"Through the process of asking questions and getting to know people, we start to realize that all of us are much more alike than we may have ever initially imagined."
"I wish that we could consider winning as finding the middle ground and finding where we're similar, and finding the truth."
"He has blue eyes, just like me. He has your eyes, dude."
"Publishers want something that is similar to something that has already done well."
"It turns out, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree."
"There is really kind of a deep similarity here."
"There's no significant difference between different religious Frameworks in wisdom cultivation."
"Knobs are just a different looking version of the same thing."
"I obviously couldn't do an exact replica but I still feel like we got some thin fairly close."
"You can dislike two different things that are somewhat similar doesn't make you a hypocrite it doesn't make you wrong it makes you have an opinion."
"We're a lot more similar than we are different."
"I think with the Citizens United ruling... you essentially have two parties that are increasingly similar when it comes to the substantive bread and butter issues."
"I think some people might have actually noticed this with the current tea set chairs because I think it's a similar functionality there."
"Insults: 'Guy, whatever souls are made of, yours and mine are the same.'"
"Fundamentally, these two were never really all that different from one another in the first place."
"They felt like this person feels like the two of you were peas in a pod."
"Nas is Like yo I hear you but damn you sound just like him right now."
"It's absolutely insane how similar some of these things are in real life."
"It's not a bad thing that it's like these other games."
"One thing I love about the RD181 is it's very similar to the RD180 in that it has that wonderful groan."
"This opening 15 minutes or so is going to be very similar to the early access."
"This series feels so much like Harry Potter to me and I can't explain why it just does."
"The fact that each of the Stakata's eye plates are technically individual life forms is scarily similar."
"Humans of all different races are substantially more similar."
"Resident Evil 0 shared a lot in common with its predecessor with both utilizing a modernized version of classic re games play creating disturbing and fireman 2."
"You're both very intuitive and your person is going to be pretty much the same."
"There is some diversity between us although we are all 99.9 percent the same genetically."
"Your job is not to show them how you're different, your job is to show them how you're similar."
"If it's like you never really had a serious relationship but they have it's like you're both kind of the same because you both take relationship seriously you both take things that you love very seriously."
"You know, cars nowadays tend to look similar."
"If you think the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are materially different because they are not."
"There's not a lot of difference between heroes and mad men."
"We were like that. Nobody else was different."
"The breakdown of genre lines is why everything sounds the same."
"Because there's so little representation, people will constantly look for something, anything, that is similar or close enough."
"Humans are so similar to each other but yet so different at the same time."
"Presidents are no different than we are, they need companionship."
"We find people who look like us more attractive."
"In all honesty, Volvo and Subaru share a lot of similarities in terms of having sleepers."
"At the end of the day, most trends like this end up in similar waters."
"All cleric subclasses are going to have a similar structure."
"You attract people that are similar to you, people that have similar life perspectives, a similar lifestyle. This is like the It couple placement."
"Wood floor warping in 50-60 years, just like my house."
"Every song was starting to sound exactly the same."
"It's not that the game copied Smash too much, it's that it didn't copy Smash enough."
"Underneath this skin we are far more alike than we are different."
"That kind of does look like Iron Man already, that's awesome."
"This car looks almost like the one from the movie."
"Tia Toomey and Matt Fraser, side by side, I mean it's basically a mirror image."
"There's always a world largely resembling ours."
"We all feel the same way about the same things. It's a great way to bond, a great way to unite, commune with each other."
"If you like Super Smash Bros, you'll like Flash party."
"Music in Mario Kart was never bad but most of the games just kinda sounded the same."
"This scene is eerily similar to one from... the Matrix."
"Look at me, you know, and look at you in the mirror. I look exactly like you, I'm your brother."
"I love that about the internet, like I meet people that are like me."
"The idea of status related to posture is very, very similar."
"Every Disney Channel love song kinda sounds like a worship song."
"These babies are no more alike than brothers or sisters."
"The haptics on the trackpads are similar to those on the Valve Index controllers."
"Politics and religion are very similar in that they're both moral positions."
"The more you're like someone else, the more they will like you."
"This is a dead ringer for a Taco Bell Mexican pizza."
"Democrats claim to be the inclusive party, the progressive party, but they're nothing of the sort. The differences between the two parties are small and getting smaller."
"We're all more similar than we are not alike."
"These portals look very similar to Hoopa's rings."
"People tend to find those that are more like them, and that's how you make your best bonds are made from the inner connections more so than the outer connections."
"Human beings are more alike than we are unlike."
"Each of these people are walking their own path but sometimes the steps look really similar."
"Can we just stop and appreciate for a second the fact that Peter Popoff the faith healer and Keemstar used the exact same intro music?"
"Some moves are really close to the official one."
"I was told that... she did not write the note but that there were some similarities which exist in all of our handwriting."
"Mechanics and strategy are almost the same thing."
"I feel like you all are kind of like two peas in a pod."
"It's crazy how similar they look to each other... they're all just the same thing ugly blocks of a little mob spawner in the middle."
"Addiction and depression are two sides of the same coin."
"If you like those movies you'll definitely like room hate."
"Their parodies sometimes are not different from reality."
"It's very valuable to find the like-minded person."
"We all are more alike than we are different."
"Their similarities go far beyond their physical traits; the two shared a quality that few if any players have been able to emulate in the 20-plus years since the GOAT retired."
"Looking back through history, there are actually hundreds of flood accounts, and the similarity between these accounts and The Genesis Flood are uncanny."
"The people that you hate are way more similar than you will ever admit."
"It's practically the same exact thing. There's no way this is a coincidence." - Elvis the Alien
"It's the fact that it's the same exact colors and placement. It's almost identical otherwise I would have never even mentioned it." - Ethan Klein
"Endurance in terms of locomotion is not that different, but that doesn't mean that we're not different in other ways."
"A small step is better than no step, I'm basically on the same boat as you, Ash. You know, it's about time, I think."
"Separation is the greatest illusion ever created. We are more similar than different."
"We're similar, maybe that's why I thought that I could ask this of you all."
"I'm expecting the same exact thing to happen for a lot of these DeFi projects as well."
"Freiza will see Frost and once they learn about the whole mirror universe mirroring each other... that's a very likely possibility."
"So many people out there are just like me, and the only difference is that they don't have the platform. It's empowering to make sure my voice is heard."
"The goal is to have a female that either looks just like the male or another male that looks just like the female."
"I think there's a synergy that you can find in similarities, cadences, mannerisms, facial expressions."
"If you like Rimworld, you'll probably like Dwarf Fortress."
"Users may have eerily similar hallucinations, with many reporting experiencing an interaction with some other intelligence, an alien presence, during their hallucinations."
"It's like although the consoles themselves are like technically quite similar like in terms of specs there's not gonna be a lot to choose between them graphically I think probably it's gonna be difficult to tell the difference at all."
"Scary and sexy are pretty much the same thing."
"I feel like we've forgotten how much Common Ground we do have and how like-minded we are in certain things."
"For most people, this card just provides the exact same benefits."
"Critics complained of similarities to Star Wars."
"Hello, because two of them look quite similar."
"Human DNA is 96% similar to a chimpanzee, 90% to a cat, 70% to a slug, and 50% to a banana."
"It's like they were cut from the same cloth."
"I feel like you're attracting someone very similar but without the drama, without the negativity."
"How could I actually show them that they're more alike than they think they are?"
"In summary in ninth edition Warhammer 40k there is not much difference between playing match play and crusade play."
"Maybe it's just someone who is like me or is like my sister or brother, and they just need some time and attention."
"We're not so different, you and I. When you're filled with rage, it makes you blind. You can be used, manipulated."
"Why are those similarities there? It is that we certainly have the appearance of a relationship."
"It's interesting to me, talking about it because I, we feel very similar about our careers."
"We were just like twins, we were six months apart."
"Our fates run parallel, you're a bit like me."
"The basic philosophy between extreme left and right is really the same."
"Corresponding angles and sides must be equal in ratio for triangles to be similar."
"Nike is dropping a brand new pair of Blazers which look eerily similar to the Off-White Nike Blazers..."
"There's a lot of comfort in this relationship as well. You two may be very similar."
"Their horns are made out of keratin, you know, just like the elephant's tusks, you know, same way narwhal horns and everything like that."
"Literally, like, say my cabinet, his cabinet, looks identical. Yeah, I got an Audi car, I think he's got Audi Cup."
"Celestial objects with a high Earth similarity index, over 0.7, are potentially close to those of the earth."
"Well, I guess fiction and reality aren't that different after all."
"There's something about your complexion or your face shape that this person also sees in you."
"A dragon and a rhino are very similar, more similar than I thought and definitely more than horse."
"You are two of a kind in some way, which is really nice."
"They expertly straddle that line of not being too similar but also having at least something in common."
"We're all like a lot similar than what we think we are."
"Cultural convergence is that as two or more cultures interact, they adopt one another's cultural traits and ideas, and the outcome is that the two cultures become more similar than different."
"...don't worry...discussing today are going to be very similar."
"I quickly got talking to another girl there who had exactly the same kind of badge as I'd made, and then that was that, I made a friend for the entire day."
"Birds of a feather flock together, not out of choice but out of necessity."
"They're the same, they become the same."
"We're really not that different from each other."
"Are we so different, you and I? You take life when you have to, as I do."
"The two seasons, autumn and spring, are very similar and there aren't many differences in my two wardrobes between those two seasons."
"If you like this, you will also love this."
"Birds of the same feather flock together."
"Cats have the same brain as humans, the closest to humans out of all animals."
"It's incredible, Captain. This planet is almost an exact replica of Earth during its prehistoric Cretaceous period."
"They're masterminds, shape-shifters, they're just so incredibly alien and yet more like us than we ever could have imagined."
"The life story of St. Issa closely resembles the life of Jesus Christ."
"If you liked the experience of Soma, then you'll find a lot to love here."
"Birds of a feather flock together."
"They're not little green men with antenna; they're actually hominids, bilateral bipedal hominids. They look just like us."
"We're in America! Oh my God, it's so different, it's exactly the same."
"It literally tastes like a milkshake on the inside."
"We're both part of the same hypocrisy."
"Everything about these systems is as similar as possible: GPU, power supply, even cooling."
"You and I are the same, Joe. We do what has to be done."
"I think that's probably one of the only things that we like, we both love a trench."
"These burgers taste exactly the same."
"This tastes exactly like a chocolate Frosty from Wendy's, exactly the same."
"If I had to self-insert, it'd be as Aqua because Aqua's me."
"I feel like I look a little bit more like Gigi."
"These two characters are incredibly strong, have slicked back hair with a very similar color, have missing limbs, and act as father figures to the main protagonist of their respective franchises."
"You and someone are in a very much more similar boat than you thought."
"Rockstars and knights have a lot in common."
"The biggest thing that made both of them stand out in the first place was how similar they were to one another."
"It doesn't repeat, but it rhymes."
"I love Catherine, she reminds me of me."
"Under the skin, at the level of the genome, we are all almost virtually identical."
"We're both the same, split down the middle."
"The dupe to be so close to the original is really shocking, really, really shocking."
"It's sort of like poetry, they rhyme."
"The forest had an ambience of its own, very similar to the woods in the movie 'The Ritual'."
"It feels like Star Wars, and a lot of people say Dune is kind of like Star Wars, and so I get that."
"Two very different looking things can nevertheless be the same thing."
"With a wig, they could be mistaken for each other."
"I genuinely feel like she's the female version of me."
"Your souls are very similar and that's what shines through."
"Human nature is not so different from the world in which he was before."
"Thank God we have the same kind of dog and carpet."
"He's got himself a spooky sword and is talking to him and he's digging it and it's very, very similar to the Percy thing"
"This right here is the closest thing to A24 in comics."
"Why do they look so similar to their parallel world counterparts?"
"There's almost a message here maybe you guys being more similar than you think with the mirror being there too."
"Small town wrestlers, we're both cut from the same cloth."
"They do have that nebulous feels like Star Wars quality."
"It's like an instant connection when you find someone who sounds like you."
"We've always felt like we were the same people, just in two different bodies."
"It almost feels like when Son Goku became a God."
"You're two of a kind that is powerful."
"This really does taste super similar to a traditional cheeseburger."
"I've been thinking we got off on the wrong foot here and I believe it's 'cause we're just too damn similar."
"Coruscant is more similar to Earth in a lot of ways."
"I genuinely believe having had lost my ex and my best friend over the last couple of years."
"We're so similar in so many ways, it's not even normal."
"There must be a con like me in every prison in America."