
Dissonance Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"You're not living in integrity with your values."
"Confirmation bias: a way to get around cognitive dissonance."
"This song seems out of place. You know, we had talked about Sasson screwed in that Kanye song that was out of place."
"You can even have a melody where none of the notes are part of the chords that they're played with."
"It was something unknown, something out of place in the world as I knew it."
"The dissonance in the high and low notes on the piano is fantastic, they seem to cut through the strings in the mix like a knife."
"There was always this dissonance between the two like there was this constant war between those two senses of myself."
"So those notes are just semitone apart but by playing them at the same time and letting them overlap we get very dissonant sound."
"The tritone, sometimes referred to as the augmented fourth or the diminished fifth."
"It means it works perfectly as a substitution and because of the nature of dominant chord being inherently dissonant and unstable adding those non-diatonic chord tones back in only enhances that dissonance instability and therefore works perfectly."
"The minor second: conveying aggression and intensity."
"Something feels out of tune, out of sync, out of place, out of time."
"The work is a series of elements that don't come together quite right."
"I love their harmony. Sometimes they choose intervals and stuff that you don't think would work, they think would be kind of dissonant, but they work together and they kind of create this eerie vibe sometimes."
"Judaism is born in the cognitive dissonance between the world that is and the world that ought to be."
"Carter expanded the Schoenbergian emancipation of the dissonance to an emancipation of musical discourse as a whole."
"Each chord contains the shadow of an augmented triad buried within the other, and putting them together like this lets those ghostly dissonances shine through."
"A cord like this one which sounds pretty dissonant is packed with minor ninths."
"Finding beauty in the dissonance."
"The more I dug in, the more licenses I stacked up, the more I realized, 'Hey, a lot of this stuff isn’t making sense.'"
"We are not of this world; we don't belong here anymore. That's why you and I feel so odd the way this world is going."
"The law of dissonance: you are going to experience mental discomfort when you hold to conflicting beliefs."
"The idea of dissonance and consonance existing within the same space at the same time."
"Control of dissonance is really what it comes down to."
"The connection between something completely virtual and something utterly real is deeply and fundamentally unsettling to me on a human phenomenological level."
"Composers further enhance the dramatic tension of their works through the increased use of dissonance and unconventional harmonic relationships."
"When you radiate thought energy at a different frequency to the pendulum's resonance frequency, you are in dissonance with the pendulum."
"It's like a relief from the dissonance."
"The thing about these 90s house Rave stabs that I think makes them unique is that they tend to be a bit dissonant."
"Rhythm also plays a part in this; place dissonance on a very strong beat like beat one and it's going to emphasize that dissonance."
"That thing is different; it has a song I've never heard and it vibrates wrong against my soul."
"One of the things I enjoyed most about that jam was the semitone dissonance at the end."
"I felt this strange dissonance between myself and the life I was leading."
"The clash between the major third and minor seventh is the essence of blues music."
"The minor third doesn't belong in a major chord, but in bluegrass, the sound of bluegrass and blues is that minor third on top of the major chord progression."
"The paradigm should resolve dissonance."
"It's only through dissonance that you get beauty."
"It just gives off that pleasant, very crunchy dissonant tone that also leads nicely to other consonant chords."
"An interval that I really like is the semitone, it's a very useful interval when it comes to creating tension."
"Inducing dissonance can definitely lead to meaningful behavior change."
"The flat five or the tritone is the most sinister... it sounds evil."
"It's pushing it in a direction that's really not resonating with the majority of people."
"That E to B flat interval is known as the tritone, and it's one of the most menacing sounding intervals in music."