
Deception Quotes

There are 9167 quotes

"Calling almond drink milk... calling that milk is pure deception."
"Trust engages the reader in a quest for the truth while confronting the deceptions that often live at the hearts of relationships."
"He's an omitter, and I feel like people who omit are actually more dangerous liars."
"The most frightening behavioral patterns on Earth are those that are disguised, because they're the hardest to recognize."
"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't."
"I was a CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole."
"A strong delusion so strong, you can tell a lie so much even you believe it."
"Faces pretend to be your friend, smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within."
"The truth about human lie detectors is that they do not exist. There is not a single person on this planet who could tell you 100% of the time just by looking at someone or listening to someone if they are lying or telling the truth."
"Clusters basically remind us that no single sign of deception means anything alone. If it's alone, if it's isolated, it means nothing."
"This is her daughter we're talking about. So again, let's consider the option that there's very much a possibility where she is lying, she is making it up, she had something to do with this, but also misses her daughter."
"He had the world convinced; he had us all convinced."
"What I said about having created you, it was all a lie. You really are the ultimate life form my grandfather created."
"A lying tongue hates those it wounds and crushes, and a flattering mouth works ruin."
"Avoid the liar, avoid the liar, avoid the liar."
"I think humans can't stay away from the perfect partner, and I think a lot of cheaters present themselves as the perfect partner in the beginning."
"This solar eclipse is the destroyer of lies and deceptions because it is the source of the biggest truth."
"Any woman that does not have and enforce boundaries is a clear indication to any skilled deceiver that this is a woman that lacks self-love."
"Operation Bolo has gone down in history as one of the most successful ruses of all time."
"We know that they're lying; they know that we know that they're lying; we know that they know that we know that they're lying."
"All prosperity preachers... every one of them, are sent by the devil."
"It's not just differences of opinion. It's outright fraud."
"Deception is real, and here's the biggest issue with deception: you don't know you're being deceived."
"The character believes a lie, clings to the lie, rejects new truth, and finally believes a stronger or worse lie."
"In the last days, particularly the time of the rise of the first and second beasts, will be an age and time of deception like no other."
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
"During that period of you know a decade and a half the Chinese Communist Party... they took advantage of the World Trade Organization, they lied, they cheated, they stole foreign technology."
"Anything you practice, you'll get good at, including BS."
"Throughout all those years, Rain had been deliberately pretending to be useless and had secretly concealed his cheat leveling system."
"For a misaligned mesa optimizer, the optimal behavior is deception."
"In behavioral analysis, when we talk about deception, we're also looking for statements of omission. This is when somebody holds something back or dances around the truth."
"You don't even have to always tell the truth, just don't tell the lie."
"It's easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled."
"We are literally dupes who elected a government who is allowed by law to lie to us to carry out covert policy."
"All warfare is based on deception." - Sun Tzu
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
"It's all a guise. We're supposed to think that it's all just a transaction, but our real job is keeping an incredible terror fed."
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
"A person who would believe all their lies as truth is exponentially more dangerous than a mere liar."
"Survival is subtle, nonlinear, and full of sleight of hand trickery and deception."
"It turns out that Chris wasn't actually some secret CIA agent who just happened to stumble upon Janelle's life... Chris was Janelle, Janelle was Chris."
"Everybody in the family apparently truly thought that Chris was real."
"One detective said that she may have had the mental capacity of a fourth grader, but she was a master level manipulator."
"In reality, every single thing that Janelle said these girls did to her was actually what she was doing to them."
"Janelle played everybody like a fool, like they were all just puppets in some sick twisted game of hers."
"Eventually, the noble lie is shown to not be so noble, and the truth always wins in the end."
"Become familiar with who the person of Jesus Christ is, and you'll never be deceived by anyone."
"This game will try to deceive you as many times as it can."
"You can only con a greedy man or woman... The skill of the confidence trickster will work out very quickly what you are greedy for and they will deliver you that."
"It's not America that's bad; it's like if you're on a plane and a hijacker hijacks it and puts on the captain's uniform. He's not the captain; he's a hijacker."
"What is the solution to our world being driven deeper and deeper into deception? What is the answer to Satan's strategy of deceit? Simply, it's the truth. That is the answer we needed. That is the answer Jesus provides."
"When you find out you're being deceived, you want to know the truth."
"A lie does not become deception until you believe it."
"All spiritual bondage is rooted in spiritual deception."
"The enemy’s only power over you is deception."
"Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
"Ichibe never truly obeyed the Soul King and is responsible for a millennia of lies that the Soul Society and reality are built upon."
"We have wolves in sheep's clothing that are masquerading as patriotic Americans."
"Deception is the number one characteristic of the last days."
"Charisma is like heavy perfume or cologne that someone wears when they don't take a shower; it's probably covering up something else."
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, just forget it."
"The fact that there is this stench of mendacity, the fact that the preponderance of evidence shows there's enough mistrust and distrust."
"Satan wants his mark because he wants people to worship him."
"Please don't think you're stupid... these MLMs are designed to prey upon people."
"Let no one deceive you by any means; for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first."
"Every story has two sides, but it seems more like this one has a dozen sides saying the same thing and one lying."
"Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Anything beyond this springs from a deceiver."
"Deception in its purest form is when a person doesn't know that he's deceived."
"You're not dark. This isn't like you at all. It's just one big trap."
"They will never tell you what they represent upfront because what they represent is something that no one would believe."
"The Germans had taken the bait and fallen into the first part of the trap."
"You deceive to get it, and then you get it, well no, you don't because you're a deceitful rapist."
"One of the devil's greatest tricks is deception, and one of the church's greatest needs is discernment."
"This entire village was an illusion; it was all fake."
"If capitalism were truly superior, they wouldn't need to keep lying like this."
"Being deceptive about your clones, about pretending to be clones, about duping people."
"Mark Twain said it's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled."
"This might look like a pretty mediocre base with an even more mediocre door, but the truth is anything but."
"It's the deception of the enemy to cause us to think we can't hear from God. It's your birthright."
"He says that I deceived him by giving him the impression that I was financially well off."
"If you can't discern the light of God from the light of Satan, you will call the light of Satan the light of God."
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled."
"It's easier to fool somebody than it is to convince them that they've been fooled."
"Illusions are better work best when they are mixed with other spells, so that the illusion is about deception."
"I just gave the others fake coordinates, and little do they know, they're about to walk straight into my trap."
"The majority of lies are told by a small number of prolific deceivers, so a very few people tell the vast majority of lies."
"He's pocketed cash from thousands of people by persuading them his secrets of success can lead anybody from rags to riches."
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled on the church was convincing it he didn't exist."
"In 2006, a senior man began to gain the trust of a Belgian bank by bringing the employees chocolates, eventually they decided to give him VIP access to the bank's vault. The following year, he stole 28 million worth of diamonds and vanished."
"The devil is going to do a lot of deceiving through spiritualism."
"Lured by the illusion of joining a supernatural family as a vampire... she actually found herself ensnared in a dangerous cult led by a predator posing as a werewolf."
"It is more probable that someone is either deceiving or be deceived than the fact which he relates should have actually happened."
"The idea that he was lying, faking, or delusional was unthinkably bizarre."
"If you tell a big enough lie, everybody will just believe it because they think nobody would be crazy enough to make up something so outlandish."
"If the friend is lying, why is he lying? What is the reason to lie when your three best friends are dead in the backyard?"
"Someone who fears not being believed behaves very similar to someone who's being deceptive."
"Research has shown that deceptive people often sell their story a little bit more than truth tellers because they know it's not true, so they have to make extra efforts to make it credible."
"When you do dirt so long, you know, the devil got slick names for sins. Hustler, play, gangster, but the real term is you're a liar, a deceiver, and a killer."
"When someone tells a perfect lie, the truth is unbelievable."
"Anyone that tells you that humans can live off of air and light alone is clearly sick or trying to sell you something."
"It can be difficult to accept that President Trump abused your trust, that he deceived you. Many will invent excuses to ignore that fact, but that is a fact."
"By refocusing on the tone of your response instead of the intent, it frees you up to not only switch up your approach for different characters but frees you up to lie in a meaningful way."
"The most prevalent sign is religious deception."
"I fooled you all, it's like the ultimate rick roll."
"Master, master, where's the dreams that I've been after? Master, master, you promised only lies."
"Ukraine's dummy equipment includes much more than air defense systems."
"The presence of these replicas serves to confuse the enemy and protect the real launchers."
"The main problem with lies is that there's always someone who ends up believing them."
"War is a liar who claims there isn't enough land, isn't enough wealth, isn't enough food for all people in all places to live in abundance."
"People don't like to be fooled, especially when their good intentions are taken advantage of."
"True evil, Emmanuel realized now, wore the skin of good men. It uttered prayers, not curses; it feigned mercy where there was only malice."
"One of Satan's greatest lies is that men and women cannot change."
"In a clever move, Lock steps in, using an illusion to make the vampire think it's being strangled by the Demon Lord."
"The greatest lie the devil ever told was to convince people he doesn't exist."
"Madoka Magica is a show as unassuming as your average middle school girl. It appears as another face in the crowd, but behind that face is limitless potential."
"Logic would suggest that intelligent people should be less susceptible to having the wool pulled over their eyes."
"The devil can appear as the angel of light. But the deception works only one way; the genuine and the good never appears as evil."
"Statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics."
"If you tell a lie enough, eventually people will start to believe it."
"While the act of faking content is not new, deep fakes leverage powerful techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence to manipulate or generate visual and audio content with a high potential to deceive."
"The world can be a really scary place, and people who might look like they're nice people living right next door to you... can actually turn out to be monsters."
"Scientifically speaking, facial touching and mouth covering have been linked to nonverbal signs of deception."
"When people are being deceptive, they're a lot more focused on how effectively their story is being bought by their audience than just laying down the facts."
"One sign of deception is never enough... Most of the time, we want to see a couple of indications happening at the same time."
"This entire topic I call epistemology... it's really part of a book that I'm working on which is gonna be all about the deceptive nature of the mind."
"Nature and the animal kingdom actually love to employ deception for the purposes of survival."
"It's easier to cram large numbers of lies into a short space and deceive people than it is to cram large numbers of truths."
"You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."
"It's the same experience thousands of people have faced when unknowingly walking into a crisis pregnancy center."
"The ordinary activity of the devil...begins with deception, which leads to division, which leads to diversion, which leads to discouragement."
"I just like that the commander comes slow clapping around the corner and goes, 'Hahaha, you just killed a decoy, buddy.'"
"She's lovely, she's polite, she's charming, she's beautiful, she's empathetic, she connects with you, she understands you."
"Every facet, they used that cancer diagnosis to manipulate the courts, and it worked."
"It's a lot of shenanigans that are just getting easily exposed because their evidence is so weak."
"You were lying, and then you were lying, and you said you didn't read me."
"You can invoke the smoke and the mirrors and the spells and the pentagrams and turn into a pretty passable person."
"The enemy is more subtle than we realize, much more deceptive than we realize."
"In the empire of lies, telling the truth is a crime."
"They booby-trapped the Mona Lisa, look at that smile; I should have never trusted her."
"One can smile and smile and smile and still be a villain."
"It's all a big fat lie. We are powerful, beautiful, extraordinary."
"Everything that George Santos said about himself was a lie. He lied to get the nomination, he lied to the electorate, he lied to get elected."
"The word of God is your protection from deception."
"This war in which he glories has cost the lives... well in excess of 100,000 people's lives... and it was all for a pack of lies."
"We have been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok, and flat-out deceived."
"The virus records 30 days of normal centrifuge operation... then when Stuxnet attacks, it plays back the pre-recorded data so operators on the outside can't see the infection raging within."
"After three long years of unremitting conflict, the Clone Wars came to an end not in victory or defeat, but in deception."
"The battle of the Department of Mysteries, when Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna all went to save him, only to find out that it was a trap."
"The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist."
"If you tell a joke and you commit to it and no one ever knows that you were telling a joke, that's just lying."
"We've been falling for the killer's lie this whole time."
"For Garrick, spinning a tall tale was a skill, if not an art. Just never tell the same lie twice."
"It's so funny, man, you kind of get caught up into the persona that they're creating and you're like, 'Yo, this is a really good guy.' And then when you start working with them, you find out through their behaviors that this person is a [ __ ] psychopath."
"They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes."
"You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."
"For me, glasses was something cool. So I lied basically to my teachers that I can't see well, so I need glasses."
"Disease mongering is a marketing scheme of pharmaceutical companies to persuade us to use fear and to use our trust in science in an extremely deceptive way in order to persuade us to go on different kinds of drugs."
"Shaytan’s promise of immortality and power through disobedience to Allah is an empty promise, leading only to loss and regret."
"It's always fascinating to me when a grown-ass adult will make up a giant lie and commit to it hard, and then convince everyone in their life of this lie."
"This was the use of deception in order to accomplish a military goal, and it’s another example of what is being called hybrid warfare."
"We've been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok, and flat out deceived."
"What they have in common is that they are all soaked in lies."
"Despite tricking people into believing that it was real for over a decade, Killswitch was a very convincing but ultimately fictional story."
"False prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand."
"About Sheriff of Nottingham is you can lie to other people and some people really like that. You can also straight-up tell the truth all the time."
"The only way you're going to overcome the deceiver is to be strong in the word."
"Lying on every level truly frightens me, as it seems that the worst atrocities that we know of started with tiny little lies."
"I've always had a bad habit of telling lies, and I wanted to be the heroine of a tragedy. Something beautiful, something fleeting."
"They lied to us. They lied to all of us. They told us that the whole point of this VR game was to undo the bad PR done by a rogue indie game developer, but that's not true at all."
"What the devil's greatest accomplishment is, as we all know, is to make us think he doesn't exist."
"This is one serial killer who, to everyone around him, was just a cool, friendly, and clever guy."
"A cool cat with a cute face who impressed young women with his deep talk about philosophy."
"It is said that facial expression reflects the heart, but is that so? The emotions behind the mask actually may be the exact opposite."
"This is an unlikely pair caught up in a web of lies and deceit."
"For this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie."
"For me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me; fool me three times, I clearly want to be fooled."
"Videogames often lie, and loudly lying is, in fact, their strongest power."
"People were lying about being 18 just so they could go and fight."
"It's a pretty good swindle they have going on, to be honest."
"Telling the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act."
"The devil would encourage you to see more of his powers and less of the powers of God."
"This looks like a con job and you're the suckers."
"The CCP's priority is deception, lies in Saving Face at all costs."
"Pandora's actor has seen frequent use as Eins's body double."
"Pandora's Actor offers boundless versatility and a knack for deception, suited to literally any situation."
"Whenever they tell that lie, they are deliberately knowing that they're lying."
"You're a liar wait are you telling me that a guy lied to you about what he actually likes and women to make you feel better yeah shocking yeah seriously like how dare you."
"It's a lie if you lie about it all together."
"We've been lied to and so many people continue to lie and I have to put an end to this."
"How To Basic intentionally misleads first-time viewers to believe that it is a how-to tutorial channel." - Unknown
"The primary psychopath is more frightening because they can blend in with the population or stand out for positive reasons."
"There is coming a spirit of deception the like of which you cannot imagine."
"It seems like Cruz is the kind of guy everyone wants to be: handsome, successful, a real crowd-pleaser, and an all-around nice guy but that’s only the side of him he wants you to see."
"They will never give up this lie no matter how many times they are called out on it."
"If there was an actual catfish behind my account or accounts then they wouldn't have made it successful and high-profile smart enough to that no catfish would have made it this far under constant speculation."
"Epic used privacy-invasive default settings and deceptive interfaces that tricked Fortnite users, including teenagers and children," FTC chairwoman Lisa M. Khan said in a statement released Monday.
"It's falsifying the murder sequence was the killer's plan from the very beginning."
"I just want to know who lied to Millennials who lied and said that Millennials look younger than genen Z who lied I just want to know."
"The serpent tells both lies and truths simultaneously."
"He's just a paid actor who's wearing a black robe so you can't see him in light. He doesn't really exist."