
Dating Quotes

There are 5172 quotes

"You're going to actively work on fixing those things about yourself you don't like, and the more you fix yourself... the less hard romance and dating is going to be."
"The quality of the different dating apps truly does matter."
"Why can't people just be like, 'Hey, I like you. Do you want to date? If it doesn't work out, stop dating.' I don't get it."
"You're going to notice less tests, less pullbacks, and ultimately just better behavior out of the people that you're dating."
"There are over 5,000 dating sites and apps worldwide."
"We reached out to all of you listeners a while ago asking for any dating advice that you'd want to ask us."
"I'm funny, I think I'm a hard worker, and I have an average-sized penis. I feel like that's like a green flag."
"Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough."
"She cheerfully tells him she enjoyed the date."
"Date intelligently, date with your head, not your emotions."
"I'm glad that's over with, but you literally wanted to go on a date with a girl version of Michael Myers."
"When someone has real intention in dating, they are asking intentional questions about who you are."
"A large number of young Japanese people today aren't dating and a large number don't have any friends."
"In person is always ideal, but at the end of the day with social media, you're eventually going to want to FaceTime them, call them."
"The quest for cosmic justice is something that government is generally incapable of doing and more often than not botches and makes things worse."
"Being funny, being fun to be around, being somewhat intellectually interesting are the three more important traits for a guy to date girls."
"You're meant to meet somebody organically, not on some app."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with splitting the date down the middle. It shows me that you are invested in this date like me."
"The good version of that advice is you need to date enough to understand what makes you happy. We have predefined scripts or assumptions about what a good partner is, but you don't really know until you've gone out and dated those people."
"Eating oysters, it's like going on a Tinder date; you just never know what you're going to get."
"Approaching people is a skill; it's like bike riding. And just because someone can ride a bike doesn't mean they're going to be a good romantic partner."
"Statistically, if this is applicable to guys as well... it made me a lot more comfortable about relationships."
"We have to look at the individuals that we are dating as potential candidates to fill the position of our life mate."
"If you've ever been a supervisor or a manager, I want you to think about dating in the very same way."
"I am at the very ripe age of 21, and this year, 2023, I was like, 'I want to get into the dating world.'"
"You got to kiss frogs in order to meet your prince."
"Surprise! A very beautiful woman has invited you on a date."
"How can you date someone if there's no friendship, right?"
"Everyone thinks lowering their standards means settling when it really means dating realistically based on our available options."
"I'm not big on pickup lines, but I would ask you out to dinner."
"Are you a pawn that just reached the other side? Because I think I want to make you my queen."
"This has been just about the greatest date I've had in my life."
"Dating in the 21st century is brand management."
"It's scary to kind of date younger people because if you start dating like a 23 year old and you're like 30, by the time they hit 25 they might realize I actually don't want this type of relationship."
"Men are very sensitive to us. They're extremely vulnerable in the dating arena."
"A lot of guys who aren't successful with women could easily be more successful if they just weren't so afraid of rejection."
"Performing desirability for the sake of dating forces you to be someone you probably are not, and that is dangerous."
"Most of the rejections that you think you have experienced in life so far with women are actually just women testing you."
"Women can make the first move. Women are equal and that's why we set out to do that in dating, and then friendship, and here we are at business and networking."
"It's a nice natural date like, There's nothing like Wow, Wabam, you know kind of feeling."
"This late third-century coin fits with the date of the Roman beaker I'm excavating."
"Dating should be a two-way thing, and as much about what you can do for the other person as what they can do for you."
"You didn't react at all at first. I just wanted to invite you to the date in an unusual way."
"I just want to enjoy my time like it's the dating stage, right? You just enjoy your time, get to know somebody and just don't think too deeply into it as it goes."
"They are here for romance and nothing but that. This is not someone who wants to be your friend; this is someone who wants to wine and dine you, have a bit of fun with you."
"At least I have learned now not to date people off of Facebook."
"First and foremost, I would say pornography has something to do with it... men don't really have to put in the effort to go out and seek a mate when they can just do it at the comfort of their space."
"Being friends first and then dating has ended up in the best relationship I've ever been in."
"A man who values himself is never going to take a maybe-date."
"We need to be wise enough when we're dating someone to look for signs."
"If someone wants to go have coffee with you, you might meet the person of your dreams over coffee. Who gives a damn about the background? It's about the connection."
"It'll blow your mind how much dating has changed in 100 years."
"If you find yourself just going on dates like a different date every week and not settling down, don't be too hard on yourself."
"If I invite a woman on a date with me, and she goes, then she did her part. I invited her, and she paid me with her time."
"You know, we've had like multiple dates, we've traveled all over the world basically in one day."
"I think in a way, we're quite fortunate in the sense that our impairments are so visible, that almost, I can't go on a first date without saying anything."
"You can date or not want to date whoever you want."
"Communication skill and dating, just in every part of life, is one of the most important skills to work on."
"In archaeology, the proper dating of cities, artifacts, and events is crucial."
"First dates from dating apps is kind of like buying one of those SpongeBob popsicles from an ice cream truck; you know it's not going to look the same as the advertisement, but the question is, how messed up can it really be?"
"In the beginning, you're not dating the person; you're dating their representative."
"For singles, in the month of October, you're gonna be noticing people showing you attention."
"If all of your dating advice or strategy focuses on how to get the most of what you want from other people, with no consideration whatsoever for what you're bringing to the table or how you're affecting the other person's life, then I'm sorry, but you don't deserve a good boyfriend or girlfriend."
"If you like someone and you're able to, buying their meal is one of the many ways you can show appreciation for them."
"No dating advice should ever be, 'Oh, just lie or hide this from your partner.'"
"Getting to know someone's dating history is part of getting to know them."
"No normal person will ever want to date you if you're this worried about your partner not valuing you enough."
"Out of 50 singles, 26 match, forming 13 couples. The women were much more selective, rejecting men at five times more often."
"You won't be single for long, so if they don't claim you, somebody else will."
"Young people are totally confused and have no idea how to go about dating nowadays, so I offer some advice."
"You need to make women think you don't need them. Women know that you need them for sex; you need to make them think you don't."
"It's really hard to get a compliment from them, and literally, every single guy that I went on a date with... said I smelled fantastic."
"Dating someone is like gathering information until you realize you don't like that person anymore."
"After 9 months of knowing someone before dating, each partner's physical attractiveness does not predict the other's."
"It's a lot more fun and a lot easier to date women and to have relationships with women who actually like you than ones that you're trying to convince to like you."
"I'd rather know right now the truth, the reality of whether a woman is interested in me or not, because I value my time here on this planet."
"When two people are dating, if they both have positive illusions about the other person, their relationship quality is better."
"Be a modern gent... having old school gentlemanly values but understanding the perils of modern day dating."
"You can literally slide into a girl's DM and say anything, absolutely anything, and if she's into you, she's going to reply."
"A date is when you meet someone you like, have fun, and eat good food."
"The possibility of sex is the modern woman's glitch in the dating and mating arena."
"My ideal date would be in Summoner Rift or Mario Kart."
"You have to be realistic about the fact that those guys that you're describing are out there and you are competing with them."
"This isn't a date for two anymore, it's a date for three."
"Girls take social media seriously, bro. If your IG is subpar, it's gonna hurt you more than help you."
"If you want a guy that's worth something and that's in that percentage of guys, like, you have to get on this program."
"Maybe I do need to be a little more vulnerable on dates"
"That's not a beige flag for me, that's why we read."
"There are plenty of bad chicks out here waiting for guys to get their [stuff] together."
"You're asking her to decide within the first few seconds of the interaction whether she likes you, whether she should consider you a sexual prospect."
"So I think it's a really, I think one of the biggest pills right now it's hard to swallow for many women is that in the beginning stage sex does not mean as much to a man."
"If a woman really likes you, you will be enough."
"If you want to be a modern woman who believes in equality then start asking guys out on dates."
"Women clearly do not want modernism when it comes to dating."
"Woke fishing: masquerading as holding progressive political views to ensnare potential partners."
"Everyone should be free to date who they want, but if you are gonna date, make sure you're dating with intention."
"Who's the worst person you've ever dated? Well, all of them obviously."
"Anarie, what do you want the crowd to know about you? Hello New York, I want you to know that I am happy to be here on Valentine's Day, dating in New York is hard and hopefully it's about to get better."
"Sales is a lot like dating: you gotta go out, hit options, a lot of large numbers, a lot of averages."
"We think we can actually correct what's going on more largely in society through dating apps."
"Hypergamy knows no bounds and no continents."
"It's so much about a relationship. You gotta kiss a lot of frogs. It's like dating."
"Men know within three months if they want to pursue a long-term relationship."
"People just want a chance at a relationship."
"Can you take your girl to see it and it will give you an excuse to hold each other's hand?"
"Women should just be able to date and have sex with whoever they feel like it."
"Bad breath is the number one instant turn off for me, no matter what."
"Where are we meeting the Good Men who actually want to be in a real relationship?"
"Dating with a purpose... doing everything with a purpose is significantly better for human fulfillment than doing things without a purpose."
"Purposeful dating is about making sure that I date my future and not my past."
"Discernment is the ability to judge well, and it's critical in dating."
"You have to connect at the intellectual level before you ever connect at the intimate level."
"We could avoid a lot of trauma if we ask questions a lot earlier."
"Every man and woman I've talked to about this... I'm dying to ask that question. I'm on my fourth date. I really want to know that about my potential partner because I'm really interested in this person and I think we could be great together."
"Maybe this is what it's supposed to be. Maybe you're in a period where you're supposed to date and have fun and just live."
"Don't ever date a man who hates the presence of God."
"They put actual thought and effort into planning early stage dates."
"A date a day a day a day keeps the blue balls away."
"Make dating easier, more natural, and more fun with the inception principle."
"Dating is not supposed to be comfortable. It's supposed to be uncomfortable because it is, in fact, a testing process of the other person to determine whether this is someone you want to spend the rest of your life with."
"If I was a woman on the dating scene and I saw some [__] idiot and one of his pictures was his board ape, because he's rich."
"You need game to be the selector, not the selected."
"Yeah, you're dating a lot of people at this time, no I'm not, but let's say I do go on a date with someone."
"Dating is about an opportunity to get to know another soul and to see if you vibe on an energy level as well as if you vibe on a societal level."
"Dating is flawed because a lot of people don't know themselves enough for what they want."
"Men hesitate to make the first move due to fear."
"Men do the Lion's Share of the work in dating."
"Men want you but you have to make yourself available."
"They want to properly date you, court you, and not just hop into bed with you."
"There are benefits and downsides to increased ease of dating."
"I feel like a lot of guys are still pretty superficial, and a lot of chicks are just like, 'I want a nice guy.'"
"A woman might challenge you... it kind of shows her interest in you."
"With so many options, women are increasingly selective."
"She made it obvious that I should ask her out."
"A thousand bucks on a first date? What did y'all eat? Gold-plated shrimp, yeah."
"It's holiday time, so everybody's out here doing their dates and going out and getting cute, and I'm trying to do the same thing too except I'm just gonna be taking myself out instead of someone else taking me out."
"Women don't generally want to invite you into their hobbies when you're dating on a long-term basis."
"Focus on making your next date your next definite plan."
"I choose to date whoever I desire or even better abstain from dating."
"She wants to meet someone, like yeah but you don't know, she's diddling."
"You've learned your worth and now you're kind of ready to get back out there."
"The skill of pickup is invaluable and priceless."
"You're a catch, don't let fear get in the way."
"But from a date perspective it went very well things are still going kind of slowly but they are stressed parents who are very tired and very low on fun so I think sometimes that's all you can ask for."
"Step up your game and get the woman you want."
"I don't think we've realized that objectively in the world human beings are facing a crisis of mating, a crisis of dating."
"Game is everything. You need game because the sexual marketplace will chew you up and spit you out."
"What is it about women with bad attitudes, man? Like, I can't be with someone too nice."
"This is every man's fear. This is the reason why on every first date, the guy goes, 'So how many guys have you been with?'"
"For the girl, and honestly for the guy too, you have an out but if it goes well you have an end to keep hanging out."
"There should be more guys saying my intention is marriage."
"I just want a really nice, respectful guy who doesn't lie, who is okay with just being intentional when it comes to dating."
"If progressives don't want to date a conservative and vice versa that's perfectly fine everyone has deal breakers but as a political protest this form of virtue signaling is counterproductive in the long run."
"If a man wants to talk to you, he'll find a way. But just because he does, doesn't mean you should answer."
"If your ex doesn't find someone new or date around at all, even after a few months apart, it's usually a relatively positive indication for your chances."
"How do you ever meet anyone? Because this is definitely before there was online dating."
"Ben, look. If I call you bae, you pay for the day. Bae for the night, but you're not my wife."
"In today's time, you actually stand out more by not giving it up."
"Start dating again when you feel emotionally stable and like yourself again."
"If she's clearly trying to talk to you, she's probably a little bit into you."
"Just hit her up and be like, 'Hey, you want to go grab a bite to eat sometime?'"
"This mask likely dates back to the end of the fourth century BC," said archaeologist Khan Iren, conveying the remarkable nature of the discovery.
"Modern women are still expecting high value men to cold approach, in 2020s, no ma'am, it is not going to happen."
"If you're a 10-pound bag of apple o's, don't get mad because you can't get apple jack selections."
"Look, that's a positive problem. You got men who want you. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!"
"When you come to a stop, you tell the young lady that's in the seat next to you, your girl, your date, 'Stay here, I'll get the door for you.'"
"Online dating has completely changed my generation's approach to love and relationships."
"Dating other people also does just open up your scope, your vision a little bit."
"Lower your expectations, ladies. You would think that I said lower your standards."
"Girls like it when they get to talk about themselves."
"I've actually never met someone I've never dated someone who I wasn't friends with prior."
"Horror movies were primarily for a younger male audience... we became the first horror date movie." - Robert Englund
"You kind of feel it out but I would say if a girl is like looking at you you know make that subtle eye contact yeah she's interested."
"Mystery is very helpful in dating and relationships."
"Do you think it's equally as easy to date for a woman at 35 versus 22?"
"I like it when a girl makes the first move... I don't mind that kind of stuff at all."
"It's not your responsibility to make this guy want you more. That's [] []."
"When you make a list let me go back to the list here you guys don't need to see it but I just want to go down and look at when the first thing on your list is tall I'm done."
"If a woman is chasing you, she ain't dumping you."
"We just needed to stop dating... for her sake because damn, this guy's a good guy."
"Men have definitely created a hostile dating environment and experience for a lot of women."
"There has never been a time in history where an average normal guy... can have women genuinely lined up asking him to contact her. That's powerful."
"If I can genuinely laugh on a first date... guaranteed second date."
"Who pays for the first date... it just sets a nice little tone."
"A good date is like going for a walk, talking, enjoying nature, getting to know the person. It's not about spoiling or impressing them."
"When you look like that, you don't ask for people to go on dates with you, you tell them."
"I'm surprised I'm single. So if you want to talk, just message me."
"Love as Blind would work for me honestly, I'm that I'm That Kind of dulu I am."
"Unexpected connections with people, unexpected dates as well can happen."
"He's attracted to you and he can talk to you and be himself."
"You've got to be careful, guys. There are gals that will absolutely, from the get-go, the second you start dating, even at a young age, because they foresee what's coming down the road."
"Girls actually want guys to talk to them like this."
"When someone messages me on a dating app after three texts it's like, 'Great wanna hop to text?'"
"Finding love after the worst first date ever."
"It's okay to get rejected because it is truly like a shot in the dark."
"You don't want to date somebody who does what I do."
"What dating apps do and what the choice problem does is it interrupts the normal kind of attraction circuitry."
"Take baby steps towards love; put yourself out there."
"When it comes to men that are romantically interested in you, just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do."
"Challenge number seven: we have to go on a certified date."