
Energy Conservation Quotes

There are 417 quotes

"What sleep is about is more than just rest; it's about restoring, conserving energy, and processing information."
"Avoid drama like the plague. Drama is a waste of time, a waste of energy."
"Love is who we are. Generating love does not waste energy."
"The law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed... Everything that's here has always been here."
"Energy is conserved. That's the main idea behind the first law of thermodynamics."
"Money is monetary energy. Money is energy at the end of the day, energy is conserved."
"Chastity does not mean abstention from sex, it means abstention from the orgasm, from spilling the divine energy that is the Holy Spirit."
"Energy cannot be destroyed; it can only be transferred."
"We use less electricity today, as a city, than we did in 1989."
"Energy can never be created or destroyed, it's all just going in and out of form constantly."
"Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be converted and transferred."
"You really have to pick your fights because you don't have enough battery to fight everyone that you encounter."
"The first law reveals that energy is never created or destroyed; it just changes from one form to another."
"Feedback control is efficient. If you're doing effective feedback control to stabilize a system, then the more effective you are, the less energy you have to put in."
"Don't meet their energy, don't give them the energy they're giving you."
"Reduce the amount of electricity that your home is using, that's where I always tell people to start."
"An infinite cycle of energy is not neither created nor destroyed it is only displaced."
"The maximum power savings mode shuts off everything except essential apps, giving you 73 hours of battery life."
"Every new universe has a total of zero energy."
"One important aspect of our study of thermodynamics is based on an important conservation law from physics - conservation of energy."
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed."
"Energy can not be destroyed it can just be converted right so you put all of that energy into your stage to throw it out from Earth but Earth's gravity is still trying to pull you back down to it until you actually escape Earth's gravity well."
"It's gonna literally transform my smartphone into a black and white display with only a minimum amount of applications running in the background."
"The best advice would be to just turn off your wifi when you're not using it."
"Distancing yourself from draining relationships is a way to preserve your energy."
"Even the Germans are being told to stop whining, wear two sweaters and have candles and flashlights ready in case of blackouts this winter."
"We are currently saving up to 30% in electric cost just by using what we have now discovered."
"You don't want to give in to the energy that frenemies suck out of you."
"Energy can't be created or destroyed, so when somebody tells you that you're just gonna be gone, it's not true."
"Anytime you can cut down an outside source that might be heating your home undesirably, you're going to save money."
"Energy doesn't die, ever, energy does not die."
"Protect yourself protect your energy in your space and just again like I said be smart."
"Energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed."
"It’s just an aspect of high-tech civilizations, even ones we’d think of as post-scarcity, waste not, want not, especially when it comes to using energy inside the main portion of a built-up civilization."
"Every time I’m not using something on my phone, I just turn it off."
"Finding ways to reduce your domestic energy consumption is one of the most impactful actions you can take."
"For me, I want to keep everything as relaxed and save as much of that excited energy for as long as possible."
"Transition energy can never be destroyed, only redistributed."
"It's so wild, because it looks like you're doing an ostentatious braggadocio move of swagger, basically, but in fact what you're doing is legitimately conserving your energy until the moment it's needed."
"Notice the areas where you are depleting energy unnecessarily."
"There's no free lunch in the universe. Everything has to be paid for by something in terms of energy."
"Conserving your energy will open you up to opportunities."
"Let go and let them be, it's not worth your energy."
"Baby steps is the way to go. You can't do everything all at the same time cuz you could get exhausted too so I just try to clean most of the house."
"He was a pathological liar, he was a narcissist, and yes, there were some mental health issues going on."
"Energy can never be lost; it can only be transferred."
"Close the refrigerator while you're looking at stuff it helps save energy and keep the glass from being fall you."
"Turning airplane mode on can help a lot with saving battery life... your phone is not always searching for something to connect to and using energy in the background."
"Do not let yourselves fall as we have fallen... do not let yourself get to the point where you're getting emails from 87 year olds saying I'm glad that I will die before I see my country fall."
"Just recognize that you simply don't have the time or energy to manage all of this stuff."
"It perfectly preserves energy or purchasing power into the future for your kids forever."
"Energy conservation is absolutely essential for physically based renderers."
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it is only transformed into another type of energy."
"People are encouraged to reduce trips, conserve energy, and avoid unnecessary burning."
"Turn off lights, electronic appliances when they're not in use."
"Stick up for yourself, but don't waste energy on battles you can't win."
"Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it's transformed."
"Set boundaries. Don't let people drain your energy."
"Protecting your emotional energy... you've got to save energy for each other."
"SIP type technology is becoming the standard building and energy conservation codes are beginning to require thermal brakes in the building envelope to reduce energy requirements and simultaneously increase the comfort."
"Your energy is so precious... it's not just saving yourself from marriage because that's the rule That's the Law it's saving yourself from marriage because your energy is so precious."
"You have to know that you are so worthy of protecting your energy."
"If you constantly analyze and worry, you will cut off from that energy."
"Learning how to properly Place yourself behind or select to the side of the rider in front of you is so important in Saving energy."
"Everybody don't deserve your energy, your presence, or to be in your circle."
"There are many educated Caucasian folk who are talking to each other about it. They need to continue to do that, so that we can save our energy for survival and thriving."
"It's exponential too, and because it's a survival situation, you gotta conserve your calories."
"Imagine if we could harvest energy from keystrokes and other button presses on a larger scale because right now all that power is going to waste. That's interesting."
"Appliances like televisions, stereos, and chargers, even if they're on standby, still pull some sort of power."
"If everybody forgot to turn off the lights or TV when they weren't being used, the amount of wasted electricity would equal the amount of energy produced by a hundred power plants."
"Turn off machines when they are not being used."
"There's thing called drafting which is if you ride in the wake in the slipstream of another cyclist at any speed you gain a huge advantage because he's expending much more energy than you are."
"European countries have maintained a low level of gas usage, accelerating energy efficiency efforts."
"Bitcoin has put its fingers on the lack of conservation of energy in civilization."
"Which means less energy expended on coughing."
"The most efficient energy is energy we do not generate."
"Nature seeks to move us, and so when we learn to follow our natural inclinations, we end up in a nice conservation of energy."
"Bitcoin would cut the 160,000 terawatt hours of energy used right now on Earth by half."
"But it was more of the personal satisfaction I got from knowing just how much power I managed to conserve that night that encouraged me on."
"You don't need to put that energy into the world. Be selective with your vows, reserve your energy for the real fights."
"These energies must be conserved, and that our various attitudes and life must be correct or in some way or another we're going to get into trouble."
"Conservation of energy: there is no free lunch."
"Energy can't be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed."
"Having your Xbox in shutdown mode will not only save power but will preserve the life of your Xbox."
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, meaning you are by scientific definition eternal."
"Perpetual motion devices are not a thing. There's no such thing as a free lunch in the universe." - "It presumes that the laws of the universe can be broken."
"You savor your energy and only give it to those who truly deserve it."
"Adjust display settings to save battery power."
"It is so hot in here I'm not turning on my lights."
"The movement is perfect and no energy is wasted."
"We've seen a ton of positive feedback on this decision from players who appreciate being able to play at their own pace."
"We believe in the conservation of mechanical energy."
"Writing prompt: Sloths aren't lazy, they're just saving their energy."
"Perfectly elastic collisions mean initial kinetic energy equals final."
"No net loss of momentum to microscopic atoms and molecules."
"Energy can't be created or destroyed. It just gets transformed."
"A collision being elastic means the total kinetic energy is conserved."
"All the energy that it radiates is at the expense of rotational kinetic energy."
"Recognize the energy and time are in short supply."
"Adaptive power saving is going to help you save quite a bit of battery."
"Gracefulness, conservation of energy, getting the same thing done but with so much less energy expenditure."
"I really think we could maybe not even need the heating but for an hour or two a day and I don't think we would need the air conditioning maybe but for a week or two a year."
"Energy never dies, so everything is transferable."
"What if there was a way to simply stop that heat from escaping?"
"The leaves that sloths prefer to eat have very little nutritional value, so by conserving energy, they are able to survive on tiny amounts of food each day."
"Protect your heart, protect your energy, protect who you are as a person."
"The real solution to our human predicament is how to use less energy, not to figure out new technology to continue using what we're already using now."
"By withdrawing your energy, you're actually protecting yourself and loving yourself."
"Folks things can cook so fast this way too it is helping you conserve colds because remember the lid that you have on the first oven that is heated becomes the heat for the next oven up."
"Having the option to turn it off if you're on a laptop or a console is probably a good thing."
"Energy can only change form, but it can never be destroyed. We are made up of pure energy."
"The sweet spot of high efficiency extends from eight kilometers an hour all the way up to fifty kilometers an hour."
"The least amount of battery use happens at a lower speed."
"I'm always about peace and conserving your energy and having good energy."
"We have to find the ways that we are wasting our energy and recycle that, reclaim that energy."
"Sometimes the best way to understand something is not by adding energy to it, but by taking energy away."
"Before all this happened, before we knew we were destroying our own atmosphere with carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, we were unbelievably wasteful."
"People were having the central heating on full with all the windows open. Now bills aren't so cheap and people are starting to realize they need to be a bit more careful with energy."
"It doesn't do any good to be mad about it, it doesn't do any good to be griping about something, just waste air, waste your time, waste your energy."
"We let regen do the work for us on the way down."
"Every time I wear something that's secondhand, I save enough energy to watch two TV shows."
"Make sure your stopping mode is set to hold for the best efficiency and true one-pedal driving."
"They're very good at conserving their energy."
"Don't be distracted by emotions like anger, envy, resentment. These just sap energy and waste time."
"Choose your battles wisely, sometimes it is the best thing to conserve your energy and walk away."
"Efficiency proceeds from the right conservation of one's forces and powers. All skill is the use of concentrated energy."
"If you're using your heater versus your AC you're going to be conserving more energy."
"So with regenerative braking and EV, when you're not using the power... it'll actually send more charge back to the battery."
"Time and energy are pretty much finite. You are not an energy machine."
"Monique only runs her refrigerator for seven hours a week. By conserving that energy, she saves $120 each year."
"Depression allows us to economize energy in daily life. Depression slows us down, reduces the rhythm and tempo of life, lets us sit aside and recuperate gradually."
"We learned that there is energy conservation and alan was trying to tell you that this is tricky thing because a total energy of everything energy of matter positive and energy of gravity negative the total sum of them in the universe is exactly equal to zero."
"The key to maximizing efficiency is to produce on spec products with the least amount of energy consumption."
"Just look around and see if you can save power in other ways."
"Lions sleep for 20 hours, preserving energy for the 4 hours that matter."
"Even the kettles are tested to make sure they don't use too much electricity and take it away from a more important system."
"Conserving energy makes a real difference."
"Save energy before the climb by avoiding power spikes and riding a higher cadence than you normally would."
"Pack running helps so much, especially in these situations, you're conserving so much more energy."
"It's something in the article about the 45 degree... So it's technique in combination with sort of conserving your energy at the same time."
"Replacing inefficient incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs can save energy."
"This is usual in the normal driving mode. You also have this eco driving mode."
"Unplug devices to avoid vampire power."
"...the amount of energy that you're saving from what I read online is about 40%."
"That's where you learn how to conserve your energy."
"When conserved, this energy can be directed towards spiritual awakening, professional success, and personal growth."
"The act of keeping your energy to yourself is what we call silence, a quiet mind."
"Energy can't be created or destroyed. We can only change the state. It doesn't go anywhere. It's just asleep."
"Most of us have our hot water heaters set way too high."
"If we can make distillation more energy efficient, that's a pretty tremendous goal."
"Joe Ste: 'Double wall construction allows us to go to R40 or R60 walls.'"
"Our energy can't be created or destroyed."
"We are recycling the energy on our farm as much as possible."
"All energy is constant; it just changes forms."
"The impedance is typically characterized so a transmission line... is to carry as much of that there as possible with as little loss as possible."
"The job of the transmission line is to carry as much of the energy as possible from the source to the load."
"We're reducing the amount of energy we need by changing the way it is to service one of the biggest functions that we actually use energy for, and that's heating and cooling."
"I'm just glad they showed me their true nature once again and didn't waste my energy."
"Reducing weight does a couple of things: one, you do use less material... and anytime you can reduce weight, it is that much less energy that it takes to start and stop things moving."
"Why would you want to suck a bunch of power out of the wall and give all your money to the power company when you don't need to?"
"You are wasting your time and your energy. It's precious. You will never get that back. Let them go, move on with grace."
"After seeing this, next time I'm not going to turn off the lights in my house."
"Fuel consumption still goes down even after you have depleted the battery because you could still always use this regenerative braking."
"I wonder how much power could be saved theoretically if you were to periodically replace a shelf in your fridge with snow."
"The lower we can set this slope, the better, the less gas the boiler will use."
"Do you treat your time and your energy as finite?"
"We use heating recirculation of the building so in order to make sure that we use as little energy as possible."
"Turn off the lights; you're saving energy, you're saving us money."
"You cannot destroy energy. You can only transform it."
"Together, energy, momentum, and pressure participate in the requirements for energy conservation."
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it is simply converted from one form into another."
"I'm a big advocate of saving power."
"Energy cannot be destroyed; it can only change form."
"Energy by nature can't be created or destroyed but it can be converted from one form to another."
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed; if you pour your heart into something, you're gonna get the results."
"Travel sustainably and save energy to contribute to the University's target of curbing the carbon footprint by 60."
"Energy conservation means that if you have some energy and momentum coming in, the total energy momentum coming out is equal to that."
"Pacing and planning is really about not doing too much all at one time or all in one day in order to conserve your energy."
"You can't make energy; you can't destroy energy, but you can transfer energy from one type to another."
"Energy can't be created or destroyed; it's eternal."
"A building is typically made up of thousands of bricks, so there's a potential for a building's brick walls to act as a massive supercapacitor."
"It's way quieter, it's more efficient, it's smaller, and it uses less energy."
"Saving energy is a beautiful thing."
"It's a really good way of saving energy on smaller motors because you're taking tiny little nibbles of wood out."
"The sum of the view factors must equal one, a reflection of conservation of energy."
"If you have a relative that lived in famine, they're more likely to express the genes that are involved with conserving energy in your body."
"You can put the best heating system or the best air conditioning system into a building, and if it's not insulated, it's just going out the window."
"It's free energy, people. It's free energy."
"Energy conservation in general relativity is peculiar."
"When you eat less food, your basal metabolic rate actually goes down. Your body conserves energy."
"The cleanest energy is the energy that is not consumed."
"Any thought or emotion which is harmful to his energy resources must be contrary to the intentions of the law by which he is controlled or directed."
"Power down the amount of energy you use, power up low carbon energy supplies, and keep it in the ground."
"The first law of thermodynamics is that you can neither create nor destroy energy."
"Maintain the physical health at the highest possible standard so that the energies are not drained and the body remains healthy."
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed; that doesn't mean it is independent."
"Put the lid on the pot, because the energy can't escape, the heat can't escape, so therefore it takes less time to get that water boiling."
"Energy doesn't die, it's transferred."
"Kirchhoff's second law is a statement of conservation of energy."
"The energy of the universe is constant."