
Health Crisis Quotes

There are 425 quotes

"What I am saying, and what the data now shows, even here in the United States, because when I saw the numbers, I was like, 'We're in trouble here. We're the sickest nation in history.'"
"It's time that we as a population in the middle of a worldwide health epidemic take our power back."
"We've seen an explosion of chronic disease and obesity in this country."
"We are marshalling all of our resources, but we need New Yorkers to do their part."
"Nothing about this virus is fair, but let's be really clear if we don't make these decisions then we will finish up with thousands of cases."
"For me, this is a sign of a humanity crisis really put on the public by the governments and the authorities."
"Please, let's not politicize this virus... It exploits the differences you have at the national level."
"We were about to witness the most extraordinary explosion of chronic disease in human history."
"We're in the grip of the worst heart care crisis in living memory."
"The people of Myanmar deserve a robust response to the COVID-19 pandemic and other long-standing issues."
"We need leaders who will solve problems like climate change and COVID, not deny them."
"The weight of the nation is out of control, but we can fix that."
"He's such a tiny little puppy, and now his life is really hanging in the balance."
"We will get through this together, and we will beat this virus."
"Now is historical moments, a time not only to fight severe virus but to shape the system for the need for the post-corona era."
"The excess death rate in the United States is like we're having a 9/11 every two and a quarter days."
"My dad had a brain tumor, he had a seizure and collapsed on the bathroom floor. It's not pretty."
"The health crisis we experienced is certainly cause for concern and caution, but there's another epidemic that can be extremely damaging for us as God's children: it's the epidemic of fear."
"We will turn the tide of this disease and beat it together."
"None of us should feel safe until we figure out exactly what is behind this terrifying affliction."
"Italy had nearly 800 deaths in a single day. Yes, that's substantially worse than the flu."
"I put it out very publicly with respect to Iran I said if they need help with respect to the virus we'd love to said we have the greatest medical professionals in the world would love to see you perhaps to to lend their support."
"We're eating poisonous foods and then paralyzing our stomach with medication that doesn't work we're getting sicker and sicker and sicker and it needs to stop."
"One of the biggest crises any ship can face is an outbreak on board, with contagious diseases spreading like wildfire."
"I mean remember over 40% of Americans are clinically obese it's a sorry almost % now it's an extraordinary Health epidemic in the United States."
"For a lot of Americans, this was a confrontation with mortality that they've just never... had to confront."
"Children are not supposed to die, and 400 is a huge number for a respiratory season."
"I think you know over the last months, we've taken very bold action to stop the virus from coming to our shores."
"The fight really depends on all of us to do our part."
"DeSantis's handling of the pandemic... was in truth awful, including literally being caught selling vaccines to Rich donors instead of giving them to the elderly."
"This is very serious... she's having chemotherapy this is very serious."
"We're going to defeat the invisible enemy. It'll be a complete victory."
"Trump's entire campaign was focused on fighting the coronavirus, so the Democrats were more afraid than the Republicans of catching or spreading it."
"We are making headway because of American businesses innovating and stepping forward to save fellow Americans' lives."
"Covid cases surging in nearly every state as the highly contagious Delta variant fuels hospitalizations."
"This could be a hell of a bad two weeks, this is going to be a very bad two and maybe even three weeks."
"If we do see a second wave, because I've heard Dr. Fauci answer this question, if we do, we're going to be, I think, very well prepared, and the second wave won't be like the first wave."
"We're getting rid of this virus, that's what we're doing."
"We're getting rid of this virus. That's it. Very simple solution."
"The entirety of DoD's focus was to combating this virus."
"We exercise constantly in the event of larger scale infectious disease outbreaks."
"If my wife hadn't taken me to the ER, I would have died within hours."
"The choice we make, the precautions we put into place, are critical to overcoming the virus, reducing its spread, and shortening the duration of the pandemic."
"This commitment signals strong US leadership in response to the outbreak."
"France is going back into a nationwide lockdown, it hopes to contain COVID-19 infections that are threatening to spiral out of control." - On Tuesday, France reported 523 COVID-19 deaths over 24 hours, the highest daily toll since April.
"A record number of children are going into the hospital with COVID-19."
"Don't be an idiot. Violence aimed at suspected carriers doesn't solve anything."
"I think it's gonna go very rapidly because this wasn't a financial crisis just the opposite, this was a medical crisis."
"What if it suddenly turned deadly? That's what keeps everyone up at night, the possibility, however slight, that a virus like H5N1 could trigger a human pandemic."
"We will vanquish the virus and unleash the full might of the United States of America."
"Trump's COVID response was focused on his re-election, not on the people."
"We are flattening the curve thank God thank God thank God thank God and thank a lot of good people who have been working very hard."
"We have to get the coronavirus [ __ ] under control in the United States."
"Help is on the way. We have every confidence in a short period of time we could have one or more safe and effective vaccines."
"We must pass this bill to crush the virus, to save the lives and livelihoods of the American people, to put children back in school and people back to work. That is its purpose."
"This stimulus should be directed at the root of the problem: the virus."
"Showing signs that he's suffering from internal bleeding and his call for medical help completely ignored."
"The end of the world is coming." - Dr. Leana Wen
"It's odd how far we have come from a crisis, a pandemic, a health emergency, an opportunity to acknowledge the sanctity of human life... now it has to just be sold ruthlessly as a product."
"I'm fighting to make sure we eradicate the virus, rebuild the economy, and save our country from the radical left."
"When you're dealing with an evolving outbreak, we've got to be humble and flexible."
"The world needs answers from China on the virus. We must have transparency."
"Facing down the barrel of an illness of this magnitude will do things to you that is impossible to put into words. It's gonna change your entire outlook on life and even you fundamentally as a person."
"Cholera broke out and the French actually ended up losing far more soldiers to cholera than they ever did in action."
"Suspend the league already. It's been a complete mess from the coronavirus to celebrity passing away."
"It's not worth it right now. We love football, but there are bigger things at stake."
"This is going to be life-changing for a lot of us."
"I pray for everybody across the world who has contracted the coronavirus."
"We need to establish a commission to hold China accountable for unleashing the virus upon the world."
"We will send coronavirus packing in this country."
"We're hard at work each and every day to defeat the invisible enemy."
"The sad fact remains that there are people dying now of this infection who would have survived even if they'd had fairly basic medical treatment."
"But at the 2-year mark, Jon came down with this terrible case of pneumonia."
"We need to make sure that we had guidance in this moment where we were going to have a lot of disease."
"President Trump's contraction of this virus puts more pressure on Congress to pass the next stimulus package."
"Mental health is such a problem right now, the degraded health of the country, the minds of the people."
"I had a blockage in my main artery that they call your widowmaker, 99."
"If you say the same thing that Joe Biden said, which is hundreds of thousands of people will die by the end of the year, and you're a Democrat, this is you telling hard truths to the American people."
"The starkest choice for this election... president Trump says we are not locking down again."
"The intelligent virus, we deserve a president who cares whether his fellow Americans live or die."
"Without aggressive additional measures, more people will get sick, more people will die, and our economy will suffer longer."
"The deaths from zero COVID in China are uncountable."
"Our entire attitude toward gays has changed because of AIDS."
"Becky was diagnosed with anorexia... almost hospitalized because she was that underweight."
"A rare inflammatory illness has killed three young people in New York State."
"Next on rising as cases spike here, the European Union has begun reopening to the world."
"Can you imagine if during the aids crisis gay men were treated as pariahs? Can you even fathom?"
"The covert pandemic is not over. In fact, another widespread problem is following."
"Criminalizing addicts is not the way to solve the overdose and drug crisis."
"The increasing number of cases is quite exponential."
"The development of the country is at risk due to this silent pandemic of vitamin D deficiency."
"Our nation’s veterans are quickly becoming one of the hardest-hit groups impacted by coronavirus."
"My ex lied about vaccinating our immune compromised eight-year-old daughter. She now has chickenpox and is in the hospital."
"We're deploying every scientific, governmental, medical, and military resource to defeat the virus."
"I think it's still we don't know exactly how this is going to play out. It's still too early."
"In the midst of grief and pain, we're seeing clear signs that our aggressive strategy is saving countless lives."
"3,000 dollars a month isn't enough with that variant floating around."
"He is willing to let another 200,000 plus people die between now and inauguration day because he wants to have his little temper tantrums."
"There's real people you know I'm saying real people being effective real people dying from this and it's sad."
"We could have lost two million people... it's too many people."
"Senator Rick Scott is pledging to hold Communist China and WHO accountable for coronavirus fallout."
"We're sitting here January February still debating how serious this is."
"So what I believe will happen is the vaccine is going to cut this short."
"Every 43 seconds, an American dies from COVID."
"1500 people died in the last day of reporting."
"We didn't just flatten the curve, we bent the curve."
"The real situation is much, much worse, and the number of infected people and deaths should be multiple times than the official number."
"Italy suffers the highest daily death toll of anywhere in the world."
"If a single Democrat gets COVIDed anywhere in this process, they're done."
"Might be the biggest Dark Night of the solar healing crisis you've ever experienced but it is the most worthwhile Journey you will ever take."
"The response was overwhelming, hospitals statewide reported cases of the deadly illness."
"We could have completely prevented this virus."
"We're not in a good place. I'm going to be really honest with you, this is the winter surge we predicted."
"The heart attack was honestly the best thing that ever happened to me because it saved my life in so many damn ways."
"Now what we have now is a pandemic of the unvaccinated."
"The highly contagious delta variant fueling a surge of new cases across the country."
"The peak is going to be around April 12 April 13... as high as 5,000 deaths per day."
"China is prepared for this pandemic while the US is not."
"We must utilize our nation's scientific brilliance to vanquish the virus."
"Tonight on the corona virus outbreak in this country as the number of dead Rises more confirmed cases tonight in New York and Los Angeles where an airport worker on the frontlines of stopping the virus is spread has been infected."
"The global Community has United to assist the Russian people with their health issues."
"Some of these jobs aren't coming back... it's the reality." - Steve B
"We're using the full power of the federal government to fight the China virus."
"The coronavirus reshuffled the global order."
"We will not defeat this virus unless we have workers advocating for themselves."
"Clearly indicates that we're not anywhere near close to getting this thing under control."
"This is not the flu. We've really got to get out in front of this."
"I don't want you to die, we'll figure this out together."
"Tony Stark's Arc Reactor is killing him, leading to self-destructive behavior."
"Regardless of whether or not people are literally dropping dead from COVID-19, it is still just ravaging everyone's life."
"The goal is to lose as few people to the virus as possible."
"We're in the middle of the biggest epidemic that the world has ever seen and nobody's talking about it. It's a massive Mental Health crisis."
"Nobody's ever been swamped like this. And nothing's been so contagious."
"Let's hope the Roni Rona doesn't take back off, but if it does, that is definitely something that could cause the stock market to go down."
"This is a pandemic; it's going to go everywhere."
"Our big war is not a financial war it's a medical war."
"We can all see what is happening to the economy; we can all see the impact this is having on loneliness, mental health, poverty, and delays in cancer treatments."
"We're going to beat this coronavirus or whatever you want to call it and we're going to beat it soundly."
"Sickness should not be a cause of financial ruin."
"The Prime Minister said this is the worst public health crisis for a generation."
"Global epidemics... These epidemics will be spreading rapidly."
"We are in a crisis situation in the United States right now... an opioid addict dies every eight minutes."
"The virus is a demon and the demon cannot be allowed to hide."
"The virus may have come as part of a bioweapons program."
"I didn't get started in this to sell books... it really started for me with a very sick loved one."
"There's going to be an awful lot of people still getting sick in india right up until august."
"News of the outbreak would have a disastrous impact on the community."
"Regime extends not because there are a big number of infected people but because they don't know what to do."
"We're probably about a year away from purging this virus of rampant authoritarianism."
"There's no romance or poetry or sentimentality that will prevent the [expletive] COVID from entering your lungs."
"Loneliness has become a major struggle for people the world over to the point of being deemed a health crisis. They call it the loneliness epidemic."
"Overcoming the epidemic requires collective action and personal sacrifice like not panic buying and staying at home when you're told to."
"So I got to her house took her to the emergency room but she had like a fever of like 102 the night before she couldn't keep food down she was throwing up it was really bad and she looked like a ghost like her face was like super pale."
"There's no greater desperation than to be told that you or your child has a disease for which there is no hope."
"For a patient this young and athletic to go from healthy to near respiratory failure in 24 hours was unheard of."
"We are estimating a hundred thousand to four hundred thousand deaths."
"And technically the COVID-19 pandemic has yet to end."
"Jesus is still in control over this health crisis."
"Coronavirus being much more contagious than previously feared."
"British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was moved into intensive care as the UK's death toll surpasses 10,000."
"We can't give up... otherwise people will continue to die."
"The scam does not begin with COVID, and I encourage you guys to dig deeper beneath the surface."
"The number of malnutrition cases in England has almost doubled in five years."
"The lockdowns did way more than the virus ever could in terms of hurting people. It's not even close."
"If this virus comes to this continent, there will be chaos."
"This can spread like wildfire if we don't get it under control."
"Australia has doubled down on its calls for an independent investigation into the outbreak of the CCP virus."
"I'm delighted to join my honourable friend... tackling Ebola and they are some of the most brave and remarkable people I've met."
"The deadly pandemic right around the corner."
"This virus, it's not over yet, it hasn't even reached its pinnacle."
"We had a miscarriage in the family... and my wife woke up paralyzed from the waist down."
"It got so bad... if I didn't do something... I was on the verge of hospitalization."
"If the virus went away, the tyranny is not going away. The tyranny is getting worse."
"This is a serious situation. We've got a fucking generation of metabolic damage just about to fucking blow fucking tsunami. And it is crazy."
"With all of the talk you've heard where some states wanted 40,000 ventilators, I said that doesn't work."
"Let's stop blaming everything on this infection. The real cause of all this is the massive debt, the poor and weakening economy."
"Infections and deaths today... record-breaking on both counts."
"You're about to see a second wave hit earlier than what they thought."
"People are just gonna die, it is what it is."
"We are seeing unprecedented rates... made worse by this assault on the human immune system."
"I think it's worth saying to everybody: America is the best place in the world to be right now with the coronavirus."
"Every single penny goes to helping fight COVID-19."
"It is so embarrassing and so tragic given the loss of life in the United States that countries in Western Europe or in East Asia all around the world are outperforming the United States in being able to control the transmission of COVID-19."
"Whatever the hell's going on, if anybody knows what remedy to take for the final stages of this death disease, please let me know"
"Exciting that we got to see the WHO director... Can we reassure you that things will be okay?"
"The problem here is not the economy, it's the coronavirus."
"I definitely think that the fear and what's going on is probably going to be much worse than the actual illness itself."
"As we enter the next stage of our battle, we are continuing our relentless effort to destroy the virus."
"We needed to tame the beast, we needed to control the virus, and we did."
"Turns out she's got a dirty little secret about the weight loss stuff we're going to talk about but first right now it is no secret if you're tuned in we are seeing what could be a recession piling up at the beginning of the year."
"Any way you cut it, this is going to be bad." - Senior medical advisor at the Department of Veterans Affairs
"I'm done with COVID... it's ridiculous at this point."
"The government is lying to you. They nuked a town with toxic chemicals and now they are forcing this predominantly poor, working class, Trump-supporting town to live in toxic filth."
"Lockdowns cost lives and they cost a lot of problems. The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself."
"It’s not going to work on a pandemic that’s killing people."
"No damn virus is going to stop the church of Jesus Christ."
"If I had waited any longer I would 100,000% either be dead or severely disabled."
"It's a health problem, a national health crisis."
"His tragic death helped bring public attention to the ravages of the disease."