
United States Quotes

There are 744 quotes

"What I am saying, and what the data now shows, even here in the United States, because when I saw the numbers, I was like, 'We're in trouble here. We're the sickest nation in history.'"
"The power of the US in the Middle East comes through its own political dictates, its own political agenda, and the use of international organizations like the Security Council, the ICC, the ICJ for their own specific reasons."
"You must stay clearly focused on the fundamental national security interest of the United States of America."
"The defining fact of the United States is freedom of speech."
"I really appreciate you guys sticking in there with me. I hope all of this stuff made sense."
"The framers were concerned about charismatic rebels who might rise through the ranks up to and including the presidency of the United States."
"Power and influence are beginning to shift, and if the United States isn’t careful, they may find governments around Latin America being replaced with pro-Chinese regimes."
"If the United States does not get serious about creating closer ties with countries in the Western Hemisphere, it may only be a matter of time before the whole of Latin America allies itself with China."
"The United States gradually shifted from a labor-based economy to primarily a human knowledge-based economy."
"In recent years, the issue of border security has become a topic of intense debate and controversy in the United States."
"I think we've achieved a greater level of integration in the United States than we ever have in all of history."
"The United States is a melting pot ever since the first Native Americans saw a sailing ship on the horizon and thought to themselves, 'Oh look, visitors! We should have them over for dinner.'"
"Unemployment rates in the United States have reached an all-time high at 16 percent."
"The number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States is the issue of health care."
"A lot of folks I found, immigrants come to the United States are the most pro-America folks I've ever seen."
"The United States is the most free country on the planet."
"I wish tipping culture wasn't necessarily a thing in the United States, and we just paid for the service a reasonable amount."
"China is a real geopolitical rival to the United States."
"We're supposed to be a country where, regardless of your skin color and yes, regardless of your political belief, there is one standard of the rule of law in the United States of America."
"I hope you'll have an enjoyable trip in the United States."
"An insane amount of the technology that we use today comes from the United States' reaction to that one day."
"I think that one of our greatest strengths in the United States is recognizing that our founding was flawed in so many ways."
"The United States is the most generous nation on the planet, has been for the past three decades."
"Racism is not an anomaly separate from us; rather, it is woven into the fabric of this country."
"America, land of the free, has the most people incarcerated in the world, per capita, in the world."
"More millionaires now in the United States than at any time in the history of the country."
"There is no better vehicle in the world. And there's no better country in the world than the United States to buy rental properties and to build passive income."
"Unity in the United States was not through wars, unity of the United States was not to trade, unity in the United States was through the Blessed Mother, through our mother Mary."
"There's a very clear body of law in the United States that goes back many decades that clarifies what Free Speech means here."
"Popular culture in the United States is extremely important; it's a pacesetter for the Western World."
"The United States is about to increase its training of Ukrainian soldiers."
"Immigration is one of the best things to happen to the United States of America."
"The United States, our culture, our population, our economy, needs immigration like lungs need oxygen."
"The idea of like a unified fiscal policy worked really well in the United States."
"A society like the United States facing widening inequality can turn it around if it wants to."
"The United States of America...warehouses nearly 25% of the prison population in the world. The land of the free is the incarceration capital of the world."
"The United States is not just tolerating this genocide; it is in legal terms complicit in the genocide." - Craig Mckyer.
"There are more than 20 million millionaires in the United States of America."
"In the United States, the effects of this action were painfully felt in April 2020 when the country lost twenty-point-five million jobs, resulting in an unemployment rate that ballooned to fourteen point seven percent."
"The best policy is an immediate ceasefire. That would be a humiliation for the United States but a salutary one."
"It's the official policy of the United States government to protect patients with pre-existing conditions."
"There's a 500% increase in vegans in the United States since 2014."
"While no democracy is perfect, including the United States, we'll continue to struggle to live up to the highest ideals."
"The illegal drug market in the United States is one of the most profitable in the world."
"The real challenge lies in combating the culture of greed, bigotry, ignorance, and intolerance that permeates the United States."
"I don't have any problem with going to Europe, but I prefer the United States, and I prefer seeing the regular parts of the United States."
"In every corner of the United States, driving an EV produces significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than cars powered only by gasoline."
"Every European social democracy absolutely destroys the United States on upward social mobility."
"San Francisco is widely considered the most beautiful city in the United States."
"The biggest liars are the United States government. They're the biggest perpetrators of propaganda."
"I'm so happy that I was able to get out of the United States and experience growing up in Germany."
"It’s clear that vegetarianism in the United States was popularized by just one guy for reasons that had nothing to do with animal welfare or climate change."
"We have a $34.5 trillion debt bubble in the United States."
"I think we've seen plenty of flying saucers. There's no question that we've seen exceptional numbers of craft here in the United States."
"The United States was absolutely brilliant in logistics, air power, and naval power, and that really reduced casualties."
"The legacy of Juneteenth is racial progress... it is literally marking racial progress in the United States."
"I don't agree with the modern consensus that the US is really in decline as a superpower."
"The biggest problem that we have in the United States right now is not a historic wealth gap; the biggest problem we have is an income gap in the United States."
"The United States has a serious drug problem and it’s bigger than you think."
"Jews are by leaps and bounds the group most likely to be targeted for hate crimes in the United States."
"The Department of Homeland Security was created to defend the United States from any and all threats to the safety of our nation."
"Racism against black folks in the United States has basically taken one form... saying that black folks are inferior. That's really what racism in the United States has been about against black folks, and it's evil."
"In the U.S., it's a bit more expensive, jumping in price almost 400% in the last decade, up now to two thousand three hundred and fifty dollars."
"This is the United States of America. This is the country where free expression is supposed to happen."
"We're the only country that has more guns than people. We're the only advanced country that has these mass shootings."
"The United States is one of a vanishingly few countries in the world that had a revolution and came out better on the other side."
"It is widely believed in Beijing that the United States wants to contain a rising China, which has become more assertive globally as its economy has grown."
"The United States does not have to sacrifice our own jobs to lead the world on the environment."
"In the United States, I guarantee you more people have car insurance than have health insurance."
"It is the second total solar eclipse across the United States in 7 years, and the two eclipses will mark an X over the country. This is a very rare and ominous event."
"Are relations between the two biggest powers in the world, China and the United States, on an unstoppable collision course?"
"So now, the stage is properly set for economic war between China and the United States."
"That's what's so great about the United States and the freedom and the free market."
"During the most difficult challenges the United States faces, we worked to secure freedom for all."
"Right now in the United States, there are over 550 federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaskan Natives."
"The birthright of the United States, which has been the blessing that we have enjoyed, is freedom."
"Our birthright that was brought into this nation by our founders is the birthright of religious freedom, political freedom, freedom of writing, expressing, freedom of speech as we said earlier, freedom to assemble, freedom to own property, freedom to buy, to sell, to build business. This is all our freedom."
"The U.S. is hiding the worst economy ever in history."
"The United States is fragmenting. It's been fragmenting for a long time."
"For the United States, we should say yes, we should live up to the ideals that we profess."
"I think there is a god-sized hole in a lot of people's hearts in the United States."
"Independence Day is well worth celebrating because it celebrates the fundamental principles espoused by the United States."
"God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America."
"We're really living in an information economy in the United States. The sale of information is what really the United States is now."
"In the United States, federal income taxes and most state income taxes are due on April 15th."
"I think that the United States is a propaganda machine."
"The United States is rated number one for being prepared."
"If these companies are found to have been conducting different forms of censorship... it could have a huge impact within the United States."
"The United States has a moral responsibility to act."
"It's time for the United States to be bold and decisive in bringing about peace."
"America is a pretty damned fine place. There's certain things we take for granted."
"Every other place on earth is plagued by issues far worse than the United States."
"The country is very strong, we've never been so strong."
"After World War II, the United States is by far the richest nation in the world."
"Since 2018 nine states have passed bills to make daylight savings permanent."
"We just need more hard-hitting journalism like that here in the United States."
"The basic reality of why we are in the trouble we are in the United States now is that preparedness is a choice and poor preparedness is a choice."
"2023 is going to be the year of the political crisis in the United States."
"There's a lot of things that contribute to the destruction of the future of the United States."
"The minutia doesn't matter what matters is we are facing a rising economic threat to the United States the United States is not going to tolerate that."
"Getting into the United States is just... it is so hard compared to like every other country on the planet."
"The United States has been the greatest force for benevolence in world history, and I think the evidence for that is overwhelming."
"The United States finally figured out whether slavery is good or bad. It's bad."
"More than half the United States has an increased risk of heart disease death due to their added sugar consumption."
"The perfect microcosm of where we're at politically right now in the United States."
"Before we hit the pandemic born in Wuhan, these reforms led to an economic boom that many said was impossible in the United States of America."
"How the United States responds to this challenge will have historic implications."
"The United States remains an incubator for greatness like no other."
"White America has this idealized vision of itself... it usually does not involve its treatment of the black community."
"America has been gentrified, not just New York or LA."
"So, what happened? How did the US go from pretty much the best of everything?"
"If every other major country guarantees health care, by god we can do it in the United States of America."
"We declare that the United States of America is the most just an exceptional nation ever to exist on earth."
"We are indigenous to the United States. There was no United States until we built it. That makes us indigenous to the United States."
"Our money in the United States is not only all the same size but it's all the same color."
"The Ukrainian Army fought Russia with energy and resolve."
"The Ukrainian Army delivered a critical blow."
"Things are looking quite bad for Russia right now."
"The devastating losses suffered by the Russian army."
"There are certain things that rise way above partisan differences that threaten the United States."
"Interstate 69 would be a superhighway that could allow travelers and long-haul truckers to traverse the middle of the United States with ease."
"From the outside looking in, a place like America is incredibly transparent."
"At least in the US these debates are being had because Free Speech means something."
"You cannot overstate the scale of demographic change underway right now in the United States."
"The average cost of college in the United States is $35,720 per student per year."
"If we do not have free speech in the United States, we have nothing else."
"To keep new cases from entering our shores, we will be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States for the next 30 days."
"The United States is and will remain a welcoming nation that embraces people from across the world who seek family reunification, employment, or professional opportunities and humanitarian protection."
"This country wasn't founded without God, you know. There was Judeo-Christian values that were woven into the founding of the United States, and that was a deep part of what made this country so amazing."
"The disarmament agenda in the United States of America will never never cease never and they will look to exploit every tragedy to the maximum extent possible to twist it and act like it's your fault."
"Even if the United States is founded on a lie, it's a beautiful lie."
"The education system in this East Coast is the best in the entire country."
"The decline of the United States as a player in the world economy is palpable and clear."
"United States is yet to see community spread of the virus."
"This happens nowhere other than in the United States."
"What the hell is going on in the United States of America? The hell is wrong with us?"
"This era is not coinciding with a functional political system in the United States."
"Something has to change with guns in the United States... We're the only country in the world that has this f**ked up gun violence."
"We are at a crossroads in the United States."
"The number one asset we have in the United States is our flexibility."
"The modern foreign policy justification for the United States is a little toned deaf and disingenuous."
"The end picture for the United States is pretty bright."
"America's share of global wealth is shrinking."
"China is clearly sending a message to the United States."
"The United States of America is a hotbed for tornadoes."
"First president to be indicted in the history of the United States."
"The United States- currently the world's sole superpower- fits this description."
"There are two systems of Justice in the United States."
"Socialism will never happen in the United States."
"Senator Harris could really be America's president."
"The United States is going through a re-evolution."
"The United States will be unabashed in promoting our vision of a free, open, secure, and prosperous world."
"The United States approach to Africa has evolved over time and faced challenges in its engagement on the continent."
"The United States has not done well in this pandemic."
"If America falls, the whole world will be affected."
"The United States, with its long history of greater religious tolerance than in Europe, made the country especially attractive to persecuted Jews."
"The US is often overlooked as a place to see amazing things and I'm on a mission to change that."
"The Canadian identity, if there is such a thing, is one defined in opposition to the United States."
"You have free expression in the United States."
"This is a issue of freedom, a basic fundamental value that we cherish here in the United States."
"The United States is the most powerful country on earth."
"Life in the United States is not perfect, but I feel safe here."
"Almost a decade before the Wright brothers' first flight, numerous sightings of strange cigar-shaped UFOs were spotted across the United States."
"There will always be more that unites the people of the United States of America than will ever divide us."
"Over the last 20 years since 9/11, the United States has spent 21 trillion dollars on militarization, surveillance, and repression." - Caption
"The United States has become the number-one country in the world in energy."
"An economic miracle is taking place in the United States. We have the strongest economy in history."
"Every day the situation in the U.S becomes more dire."
"These vaults here in the United States, they had been coming over here since the 1200s."
"For a lot of countries in Asia and elsewhere, it's almost like the world can't be into when the US is kind of torn."
"Everything we have here in the US of A is because of capitalism."
"We're living a whole set of fictions in the United States today. The primary one is, again, that white supremacy is the big terror threat."
"The spiritual revival will exceed the leadership in America."
"We are in a crisis situation in the United States right now... an opioid addict dies every eight minutes."
"By 1945, the United States had 14.9 million personnel in uniform."
"The United States of America has been a beacon of light and hope for the world."
"Insane that nonviolent protesters are being charged with felonies in the United States."
"The United States has become a much more civilized society since the 1960s."
"I suspect that at some point this debate will burst into the open in the United States."
"The notion that the United States is going to collapse is not the least bit outlandish."
"If you truly believe that we need to... face the reality of our history of race, then..."
"The United States is collapsing internally and this is this of course replicates the dying days of any Empire the tragedy is that as we go down we're bringing so many people with us"
"The world is watching the United States of America."
"Americans pay more for their health care than any other people on this planet."
"Austin genuinely is one of the best places in the United States."
"The role of the United States on the North American continent is such that it has seemingly come to define the vast character of this land through the pull of its political influence, military strength, and economic wealth."
"We need to have a racial Reckoning in the United States of America."
"There's never been more of a world power than the United States of America."
"If you want to explain America’s economic growth in a nutshell chalk it up to G, D, and L: Geography, Demography and Law."
"And, by 1913 the United States produced 1/3 of the world’s total industrial output."
"This is an existential battle for the future of democracy in the United States."
"The people in the United States don't yet know what the oligarchs are up to."
"It's incredible news and of course it's great to hear that confirmed by the United States."
"Crypto ATM machines: USA leading the way with over 17,000."
"Despite not having a clear regulatory framework on cryptocurrencies, the United States has positioned itself as the most crypto-ready nation in the world."
"The reality is the problem lies with the United States."
"No matter what the left tells you, the data says that the overwhelming majority of people who would like to immigrate would like to come to the United States."
"The US has more immigrants than any other country in the world by a pretty shocking margin."
"In order for an enemy to get to America first, it must cross two massive oceans, and this geographic fact makes the United States the single most secure nation on earth."
"The issue becomes not just economically, because economically the United States is in the most fragile position it's ever been."