
Sickness Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"What I am saying, and what the data now shows, even here in the United States, because when I saw the numbers, I was like, 'We're in trouble here. We're the sickest nation in history.'"
"The reality...is that very simply put, every lever of healthcare today predominantly makes money when they're intervening on sick people."
"We call it healthcare, but it really is sick care. There is money in dollars behind sickness."
"A man's spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?"
"I remember reaching for this pink little bedpan and I knew I was going to throw up."
"This young, sick woman never knew it, but she was about to become the proto-pop culture vampire."
"He was dazed as hell started crying and then threw up all over the floor."
"Sickness should not be a cause of financial ruin."
"Your hunger is your spiritual thermometer; when people are sick in the natural, they lose their appetite."
"Most of anxiety is either you're living or focusing on the past or the future where life only happens literally one second at a time."
"Apple Jacks, it looks just like the Apple Jacks! Cool, these are something that when I used to be sick and have a cold, I used to like to eat."
"Jesus said Lazarus sleeps and the disciples said, 'It's good that he sleep. He's sick.'"
"The sickness at the prison...is an underrated storyline."
"I feel sick, Grammy. No more twisty turny roller coaster rides for you."
"I feel so bad that he's sick today, but he's legit sick though."
"Our policy states that the child can't come back for 48 hours after the last time they were sick."
"This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for the glory of God, so that God's son may be glorified through it."
"You write down what you actually need... you need somebody capable of being present for you when you're sick."
"Somebody here is sick behind this, Aquarius. Somebody is spiritually sick or physically sick."
"You have to get angry at sickness and disease."
"You cannot get sick enough to heal one person on this planet."
"Even in sickness, the Lord will strengthen us."
"The sickness is already in you, skin already slackening."
"Homesick is the worst kind of sick."
"Looks like we're going to be sick again, or at least one of us is."
"The life of being a mom, I feel like that is just you have kids under the age of five you're going to be sick all the time basically at least someone in the house is sick at all times."
"One of the guys thought he'd be dead by then because he was reeling from a fever the previous day."
"God uses our sickness and our pain for his own glory and for our own good."
"Just like you get sick back home and you don't feel like working."
"They wanted what we have our perfect peaceful life and so they dragged their sickness here and damned us all."
"Folks, if you're sick, this stuff will break a fever. It is so good."
"God is going to destroy the author of sickness."
"I've been sick, terribly sick, and have prayed for people while I was sick. God healed them and left me standing there sick, praying for them."
"I tried not to worry too much but in reality, I worried myself sick."
"The way your breath tastes when you're sick."
"When I felt really sick, the only thing I could stomach eating was sugar."
"Is Hallie sick?" "Yep, she gonna puke."
"Meanwhile, you have no problem telling people when they're sick: 'Oh, you must have sinned. Oh, you need more faith.'"
"What do you do when your goat gets sick?"
"I'm very sick and you must do what I say."
"I got no hard feelings about her. I was sick yesterday, she was taking care of me like the most loyal [ __ ] servant possible."
"there's no way you could put in 20 30 years of work in your case 45 years of work and then you get sick and it should be on your family like it was on your family to miss him"
"People get sick all year round. So, well, if they get sick and they come ask for your help, you gotta give them your help."
"The moment that you're in recess and you're really sick and all you can think about is, am I going to live, am I going to die? Certain things go out the window and ultimately what's important is realizing that you're loved and that you're not alone."
"The lordling made the word an obscenity. He staggered to his feet, one hand on the table to keep himself from falling. 'I'm going to be sick,' he announced."
"Madame Gazelle, I feel a bit sick, can I go to the front please?"
"good morning everybody I got to the apartment later than Ashley because I feel kind of sick I actually really need to sleep in"
"When someone can't control their personal demons, I liken that to a sickness, which I guess it is, that you need to go away and get healthy and help control things."
"Every sickness has a cure, except death."
"This sickness will not end in death."
"He wakes up the next day having hardly slept and he stays home from school thinking that he's got a cold."
"I feel sick, Grammy. Oh, Howie, no more twisty tourney roller coaster rides. It's home time for you."
"I'm not denying sickness, I'm just denying it the right to exist in my body."
"Sickness is the growing part of the individual being struck by an early Frost. It is something in which the good is subtly injured and a high vibration that is slowly building up is torn down."
"I've been kind of sick for the past few days but not sick enough to like actually take a sick day so it's kind of a more like annoying sick where like you feel fine enough to like function and do stuff but you just don't feel 100%."
"God does not redeem sickness to now use it, He did not take Satan's job."
"Honestly, it's the sickest feeling you get."
"I still feel sick I still feel I repaid a favorite second round."
"I think it means when you're ill, like you're 'learned.' I don't know how to pronounce it, but I'm fairly certain it's sick, right?"
"if there's one that is just like you know the sickness the one that everybody has to have let me know"
"my throat had been gunked up the Mucinex guy nutted in my throat I wasn't feeling too good"
"Healing involves an understanding of the illusion of sickness."
"If your sickness is directly due to a curse, if you are released from the curse, you qualify for healing from your sickness."
"I'm feeling a little under the weather, I just want some noodles and noodle soup."
"Oh, I feel really nauseous and I feel like I have a fever almost... but get dressed with me so we can go out."
"Keep taking things out of my cubicle now you're gonna get sick too."
"It's only the beginning of April. That means I got sick once a month so far."
"There is no way you're going to lose time to a sickness, time to a relationship, there's no way you're going to cry tears that God will not pay you back for everything that you've been through."
"It's not a weakness. We all get sick, and health is wealth."
"Ben felt both sick to the stomach and entranced."
"Laugh away your sickness, laugh away your trouble."
"It's true, do I do more exercise? Do I go for walks or runs? No. Do I eat good food? I think so. But no, sometimes the attitude of mind I found is so powerful, and why do people complain? They make it worse."
"Sometimes, the attitude of mind I found is so powerful, and why do people complain? They make it worse when they're afraid of sickness."
"Sickness is not a part of God's original creation, amen. God created things according to his perfect will, amen, right, yes sir, that's his will, and that's one reason we know it's not God's will for us to be sick."
"To say sickness is the will of God is tantamount to saying that sin is the will of God."
"Sickness is a foul offspring of its father Satan and its mother sin."
"He gave you authority over all sickness, over all disease."
"Death. But I'm too afraid of that tonight. That's the real sickness: fear of death."
"It sickens me, it congeals my heart, it freezes my blood."
"Many individuals under a neurotic pressure lose employment, they lose opportunities for advancement, and a bad dispositional sickness can corrupt practically every aspect of life that is worth living."
"I'm a doctor. We make terrible patients because we tend to minimize or rationalize every warning sign. Going for a doctor's appointment basically reminds us that we can also get sick."
"I had never had hard liquor in that form before so I got really sick. So I had to run to the bathroom and throw up."
"You're healed and you refuse to be sick."
"Every spirit of witchcraft sickness attacking my body, you are a liar!"
"As far as the sickness, COVID-19 being a radioactive frequency warfare, yeah, it does make you sick."
"It was so sick what a great way to spend the evening."
"I've done more than one. I remember when you first came in, we came in to do, I came in and I was also sick and I didn't really know you all that well at this point."
"There's plenty of opportunities for someone to be sick or have an injury or something."
"We're telling everyone that they're sick rather than addressing the fact that this is a sick society."
"Fear enables sickness, fear is the breeding ground for disease. Fear not only empowers the kingdom of darkness but gives it free access to work within your life."
"If we want to destroy sickness and disease, we have to break the power of fear first."
"You look like you're going to be sick."
"In order to heal, you have to block and/or ignore. You can't fully heal in the same environment that made you sick in the first place."
"I thought it was a bit heavy for a sick person's diet."
"When you have a large family and there's sickness going on in the middle of winter, this stuff works out really, really good."
"Sickness is a consequence of sin, but God is using it for good in my life right now."
"I became ill, and by February, I was sick again, this time with a high fever and a deathly pallor."
"Your body will recover because there won't be a place for sickness anymore."
"He's supposed to care for me when I'm sick."
"I'm so tired and I feel sick, and I can't stop thinking about the house next door."
"The idea of sending a letter to a client saying 'the markets were down 30%, we were down 28%' would make us sick."
"It's a sickness, but again, you collect back up a bunch more later. There's more than you can ever collect."
"Money changes people and that [ __ ] money is like a [ __ ] sickness bro."
"What Hans Castorp comes to understand is that one must go through the deep experience of sickness and death, in order to arrive at a higher sanity and health."
"If you're sick don't believe the lie of the devil that God has put this on you, that God has done this. Jesus Christ loves you, he crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies."
"Lord, I may be sick, but you're not finished with me yet."
"Everybody's sick and this was supposed to be a big productive day."
"For some, sickness is not always what we call sickness. Sometimes it's God's way of allowing a person to slow down, to pause for a second and become in tune with their life."
"Roxy had a great weekend. Oh God, sick. It was good, so nice."
"Sickness and disease can never be God's will because they make things not work the way He designed them to."
"But he did say to me, and he's sickly, but he was very happy and excited to know that we're finally going to get justice."
"When the soul is wounded by sin or trauma, it can cause sickness."
"It is not God's will for you to walk in sickness. No father would wish an illness upon his child, and I promise you that what we have in our life is a good father who wants the best for us."
"If you're sick today, I'm praying for you."
"I attribute both of those to stupidity, not to really being sickness."
"Love makes us sick, haunts our dreams, starts our days. Love is killed more than any disease."
"I was sick also on top of that, realizing I was being abandoned and taken advantage of by a guy who I gave a career to."
"Somebody is a sick doctor and there's nothing that can fix this."
"Dude i had we had it was we didn't know it then right after i saw you i had to cancel the next show in detroit because i [ __ ] devastated dude i was sick for weeks."
"I'll never get sicker, that's why I love carp fishing."
"Be healed of your shame and be healed of your sickness."
"Guilt made her sick to her stomach."
"Almost everybody's sick, eighty percent of people in this country are obese or overweight."
"A little under the weather, pretty sick."
"I threw up like every day for a week, I swear to God, not even joking."
"God knows he uses sickness and disease because most of our battles are primarily in two areas, they are either physical battles or they are spiritual battles."
"Sickness is an automatic destiny killer."
"After a few days, we felt like throwing up. So we started to cook by ourselves."
"I need help to serve the Lord, sure. So if I'm sick I always pray for healing. Definitely. But when Paul was sick, the Lord told him, 'I'll give you grace. I won't heal your sickness.'"
"In heaven, no more sickness, no more need for physicians."
"It's the best show to get sick on. If you're ever sick, be on our show."
"You want to become more dependent on God? Get sick for a couple of years."
"I've got to go now because I feel sick."
"I was so sick and it was the complete opposite of my pregnancy with Ary like this whole whole pregnancy has been completely opposite."
"Whoever says this phrase when he falls sick and then passes away, then the fire of hell will never touch him."
"The Woodland Village of Warden Wood consists of a few dozen sagging thatched huts surrounding a stone well. Many villagers have recently become sick and are tended to by the medicine woman Druzilla who lives west of the village."
"God calls sickness a curse, never a blessing."
"Jesus called sickness the works of the devil."
"Fear is disgusting. What are you, bro? I'm sick."
"How sick has it been already? Like incredible!"
"Both of the people here are mildly sick and my voice is kind of messed up too."
"I've been sick the past 2 weeks and just not myself but I'm finally somewhat feeling like myself."
"Healing is not complicated. Healing is good, and sickness is oppression. It comes from the enemy."
"The reality of life is that even billionaires get sick."
"You cannot tell me you're healthy if you're sick."
"The world soul is never sick, but the world mind and emotion can be very sick."
"If that sends an individual into an apoplectic rage, they're sick."
"I never asked God to help me get over a feeling of sickness."
"Thinking of that incident and others, it makes me sick to think about."
"It's never fun being a kid and being sick and stuck at home."
"I've never been so happy to throw up."
"It ended quickly and as soon as he finished I threw up all over his desk."
"Through the pain, through the sickness oh God, we will bless the Lord at all times in this house Hallelujah."
"No hate. I've carried hate. I know what hate feels like. It's sickening, it's tiring, it makes you feel worthless, it makes you feel powerless. That's what hate does."
"I leaned against the cold glass of the window and tried to look sick, which wasn't too hard feeling the way I did right then."
"We should be visiting the sick and the lonely."
"If my partner gets sick, I just accept my fate and take care of them until I get sick too."
"Sickness is a place more instructive than a long trip to Europe."
"We should all visit the sick when they are in sorrow and suffering; it is a real help and benefit to have a friend come."
"In the days I have spent among your people, I have heard of this unfortunate sickness that has run amok."
"Your dreams don't care if you're sick, your dreams don't care if you're strong."
"Don't send your kids to school if they're sick."
"This is a sick person, how can I be helpful to him?"
"You do not abandon your mother when she is sick; you do not abandon the lands because it's contaminated or encroached upon."
"I am the answer to physical sickness."
"She assured me that she would stand by me through sickness and do everything in her power to support me."
"I'm feeling so sick, like I want to puke, and I feel so tired and just drained."
"I had 100% certainty that he was indeed a sick human being that was a compulsive or pathological liar."
"He is just another very sick, unreasonable person."
"Heal every single sickness, every single disease, remove every single pain."
"The people who wronged us were perhaps spiritually sick... they, like ourselves, were sick too."
"Stress makes your body act as if it's sick."
"Any man who wants to hit or beat on his woman, he's sick."
"As a believer, when we are afflicted with sickness or illness, the believer sees the sickness as a source of good deeds for him."
"Ink can make others who touch him extremely sick using a biohazard symbol tattoo that he received on his hand."
"You get to the point where you're just not okay tolerating sickness anymore in your life."
"I told her that she was sick and tired, and I can do everything again if she stays honest with me about how she feels."
"It's kind of perfect for like when you're sick."
"The greatest sickness may be silence, but the silence stops when you have a voice."