
Socialism Quotes

There are 956 quotes

"The socialism of today...is really more like social democracy. It's more like Scandinavia, and Scandinavia is a pretty good place to live."
"For me, as an old Lefty, the answer must always be the socialization of the means of production."
"When capitalism is tried it succeeds and when socialism is tried the best you can talk about with socialism is redistributing the gains."
"The essence of socialism is the group above the individual."
"Socialism is the movement that recognizes that what capitalism promised – liberty, equality, fraternity, and democracy – wasn't delivered, and socialism is a movement which if it has anything in common among its different tendencies, is a notion that we can do better than capitalism."
"In reality, socialism is based on two fundamental principles: democratic control of the means of production, something which I sincerely believe in, and decommodification."
"The generation born during and after the fall of the Soviet Union is abandoning core American values and embracing socialism."
"If you want to defeat capitalism, we are going to need a party that will organize working people to fight for the demands that we want and to win socialism."
"The socialist idea was this: if you allow a small number of people to control the means of producing all the goods and services we all need to survive, they're going to use that control to make the system work for them."
"Socialist politicians would be gradually corrupted by power and they would come to be concerned with expanding and maintaining it rather than working towards a stateless classless society."
"We need eco-socialism today, or we will face the barbarism of ecological collapse unarmed."
"Capitalism puts the interest of the market before the interest of the people, and socialism is just the opposite."
"Socialist policies do work; they are incredibly popular with the general population of each country in which they're implemented and always produce outcomes that put wealthy capitalist nations to shame."
"Ultimately, eco-socialism is the horizon. It’s a fire extinguisher to quench the flames of fossil and eco-fascist creep threatening violent solutions to a warming world."
"Socialism is a method that countries in the impoverished world have utilized to raise their people up out of poverty, to industrialize, and they've had quite a few success."
"What socialism really is...21st century socialism, it's about the enterprise, it's about democratizing the enterprise."
"Socialism has raised countries out of poverty."
"Socialism is not so much about trading freedom for equality but rather posing the question of freedom for whom."
"In the end, the political sphere under socialism will consist of a bedrock of individual rights that are guaranteed to all people."
"A believe in society, working together, solidarity, cooperation, partnership. These are our words, this is my socialism."
"The proposal of socialists is a proposal to extend democracy from the political realm to the economic realm."
"I'm a socialist, a libertarian socialist, so primarily concerned with stuff like democracy, freedom, representation, and equal opportunity."
"Socialism doesn't work, and free market capitalism democratic societies do work."
"Selective decommodification and market socialism are incredibly empirically defensible."
"Just because the Nazis call themselves socialist doesn't mean they're socialists."
"I believe every business should be worker-owned. That's the core of market socialism."
"Socialism is not a poverty cult. Socialism or anti-capitalism or wanting to make things at least marginally better for working class Americans is not, no matter how much people say 'oh LOL Bernie Sanders has three houses.'"
"Preaching socialism without action is literally just capitalism. Do you understand? If you preach the idealistic way that society should operate, yet you don't implement any of those systems within your own community, you show that these systems can work."
"Socialism is exclusively and almost entirely about the relations of the means of production and how society is developed around the current organization of the economy and how commodities are produced."
"A socialist economy is one in which the means of production, meaning factories, machines, farms, and so on, are owned in common rather than by private individuals."
"Capitalism leads to economic democracy. Socialism leads to the economic dictatorship of the elite, always and everywhere."
"Socialism and capitalism are matrices; they are economic systems within which people can be generous or greedy, selfish or altruistic."
"Socialism doesn't work in that it takes away human dignity and civil rights, above all our freedom to make choices as autonomous individuals."
"The puzzled reader may ask how could a learned liberal professor have forgotten these elementary axioms familiar to anybody who has read any exposition of the views of socialism."
"We are in a moment where socialism is no longer a dirty word."
"I really do believe that we should be structuring the economy towards human need and not towards accumulating profit."
"Market socialism is like capitalism if it was done right."
"After over half a century of endlessly demonizing anything and everything having to do with socialism, that 1/4 of the American voting population feels they would be drawn to a candidate who said of himself or herself 'I'm a socialist' tells you something about change in America beyond what a million other surveys might show."
"Few ideas can polarize like socialism; many see it as the path to freedom, many others see it as the path to tyranny."
"The socialist ethic aspires towards equalitarianism...the general belief that human beings have fundamentally equal worth or moral status."
"Socialists tend to be motivated by a sense of injustice; they tend to look to the worst off, the needy, the sick, the unfortunate, or the oppressed, and claim that their circumstances are unnecessary and even unfair."
"Socialism is a socio-economic philosophy primarily concerned with shaping wealth, institutions, or economic activity according to various interpretations of equalitarianism."
"How did we go from a country that couldn't even admit that we were socialist... to now people coming out and saying capitalism is over?"
"The central problem with socialism isn't redistribution or taxes; it's planned or command economies."
"I believe social democracy can address all the issues that socialism attempts to address and offers a more realistic proposition for an organization of society."
"Socialism has had huge achievements and successes."
"There will never be a socialism that the New York Times editorial page will approve."
"Everywhere socialism has ever been tried, it's been nothing but a failure. That's a lie, boss. That is a lie."
"At the heart of the democratic socialist vision flowering on the American Left is the recognition that more than policy tweaks will be needed to empower everyday people to participate meaningfully in society and democracy."
"Socialism doesn't mean uniformity; it means everyone has a stake and a say in their work."
"We have grown up with the idea that there's a profound distinction between capitalism on the one hand and socialism on the other."
"Capitalism is failing; there will be a crisis, and they will fall, and socialism is the alternative that we are preparing to put in its place."
"I'm not a capitalist, so does that mean I have to be a socialist?"
"Socialism is in opposition to unregulated capitalism because they see the inequality in the world."
"Under capitalism, we continue to do menial labor when it is not necessary, but in an ideal system, which is pro-worker, automation would be done to service the needs of the proletariat. That is a good thing, trust me."
"Pragmatism by its definition will get us towards socialism faster than anything else."
"Socialism with capitalist characteristics would still focus on workers owning the means of production."
"Imagine if socialism meant not the government but the transformation of your workplace."
"The beauty of it is it does two things: it solves the mystery of what went wrong with the other socialism and communism."
"Imagine a socialism that talked about what would affect you from the minute it starts because you would have to create the new business as a worker co-op."
"Historically, socialism managed to do something incredible: it managed to house, feed, and care for its whole population while providing high-quality medical care and high-quality education."
"At equal levels of economic development, socialism has been scientifically found to consistently provide a higher quality of life for its people."
"Socialism is for workers' interests. Capitalists want to work you as long as possible, as hard as possible, for as low a wage as possible, so that they can secure the largest amount of profit."
"Socialism is a political philosophy that posits that the means of production, distribution, and exchange ought to be collectively owned by the community."
"Under socialism, Soviet Russia and the USSR as a whole had undergone miraculous industrialization that launched it into the forefront of the world."
"Feminism mixes well in a lot of cases with liberalism and some cases socialism because socialism, in some of its forms, advocates for gender equality."
"Socialism is not driven by a hatred of the rich; we hate a system which allows a small group of people to hold a wildly disproportionate amount of power."
"You still work under socialism. In fact, you would be more invested in your work because you would have partial ownership of any enterprise you work with."
"Socialism is when the businesses are run collectively by the workers, not the government."
"Socialism, given equal levels of economic development, is an objectively better system."
"The core of socialism is deeply individualist in all of the best ways."
"I've grown a little more pro-socialism over time because I still believe in capitalism."
"So, I think it’s really important to understand that where we are is that we may need a hybrid model in the future which is paradoxically more capitalistic than our capitalism of today and perhaps even more socialistic than our communism of yesteryear."
"This socialist approach to everything where everybody can just free ride their way into success, it's just not my cup of tea."
"We tried that with the bloody five-year plans of Stalin and Mao. Remember how that turned out?"
"Genuine socialism means a society where you extend democracy to every sphere of life."
"Socialism isn't when the government does stuff, nor is it when a party has 'socialist' in the name."
"100 million people died under socialism the last hundred years."
"Socialism has a big advantage in that it appeals to a lot more people because you're appealing to people's emotions, not their intellect."
"I want to reembrace capitalism, which is a system that we're supposed to have, but we've infected it with socialism."
"Bravo to the socialists and greens doing something very different in Paris from what we have in so many other parts of the world."
"Socialism for me is about the common good; it's about making sure that every American, no matter how poor, has access to decent medical care, a public education, the chance to go to university."
"I believe that the capitalists know how to make it better, and the Socialists know how to maybe divide it."
"Just because you have welfare doesn't make it socialism; you have to seize the means of production."
"We socialists have a duty to envisage a utopic post-capitalism."
"Capitalism is literally based on class hierarchy; socialism seeks to ameliorate that."
"Socialism is seen again as a possibility, as a desirable collective enterprise that we can work on."
"The necessity for a form of socialism is based on the observation that the world's present economic arrangements doom most of the world to misery." - James Baldwin
"Socialism is about worker power. It's just about allowing everyone to have more autonomy in their lives."
"Most Americans are still not into socialism."
"It will be important to implement extensive environmental protection as part of achieving socialism."
"You cannot achieve a socialist society without also making significant social progress."
"These young socialists are always very proud to be successful capitalists."
"Isn't the fire department an example of socialism that works?"
"Socialism isn't science... it is a process... a willingness to listen to the people who have done the reading and understanding."
"Socialism means that the vast wealth produced by this country, produced by the society by so many tens of millions of hard-working families, that wealth we actually put in the hands of those people that create it."
"Socialism is the way forward for Humanity... we can build a better world."
"Any transition to a socialist economy is something which should be done very carefully and deliberately."
"It's Socialism or Extinction, which side are you on?"
"The Socialist response of running the economy without capitalists avoids this problem."
"Socialism has, over hundreds of years, meant the end of free speech, free assembly, a free press, free religious belief, free elections, and a free judiciary."
"Join a socialist organization, build dual power structures and class consciousness. Mass mobilization is the only thing that's worked in the past and it's the only thing that'll work today."
"Fred's socialism believes people have a right to three key pillars which his panther party provides to his community: food, health care, and education."
"The failures, the flaws of the existing experiments in socialism can be corrected can be improved upon if we take the step of radically democratizing the enterprise."
"Socialism, if done correctly, is inherently democratic."
"The Milwaukee socialists existed in a time where they believed it was quite possible to perfect a city, a state, a nation, the world."
"The successful innovations of the Milwaukee socialists did not go unnoticed across the nation."
"Milwaukee had clean government and I think that was the legacy of socialism."
"Cybersin helped the Chilean government and people weather a storm that could have ended their socialist experiment."
"Socialism is always and everywhere impoverishing, failed in all countries where attempted."
"The Democrats are pushing socialist government-run health care that bans private health insurance for 180 million Americans."
"Chavez ran under a socialist campaign promising to distribute Venezuela's massive oil wealth more equitably." - Narrator
"If you're gonna talk about true socialism, you should talk about true socialism."
"I do reject socialism as an economic system."
"Socialism isn't some on/off switch nor is it based on your personal feelings towards a state."
"This election will decide whether we save the American Dream or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny."
"Democrats don't want to campaign with a socialist. Biden's points about Sanders are exactly true."
"Socialism promises heaven and it delivers hell."
"Socialism/leftism is a form of decay, not a philosophy."
"The corruption of socialism of leftism is almost always worse than the corruption of freedom."
"Socialism's never worked anywhere in the world."
"Many are drawn to socialism out of a genuine concern for the poor and the needy."
"They're unproductive people and unproductive people love socialism."
"Socialism is a philosophy for the envious and the most unproductive people."
"These hardships are caused by the blockade and Cuba's socialist system."
"Socialism has failed our nation. Away with it before it does the final damage."
"Only after all of the stores are closed, all of the prices are through the roof, all the savings have been crushed will socialists realize you can't eat money."
"We're talking about a blended economy, as many of the successful economies out there, between socialism and capitalism."
"Get Republicans out of office I think it'll make a big difference if you want to vote for progresses knock yourselves out but man uh get Republicans out of office."
"You cannot have socialism without capitalism or it becomes communism, but you cannot have capitalism without socialism or it becomes fascism."
"Bernie Sanders, a Democratic frontrunner, is an open Democratic Socialist."
"Socialism works when you have the golden rule of law and order and everybody contributes."
"Project Veritas caught him on camera talking about how he is a socialist and how he buries particular stories in order to achieve particular purposes basically admitting the truth about how the media business works."
"Socialism robs people of their independence, their dignity, and their finances."
"As long as I'm president, America will never be a socialist country."
"Socialism is about the government being in charge of everything. That demands total conformity."
"She's an American success story from bartender to swanky luxury apartment renting congresswoman in the blink of an eye, and all because we need socialism." - Commentary on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
"America better wake up, socialism is on the move."
"Socialism in one person, although that of course is capitalism."
"I'm a Democratic Socialist and I support Bernie Sanders for president very very strongly."
"The greatest fear is that we turn to some form of socialism."
"Socialism is characterized by the principle of 'from each according to their ability, to each according to their work.'" - Caption
"With socialism back on the ballot, there needs to be an open and honest debate about its failures."
"It's probably more ethical to democratically own the means of production. Does anyone else think that way? I mean, it's just weird. Like, we're fighting to defend autocracy."
"I think that socialism is the achievement of the ultimate individualism."
"A vote for any Democrat in 2020 and a vote for any Democrat tomorrow in North Carolina is a vote for the rise of radical socialism and the destruction of the American dream."
"I call it [ __ ] winning and that's my principle: to win as a socialist, not to lose as a socialist."
"We have to let them know if you know a college student that is talking about socialism you gotta ask them for proof that socialism works because socialism has created poverty and death for as far back as you can study it."
"Bernie Sanders made a huge difference because people began to see socialism as a real, viable vision for an alternative."
"Bernie Sanders goes, 'We're gonna deliver for you. Here's what we're going to deliver.'"
"The real point is folks, why you should be a socialist."
"Abolish landlordism, dismantle capitalism, and begin the construction of socialism."
"Socialists are supported by the rich and the powerful."
"China referred to their own system as 'socialism with Chinese characteristics.'"
"The West tends to promote individualism, even within its socialist framework."
"Socialist politics aren't some kind of new thing nor some Un-American foreign import."
"I'm a market socialist. Socialism does not short-circuit the pricing mechanism; it assigns arbitrary values."
"The attacks against Jeremy Corbyn were often politically motivated by people who did not want a socialist Labour government."
"Socialism, which in communist vocabulary is the primary stage of communism, was once viewed with scorn by most Americans; today it's different."
"Socialism is when you're poor; capitalism is when you're a worker."
"Socialism is democracy but everywhere as far as I'm concerned socialism is just freedom."
"The goal of the socialist is to better align the economic realities of our world with the philosophical principles that the enlightenment philosophers said they wanted to achieve."
"Pretending that it wasn't socialism 80 years after the events in question is shameful at best and dishonest at worst."
"Tanky is a leftist who supports the aesthetics of actually existing socialist countries."
"This totalitarian socialist government will soon be superseded."
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."
"The far left believes in collectivism through the backdoor for the purpose of creating a classless society."
"Socialism is just as inevitable and necessary as capitalism is."
"Capitalism has never been less popular and socialism has never been more glorified."
"For socialism to work, some people have to get something for doing nothing."
"Let's try to build left-wing populism or Democratic socialism as the third option."
"Socialism will produce what is demanded by the people in a way that the government deems optimal."
"Two-thirds pro socialism, the average even right-wing Catholic."
"Under socialism, decisions of societal importance are subject to a democratic process."
"Democratic socialism is not a definition at all. It’s a goal."
"They have a plan laid out, on the other hand, the increasing influence of the workers and farmers and the rising political importance of men of science may transform the United States into welfare state with a planned economy."
"Collective ownership over the means of production just doesn't work."
"He's an anti-capitalist he's a guy who's a Social Democrat."
"Communism... all coins that everyone should have."
"What is being proposed right now by the Trump administration is socialism for corporations that are struggling."
"From each according to their means and ability to each according to need."
"Democratic Socialists believe the means of production should be collectively owned."
"We have to create a biological foundation for socialism."
"We're in the middle of a natural disaster, socialism has empty shelves on a daily basis."
"China proved that the right way to run a country is communistic at the top and socialistic at the bottom."
"To get productive socialism in the west... we need a radicalized youth that believes it cannot even live without socialism."
"Sustainable capitalism is just a facelift for the same old failed communism."
"Putting capitalism and socialism in a dialectical relationship in fact might have been Marcus's most significant contribution to leftist thought."
"I'm a capitalist. Socialism in my opinion has no place in the United States of America."
"Socialism has been empirically proven to provide better healthcare outcomes, better nutrition, and more equitable access to healthcare."
"The insert X socialist country failed statement is a sad and petty non-argument used to end the dialogue before it even begins."
"The thing with fascism I really do see is just honest socialism."
"The socialists know they've got to basically take over society using the state and they do it have necessity."
"The Paris Commune is the first time in Europe at least that the working class overthrows the existing bourgeois society... Extraordinary experiment all kinds of collective decision-making... and then it's crushed."
"The Socialists that realized this either became fascists like in Germany or Italy or they clung to the socialist or communist labels but ended up creating states that functioned identically to fascist ones like in Russia and China."
"You'd think people would recognize by now Paul's chapter titles highlight socialism's problems. It leads to corruption, it's a boot stamping on the human face."
"We now need a new generation of socialist leadership in this country."
"Lenin joined a socialist group that gained access to a factory, where they started handing out fliers to factory workers."
"The problem with socialism is that they run out of other people's money."
"This is a NATO war at a certain level not formally not legally not officially but that you had pointed out that to a large degree in terms of armaments even you could say professionally trained soldiers and aspects of it."