
Origin Quotes

There are 4821 quotes

"We need to come home to Nature and see that fractality to see that richness to be reminded of our origin."
"We all originate from lesser species. I myself came from Species 125, but that's irrelevant now. We are Borg."
"The universe had a beginning, and if there's a beginning, there must be a Beginner."
"Enthusiasm to its Greek or Latin roots means 'with God'."
"Devils are creatures born from the fears of man."
"The term incel was actually coined in the 90s by a woman who created a website to help people in distress brought on by their lack of success in romance."
"Infinite love, Infinite fulfillment is what you might call our real home. This is where we come from."
"Our friendship was forged by this, by the Big Bang itself. Pretty cool."
"Traditional representations of the Grim Reaper originate from the attributes of the god Saturn."
"The word healing comes from an Anglo-Saxon word for wholeness."
"Our universe could literally appear out of nothing, for no reason."
"But if the asteroid did not break off a Baptistina, where did it come from?"
"Tai Chi originated from ancient China. Nowadays, most people practice Tai Chi for health and relaxation."
"The reason the universe was created is because of the Big Bang."
"Time travel is an element of romantic plots wasn't birthed into existence in 1993 with the release of Groundhog Day. In fact, romance novels are a likely originator of this concept in the wider public sphere."
"Sabbath observance is really just a reorientation of your life to remember where you came from."
"Bitcoin loves a crisis; it's built for a crisis. It was given birth to because of the global financial crisis."
"The orphic egg is a symbol of creation; it is said to have contained the universe and was split open by the god Phanes."
"You came from God, therefore, God is a Spirit, and if you came from God who is a Spirit, then you are a spirit."
"That little bit of chaos right there would later on be known by mankind as the heart."
"Issues of origin prove to be these powerful anchors of our understanding."
"We want to know the origin of life; we want to know where intelligence comes from."
"You know, I wasn't always evil, but starting life waking up from a blackout to find myself alone with an old man wasn't a great start."
"In order to understand how The Sims became what it is today, we'll have to travel back in time to the very early beginnings, 1984."
"Have you ever wondered where humanity came from?"
"It's not about where you come from; it's about what you contribute to society that matters."
"Every pain, every heartbreak, every tear shed in the silent corners of the night can all be traced back to that moment in the garden."
"Most chemical elements are formed by stars; those elements spread around when the stars explode and can become new things. You're actually made from stardust."
"Wano is actually the origin point for the Sea Stone mineral in all of the land of One Piece."
"The phrase 'final girl' is from a specific place and a specific person."
"This so far as anybody remembers, is where the term 'Let's Play' originated from."
"The spiritual realm is where everything begins or has its scene."
"We need to be strong, but we need that strength to really come from a good place, to come from an honest place, to come from within."
"People asked me where I was from; honest answers like Brisbane or Shornside didn't seem to satisfy."
"Whenever we see information and we trace it back to its ultimate source, we inevitably find a mind, not a material process."
"You can also give something back. He could have told the world, 'Hey, if you like my tacos, go check out the original at Mitla Cafe in San Bernardino, California.'"
"The mosque began its marvelous and busy history not as a temple or a daunting place of worship, but as a home."
"Islam does not have any founder...Islam as a guidance was given by the Creator himself."
"We are points of expression and consciousness in the mind of the Creator; we all originated from one source and will therefore, at some point, all come back to the same source."
"County Galway is named after the city of Galway, it means stony river."
"If Christianity has existed this long, it means we need to find a plausible explanation for where it came from."
"The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing."
"Unfunny jokes and funny jokes start from the same place."
"All good things and love itself... comes from this single image."
"I see it, you know what I'm saying? That that's what started everything."
"Doomsday's comic book origin is expletive insane."
"The ten thousand things come from the source, although they have different form and function."
"The story does start with SARS, and it began with the lack of transparency from China."
"Ultimately if you ask me I think this virus does not originate from Earth..."
"Vision must be valid. The only way you know something is valid is that it came from the one who made it."
"The truth of a man lies not in the land of his birth but in his heart." - Amy Mason
"We can't exclude the possibility that this came from a laboratory experiment."
"We're made of stardust, that's where we came from."
"Here is our Templar. Born under the star of Acheron in the Cult of Sirius."
"Tom and Jerry originally appeared in the animated short 'Puss Gets the Boot' in 1940, kick-starting Hanna and Barbera's careers at MGM."
"They're all Tatooine. Tatooine is like the Jerusalem or the Nazareth, right? It's where the messiah came from, yeah. So it's just the center of the Star Wars universe, yeah."
"It's amusing to note that the original founding statutes of Eton College describe it as a grammar school."
"It's history being part of the beginning that makes these things so valuable."
"My name is Wan, and I will show you how I became the first Avatar."
"To truly understand what the happened to Jennifer Love Hewitt, we must begin at the beginning."
"The big bang is always in the now... the origin is always in the now."
"What is democracy? As a political system, the word democracy originated in ancient Greece and means ruled by the people."
"It comes from China. There's nothing not real about it."
"To destroy the beauty from which one came." - Sean Carter, better known as Jay-Z
"Who the hell came up with this lore? Oh, this guy again."
"Probably the best way to explain is to share a quick story about where Slack came from."
"Lab origin does not necessarily mean man-made."
"The epidemic started in China sometime in November or December."
"Our souls were created by a celestial mother in the heart of dying stars."
"Fulfillment can't come from the outside... it has to come from within."
"Comics were created by first and second generation Jewish immigrants fleeing anti-Semitic society."
"Who were these people? Who made these artifacts? And where did they come from?"
"It's a Wonder not just because of the feature itself though, but because it's unclear how it came to be."
"Everything has its origin in the spiritual world."
"Caitlyn and Vi got their start in Arcane Source material, League of Legends."
"What I know for sure is it don't matter where you come from."
"Democracy did not start with the United States."
"The memories from the past confirm that the Mind Stone strengthens a magic power that already exists in Wanda's body."
"Before the beginning of the universe, before even the creation of the 'six singularities' that caused the universe to explode into existence, there were the Celestials."
"All things of grace and beauty, such that one holds them to one's heart, have a common provenance in pain."
"The whole idea behind this great resignation was really coined back in 2021."
"It's a very profound statement. We all come from something a little bit tragic."
"Metal Gear Solid was created based on glitching."
"Planting seeds of bigotry is exactly what happens. That's how it starts."
"The project originated when Abe Sensei began drawing a self-published manga about the Haibane of Old Home."
"We're not scared from fire because we built from it."
"Longing for home, belonging, original light workers."
"Human beings are curious. We all want to know from where we come."
"Sour Patch Kids: originally shaped like aliens."
"Most people here are very proud that he came from brienne."
"There's another theory that pirates could have come from inside the ship."
"Where it actually came from, where it went, and how it ever got so big to start with are queries that are never addressed."
"Christianity isn't a religion... originates from God."
"He received glory and power from the seed from which he had been conceived."
"Perdition is not born in the din and fires of war, but rather within the silence of a solitary mind."
"Everything you are going through now has an origin and that origin can be dealt with."
"I don't know if anybody's ever told you this but you're not originally from earth."
"Life began almost immediately on Earth, suggesting life elsewhere is probable."
"In the beginning was the word. The word is frequency."
"I was groomed from Caesar on back from New York from my blood from my people because we were all bosses and you know we were never followers."
"Bitcoin was created by the people for the people."
"Your belly button is a reminder of the location that once connected you to your mom."
"Dragon King the Fighting Game became the original Super Smash Bros."
"The mental is in a sense much more powerful than the physical in a subtler sense."
"Visual novels originated from Japan itself and still arguably makes up a large percentage of the PC games that are released from there."
"It puts an end to this, where everything started."
"Refreshing to see a company even if it's from China."
"Scientists have discovered that all living beings today Trace their Roots back to one common ancestor known as Luca the last Universal common ancestor."
"The hand signal used by the teenage girl originated from the Signal for Help campaign launched by the Canadian Women's Foundation in 2020."
"Reach for the stars because you come from the stars."
"To understand where we came from—how earth, the solar system, the galaxy became what they are today—we need to understand how it all began."
"This is likely a barely held together dust bunny from the very beginning of this solar system."
"It was never supposed to be a business when I started it was a passion project."
"Our rights do not come from government, they come from the hand of almighty God."
"Art Basel started in 1970 by three Basel gallerists."
"Could the influenza epidemic of 1918 have originated in outer space?"
"How do you tell the origin story of a character that has never had a definitive origin?" - Todd Phillips
"He came all the way from Chicago, the Windy City."
"Chocolate chip cookie: the beloved chocolate chip cookie was born."
"For as long as there's been writing mankind has wondered about such questions as where we came from and where we're going."
"Everyone's born an atheist. No they're not, they say. Oh really? So you're telling me everybody's born not believing in God, yes exactly."
"I had no idea how close to the truth it was. This is where humanity was created according to ancient African culture."
"Being gangster for me ain't something you get put on, it's something that was born in you."
"It all started with this guy right here, Alex."
"Orcs are definitely stated to be corruptions of the human form seen in elves and men."
"The classic image of a fire-breathing dragon actually began as a tongue-lashing lizard."
"I believe the evidence conclusively establishes that the covet pandemic was not a natural process but instead came from a laboratory in Wuhan China and that has the Fingerprints of genetic manipulation." - Dr. Stephen Quay
"The black woman is the mother of all living things."
"All life, all light, all vibrations come from the Blackness."
"Jesus Christ existed, clearly. He came from a Jewish background, was born."
"Where is the Heart Magic Found and Created?" - Lee
"I think really the whole reason we started actually, and Ryan articulated this better yesterday than I think I ever had."
"Look at me, I come from a little Austrian village."
"In the beginning, the earth was without form and void."
"Your freedoms do not derive from government, they derive from the creator of the universe."
"There's really only one race, the human race, all descended from the same human couple, Adam and Eve."
"Information comes from other information and ultimately comes from an information Giver."
"Football's not about that, this is not how it started."
"Defund the police came from activists not politicians."
"The family is not a product of the state; it was created by God."
"Why does the universe exist? Why did it come into being at all?"
"Jabberwocky's origin was in 1855... he actually handily explained what all those words meant."
"It doesn't matter where you're born or what community you come from, all of that doesn't determine who you will become as a person."
"Mewtwo's origin story was covered in the first Pokemon movie."
"Is it advanced technology here or something here from somewhere else? It's very interesting."
"The yes chants were born, and it was just something special."
"Oh, this is an origin story all right, we got our motivations."
"Acupuncture began in China thousands of years ago."
"Google, for those not familiar, was founded and developed by DARPA."
"Realizing where we came from, understanding where food comes from..."
"To truly understand what happened to Josh Hartnett, we must start at the beginning."
"I was born in the largest city in Brazil to two loving parents."
"BIRTH AND DEATH: The genesis of an individual Alien is well-documented in the film."
"Everybody believes the real way to become a werewolf is you'll be bitten by a wolf that comes right out of the films."
"Substantial evidence suggests that the covid-19 pandemic was the result of a research-related incident associated with a laboratory in Wuhan China."
"The most astonishing fact about the universe is that we are made from stars."
"Given how popular canola oil is these days, fun fact the name canola is literally just an abbreviation for Canadian Oil."
"Blackness is the essence from which all things come."
"Judaism was born as a protest movement, a protest against empires and imperialism."
"Rehuman Sukuna is actually a character based on Japanese legends."
"Luffy's dream may have actually gone all the way back to the reason why the fruit picked Luffy in the first place."
"In the beginning, there was nothing but us in that pure state of unity."
"I can't believe the Joker's origin story is that a group of black kids once made fun of him for eating beans in a movie theater."
"Your religious freedom is god-given not government given."
"Tequila is made from Mexico, the blue agave."
"The Portuguese called the city canto which in English later became Canton."
"Some believe that Vanessa is actually Ursula's true form that Ursula is actually a mermaid but she appears as this octopus creature because it's actually a punishment from a crime in her past..."
"I think that we don't know yet how severe it will be but what we know is that it's unlikely that it came from bats in a market in Wuhan."
"So many people fail where they come from... it's important to go back to where you came from, find what you are or what you were and nurture that."
"I think it's a natural virus that escaped through a lab."
"The universe came from nothing. There was nothing before, no energy, no space, no time."
"The autopsy of pressure: what caused it, where did it come from, is it God ordained?"
"One horror game which began its life as another title was Devil May Cry which was initially planned as Resident Evil 4."
"Deep within us is something that reminds us of our origin and urges us back to it."
"There are some people in this diasporatory and it's from home when you trace the spiritual Footprints it's from home."
"This makes a lot of sense if you actually look at where Australians came from."
"Indo-European mythology envisioned a primordial cow whose milk represented the cosmic Waters."
"Barbie was based on a doll from Germany called Bild Lilli."
"We're all leftover byproducts of the most cataclysmic explosion in the history of the cosmos."
"The golden landscape formed in primordial times."
"Bitcoin is unique; it had an immaculate conception."
"At the very moment of its birth, the myth was born."
"It doesn't matter where you come from, it's what you're made of."
"This is why Bitcoin was created right I mean this is literally why."
"What is morality? Is it objective? Where does it come from?"
"I'm also from Indianapolis originally, the east side of Indianapolis."
"Southern Africa was the evolutionary home of man, the birthplace of Homo sapiens... indeed there that modern man appeared on earth."
"I believe the Quran is from a creator because the one who brought the Quran claimed it was from the Creator."
"The jungle roller stages from the original game. This is where it started, people."
"This beat is origin. You better say something."
"Based on the red hair, I would say Ron is a native from Ireland."
"It's belief that gin originated as animal shape-shifting malevolent spirits found in unclean places."
"You are from ends? Yeah, I'm from South London."
"In the beginning there was Bitcoin... the least sophisticated and the least flexible of all cryptocurrencies."
"State names come from a variety of languages."
"The original science behind the lion story comes from Africa, where the roots of civilization and spirituality lie."
"It's by design and there's no difference, this is the mother of them all."
"He's done nothing but that ever since he was a wee little lad... somewhere in England of London."
"Heroes can come from the most humble of beginnings."