
Sin Quotes

There are 3902 quotes

"Every son of Adam is a sinner; the best of those are those that repent."
"By the grace of God go all of us because we're all sinners."
"Be angry but sin not. He obviously knows you're going to be angry, but how are you going to deal with it?"
"In the eyes of the Machine God, there is no greater sin than that of ignorance."
"Sin and lust carry with them fleeting pleasures; people don't sin because it brings them pain, rather, they sin because there's a temporary delight in wrongdoing."
"No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly driven snow."
"And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment."
"Sin is self-destruction... when we sin, we commit an act against ourselves."
"The one who repents from a sin, it is as if he has never committed the sin in the first place."
"We are Muslims; to steal from a Muslim is a sin, to steal from a Hindu is a sin, to steal from a Christian is a sin."
"Allah will forgive everyone except those who openly talk about their sins."
"Respectable sins are those sins that we pamper, those sins that we tolerate."
"The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life."
"Saint Peter and Mary Magdalene were sinners, but doesn't that give more glory to God when we saw that they fell and then they got up and became saints than if they had never sinned in the first place?"
"I have been delivered from the penalty of sin. I am being delivered from the habit of sin. I shall be delivered from the presence of sin."
"Christ wasn't killed by Rome or Israel... my sins and your sins crucified Christ."
"It is not a sin to be alone, and it's not a sin to experience loneliness. It only becomes a sin when we start to indulge it and when we fail to obey the instruction of the word of God which is given to us to help us dispel the loneliness in our life."
"We bring suffering on ourselves because we are so selfish; it's an old-fashioned word for it called sin."
"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
"We are all sinners, all in need of a savior. None of us can save ourselves."
"Your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God; your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear."
"Purgatory is for sinners who committed an action on earth and are now trying to receive forgiveness for it in the afterlife."
"No sin is unforgivable, except the sin against the Holy Spirit, which is not accepting the mercy of God."
"But once you realize how serious sin is, that it gives you the death sentence, that God's wrath abides on you, an enemy of God in your mind through wicked works, once you acknowledge that with a good and honest heart, you've got a humble heart, then the good news of the gospel makes sense."
"I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
"Everyone's got to pay for what they've done wrong at some point; everyone's got to pay for their sins at some point. I guess mine caught up to me."
"Nothing can change that your sin is not stronger than the redemptive work of God in the person of Jesus Christ."
"He who knew no sin became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
"Scripture says where sin abounds, God's grace abounds even the more."
"Be a sinner and sin boldly, but have stronger faith and rejoice in Christ."
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace."
"Sin doesn't keep God from speaking; it keeps you from listening."
"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
"The gods do not hate us; they are us, they are our sins coming home to the hearts that gave them life."
"Imam Malik notices the uncanny intelligence and the brilliance of this young man and so he says to him, 'I see that Allah Azza has cast in your heart a light, so do not darken it with the darkness of sin.'"
"Sin is not just a transgression; sin is also a missing of the mark. Our very lives, no matter how good we are, miss the mark of meeting the glory of God."
"For the wages of sin is death... all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
"The power of Christ is greater than my sins."
"There is no sin that is unforgivable, and the people of God are very forgiving if you're honest with your sinfulness."
"The wages of sin, the result of me flipping God off, is death. Christ comes to bleed and die on the cross to give us the ultimate solution: forgiveness and eternal life in heaven."
"You are not to look at your sin all the time. When Satan tempts me to despair and tells me of the sin within, upward I look and see Him there, who made an end to all my sin."
"The path into deeper and deeper sin is always not accepting your shame, not correcting your mistakes."
"Lord Jesus, you came to call sinners; Lord, have mercy."
"May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life."
"To sin therefore means to miss the target, which implies that it has something to do with aim or the lack thereof."
"The reason Jesus Christ was physically resurrected is because it proves beyond a doubt that He overcame sin and the consequences of sin, which is death."
"For you to leave off a sin that you crave is much harder and greater in the sight of Allah than for you to do a bunch of good deeds that make you feel good anyway."
"Everywhere sin abounds, grace abounds the more."
"Sin resulted in a separation and restricted access from the linear to the eternal."
"We all have sinned and will sin and fall short of the glory of God and our parents' expectations."
"When you do dirt so long, you know, the devil got slick names for sins. Hustler, play, gangster, but the real term is you're a liar, a deceiver, and a killer."
"There is no sin that is too great that it cannot be forgiven by Almighty God."
"The wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life."
"Jericho stands for the city of sin, which means a city predicated upon false worship."
"There are no people that join together and come together upon sin and transgression except that they will disperse and divide and fight among themselves."
"People that join upon sin and transgression, they cannot unite; there will be division and dispersion among them."
"Where sin abounds, mercy abounds even the more."
"The more you engage in sexual sin, the more you are pushing yourself away from the divine and the original purpose of God for your life."
"To go directly to heaven, the Bible tells us we must be completely free from the stain of sin."
"One of the beautiful, deep, rich, wonderful evidences of the work of the Holy Spirit that you are a child of God is that you hate your sin and make war on it."
"The greater the sinner, the more right they have to my mercy."
"Pride, while a sin, has been the basis of some of the greatest acts of heroism."
"You don't give sin the attention that it asks for."
"Sin will always take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and impact you greater than you thought."
"The disease is sin, and the cure is the gospel."
"Unforgiveness is a sin that locks the unforgiving person in his or her own self-made prison."
"If the payment for sin is death, and both believers and non-believers will die anyways, then why did Jesus have to die for us?"
"Everybody messes up. Anyone who says that they have not sinned is a liar."
"For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace."
"Where sin abounds, grace abounds more. That's why God is flooding the world with mercy right now."
"My mercy is greater than your sins and those of the entire world."
"God's grace doesn't just forgive you from sin; grace also frees you from sin."
"The gospel is...you're a great sinner and Christ is a great savior and the only way you may have the great salvation that the great savior has come to provide is through repentance and faith."
"The Word of God will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from the Word of God."
"All y'all that have not sinned, go ahead, cast the first stone."
"Sin and disobedience don't keep God from speaking; they keep us from hearing."
"Jesus comes to respond to the problem of sin, to show us how to live on earth but also to help aid in the end of suffering."
"You're carrying the weight of sin. And the only person who can handle that is the Lord Jesus Christ."
"You can open the door to demonic attack by the sin in your life."
"When we sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."
"Happiness is snatched away through sin. When you transgress against the commands of the Almighty, your happiness is gone."
"The thought of you dying in your sins and God giving you justice is horrifying to me."
"The greatest problem of mankind is sin and the death that it causes."
"No man will be saved by works done unto the law, but it drives us to Christ because it reveals sin."
"One important part of the ocean is every part of it can flow into the other bits. It's one big ecosystem."
"There's no sin so great that he cannot forgive."
"I knew in that moment that homosexual behavior was a sin. It was no longer a part of my life."
"But if over the course of your life you are not seeing victory over sin, it is a good indication that you do not know God and God does not know you."
"Original sin is universally contracted with the exception of the prophesied woman and her seed Jesus Christ."
"Every descendant of Adam is born with a rebel inside... God has only got one remedy for the rebel—you know what that is? Execution."
"The virus of sin has a cure, found in the life-giving, resurrecting work of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Jesus took on the penalty of sin, death, and gave us access to the father."
"There's no sin that you have committed that is so horrible that God will not forgive you."
"The reason people reject God is not because of science, and to reject the Bible, it's not because of science, it's because of sin. Every single time."
"The pleasure of sin never satisfies, it just comes with regret."
"If we have all sinned, then we are all going to face the death that comes with sin, which is hellfire."
"The Holy Spirit is our only hope of not sinning."
"The power of sin breaks off when you accept the grace of God."
"Pride is argued as the deadliest of all the sins... as it gives birth to all the others."
"Sexual sin is the only sin that you do against yourself."
"Jesus said, 'If you look at a woman and lust for her, you commit adultery.'"
"There is no sin that God could not forgive you for."
"The love of Jesus to once and for all lay that sin at the cross and receive healing."
"All sin is a recognition that we have drives that we are supposed to forego."
"There's nothing you could do there's a greater sin rather other than actually killing children."
"The devil wants to lead you into despair, get you to die in mortal sin, to get you down into hell."
"Sin is replacing God and the result is addiction of spirit."
"Understand sin as breaking the heart of the one who loves you."
"The worst sin in Islam is shirk, associating partners with God."
"Jesus paid a price so that you would be set free from sin, not so that you could sin freely."
"God forbids sins because He loves us and knows it will give us the most life."
"Absolution takes away the sins, but there's always the consequence of sin."
"Sin may be defined as any violation of the divine standard."
"God's wrath towards sin is actually motivated by His love."
"Repentance is all about turning from the sin."
"Because moving into your parents, in-laws basement, as a man, takes a level of humility and confidence that most people don't roll with."
"Idolatry incites God's wrath, it defiles and pollutes people and the land."
"The Christian faith boasts in the fact that though we were sinners, God justified us."
"It's a relationship with Jesus that sets us free from the power of sin."
"Good preaching doesn't walk around sin and isn't afraid to name it."
"Compromise with sin is a demonstration that you are not fully equipped with the body armor of righteousness."
"We teach that if one wants to approach God, you can't go on sinning."
"It is time to stop hiding our sins but to confront them and then in confronting them it is time to make them right."
"God knows how to take care of his children... no one gets away with sin."
"Whoever commits sin transgresses also the law."
"We're saved by grace, we're saved from our sin, but sin is the transgression of the law."
"If there is sin, he's not here to condemn you, he's here to convict you."
"True Christian will never practice sin to get better at sinning."
"You can't use grace as an excuse to sin, you use grace to overcome sin."
"I'm not a homosexual but I think he did fall in to that kind of sin."
"Satan understands that secret sin in a spiritual man will paralyze him."
"Men are weak when it comes to women. If we don't understand this weakness and don't work to get stronger against it, they can bring us into sin."
"It's righteousness that exalts a nation. Sin is a reproach."
"We simply do not have the option to call something good that God clearly calls sin."
"God's resurrection power can pull you from sin now."
"I think has become much more compassionate of sinners."
"In the face of great sin, God is clearly willing to take back blessings he may have granted."
"Even the wicked, God wants them to turn away from their sins so they can live."
"Not every sin, however grave it may be, is such as of its own nature to sever a man from the body of the church."
"I write this to you so you won't sin. If anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense - here comes your cosmic attorney, Jesus Christ."
"I have to wage war on myself, yes sir. I have to kill my sin or it will kill me."
"I have sinned. I am a thief, a heretic, a murderer."
"We need to be as passionate about resisting sin and our own lies as we are passionate to defend the gospel."
"Racism is a sin committed by all groups of people."
"There is only one way to attain salvation and that is through faith in God without belief one can never be saved from their sins and from Satan."
"Your sin, compared to God's mercy, is like a drop of water flicked into a raging furnace."
"There was no greater sin than prejudice or discrimination."
"The suffering of the church comes from right within, inside the church, from the sin that resides in the church."
"How can I do this great evil and sin against God."
"Wrong is wrong, you supposed to speak against all sin."
"Sin is a disease and Christ came to heal that disease."
"Declaring our independence from God is the root of all sin."
"Thank you that we're dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus."
"Jesus is talking about the accuser's sin in that moment you who are without sin be the one to throw the first stone."
"Our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God."
"God puts His righteousness on display by the way He confronts and deals with sin."
"He took our sin at the cross and gave us His righteousness."
"If I have sin and... in God's standard we're all the same bro."
"There is no love without sin, for love is best measured in what we forgive."
"There is no sin that God's grace cannot deliver us from by his grace and through his power."
"Sin is serious business with God because it has eternal consequences."
"Sinners simply cannot free themselves from the bondage of evil by the power of their own will because the will itself is enslaved to sin."
"The consequences of our sin, when you review the information from all these series, the one thing that should be abundantly clear is that Elohim loves us."
"The central joke of the whole series is that sin- ultimately- is universal, arbitrary, and meant to be forgiven."
"You may cloud it up with sin, but one thing for certain: you sin against God after you're saved, the Holy Spirit living inside of you to convict us of sin, show us the truth, make us miserable in order to get us back, God."
"Telling kids that being gay is a sin or getting married is a sin or whatever, that in itself is incredibly destructive and damaging."
"Christians will struggle with sin and Christians can even fall but in the midst of that weakness it will be evident that God is working."
"You don't have to live according to Romans 7. Well good luck because First John says if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."
"Once I was alive apart from law, but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died."
"God does not hate you, he only hates the sin you are committing."
"Living a holy life compels us to pursue righteousness and flee from sin."
"God is Holy, He is Sanctified, He is pure. The world is sin, it's fleshly, it's self-centered."
"We must always remember God's wrath against sin, yet he planned to pay the penalty himself, offering redemption through Christ's sacrifice."
"God is a just God, He has to judge every sin."
"Every lost sinner will be individually summoned to take their stand before this judgment bar."
"I don't feel like knowledge in any way should be considered a sin."
"Jesus has a cleaning service. He can clean you up from your sins."
"The bitterness of our own sin drives us to the redemptive work of God."
"Where my sins of lawbreaking increase, grace increases and superabounds over it."
"Sin will say 'Just come, just taste me, just play with me a little bit.'"
"Every time I found myself falling into sin, even in my walk with Christ and I found myself going back into sin, there was a direct correlation with how much time I was in the word."
"There's a difference between struggling with sin and settling with it."
"Homosexuality is sinful, but it's no more sinful than any other sin."
"True freedom is being able to say yes or no to both good and evil."
"Fasting always has an end that you can enjoy something later."
"As long as you can say yes or no to it, it's not sinful."
"The heart bleeds for sin as the heart bears a chief part in sinning, so it must in sorrowing."
"We have to listen, we have to have compassion, and we have to remove the shame associated with sin."
"That is at the heart, really, of sin, it's self-determination, and rejecting the notion that anyone, even God, should tell me how to live my life."
"Pride is the deadliest sin of all, encompassing the other sins."
"Sin is fun until you find yourself in a padded cell banging your head into a wall."
"We all go back to Noah, which means we're all sinners in need of Jesus Christ."
"There's no remission of sin without the shedding of blood."
"Making no provision is a really key thing here in fighting sin."
"Do the most obvious things, the most obvious things to stop this sin. Do those things."
"The fall allows us in regard to the fall to rise far higher than we would have risen even if we had never sinned."
"The unforgivable sin? Blaspheme in the Holy Spirit."
"We all fall short of the glory of God, all are sinners in need of a savior."
"Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us."