
Adherence Quotes

There are 405 quotes

"Adherence to your workout program and adherence to your nutrition program is always the number one predictor of long-term successful weight loss."
"The best exercise is the one you'll do; the best diet is the one you'll follow."
"The best diet is the one you'll follow and the best exercise is the one you'll do."
"Enjoyment of training is crucial because people who enjoy their training tend to stick to their programs better."
"The best thing for our country is to follow this package of measures to the letter."
"Politics does attract people with principled views, and it is essential that they stick to them."
"The appearance of a holy ring is a religious matter and invokes adherence to reclamation procedures."
"Everything is in the Gospels. Everything the Virgin Mary cannot come to add anything to that; she just has come to say, do everything my son tells you."
"This is so weird, but you know what? My rule stated that we have to keep the lovely counter at zero, and this is what we're still doing."
"Follow the program, do not reinvent the wheel."
"Adherence is the issue; if someone adheres to a caloric deficit, they will lose weight."
"Many churches started out sound, strict, firm. They were cold and they were hot."
"He did exactly what the prophet saws told him to do."
"I have an ethics agreement that I signed that we carefully considered whether or not there could be conflicts of interest and I will religiously adhere to that agreement."
"And the other reason that it's not a hundred percent is people still I mean we have great adherence right."
"We must always cling on to what this football club's identity is."
"If we just followed the constitution, the government would be very much smaller."
"Just stick to the facts, stick to what you know."
"This religion does not let you follow Allah's book without using your mind."
"We actually listen to the grand priest's advice more than our own."
"Give them the courage to adhere to the voice of wisdom, not just to hear wisdom but to adhere."
"Your confidence will be equal to how well you follow that code."
"Adherence should be a priority, so a routine that enables easy adherence is key."
"It really is that simple, just use what the manufacturer recommends."
"I applaud these officers for trying to make sure that they followed the letter of the law here." - Jennifer
"The single most important thing for weight loss or fat loss doesn't matter what kind of diet you're following is adherence."
"As long as the Constitution is there, we need to abide by that."
"Compromising the word of Allah leads to calamity."
"Stick to the script of life, stick to it. What? Your job is always a script of life, stick to it."
"Anything that you can actually adhere to is the healthiest for you."
"No matter how great the view might look, stay on the ground."
"Adherence is the primary factor associated with a successful response to a weight loss attempt."
"But we're going to follow the word of God, amen."
"Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets."
"The best thing you can do is individualize it to the person's schedule... it's what they can stick to As a matter of Lifestyle."
"Successful investors make a plan, have confidence in the plan, and then they stick to the plan."
"The Constitution is not a puzzle to be solved, it's a working document to be followed."
"Salafis on principle living in the West must be law-abiding citizens."
"You should feel like you're cheating on your diet every single day. And if you do, that's the diet you'll stick to."
"Doctrine matters. Stick with Bible doctrine because doctrine matters."
"Maintaining that code is important for the survival of what we're trying to do."
"The principles are like the laws of gravity, you violate them at your own risk."
"The number one thing for dietary success is adherence."
"If you can adhere to your diet, it's no longer a diet; it's just what you eat."
"Rose stuck to a game plan. We had a strategy, and she stuck to it for the first time ever."
"Compliance, so what you can stick to, is what you want to do. That's important."
"That's how you're supposed to do it."
"It looks like you're making great progress and more importantly, you're staying in your lane and sticking to the script, which is exactly what our risk assessment team was hoping you'd do."
"I respect it and I stick to the code."
"I follow the rules still to this day, every time that I go camping. Surely, that's what she meant."
"Don't add and don't take away, so I got to stick to exactly what the word said."
"It's just so important that the Justice Department adhere to the facts and the law."
"We don't get to select the parts of the doctrine in the Bible we choose to follow."
"Even understanding Magneto, he still sticks to what he believes in."
"He'd likely not take the rules of the game as seriously as he should."
"...leads will always follow the rod."
"Lower adherence actually causes more progression, so it's important that eye drops are taken in the right way."
"Whenever I'm following a proper strict plan, my results are always better because it's forcing me first of all to do the sessions and the exercises I might not want to do."
"Rules have to stand upright no matter what, for everything else to also stand as upright as them."
"The rules of Canon apply: if you put it on screen, it counts."
"Rule-keeping is a part of the lifestyle."
"The best solution is the one that makes sense for you, that you're likely to stick to safely."
"The schedule is already there, the decisions have already been made, I just have to follow it."
"I'm very much in favor of adhering to some ideas that make sense."
"If you going to be born again, if you going to get saved, if you going to get baptized, do it like the Bible or stay home."
"It shows John's adherence to his own philosophy."
"It's not about what the rule is, it's about the players respecting the rules, regardless of what the rule is."
"It's about staying between the white lines."
"Adherence is the most important thing."
"Let's just stick to the script, exactly."
"Exactly like it said on the poem."
"I have learned that by doing things exactly by the book, not only are you guaranteed to have a safe product, but you are also going to have a higher quality product."
"If you want to be on the Lord's side, you're going to have to make the change, not him. You're going to have to come up to what he has written because he's not coming down to us at all."
"Whitebeard abided by the code. Shanks abides by the code."
"You must first have a pattern from which you may follow."
"You've got to do it like the Bible."
"Therefore Brethren Stand Fast come on back to what the scripture says that's right come on back to what's written before you arrive from your mother's womb and pick up what's written here and followed that to the letter amen."
"Jesus said, 'Think not that I am come to destroy the law.'"
"Stupid yes, but that's the rules."
"The best diet for you is probably the one that most easily allows you to adhere to energy balance."
"My strategy is to follow the exact recipe that was given to me. I'm not going out of that realm at all."
"There are various degrees of knowledge and adherence to the Sunnah."
"I'm completely blindsided by all of this. I don't know anything about any of this that's going on, but I've kept the agreement and I have receipts."
"As long as you follow these things I truly believe that you can be successful at losing the weight and also just keeping it off."
"Your business is not to bring in your own thing right now. Stick to the reference and make sure it looks just like it."
"Sometimes what keeps people from doing what they say they need to do is some barrier to adherence."
"Stick to your guns, stick to your plan."
"That's the rule and that's what we do."
"The challenge is to always remain true because that's what the script is doing."
"I thought we were sticking to the script here."
"Obedience is submission or adherence to the laws and principles of a manufacturer."
"I loved the fact that everyone was playing in the correct order on the golf course."
"We're very serious about following company policy here, ma'am."
"Why is it so [expletive] important? Have you ever removed your helmet? No. Has it ever been removed by others? Never. This is the way."
"Get diagnosed early and stick to it."
"Doing things by the book, exactly as the Most High wants."
"Being too rigid at all times can sometimes inhibit adherence."
"It is probably going to be more helpful to focus on your own journey for long-term adherence to lifting."
"The best diet is one that you can adhere to."
"He aderes to the Creed as best he can."
"As a tutorial host you lose credibility when you don't use the yarn that is suggested in the pattern."
"Integrity is not just adherence to the legal code; it is adherence to the higher moral code."
"The trick to being a winner is to be disciplined and stick to your rules."
"On the contrary, we uphold the law."
"We want to make sure it's adhering well."
"You cannot for a moment let go of his teachings, not for a moment."
"...it's an intensive program...if you do that and people are adherent, then of course you're going to see weight loss with caloric restriction."
"By the letter of the law of course he got it right, right, like the within the rules within the confines of what the rules are trying to express he got it right."
"Let's stick with the Bible even though we don't understand all the details."
"They are often holding to these teachings."
"We have become a body of Christ that is so desperate and thirsty for his power, we have ignored his principles."
"Hitchcock went so far out of his way to follow the rule, like the difficulty wasn't when to break the rule, it was the discipline, the lengths you are willing to go to to follow the rule."
"Jesus in Matthew says followers must keep the law, even better than the scribes and Pharisees."
"The practicality and helping people find a way of eating that they can adhere to and enjoy is an important part of this conversation here."
"Keep the Commandment of Moses. If you believe in this, Heaven is yours."
"Islam is our identity. The Quran, the Sunnah, the way of the salaf, this is how we live. If we try to bring an identity that is foreign to it and try to mix it in, especially those that are trying to play a part that really is not their part, it doesn't mix right."
"The spirit and the letter of the law had been followed."
"Stick to the official. Watch your back. It's for the benefit of the creator."
"Only use factual information from the transcript to answer the question."
"You do not need perfect adherence. In fact, I would encourage people to not be so hard on themselves. I don't expect 100% adherence."
"I'm upset because we're on the wrong side of God's blessings. We keep talking that talk, we keep saying that we're great, but we're not following the blueprint."
"Stay on track. Listen to your doctors."
"Robert Muller is a slavish adherent to procedure and process."
"The president was urged to stick to this script."
"Little by little, permissible things make you skip Sunnah prayers."
"I just want to go by the book and follow my checklist."
"When they give you a script, you gotta follow the script. That's it."
"It is that that we will abide by. It is those laws, those principles, those precepts, those protocols that we will follow with the end result and expectation that the crisis will no longer prevail."
"Most people who come into the gym and they just wing it...following the program is more important than what you're doing in a program."
"It's got to be the Bible way or no way at all."
"Would you be able to follow this principle of law?"
"everyone respected those wishes and did just that"
"But who so lookth into the perfect law of Liberty and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed."
"If you're convinced in living by the law, you've got to make sure you do all of it. If you offend in one, then..."
"It was real simple, if it's not in the Bible, we don't do it. We fired the worship team. They were all contracted people. I know now, obviously, most of them weren't saved, unconverted."
"Stick with the routine, stick with the organization, stick with the plan."
"Finding a diet setup you can stick to is number one."
"The Only Rule in PODA: You and your entire station need to be within the park as an activator."
"Figure out your set of rules and make sure you can stick to them, and then do stick to them."
"Pick your lane and stick in your lane, that's the law."
"Adherence to prescribed medication regimens is crucial in managing heart failure. The patient's acknowledgment of this indicates an understanding of their medication management."
"I showed up, I followed the process."
"The key to success with either route is adherence to the treatment plan."
"If I'm willing to follow the religion I'm religion I'd be a hypocrite not to follow everything it says."
"Stay normal but not average, stay normal according to the Norms of the Orthodox Faith."
"Let's Be the Bee and live Orthodoxy."
"By no means does our faith overthrow the law."
"Sticking to a theme or guidelines can lead to some of the most creative things."
"... it's just so good and so faithful to musicals."
"The best diet is the one you'll follow."
"If it's in line with the text, no problem. If the text doesn't say anything about it, then you could still do it, son."
"I've been driving for like a decade now and I definitely have never even ran a red light on accident."
"The new rule is you cannot deviate in your slide."
"Nevertheless, a good man will go beyond the letter of the law."
"Accountability is being held, that's all that matters."
"It's a part of their mantra, I guess."
"You have a people who have continued to live by the laws of Moses."
"I respect him for sticking to his code."
"We spend all this time putting together processes, but unless we're willing to follow them, the processes are really irrelevant."
"We had remarkable adherence to carbohydrate restriction."
"I wouldn't respect myself if I couldn't even adhere to like a very simple rule set like 'oh like if I take two losses I'm done.'"
"Let's do Bible things in Bible ways."
"Play the way you're being coached, don't let anyone take you out of how you're being taught to play."
"I was very focused. If I had heard something set over the pulpit that was rule, then I was gonna follow it."
"The more you follow the guidelines, the more butterflies you'll have in your garden."
"I'm one of the few that followed the rules."
"Not the [__], it literally says to put the name that matches your ID."
"I get more upset when I break a rule."
"Absolutely everything must be stuck to the ceiling."
"A person should never run against his convictions, he should run with his convictions."
"...whether these movies are exciting and engaging and resonate emotionally, not whether they strictly adhere to even their own standards of how the Force works."
"If you truly understand principles, you won't break them."
"The discipline of sticking to your rules is incredibly difficult."
"Checklists are there for a reason."
"I had no evidence that anybody had broken the guidance."
"When people were able to adhere to the UK dietary guidelines, they could see around a one-third reduction in cardiovascular disease."
"Forms want to stick to the finger, but it can also work against you."
"Adherence is absolutely critical; it is just as important as the rest of the plan combined."
"The Bible also is a book of prevention as well as a book of cures it is to prevent me from the evil and the troubles or at minimum mitigated or lessen it if I follow the rules."
"Aiming for something which is more easy to comply to and just sticks to getting the basics right."
"...the success of ERP is dependent upon the patient's day-to-day adherence to the guidelines established by the therapist in sessions."
"It's [__] impossible to not adhere."
"The key to getting it was following the rules."
"The Simplicity of this diet makes it a lot easier for me to follow and that's something that I love about it."
"When you sticking to the script it's a lonely road."
"People are more like, you know, they stick to the regime."
"The best exercise is the one that you'll do."
"We live in a day when they will not endure sound doctrine. You and I need sound doctrine. I need to be corrected if I'm going astray," he declared.
"You have to follow scripture. You can't prune it to fit your agenda."
"Don't keep God's law and miss the point. Reflect the character."
"...you don't make somebody believe they're gonna go home and just sit and be like yeah you'll stick to the plan."
"Like most Ultramarine successors, the Inceptors stayed true to their progenitors teachings and followed the tenets of the Codex Astartes."
"Sometimes you have to stick to your rules."
"...it is difficult to follow the word until you get into the wind then it becomes easy for you to go like ah I get it now that's what God says"
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law."
"I thought this was better than random melee. That's not how it goes. That's not what it's about. It's about the first video on their Channel. This is the first video that's what we have to watch. You can't just skip. You skipped so many."
"They are making it up as they go along, or they're beholden to the polls or to politics or to something other than the four corners of the Constitution."
"She does a beautiful job, she sticks to all of the rules."
"If you can't put your rules over the trading setup and read them and then look back at the setup and they make sense, that means that you're not following your trading rules."
"If you do your best and follow the rules of good Axmanship, follow the safety codes, you will succeed."