
Workout Quotes

There are 1066 quotes

"Adherence to your workout program and adherence to your nutrition program is always the number one predictor of long-term successful weight loss."
"I'm trying to get back into working out and being more active because that's something that really helps me."
"Working out to me is such a private thing. I don't want anyone to talk to me."
"Can we just talk about the bruises on my shoulders from squats? Like, that's crazy!"
"There's no real rational basis behind this formulation for intra-workout purposes."
"I'm almost using my pecs. My God, that's insane!"
"You can do the entire body workout in about a half hour, and it's effective."
"The intensity, the cardio you put yourself through just from working out on a bag, it's unlike anything else."
"I just decided that I'm going to do Whitney Simmons' ab one workout."
"Gratitude, positivity, thankfulness. I want you to have something positive to take away from this workout."
"It's like you're doing a workout... but you're 6'1 and A2."
"I was at the gym, the Neo Circuit Power Plant."
"You've got to treat every workout like it's a winner takes all workout. If you don't have that attitude, you know, it's going to make it all the more hard to win."
"Make sure you supplement your workout with healthy foods full of nutrients and vitamins."
"As a whole, honestly, I think it's a bloody splendid workout."
"Think of how good you're going to feel when this workout is all done."
"Short and sweet or short and sweat."
"Envision how you're about to crush this workout."
"Treating myself to a new set of workout clothes does motivate me to get started again."
"I'm so excited that you're here today for our 45 minute Tabata cardio and abs workout."
"I literally cried working out, I literally didn't give myself an option."
"It's that mind-muscle connection; if you can stay connected with the area that you're working out, you're always going to get a better workout."
"You need the basics: you need to be able to track your workout, do your workout, and review it."
"Thank you so much for sweating with me and Under Armour today; I hope you're feeling stronger after this workout."
"I just started the Chloe Ting two weeks shred yesterday and it kicks your butt like no other."
"Pull it up and in, that's it, inner thigh firmer, target toning your whole body in this workout is a fabulous way to stay healthy."
"New to cardio? No problem, today we've created a 15-minute beginner cardio workout just for you. Let's go!"
"This is a really good low-impact workout."
"I'm feeling good, I'm feeling like I am having a good workout from the comfort of my own home."
"The best split for you is the one that you enjoy the most."
"Remember this is the top of our workout, so let's make that intention right here to have the best workout we can."
"The best diet, the best workout, the best whatever it may be, is the one that you can remain most consistent with."
"Enjoying this because we only have a minute and a half left of our workout."
"The theme of this workout is pride and I want us taking up space because that's what we deserve to do."
"I legitimately have the best workouts I've had anywhere right here in this gym."
"Lifting the iron, that's only to let the lead spray; see, that's how we work out, and running from the cops, that was leg day."
"It's not a 10-minute workout, it's 120 reps so you just got to break it up from the very beginning."
"I'm so excited that you're here today. This is our final workout of the Crush program."
"We're going to be hitting the quads, the hamstrings, and the glutes."
"Every single workout, and especially today, make sure you know how to dial it up and dial it back so whatever level you're at, you're progressing."
"When you buy those really expensive workout clothes, you're conveying something about yourself more so than you're doing anything to change the quality of your workout."
"Squatting, deadlifts, dumbbell rows, chest pressing, shoulder pressing, and core work are included in a full-body workout."
"Toning it all up today, toning up the arms, the abs, the glutes, the legs. Everything's getting strong today."
"Your left glute is really having to work here. If you are shaking like me, just means that you're doing it right."
"Folks, if you follow our Channel... you will realize that 100 proper push-ups is the fucking chest workout and a half."
"The way you get them to go away is you spend 70 to 80% of your workout time in zone 2."
"You want a mass building back workout? Try this."
"It's pretty clear that performing this five to 15 sets per week, whether or not it's in one workout or whether that's divided up across multiple workouts is really what's going to be most beneficial."
"...these are the exact same exercises and workout routines that i use to build my physique."
"When your workout's a joy, it's a joy to work out."
"It's been a long hot day getting the mileage down all part of my workout plan eat less eat healthier walk more but on a hot day like today I am burning those liquids it is hot even right now as the sun goes down still very humid out."
"Wow that was intense... That was a workout."
"You're not supposed to be sore after you work out either unless you've injured yourself."
"It's also going to be Osteo friendly so if you do have osteoporosis or osteopenia you'll be able to do this workout."
"Thank you for working out with me. This workout is complete."
"If you make yourself feel uncoordinated during your workouts, you're gonna feel more coordinated in your everyday life."
"That was your low-impact, high-intensity workout, crushed it, give me some of you absolutely crushed it, sweetheart, you crush it."
"Now we're going to go with the double. Now get ready."
"Get ready to torch calories and fire up that metabolism with this 45-minute workout."
"This is your sign to wake up and get that workout in even though you might not want to because I feel like it's those moments that are the most important and you're going to feel so good."
"I love this one y'all because we get shoulders we get core we get some sneaky thigh work in here."
"Um I'm excited I really like soap society as you guys know it's like cardio dance into like sculpt workout it's not easy I love how we start off with dance that's really fun and we end with dance um and it's a really good like cardio workout."
"You hate to go through a workout and be like I just felt my quads I didn't feel my butt now we got it."
"You made such a good choice today, you did a workout. Would you do a one mile or a five mile? All of it's great."
"I hope you had a good workout today and I will see you on the next class. Fit Sugar."
"Depending on the lift, resting between around 1 to 3 minutes usually provides the best hypertrophy to time ratio."
"My routine is this: I wake up 5:45, so from 6 to 8 get my workout in right. From 8 to 11, create."
"Each day, this workout will work your whole body to help open, stretch, and strengthen your posture."
"So that's it for the workout simple right so we literally just hit the front the back the sides and the inner thighs and we didn't even have to get down on the floor."
"Your lats do shorten when it's in line with the body so you don't need to do that if you're trying to place more emphasis on the lats."
"Thank you for showing up for yourself, for working out with me for the last five days. I honor you. Thank you for being part of this kind community."
"I just feel like I need something that's also a little bit more intense." - Expressing the need for a more challenging workout routine.
"The workout should always serve to improve the quality of your life."
"Can I just tell you what a great workout it is to wear really heavy shoes and a weighted jump rope"
"Having things that make you feel good when you work out is crucial."
"The only bad workout is the one I don't do."
"I'm gonna let y'all comment after I get through with my little thing and then I gotta finish working out all right cool."
"Self-love. Mainly, my point is, who said a workout has to be harsh and unloving?"
"Upper body, core, and leg stabilization all working hard right now, as they should be."
"I know I showed you my dumbbells in the intro, I have three pound dumbbells today."
"I will bet that not 100 of people that showed up to this workout were entirely motivated, but we showed up because we know we get something positive out of it for our health."
"An active warmup: moving our body in ranges of motion that we'll see in the workout."
"Physically you might be alone, but in spirit, I'm right here with you. What's pushing me to do this workout right now is knowing you're there with me."
"I like working out, it's my form of therapy and I feel mentally so much better when I do."
"Your why has to be there for you today. You're gonna like this workout, but always know you are your own biggest ally."
"I'm so excited to be here today for our lower body workout this is a no equipment needed workout so we're going to spend some time under tension today to make sure your quads your glutes and your hamstrings all get a great beneficial workout."
"You're doing the whole kettle bell Class."
"Your last couple reps of each move should be challenging."
"I'm still like really scared of my abs and most things do make me feel like I'm going to pee my pants. So, I draw the line at peeing myself during a workout."
"I go to the gym to get the most effective efficient workout I can in literally the least amount of time."
"The gym request that members refrain from doing T-Ros overhead presses, cleaning jerks, deadlifts, and even requests that members don't do supersets."
"That was just a short hit workout, like, literally just demoed and did one round of it. Such a beast!"
"Never ever ever underestimate what a good gym set can do to your workout."
"This guy trains abs like an hour a day, that's what it looks like."
"I don't know if that helped you, but I'm hoping you remember that next time you're working out hard."
"I've been wasting 20 years in the gym going six days a week and I did what you told me and I'm doing three days a week and I'm in the best shape of my life."
"I think I'm going to have an elani for my workout."
"Nice job out there, nice job to you out there, HasFit tribe. You made it through the hard part. That's right. Now let's show our bodies some love with a cool down."
"That's how you know it's a good chest workout when you're really feeling the burn."
"I've been on my fitness grind. I've been working out. But those stairs."
"Get ready to blast calories with this cardio workout, no equipment required."
"I don't know if this is gonna be my hobby but it's a good workout."
"I think in every workout, no matter how hard or easy it is, you have that moment where you want to stop. But it feels so good to push through, to find your best self in that workout."
"Remember this feeling, like honestly I didn't feel like working out today either but once I'm here and I'm trying some sweat and the hard work is over I feel amazing and I feel so much less stressed out."
"It's a brand new workout every single time."
"Staying hydrated is so important during a challenging workout like this one."
"Every single rep you ever do is an effective rep."
"The more we work out, the bigger our spiritual muscles become."
"I actually just worked out for like an hour and I also was stretching for a long time."
"This workout is for you, what you feel you need, so if you're like 'I want to power through it,' keep going, power through it."
"It just takes the right kind of work. Okay, we are going to finish this workout with abs."
"We're gonna get after these low abs. They're an underutilized part of the body. It's my job to light it up."
"It's whatever day it is that you're working out today, right? Could be early in the week, end of the week. You always have an excuse. But you're here and you're working out, that's what matters. Show up."
"This workout absolutely crushed today's sweaty shred Tabata workout. So proud of you!"
"...just because you're working your abs doesn't mean you shouldn't use resistance again treat them like any other muscle group to then progress them and build them."
"I just did a 10-minute workout. Proud of myself."
"This workout's great for both men and women of a beginner fitness level."
"Another one added to my workout playlist."
"You can see them and you can even compliment them whilst doing the workout."
"Your strategy in this workout again just like level two is to pace the first part."
"I never regret a workout, only the ones I didn't do."
"It's not about rushing the workout, but rather feeling the right muscles working."
"I'm honestly just gonna take my makeup off and go straight to bed because I'm pretty tired. I didn't hit the gym today so I want to get a nice amount of rest in. I want to be in bed by like nine. Um, in order for me to wake up tomorrow, have a great workout at the gym."
"Every session, every rep, it's about making the most of it."
"Wow, it's a beast. It really is. I mean, that's a workout."
"Every great workout begins with a warmup."
"Do not get discouraged because if you just stop it and you do not finish, guess what? Guess how many reps you'll do then? Zero. Okay? So even if you get three pulses in that is more than you would get if you quit. So do not quit. Do not give up. This is your workout."
"You can literally walk away from your workout not feeling like you got hit by a truck and yet knowing that muscle went as far as that muscle could go."
"I am excited for today, we have got one wild workout ahead of us."
"You are going to build full body strength and definition in only 20 minutes with this no repeat style strength workout."
"That's what I listen to while I'm working out."
"Be more self-sufficient and be able to follow along and you know be able to continue to work out at home."
"I work out seven days a week for 40 to 45 minutes at a time following a full-body split roughly three to four sets per body part per day."
"I don't work out to punish myself anymore because it's the best way to start my day, increase my energy, and improve my mood and overall productivity."
"It's moving towards my goal, it's a general energy booster. If I feel down, if I go for a walk or hit a gym session, I always end up in a better mood after the session."
"Remember, if you want to make any movement harder, I will provide modifications, intensifications, but this workout is all about you."
"If you're not having fun when you're working out, you're probably doing it wrong. Come get lit with us."
"My girl ain't make it, she said she cramping so that workout y'all seen I pretty much just did four sets of that."
"You can either train hard, or you can train long, but you can't do both."
"Why are we doing it after the fact uh and doing it for people who stop paying uh why don't we do a mortgage plan that has a workout built into it initially and works automatically for everyone."
"It's a kick-ass cardio workout that will dramatically increase your flexibility and strengthen your core like never before."
"The more control you have, the better. This workout is all about control."
"So there we have it an entire lower body workout the perfect lower body workout for absolutely anyone and everybody."
"I hope you had fun with that workout I hope you feel nice and strong I know I'm of course sweaty and not that this is a surprise at this point anymore but I hope you feel good I hope you feel strong."
"...it's always your workout so you make it work the best you can. Work your hardest. That's all we're all here for."
"And you've made it through your first two minute glute burnout, we move on now to a deadlift circuit."
"We're gonna get ourselves warmed up and then we're gonna jump into this workout."
"pick your medium to heavy dumbbells for this leg workout and you'll be just fine"
"Let's go ahead and get started, grab everything you need. I'm so excited for level four workouts!"
"Coach yourself through your life the way you coach yourself through your workout."
"I know in these parts of the workout where everything starts to feel a little more exhausted, you think, 'Let me dial it back.' I challenge you to do the opposite."
"If you overcome your mind, you can crush this workout."
"You've made it through your giant set leg workout, amazing job."
"This workout is not Max weight it's not heavy it's not intense it's moved to celebrate what your body can do."
"I'm so excited that you're here today with me for this 45-minute workout."
"Let's completely crush this workout!"
"Did you crush it? Tell me what you thought of this workout."
"That sweat is just everywhere. I love it. You know when you finish a workout and you're like, I earned every single drop that is coming off my body right now and I'm so proud of myself? That's what this is right here."
"Good news, we made it through your 30 minutes Tabata abs workout."
"There's so much power in your mental strength especially in tough workouts and in life."
"I haven't worked out in like 5 weeks."
"I never used to eat before a workout, but I recently experimented with it and noticed my workouts were way better."
"Oh man, good job. Now on to the actual workout."
"It was one of those workouts. It was good, but I was like by the end I was looking at my watch waiting for 45 minutes because that was my goal. I did 47 minutes. That was the workout. I'm actually really proud of myself."
"Instead of working out, he's fighting gravity, yeah. Like, can you imagine what if he was just in the gym, just fighting the air, just like, 'That's not heavy.' Just fighting, nobody's taking a fight with [__] Isaac Newton."
"Hopefully it gives you some tips and motivation to work out in a way that you love."
"If you're looking for more focus in your day, definitely work out."
"Congratulations on showing up for this workout, taking and making an investment in your health."
"Just for those of you that have never had any kind of workout routine and, like, started building one, you know how this feels. It just feels like I'm finally doing it, and it feels amazing."
"Do you see his workouts? Yes, it's bananas. Yeah, it's crazy."
"That workout was so good. What a good start to the day."
"There is no better feeling than getting a good sweat in like working out after you haven't been able to for a couple weeks just hits different."
"I ain't going to lie, last time I worked out bro, I was in placement bro."
"Definitely great pre-workout for the gym."
"No, literally when I was in Florida every day I didn't work out I just like went for walks."
"The single most important workout that you can do is the next one."
"I've done my workout I've done my work now it's time to enjoy."
"Working out without eating or feeding your body enough is like sending all the plans for a building without any material."
"The exercise order on some of the days, in particular in the first block on one of the push days, he has dumbbell lateral raises as the last exercise to do for that particular day."
"This one really kicks you in the butt and gets you moving for the workout."
"Doing squats first, leg presses after... you're using less weight on the squat, you are not actually as fatiguing or systemically as fatiguing so you can save more of those sort of fatigue margins for other training days."
"Shoulders, you did shoulders though."
"And that's that full body day wow I think that might have been my favorite workout this week."
"The reason that I've done that is because it's a really, really efficient way to get an excellent workout whether you've got one of the workouts from our motive training app that is uploaded to Zwift."
"I didn't film my [ __ ] workouts. The only workout that you'll see of mine that's on film is if Laura's following me around. But I don't post my workouts. I don't take selfies. I don't [ __ ] talk about what I did that day or like, you know what I mean? It's my time."
"These sessions themselves will last somewhere between 30 to 45 minutes depending on how many sets you're performing but you're really not going to perform more than two to three sets of any of these exercises."
"Great little workout, full body, 20 minutes, 20 different moves. Hope you enjoyed that session as always."
"This is the kind of workout you can always tap into on those days when you've got no time, when you're stressed and busy, when you've got no equipment."
"Setting rep schemes are the backbone of strength training."
"Don't stress about perfectly replicating your home workouts while traveling; focus on enjoying the experience instead."
Standing Abs for Sciatica: "Welcome to the workout. I'm Pahla B, your best middle-aged fitness friend."
"...help you get your best workout no matter what your fitness level no matter where you're starting no matter where you've been..."
"No matter what you wanted to get out of this workout, you got it. We did some body shaping, we did some heart-thumping action."
"Full body workouts are so much more effective than single body part workouts."
"That workout was so intense, I almost forgot I was doing it."
"You won't get ripped from downloading a workout plan, you gotta go to the gym and lift the weights."
"I have four workouts a week... give yourself a little bit of grace."
"One thing that I do when it comes to my workout and like my workout plan is to intake a lot of protein."
"This is my workout. Work hard, play harder. Amen, brother."
"That water feels refreshing on my hands after a good workout."