
Visibility Quotes

There are 7161 quotes

"It's a lot easier to just show up and make the goal to be seen rather than to be accepted because that's who you are and it's in your control."
"My loneliness wasn't from lack of friendships; my loneliness was because I didn't feel seen."
"Shine your light, let it out because people need to see it, they need to experience it."
"Knowing how much Tess has helped me with my journey, it made me realize that if I post pictures of myself normalizing things society says fat girls can't do... my goal is there."
"Mars will be visible in the night sky tonight; it'll be right next to the moon. So have a look."
"Dust of appearance reveals nearby invisible units for 12 seconds. It has a big radius and a big cooldown."
"Every step I take, I do with pride. Here I am, a black indigenous trans woman. The music hits, the pyro hits, everybody is looking directly at me on a national platform, and I am living my best life."
"You're not doing it to be seen, but you will be seen doing it."
"Learn how to love yourself enough so that you feel right to shine and take up space."
"She is easily seen of them that love her, and found of such as seek her."
"There's only one you, and when you lock yourself in a shell, we don't get to experience you."
"What you really want is to be looked at; you want to be seen."
"The Triumph of the film is not defeating the bad guy... the true Victory is Nimona being fully seen and the society that vilified her being shifted and changed fundamentally."
"Take the Beautiful Lord of the Rings set you have down here and put it up somewhere more visible."
"The scariest part about this challenge is every second the car sinks deeper into the water making it harder to get to and harder to see."
"We need to get out there and like show that there's more to us than that."
"It's about really starting to express yourself, being really authentic, letting people see the real you."
"You don't sit in a Land Rover; you sit on top of it, giving you a command view of everything."
"Visibility is vital, but false allyship is dangerous."
"Keep up your grind; you are being looked at."
"In the 1950s, news cameras expose the brutal horror of legalized racism in the form of segregation. Seventy years later, it is the cell phone camera that has exposed the continuation of violence directed at African-Americans by the police."
"Actually, in the end, if you just keep winning in a style and show people what you're actually doing, eventually, people have to turn and have a look."
"Until this moment, God remained invisible; now the authentic incarnate begotten Son, the blueprint of our design, who represents the innermost being of God... brings Him into full view."
"If you have to choose, be the one who does things, instead of the one who is seen to do things."
"Pride is a way to say we're here and we aren't going anywhere. And we are visible."
"Anyone who has ever peered at the night sky most likely has seen Sirius, the Dog Star, though they might not have realized it."
"By acting in a way that you're willing to be seen and to be heard for who you are and who you're not, you're proving to yourself that you don't have to hide."
"You are meant to shine. You are meant to be seen."
"By taking a very large area of incoming light and concentrating it into a smaller area, assuming you can keep it even and undistorted, you can let the eye see things normally too dim to make out."
"Feeling truly seen is about seeing all of you."
"I think the real issue is the obvious absence of non-binary humans in pretty much any media."
"There's a lot more openly trans people in the world and not a lot of representation, and that adds on to the inability for people to empathize with trans people in real life."
"It's time for me to be seen; it's time for me to be comfortable in my own skin."
"Be confident and don't be afraid to be seen. This is your year in 2023 where your personality and who it is that you are and your essence is meant to shine and is meant to be seen."
"The game does not play around about the dark. Usually, in horror games, they make it kind of easy to see through the darkness, but not in this game."
"The full moon total lunar eclipse is very powerful because the moon is closest to the earth, making it look much bigger than normal."
"On the clearest of days, you have visibility of five U.S. states: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, even Massachusetts."
"Queer characters and their stories are starting to take the lead, not just exist as subtext."
"From obscurity to notoriety, from the background to the forefront."
"Art by its very nature is about seeing another person and about being seen."
"The Queen is known for always wearing blindingly bright outfits, and there's a specific reason for this."
"When you fold things and place them after each other like this, that actually gives you full visibility of what you have."
"I've got a thing called Crohn's disease. Some days I look like absolute shite and I'm only fit to collapse so I just can't turn the camera on."
"Privilege hides in dark corners, and we need to make sure we see it."
"Work in silence; let your results be the noise."
"Sometimes it's good to be the elephant and to make some noise."
"When you're the tallest blade of grass, that's when you get cut first."
"Nothing between my soul and my Saviour, so that His blessed face may be seen."
"The Queen decided she had to be seen to believe. This is always what she's believed."
"The universe is much bigger than the part we can see."
"When you launch an e-commerce store without a pre-launch or marketing plan, nobody's gonna see it. There's no point of launching it if you're not gonna have people see it instantly."
"On the other end of the spectrum, they might be everywhere, and we cannot or are not allowed to see them."
"I miss being able to see the screen. Turns out, one of my favorite things about playing video games: not being blind."
"Shadow people, or night terrors, torment their prey during nights when there is low visibility."
"Your journey isn't for everybody to see all the way to the end of the road."
"Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him."
"If you blinked, you might have missed it, but if you had your eyes open, you might have been blinded."
"I love you guys so much. Sorry you guys had to see that, but I think it's important for you to see that."
"Sometimes when you want other people to see you, you have to create your own platform first."
"For 10 years, we will be invisible to health research, to a number of things, small business loans. We will be invisible for another decade in our country, and I think it's wrong."
"I want to give back and I want to allow other people's GoFundMe to be seen."
"I think everybody's purpose is exactly the same: to share your true self, to be fully seen."
"There's a great quote in the documentary 'Misrepresentation' where they say, 'You cannot be what you cannot see.'"
"Seeing, being seen, is a critical part of human psychology. It's an enormous power."
"The source of most mental illnesses, if it's not biochemical, is not being seen."
"If the majority of people do not find solutions as to how to be seen, entire societies become narcissistic, psychopathic, and codependent."
"Being seen is a crucial, crucial thing. When a baby is born, the first thing the baby cares about is to be seen."
"Every pathology, every pathology that's not biochemical, emanates from this [not being seen]."
"I think in a way, we're quite fortunate in the sense that our impairments are so visible, that almost, I can't go on a first date without saying anything."
"The more you hide it, the more prevalent it becomes."
"You have to shine so bright out there that they can’t deny you."
"This is about allowing your light to shine, showing everyone who you really are."
"Marketing is king. Without visibility, no one will buy your product because no one will see and no one will know that it exists."
"The biggest thing is catching this; so if it's shiny, it makes it so much easier."
"When you kill a king, you don't stab him in the dark. You kill him where the whole court can watch him die."
"I'm choosing to be visible because I've always said you should try to be the person you needed when you were younger."
"Dark matter... it should be called invisible, like if I had a handful of it, it would literally be invisible."
"The atto clock enables us to see inside worlds that were previously invisible."
"You're the light of the world; a city set on a hill cannot be hidden."
"It's time to tell our own stories and share the exciting things that people hardly see."
"Rick proposing his kind of beauty allows his Outsiders to not just be seen... but to feel proud while they're being seen."
"Your influence, your reputation is like a skyline... when you drive through the city, everybody can see that skyline, and I can see you from miles away."
"A successful business has a way of making a man valuable to people who might not otherwise have noticed him."
"This was him wanting to show that he could come out, that he could lead his family still, and that he wasn't somebody that was hiding away."
"Everybody has a brand, or they are invisible."
"Racism is not getting worse, it is just being filmed."
"Do not stand back from love, do not put yourself aside, turn down your eyes, and pretend you cannot be seen by the world. Be bold, claim the love that is your divine birthright."
"The light from the blast, the energy, it was so powerful, so bright, you could see through your own hands."
"One thing that you can see flying overhead constantly is the International Space Station. It is visible completely to the naked eye."
"The best part of promotion is that God won't promote you secretly. He's going to promote you publicly."
"Look at the prominence, you can see it on the bottom, so pretty bright pink that is insane that you can see it from there from here."
"Where Jisoo is obscured by shadow, Rosé is obscured by light."
"Being present and being visible is so important."
"Please let them see me. Please, but the plane just carried on."
"I just want to make it out. I just want to be noticed." - @bodybuilderandy
"You might not be able to see the castle at all."
"The dress is bold color also allows for the character to be easily seen."
"More followers means more eyes and more eyes on a product that you're selling."
"Putting out content consistently puts you in people's eyes and ears."
"Your power is your voice. You're going to be seen. Your power is your communication."
"Sometimes the greatest mysteries and covert operations are found to be hiding in plain sight."
"If you're gonna buy something, you should see it."
"Australia is healing due to less pollution. Earth is now visible from Australia."
"When people see you, they see a reflection of Christ."
"Do people have the right to exist and to be seen? People, yeah."
"This was a moment that he wanted the nation to see."
"Racism isn't getting worse, it's just getting filmed."
"Focus on the light, focus on the purpose. If you are doing something important, more often than not there's going to be criticism, backlash, and people that think they could do it better than you. That's part of accountability and visibility."
"You are guided to be bold and show your bigger than life side to the world."
"This is a time for you to step into the spotlight and be seen for all your talents and skills."
"When you're missing a white woman, oh, it'll get reported like crazy. But if you're black and missing, it takes protests, a lot of yelling, and screaming."
"The Great North American Eclipse of 2024 promises to be one of the most widely observed eclipses in history."
"Zapping with science or magic or whatever the observer and not the potentially observed."
"As soon as you regard this technology, then you can start talking about it not in terms of you're invisible or you're not invisible but of all the pros and cons."
"Visibility would be a really good thing right about now."
"It's remarkable and it deserves a platform to be heard."
"It's funny because camo is supposed to hide you from things, and this... there's no hiding when you pull up."
"When you avoid attention, you also avoid success."
"That's powerful stuff and that is ultimately what sport is."
"Visibility is a resource in and of itself, and I can offer that."
"Success and feeling seen in your romantic endeavors."
"If a gay person dyes their hair they are a visibly spiraling crisis twink and I want to be a crisis."
"You will find you are dramatically expanding in your visible purpose and career."
"Less light means less visibility and less visibility means less detail and less contrast."
"The number one goal when launching our product is getting to the front page. Sales velocity is number one."
"I started sharing my transition because I wanted to give back to what helped me."
"Let go and let glow; it's time to shine and be seen for all your good qualities."
"I definitely didn't want to be another man that crosses your path, doesn't see you, and doesn't let them know that they see you."
"Kink visibility is a reminder that any person can and should shamelessly explore what brings joy and excitement."
"The best thing we can do right now is bring awareness to this girl and to her case."
"We hear you, we see you. You're getting loud. You're not silent anymore, and that's a great thing."
"Could you film it maybe so we can see that? Because all we are getting is the guy on TikTok saying he likes chocolate chip cookies."
"Put our light on a hill, there's an opportunity here for revival."
"I wasn't really hiding my normal life of normalcy that I could show it."
"You gotta do everything possible to get your name out there."
"It's not the people that are, we hate to use the term 'passable,' it's the people like me that are not passable."
"When a marginalized group gains even a modum of visibility or equality inevitably a moral Panic ensues rendering that group into folk Devils."
"I want those girls to see me and feel like they have someone they can look up to."
"Vivek helped himself the most because he went from an unknown to now someone who everybody's talking about. He had a good debate."
"The Democrats are gone, they're so far left I can't even see them anymore."
"Jupiter and Saturn will come within 0.1 degrees of each other forming the first visible double planet in 800 years."
"Distinct and unique, catches people's eyes on the road."
"This is not just something to do to get people going wow, we're telling a guy's story, we're trying a couple's story, we're telling something that needs to be seen and felt."
"It's my birthday! Tracy, are you seeing this?"
"I don't know where you came from, but all of a sudden I just started seeing you on Instagram a lot, and I'm like, 'I still don't know where you came from.'"
"Assuming conditions are clear, it'll likely be a very spectacular launch..."
"My confidence is going to shine light brighter than any type of chain or whatever on me."
"Stay aggressive and learning, ever sees guys sees me no one never sees me."
"You're meant to inspire others and be seen and heard."
"You need to learn how to see. In order to be seen, you must first learn to see."
"Let's focus on what it is we can see and how it affects all of us."
"It's asexual awareness week. I need all of you to be extra aware of me this week. Witness me."
"What do you think it is gonna mean for the world to get to see them working together and being so fierce and fabulous together?"
"I love that we're putting another female right in the forefront of that. She's definitely not just sitting on the sidelines."
"Good content is a prerequisite for growth, but so is discoverability."
"The utopian's code is the antithesis of the kind of might makes right thinking."
"I wanted the world to be able to see and celebrate who we are, how we get out, what our music feels like, what our energy is, what our experience is."
"I just believe in speaking your truth, and I feel like people don't always shine light on that fact."
"Wow, it's like he's playing hide and seek with you, see him from this side, you can see him. That's so crazy, yes, yes sir."
"A lot of the anger and resentment and the dumb [ __ ] that men do is coming from a place of not being able to be seen or heard right."
"It's time to shine, to be seen, to align with joy."
"It's out in the open, but it's complex and people just don't see how it works."
"Thankfully now with greater visibility these issues are receiving..."
"These lines can only be fully seen from a few hundred feet in the air."
"I can't see anything because of the goggles and this fog, but I'm gonna do it."
"It's a wild goose chase right now. I don't know what you're gonna be able to see that he couldn't see."
"What are you willing to become at the risk of being seen?"
"We crave to feel seen, we want to feel seen, we have not felt seen as children."
"Living with the knowledge that no matter how hard we try, there will be far too many who will never see our humanity."
"For every person that makes a video about their opinions on a game, there's like a hundred more people that don't even know that person exists."
"It's a gift, you know, and films are made to be seen."
"The weather can really just descend and the fogging in can get Gary thick."
"Everybody can see your passion everybody can see that you are lit up at this time when it comes to something like you are very interested."
"To be a small voice in the crowd that could inspire others to take notice of some of the greatness that lies just outside their line of sight."
"There goes that fairing and there you can see all 64 of those satellites."
"Empathy is easy when the person's right in front of you... being empathetic towards people who can't see is the difficult part."
"You're meant to stand out, be noticed, be respected, and be inspirational to people."
"Regardless of an election, the American people are being seen and they're being heard."
"You've got to see other parents... because you can't be what you can't see."
"All of that public interest on him is what keeps his university out there in the mix."
"Stepping out to the spotlight, I sense the more you do that the more you step into your power, your goals, your dreams, your spiritual abilities, your manifestation power. The more you're glowing up and everyone's taking notice."
"Ultimately, even if you do something that's totally different from what other people are doing, it's a crapshoot if you will ever get seen by anybody."
"The ship was still quite visible on itself though there was a haze running around on the ship."
"And if no one is aware of your art, then you're doing a disservice to the world by just hiding it for yourself or for a couple friends."
"Being edgy doesn't mean being compliant when there's a pride flag on every street corner."
"Their net worth is over 32.5 billion dollars... their political influence is even more obvious."
"If you believe in what you're doing is right, you've got to stand up and make yourself visible."
"I'm gonna be everywhere and I'm gonna stay consistent."
"As good as a restaurant is down the street if you don't hear about it, it could have the greatest hamburger of all time but if you don't hear about it you'll never get to it."
"A very unique look and it also gives you really good visibility."
"People are coming out, and they will continue to come out."
"It's the only form of slavery that exists in plain sight."
"Our movements should be so irresistible that people cannot help but see us and see what we're offering."
"The NBA is pretty damn awesome in terms of the ability to brand out even at look when the bubble happened lesser known players emerged."
"If you're putting up something that's going to be seen by everybody um you have a responsibility to make it like in like something you can engage with right."
"I think it should be done on as big a stage as possible."
"Just because I'm not visible doesn't mean I'm not valuable."
"Giving people platforms, showing different narratives, commending people when we think they did something great."
"Children should be seen, taken care of, appreciated, and heard."
"The higher the monkey climbs, the more you can see his ass."